Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords snake-like or and or electric.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Druian m Old Celtic, Old Norse
Old Norse form of an unknown Gaelic name, of uncertain origin and meaning.
Druis m Arthurian Cycle
A priest and philosopher who counseled Arthur.
Drulias m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Father of the dwarf Druidain.... [more]
Druon m Arthurian Cycle
Druon is a knight who fights with Blandamour, Paridell, and Claribell in Book 4, Canto 9 of "The Faerie Queene".
Drury m English
Transferred use of the surname Drury. Drury Lane is a famous street in London, home to the Theatre Royal, and well known as the nursery rhyme locale of The Muffin Man.
Drustanus m Old Celtic (Latinized)
Latinized form of Drustan. It appears in a 6th-century tombstone inscription (“Drustanus lies here, the son of Cunomorus”) and many scholars have thought to identify Drustanus with the Tristan of Celtic legend... [more]
Drutalos m Gaulish
Derived from Gaulish *deruos / derua "oak tree" and talu- "forehead; front; surface".
Dryden m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Dryden.... [more]
Dryhthelm m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements dryht "troop, army" and helm "helmet, protection". This was the name of a monk associated with the monastery of Melrose known from the Historia Ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum of Bede.
Dryhtnoð m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements dryht "troop, army" and noð "boldness, daring".
Dryhtweald m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements dryht "troop, army" and weald "powerful, mighty" or "authority, leader".
Drypetis f Old Persian (Hellenized)
Of uncertain etymology. Drypetis was the daughter of Stateira I and Darius III of Persia. She was married to Hephaestion and was rumored to have been killed by Roxana to remove potential rivals.
Dshkhuhi f Armenian
From the Armenian դշխոյ (dshkoy) meaning "queen" and the feminine suffix ուհի (uhi).
Duangchit f & m Thai, Lao (Rare)
Means "mind, soul" in Thai and Lao. It is only a feminine name in Thailand while it is unisex in Laos.
Duangnapha f Thai
From Thai ดวง (duang), a poetic prefix, and นภา (napha) meaning "sky".
Duangphon f Thai
From Thai ดวง (duang), a poetic prefix, and พร (phon) meaning "blessing".
Duangrat f Thai
From Thai ดวง (duang), a poetic prefix, and รัตน์ (rat) meaning "gem, jewel".
Dub m & f English (American), Old Celtic
In North America the name Dub is most often used by men with a name beginning with the letter W, such as William and Walter.... [more]
Dubhchobhlaigh f Medieval Irish
Derived from dubh meaning "black, black-haired" and Cobhlaigh, a name of unknown etymology.
Dubhdara m Medieval Irish
Composed of the Gaelic elements dubh "dark" and dair "oak" (genitive dara(ch)).
Dubheasa f Medieval Irish
Meaning "dark waterfall" from the Gaelic word dubh meaning dark or black and eas meaning waterfall.
Dubh Essa f Medieval Irish
Possibly derived from Gaelic components dubh meaning "dark" and eas meaning "waterfall, cascade, rapid". Its meaning could also be interpreted as "black-haired nurse" (or in Latin nutrix nigra).
Dubnogenos m Old Celtic
From the Celtic roots dubnos meaning "world" and genos meaning "born" or "family"
Dubric m History (Ecclesiastical), Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend, Arthurian Cycle
In Welsh legend, he is said to be the illegitimate son of the daughter of King Peibio Clafrog, ruler of Ergyng (located in present-day Herefordshire, England), Efrddyl. Her father tried to drown her in the River Wye, but didn’t succeed... [more]
Duccio m Medieval Italian (Tuscan), Italian (Tuscan)
Medieval masculine given name recently fashionable in Tuscany. It is a short form of Andreuccio, Leonarduccio (diminutive of Leonardo), Bernarduccio (diminutive of Bernardo), Armanduccio (diminutive of Armando) and other given names ending in -duccio.... [more]
Dudar m Ossetian
Meaning uncertain. According to a Russian source, this name is of Turkic origin and means "tousled, disheveled, ruffled" and "curly".... [more]
Dudukhana f Georgian (Rare)
Derived from the Georgian adjective დუდუხა (dudukha) meaning "plump" (in reference to girls and women). Also compare the related Georgian adjective დუდრუქანა (dudrukana) meaning "plump, stout" (also in reference to girls and women).... [more]
Dueanchai f Thai
From Thai เดือน (duean) meaning "moon, month" and ชัย (chai) meaning "victory".
Dueanphen f Thai
From Thai เดือน (duean) meaning "moon, month" and เพ็ญ (phen) meaning "full (moon)".
Dueanrung f Thai
From Thai เดือน (duean) meaning "moon, month" and รุ่ง (rung) meaning "dawn, daybreak".
Duessa f Literature
This name was used by the 16th-century poet Edmund Spenser, who perhaps intended it to mean "second", "disunity" or "duplicitous" from Latin duo "two" combined with the feminine suffix essa... [more]
Dúfa f Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Means "pitching wave" in Old Norse. In Norse mythology, Dúfa was one of nine daughters of Ægir and Rán.
Dufenal m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Donald, derived from Old Irish Domnall. This was the name of Scottish kings and an early saint.
Duguittsagaan f & m Mongolian
From Mongolian дугуй (dugui) meaning "round, circular" and цагаан (tsagaan) meaning "white".
Du-han m Korean (Archaic)
Combination of two Chinese characters 斗(means dipper) and 漢(means China). Kim Du-Han was a mobster and politician of 19th-century Korea. He is also the main character of the Korean TV drama .
Du-hwan m Korean
From Sino-Korean 斗 "Chinese peck; liquid measure" and 煥 "shining, brilliant, lustrous".
Duibheannach m Old Irish
Meaning uncertain, possibly from Old Irish dub meaning "black" and eanach meaning "marshy place".
Duibheasa f Medieval Irish
Means "dark waterfall" from the Gaelic dubh meaning "dark" or "black" and eas meaning "waterfall".
Duibhuidhir m Old Irish
Derived from Old Irish dub "black" and odar "dun-coloured, greyish brown, tan". Alternately, the second element could be eidhir "sense, wisdom".
Duilin m Literature
Duilin was the name of the lord of the House of the Swallow in Gondolin. He was said to be the greatest bowman of Gondolin, and the swiftest elf amongst them. He died in the year FA 510 during the Fall of Gondolin, when he was shot by a fiery bolt from a Balrog.
Duiliu m Romanian, Sicilian
Romanian and Scilian form of Duilius.
Duimelijntje f Folklore
Dutch form of Thumbelina, which is derived from Dutch duim meaning "thumb" combined with the Dutch diminutive suffixes -lijn and -tje.
Du-jun m Korean
From Sino-Korean 斗 "Chinese peck; liquid measure" and 俊 "talented, capable; handsome".
Dukađin m Serbian
Leka III DUKAĐINI (1410–1481), mostly known as Leka DUKAĐINI, was a 15th-century member of the Serbian nobility,DUKAĐINI from the Duka family, A contemporary of Skanderbeg, DUKAĐINI is known for the conon or kanuna Leka DUKAĐINI,a code of law instituted among the tribes of Serbia and Montenegro and northern Albania of serbs Ethnicity only.
Dula f Medieval Polish
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from Proto-Slavic *dulěti "to get fat" and Proto-Slavic kъdulja, which denoted a kind of pear.
Dulceflur f Arthurian Cycle
A princess of Trefferin and Karedonas whose father, King Gediens, was slain by the heathen King Verangoz of Sorboreste.... [more]
Dulcemar m Arthurian Cycle
Arthur went to war with him, besieging Tandernas, to avenge a wrong committed by Tandareis. Dulcemar and Gawaine managed to broker a peace. Through his son, Dulcemar later became overlord of Malmontan and Mermin.
Dulce Nombre f & m Spanish
From Spanish dulce nombre meaning "sweet name," referring to the Holy Name of Jesus and the Holy Name of the Virgin Mary, hence why most full names beginning with Dulce Nombre end with either de María or de Jesús.... [more]
Dulcet f Literature
A character in 'The Underland Chronicles' by Suzanne Collins. This is a word in English, meaning "sweet and soothing", usually referring to sound.
Dulquer m Arabic (Modern, Rare), Pakistani, Muslim, Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, Telugu
It means "expressive" and "diplomatic". It is mentioned in Surat al-Kahf of the Qur'an. Its full name is Du al-Qarnayn. Also known as Alexander. So Indian Film actor Dulquer Salmaan says it means "warrior"
Dumah m Biblical, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Means "silent" in Hebrew. Briefly mentioned in the Old Testament as the name of one of Ishmael's sons. In Rabbinical Literature, Dumah is also the angel of silence and of the stillness of death.
Dumaine m English, Literature
Dumaine, a character in Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost. Dumaine and DuMaine are surnames.
Dumarsais m Haitian Creole
Transferred use of the surname Dumarsais. Dumarsais Estimé (1900 - 1953) was a Haitian politician and President of the Haitian Republic from 1946 to 1950.
Dumè m Corsican
Diminutive of Dumenicu. This name is borne by French singer, composer and actor Dumè (Dominique Mattei).
Duminicu m Sicilian, Sardinian
Sicilian and Gallurese form of Domenico.
Dumitrache m Romanian (Archaic)
Romanian form of Dimitrakis. This name has fallen out of use and now only survives as a patronymic surname.
Dumnagual m Medieval Welsh, Brythonic
Old Welsh cognate of Gaelic Domhnall, derived from a Celtic name composed of the elements *dubnos meaning "world" and *‎walos "prince, chief".
Dumqišu-āmur f Babylonian
Means "I saw his goodness", from the Akkadian elements damqu ("good, pretty, nice"), iššû ("his, hers"), and amāru ("to see (someone, something)").
Duna f Spanish, Catalan
Possibly derived from the Spanish and Catalan word duna, meaning "dune". Alternatively, it could be a variant of Dunia or a form of Dunya... [more]
Dunai f Chinese
From the Chinese 惇 (dūn) meaning "be kind, cordial, sincere" and 霭 (ǎi) meaning "cloudy sky, haze, calm".
Dunatu m Corsican (Archaic), Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Donatus.
Dunbüree m & f Mongolian
Means "shell trumpet" in Mongolian, from дун (dun) meaning "shell" and бүрээ (büree) meaning "horn, trumpet".
Dunixe f Basque
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Dionisia and Denise.
Dunixi m Basque
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Dionisio and Denis.
Dunweald m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements dunn "dark, brown" or dun "hill, mountain" and weald "powerful, mighty" or "authority, ruler".
Dunwine m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English dunn "dark, brown" and wine "friend". Alternatively, the first element could be dun "hill, mountain".
Dunyo f Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Dunya.
Dunyogo‘zal f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek dunyo meaning "the world, universe" and go'zal meaning "beauty".
Dunyonur f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek dunyo meaning "the world, universe" and nur meaning "ray, beam, light".
Duofan f Chinese
From the Chinese 朵 (duǒ) meaning "cluster of flowers" and 璠 (fán) meaning "piece of precious jade".
Duolan f Chinese
From the Chinese 朵 (duǒ) meaning "cluster of flowers" and 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid".
Duolian f Chinese
From the Chinese 多 (duō) meaning "much, many, more" or 垛 (duǒ) meaning "heap, pile up" and 莲 (lián) meaning "lotus, water lily" or 恋 (liàn) meaning "love, long for".
Duoluan f Chinese
From the Chinese 朵 (duǒ) meaning "cluster of flowers" and 鸾 (luán), a mythological bird.
Duoqiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 朵 (duǒ) meaning "cluster of flowers" and 翘 (qiào) meaning "raise, elevate".
Duoran f Chinese
From the Chinese 朵 (duǒ) meaning "cluster of flowers" and 然 (rán) meaning "yes, certainly; pledge, promise".
Duotian f Chinese
From the Chinese 朵 (duǒ) meaning "cluster of flowers" and 天 (tiān) meaning "sky, heaven".
Duová f Sami
Sami form of Tove and Tuovi.
Duoxin f Chinese
From the Chinese 朵 (duǒ) meaning "cluster of flowers" and 心 (xīn) meaning "heart, mind, soul".
Duoxing f Chinese
From the Chinese 朵 (duǒ) meaning "cluster of flowers" and 星 (xīng) meaning "star, planet, point of light".
Duoyan f Chinese
From the Chinese 朵 (duǒ) meaning "cluster of flowers" and 焱 (yàn) meaning "flames".
Duoyi f Chinese
From the Chinese 朵 (duǒ) meaning "cluster of flowers" and 熠 (yì) meaning "bright and sparkling".
Duozhu f Chinese
From the Chinese 朵 (duǒ) meaning "cluster of flowers" and 珠 (zhū) meaning "bead, pearl, gem".
Đura m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of George.
Durama m & f Garo, Far Eastern Mythology
Durama is a deity from Garo Mythology, whose name means ‘the grand and majestic mother’ in the Garo language.
Duransa f Gascon
Feminine form of Duran and Durans.
Durdanah f Urdu
The name Durdanah is commonly a female name from the "Urdu" origin that means "Gold, Ruby, Pearl and Coral, Pearl bead, Precious, Dear, Darling".
Dürefşan f Turkish
Means "one who scatters pearls", from Arabic در (durr) meaning "pearls" and Persian افشان (afshan), the present stem of افشاندن (afshandan) meaning "to scatter, disperse".
Durgo‘zal f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek dur meaning "pearl, jewel" and go'zal meaning "beauty".
Durich m Romansh, Ladin
Romansh and Ladin form of Huldrych, now generally considered a form of Ulrich.
Duriko m Georgian
Diminutive of Duro and Duru, which are both short forms of Durmishkhan and perhaps also of Baadur.
Durinn m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Meaning "sleepy one" from Old Norse dúra meaning "nap, take a nap" and "door-keeper" from Old Norse dyrr meaning "door opening, doorway". This is the name of a dwarf.
Durjahon f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek dur meaning "pearl, jewel" and jahon meaning "the world".
Durjamol f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek dur meaning "pearl, jewel" and jamol meaning "beautiful".
Durjonoy f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek dur meaning "pearl, jewel", jon meaning "soul" and oy meaning "moon".
Durmishkhan m Georgian
The first element of this name is of Turkic origin, but the available sources each provide a different meaning for it. According to a Russian source, it is derived from a (probably medieval) Turkmen word that means "life"... [more]
Durnāz f Balochi
Derived from durr meaning "pearl" and nāz meaning "coquetry".
Duro m Georgian
Short form of Durmishkhan and perhaps also of Baadur.
Durongrit m Thai
From Thai ดุรงค์ (durong) meaning "horse" and ฤทธิ์ (rit) meaning "power".
Durrbānō f Balochi
Derived from durr meaning "pearl" and bānō meaning "lady, mistress".
Dürriaden f Ottoman Turkish
From Ottoman Turkish در (dür) meaning "pearl" and Arabic عدن ('adn) or Persian عدن ('adan), both meaning "Eden".
Dürrinev f Ottoman Turkish
Means "new pearl", from Ottoman Turkish در (dür) meaning "pearl" and نو (nev) meaning "new". Also see Nevdürr.
Dursaboh f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek dur meaning "pearl, jewel" and saboh meaning "dawn, early morning" and figuratively "hope, bright spot".
Dursadaf f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek dur meaning "pearl, jewel" and sadaf meaning "mother-of-pearl".
Dursanam f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek dur meaning "pearl, jewel" and sanam meaning "idol, beautiful woman".
Dursihat f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek dur meaning "pearl, jewel" and sihat meaning "health".
Duru m Georgian
Short form of Durmishkhan and perhaps also of Baadur.
Durvalina f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Feminine form of Durvalino, mainly used in Brazil and the Azores.
Durza m Literature
Used by author Christopher Paolini (1983-) as the name of an antagonist in his Inheritance trilogy. The character Durza is a Shade, i.e., a sorcerer possessed by demonic spirits; born Carsaib, he was transformed into a Shade when he summoned spirits too powerful to control, which then took possession of his mind and body... [more]
Dusch m Romansh
Originally a short form of Rudolf, the name was early on conflated with Teodosi and is now considered a Romansh form of both names.
Dushane m African American (Rare)
Combination of the prefix Du- and the name Shane or transferred use of surname Dushane
Dushara m Near Eastern Mythology
Possibly meaning "the one of Shara". Name borne by a pre-Islamic Arabian god, who was possibly considered to be the son of Al-lat. He was worshipped by the Nabataeans at Petra and Madain Saleh.
Dust f English (Puritan)
Simply from the English word, apparently used as an English translation of Hebrew Aphrah (see Aphra) from the biblical passage: 'Declare ye it not at Gath, weep ye not at all: in the house of Aphrah roll thyself in the dust' (Micah 1:10)... [more]
Duster m English (Rare)
Famous bearers of this name include the British singer and musician Duster Bennett (1946-1976), and American baseball player Duster Mails (1894-1974).
Dutdao f Thai
Means "like a star" from Thai ดุจ (dut) meaning "like, as, resembling" and ดาว (dao) meaning "star".
Duwayne m American
Blend of Duane and Dwayne.
Duyi m Chinese
From Chinese meaning "stop, prevent" and yi meaning "suitable, proper". Other combinations are also possible.
Duzabel f Arthurian Cycle, Literature
A princess from Turtus, kidnapped and held for ransom by giants named Fidegart and Purdan. She was rescued by Arthur’s Sir Garel. Her parents were King Amurat and Queen Klarine.... [more]
Düzdidil f Ottoman Turkish
Means "thief of hearts", from Persian دزد (dozd) meaning "thief" and دل (dil) meaning "heart".
Dvalinn m Norse Mythology
Old Norse name meaning "the one slumbering". Possibly derived from the same word as Swedish dvala and Danish and Norwegian dvale, meaning "sleep, hibernation". ... [more]
Dvir m Hebrew
The Holy of Holies. It is a term in the Hebrew Bible which refers to the inner sanctuary of the Tabernacle where God dwelt and later the Temple in Jerusalem where the Ark of the Covenant was kept during the First Temple, which could be entered only by the High Priest on Yom Kippur after sanctifying himself.
Dwade m English (Modern)
Combination of Dwayne and Wade.
Dwijaraj m Indian
Dyani f American (Modern)
Many baby name books and sites claim this name means "deer" in 'Native American', with some claiming it's Cherokee. No evidence can be found supporting this claim however and it's more likely the name is a variant of Diane or is an invented name.
Dyddgu f Medieval Welsh
Derived from the Welsh elements dydd "day" and cu "beloved, dear". This name was used by the 14th-century lyric poet Dafydd ap Gwilym for the subject of nine of his love poems, an unattainable, aristocratic, dark-haired woman whose character contrasts that of his other love, the blonde Morfudd.
Dyela f Haitian Creole
Derived from Haitian Creole dye "god" and la "there; here" with the intended meaning of "God is here".
Dyfrig m Welsh
Welsh form of Dubricius, derived from Celtic *dubro "dark, unclean" (source of Welsh dŵr "water") and *r-g- "king". This was the name of a 5th-century Welsh saint... [more]
Dykwon m African American (Rare)
Combination of the popular phonetic elements dy and quan.
Dylanda f English
Combination of the Welsh name, Dylan, meaning “born of the ocean”, and the Latin name, Amanda, meaning “worthy of love”.
Dyllon m English (American, Rare)
Variant of Dylan and Dillon. 100 boys in the USA were named Dyllon in 1992.
Dymphy f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch diminutive of Dymphna and Dymphina.
Dyonis m Arthurian Cycle
Brother of Alibel, Dion, and Casibilant, and nephew of Duke Calles.... [more]
Dyonise f Arthurian Cycle
A lady who ruled the Castle of Ten Maidens with her lover, Sir Geogenant. Dyonise and Geogenant were friends of Sir Durmart.
Dyrim f Literature
Dyrim is the fourth of the seven bells used by necromancers and the Abhorsen in Garth Nix's Old Kingdom trilogy. Dyrim is the Speaker, the bell that grants or removes the power of speech to the listener.
Dyrk m English (Rare), German (Rare)
English and German variant spelling of Dirk. Also compare Dyrck.... [more]
Dýrleif f Icelandic
Icelandic name with the combination of dýr "deer, wild animal" and leif "inheritance, legacy".
Dyrrhachius m Greek Mythology
A son of Poseidon and Melissa, from whom the town of Dyrrachium derived its name; for formerly it was called Epidamnus, after the father of Melissa. (Paus. vi. 10, in fin.; Steph. Byz. s. v. Durrachion.)
Dýrvér m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements dýr "deer" and vér "fighter".
Dysean m African American
Combination of prefix dy and Sean.
Dysnomia f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek dys "bad, wrong, difficult" and Greek nomos "custom, tradition, moral law". In Greek mythology, Dysnomia is the personification of lawlessness.
Dyveke f Frisian, Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Originally a Frisian diminutive of Dietlinde and other names beginning with the Old High German element thiot meaning "people". It is also associated with Frisian düveke "little dove".
Dyzma m Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Δυσμάς (Dysmas) (see Dismas). Known bearers of this name include the Polish poet, writer and playwright Dyzma Bończa-Tomaszewski (1749-1825) and the Polish sociologist and politician Dyzma Gałaj (1915-2000).
Dzaghlika m Georgian (Rare), Literature
Means "little dog, puppy" in Georgian, derived from the Georgian noun ძაღლი (dzaghli) meaning "dog" combined with the diminutive suffix -კა (-ka). This name was once common in the Georgian highlands, but it is rare there today.... [more]
Dzelarhons f New World Mythology
Means "volcano woman" in Haida. This is the name of a mountain spirit who rules the earth's creatures and punishes anyone who abuses them.
Džemaludin m Bosnian
Means "beauty of religion", derived from Arabic جمال (jamal) "beauty" and دين (din) "religion".
Dzhalal m Dagestani, Chechen, Avar, Lezgin, Lak, Azerbaijani
Dagestani, Chechen, and Azerbaijani form of Jalal.
Dzhamalkhan m Chechen
Combination of Dzhamal and the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler".
Dzhamilya f Dagestani, Tajik, Turkmen, Uzbek
Dagestani, Tajik, Turkmen, and Uzbek form of Jamila.
Dzhessika f Russian (Rare), Bulgarian (Rare)
Russian and Bulgarian borrowing of Jessica, reflecting the English pronunciation
Dzhulian m Russian, Bulgarian
Russian and Bulgarian form of Julian, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Dzhuliana f Russian, Bulgarian
Russian and Bulgarian borrowing of Juliana, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Dzikamai m Shona
Dzikamai means "settle down". The name is given to express the idea of settling down and not jumping from one relationship to another or one project to another. The former Zimbabwean Minister and MP, Dzikamai Mavhaire is one well known bearer of this name.
Dzinta f Latvian (Rare)
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a variant of Dzintra and a variant of Zinta.
Dzjanis m Belarusian
Finnish and Italian transcription of Belarusian Дзяніс (see Dzianis).
Dzulfiqar m Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay variant of Zulfiqar.
Džuljeta f Latvian (Rare)
Latvian borrowing of Juliette and Juliet.
Dzulkarnaen m Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay form of Dhu al-Qarnayn.
Dzulqarnain m Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay form of Dhu al-Qarnayn.
Eachmarcach m Irish
Derived from from Gaelic each "horse" and marcach "rider", "knight".
Éaco m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Aiakos via its latinized form Aeacus.
Eacus m Basque Mythology
Eacus is a weather god worshipped in Iberian Spain. He is known from the area of Castile and was syncretised with the local Roman deity Jupiter Solutorius.
Éada f Irish (Modern)
A modern Irish name, most like influenced by the more frequently used Irish name Éadaoin, which derives from Irish éad (coming from Old Irish ét) meaning "jealousy, passion"... [more]
Eadflæd f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English ead "wealth, fortune" and flæd "beauty". Cognate to Germanic Audofleda.... [more]
Eadfrith m Anglo-Saxon, History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from Old English ead "wealth, fortune" and friþ "peace". This was the name of two obscure medieval English saints.
Eadgils m Anglo-Saxon
From Old English ead "wealth, fortune" and gisl "hostage" (from gīslaz). Cognate with Old Norse Aðísl.
Eadhelm m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English ead "wealth, fortune" and helm "helmet, protection". This was the name of a 10th-century English bishop.
Eadhere m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and here "army".
Eadhun m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and hun "bear cub". This name was borne by a 9th-century bishop of Winchester.
Eadmær m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and mære "famous". Cognate to Othmar.
Eadmer m Anglo-Saxon
Variant of Eadmær. This was most notably borne by a 12th-century Benedictine monk and historian.
Eadnoð m Anglo-Saxon
derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and noð "boldness, daring".
Eadræd m Anglo-Saxon
Means "rich counsel" from the Old English elements ead "wealth, prosperity, happiness" and ræd "advice, counsel, wisdom"... [more]
Eadsige m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and sige "victory". See Medieval English Edsi.
Eadstan m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and stan "stone".
Eadwacer m Anglo-Saxon
Anglo-Saxon cognate of Odoacer, derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and wacor, waccor "watchful, vigilant"... [more]
Eadwynn f Medieval English, Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English ead "wealth, fortune" and wynn "joy, bliss".
Eak m Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
Bulgarian, Croatian and Serbian form of Aiakos via its latinized form Aeacus.
Ëakumbu m Swahili (Dutchified, Rare)
First used in Basali,DRC And Means "King Of Africa" May Be A Variant Of Xhoel
Éala f Irish (Modern)
This is a modern Irish name that has most likely been influenced by the Irish word eala meaning "swan". However, contrarily to the Irish word for "swan", which is spelled without the fada, the fada has been added to the name to get the desired pronounciation of EH-la whereas the word eala is pronounced AL-la... [more]
Ealdceorl m Anglo-Saxon
Means "old man", composed of Old English eald "old" and ceorl "man; churl" (cognate with Old High German karl).
Ealdgifu f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements eald "old" and giefu "gift".
Ealdhere m Anglo-Saxon
Means "old army", derived from Old English eald "old" and here "army".
Ealdhild f Anglo-Saxon
Means "old battle", derived from the Old English elements eald "old, experienced, honoured" and hild "battle".
Ealdormann m Anglo-Saxon
From the Old English title meaning "leader, overseer, judge", derived from ealder "elder, leader" (see eald) and mann "person, man".
Ealdstan m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements eald "old" and stan "stone".
Ealdswith f Anglo-Saxon
Derives from Old English elements eald "old" and swiþ "strong".
Ealdthryth f Anglo-Saxon
Derives from the Old English element eald "old" and þryþ "strength".
Ealdwig m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements eald "old, honoured, eminent" and wig "war, battle".
Ealdwulf m Anglo-Saxon
Means "old wolf", derived from the Old English elements eald "old" and wulf "wolf".
Ealhflæd f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ealh "temple" and flæd, possibly meaning "beauty".
Ealhfrith m Anglo-Saxon
Composed of the Old English elements ealh "temple" and friþ "peace".
Ealhheard m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ealh "temple" and heard "hard, firm, brave".
Ealhhun m Anglo-Saxon
Meaning uncertain. Possibly derived from the Old English elements ealh "temple" and hun "bear cub". Alternatively, it could be a variant form of Alcuin, Æðelwine, Ealdwine, or Ælfwine... [more]
Ealhmund m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ealh "temple" and mund "protection". This was borne by a son of the Northumbrian king Alhred, also known as Alcmund, who was killed circa 800 and was regarded as a martyr and saint.
Ealhwine m Anglo-Saxon
From Old English ealh "temple" and wine "friend".
Ealhwynn f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English name element ealh meaning "hall, temple" and the Old English name element wynn meaning "joy, bliss".
Eanberht m Anglo-Saxon
The meaning of the first element of this name is uncertain. It might possibly be derived from Old English eane meaning "lamb" or the Old English verb eanian meaning "to give birth" (usually of animals), which is etymologically related to the modern English verb to yean... [more]
Ea-niša f Sumerian, Ancient Near Eastern
Of uncertain etymology, possibly deriving from the name of the god Ea 1, and the Sumerian element nisig ("beautiful, blue, green")... [more]
Earendel m Anglo-Saxon Mythology
Old English cognate of the Germanic name Auriwandalo, from Proto-Germanic *Auziwandilaz, composed of *auzi "dawn" and *wandilaz "wandering, fluctuating, variable"... [more]
Eärien f Popular Culture (Modern)
Means "daughter of the sea" in Quenya, from eär "sea" and ien "daughter". This name is borne by the daughter of Elendil in the Amazon series 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power'... [more]
Earlena f English
Latinate form of Earline; variant of Erlena and Earleen.
Earlie m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Early and diminutive of Earline.
Earlyne f English (American)
Alternate spelling of Earline. A known bearer of this name was the American mystic and author Earlyne Chaney (1916-1997).
Earngeat m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements earn "eagle" (see arn) and Ġēat "Geat". The latter element refers to large North Germanic tribe who inhabited Götaland "land of the Geats" in modern southern Sweden from antiquity until the Late Middle Ages.
Earngith f Medieval English
Possibly derived from Old English elements earn meaning "eagle" and guð meaning "battle".
Earnsige m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements earn "eagle" (compare Old German arn) and sige "victory".
Earnweald m Anglo-Saxon
Old English cognate of Arnold, derived from Old English earn "eagle" (compare arn) and weald "powerful, mighty" or "ruler, authority".
Earnwig m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements earn "eagle" and wig "war, battle".
Earnwine m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English earn "eagle" and wine "friend, protector, lord".
Earnwulf m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements earn "eagle" and wulf "wolf", making it a cognate of Arnulf and Arnulfr.
Eärwen f Literature
Means "sea maiden" in Quenya, from eär meaning "sea" and wen meaning "maiden". This was the name of a Telerin Elf in the Silmarillion. She was the mother of Galadriel.
Eastlyn f English (American, Modern, Rare), Trinidadian Creole
Combination of east and the popular name suffix lyn.
Ebbe m & f East Frisian
Diminutive of Eberhard or as a feminine name of [Eberhardine and other names beginning with the Germanic element ebur meaning "wild boar".
Ebbi m Medieval English, Icelandic, Old Danish, Faroese
Old Danish, Icelandic and Faroese form of Ebbe.
Ebed-melech m Biblical Hebrew
The name is translated as "Servant of the King," and as such may not be his proper name but a hereditary title.
Eberdine f East Frisian
Feminine version of Eberhard and other names starting with Eber-.
Ebergis m Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name comes from ebur "wild boar." The meaning and origin of the second element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from gis (the original form was possibly gîs), but we don't exactly know where gis itself comes from... [more]
Eberhardt m Danish, German
German and Danish form of Eberhard.
Ebing f Chinese
From the Chinese 娥 (é) meaning "be beautiful, good" and 冰 (bīng) meaning "ice".
Ebisu m Japanese Mythology
Ebisu, also transliterated Webisu, or called Hiruko or Kotoshiro-nushi-no-kami, is the Japanese god of fishermen and luck. He is one of the Seven Gods of Fortune, and the only one of the seven to originate purely from Japan without any Buddhist or Taoist influence.
Ebon f Swedish
Short form of Ebony and Ebonita.
Eborico m Galician, Italian, Spanish
Galician, Italian and Spanish form of Eboric.
Ebrard m Lengadocian, Gascon
Languedocian and Gascon of Eberhard.
Ebrillwen f Welsh (Rare)
Derived from Welsh Ebrill and the Welsh name element gwen meaning "white, fair, blessed".
Ebrose m Literature
Created by author George R. R. Martin for a character in his series "A Song of Ice and Fire" and the television adaptation "Game of Thrones". In the series, Ebrose is an archmaester of the Citadel who tests novices seeking their link in healing.
Ebrulf m History (Ecclesiastical)
Ebrulf (517–596) was a Frankish saint, hermit, and abbot. A Merovingian courtier at the court of Childebert I, he was a cup-bearer to the king and an administrator of the royal palace.
Eburic m Germanic
Derived from Old High German ebur "wild boar" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Ecapapalotl m Nahuatl
Means "wind butterfly", derived from Nahuatl ecatl "breath, air" or the related ehecatl "wind", and papolotl "butterfly".
Ecatlatoa m Nahuatl
Means "wind-speaks" or "speaks like wind", derived from Nahuatl ecatl "wind" and tlahtoa "to speak; to issue commands".
Ecbertus m Anglo-Saxon (Latinized)
Latinized form of Egbert, Ecbert and variant of Egbertus
Ecevit m Turkish
Means hardworking, agile and open minded. Name Ecevit can also be used as a surname as seen with the formal Turkish prime minister Bülent Ecevit (1974-2002).
Ecgbeald m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ecg "edge" and beald "bold, brave".
Ecgburg f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ecg "edge, blade" and burg "fortress". This was the name of a 9th-century abbess.
Ecgfrith m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ecg "edge of a sword" and friþ "peace". This name was borne by a 7th-century king of the Northumbrians and an 8th-century king of Mercia.
Ecgheard m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ecg "edge" and heard "hard, firm, brave". Cognate to Germanic Ekkehard.
Ecghere m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ecg "edge (of a sword), blade, corner" and here "army".
Ecgmund m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ecg "edge" and mund "protection". Cognate to Old Norse Agmundr.
Ecgwine m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ecg "edge, blade" and wine "friend". Cognate to Dutch Egwin and Germanic Agwin.
Ecgwulf m Anglo-Saxon
Means "sword wolf", from the Old English elements ecg "edge, blade" and wulf "wolf". This name was borne by an 8th-century bishop of London.
Ecgwynn f Anglo-Saxon
Means "sword joy" from the Old English elements ecg "edge, blade" and wynn "joy." Ecgwynn was the first wife of Edward the Elder (c. 874 – 17 July 924) and the mother of Æthelstan the Glorious, widely considered the first "King of the English."
Echekrates m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἔχω (echo) meaning "to have, hold, possess" and κράτος (kratos) meaning "power, strength".
Echembrotos m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἔχω (echo) meaning "to hold, to possess" and βροτός (brotos) meaning "mortal man, human being".
Echeyde m Guanche Mythology, Spanish (Canarian)
Echeide or Echeyde is the name that the Aboriginal Guanches gave to Teide, a volcano in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). As most of the chroniclers transmitted, the Guanches (aboriginal people from Tenerife) conceived of the mountain as the place that housed the forces of evil, mainly the evil figure of Guayota... [more]
Echiko f Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 愛 (e) meaning "love, affection", 千 (chi) meaning "thousand", 知 (chi) meaning "wisdom" or 智 (chi) meaning "knowledge, wisdom" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible... [more]
Ecija f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene female form of Ezio. Notable bearer is Croatian actress Ecija Ojdanić (born 1974).
Eclipse f & m English (Rare)
From the English word eclipse (derived from Latin eclipsis, ultimately from the Greek verb ἐκλείπω (ekleipô) meaning "to fail", i.e. fail to appear); a solar eclipse is when the sun and moon are aligned exactly so that the moon casts a great shadow over the Earth; a lunar eclipse is when the moon is right in front of the sun, showing only a bright slither of light... [more]
Eco f & m Italian
Italian form of Echo, both the mythological figure and the word.
Ecphantus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Ekphantos. A known bearer of this name was the Greek philosopher Ecphantus the Pythagorean (4th century BC). It is not certain whether he actually existed; some argue that he was actually a character in dialogues written by the Greek philosopher and astronomer Heraclides Ponticus (4th century BC).
Ecthelion m Literature
Ecthelion, or Ecthelion of the Fountain, was a mighty lord of Gondolin in the First Age of Middle-earth, and one of its greatest heroes.... [more]
Ector m Arthurian Cycle
Sir Ector is the father of Sir Kay and the foster father of King Arthur in the Arthurian legend.
Éd m Kashubian
Short form of Édmùnd, Édwin and Édwôrd.
Eda f Slovene
Short form of Edita, Edvarda and Edvina.
Eda m Czech
Short form of Eduard and Edvard, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Eda f Estonian
Originally a short form of Hedda and Hedvig, now used as a given name in its own right.
Edad f Filipino
Diminutive of Felicidad, Trinidad, Soledad, and other names ending in -idad or -edad.
Edadil f Ottoman Turkish
From Persian ادا (ada) meaning "elegance, grace" and دل (dil) meaning "heart".
Edanur f Turkish
A compound of Eda 1 and Nur.
Edaris m Arthurian Cycle
A duke and father of Arthur’s Sir Claris.
Eđbikä f Bashkir
From Bashkir еҙ (eđ ) meaning "copper colour, copper yellow" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Edcarlos m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of Edwin, Edmar, Edison or another name starting with Ed and Carlos.
Edcel m & f Filipino
Combination of Eduardo and Celeste.
Eddard m Literature, Popular Culture
Variant of Edward, used in George R. R. Martin's book 'A Game of Thrones' and the subsequent TV show 'Game of Thrones'.
Edea f Italian (Modern, Rare)
Of very uncertain origin and meaning.... [more]
Edel m & f Galician, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Short form of names starting with Edel-, such as Edelmiro (for males) and Edelmira (for females).... [more]
Edelberto m Spanish, Italian (Rare)
Spanish and Italian form of Edelbert.
Edelburga f Polish (Rare)
Derived from Old High German adal "noble" and either Old High German bergan "to keep, to save, to preserve" or Old High German burg "fortress."
Edelfa f Italian (Rare), Filipino (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Possibly a rare variant of Adelfa. A known bearer of this name is Edelfa Chiara Masciotta (1984-), an Italian television personality and former beauty queen who won Miss Italia 2005.
Edelt m East Frisian
Derived from old frisian ethele meaning noble or free and walda meaning reign.
Edelweiss f Various
From the name of the edelweiss flower (species Leontopodium alpinum). It is derived from the German elements edel "noble" and weiß "white." The name of the flower is spelled Edelweiß in German; Edelweiss is an Anglicized spelling.
Edenli f Hebrew (Modern)
Combination of the names Eden and Li 2 means "my paradise" in Hebrew.
Éder m Portuguese, Spanish
Portuguese and Spanish form of Eder 2.
Éderson m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of Éder and -son, influenced by names like Gílson, Anderson or Joelson.
Edessa f American (Rare)
Edessa is a city in northern Greece and the capital of the Pella regional unit, in the Central Macedonia region of Greece. It was also the capital of the defunct province of the same name. The Greek name Ἔδεσσα (Édessa) is probably of Phrygian origin... [more]
Edet m & f Efik
Means "market" in Efik and is given to babies born on market day.
Edevie f English (American, Rare), Filipino (Rare)
Of uncertain origin and meaning.... [more]
Edeyrn m History (Ecclesiastical)
Saint Edeyrn (c. 6th century) was a pre-congregational saint of Wales, related to Vortigern and the royal house of Powys and the brother of Saint Aerdeyrn and Elldeyrn. Edeyrn is the patron saint of Lannédern in France and Llanedeyrn in Wales, where he founded a monastery of over 300 people.
Edganora f American (Archaic), American (South, Archaic)
Perhaps a blend of Edgenie (itself possibly an anglicized form of Eugénie) and Eleanora.
Edgaro m Esperanto, Italian
Esperanto form of Edgar and Italian variant of Edgardo.
Edier m Spanish (Latin American)
Meaning unknown. It may possibly be a Latin American form of the Basque names Eder 2 or Edur. Known bearers of this name include the Colombian-born Swedish soccer player Edier Frejd (b... [more]
Edilberta f Spanish, Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Edilberto. In other words, this is a Spanish and Italian cognate of Ethelberta.
Edilberto m Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish form of Ethelbert via its variant form Aedilbert. In other words, you could also say that Edilberto is a variant form of Etelberto.... [more]
Edilkhan m Kumyk
From given name Edil and the title khan meaning "king, ruler"
Edina f Manx
Feminine form of Edin and cognate of Edeeney.
Edinanci f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Combination of the popular element edi- (cf. Edinara, Edival) and Nanci.
Edinara f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of the populars element edi- (cf. Edinaldo, Edival) and -nara (cf. Tainara, Yonara).
Édipo m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Oedipus.... [more]
Edir f & m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of the elements ed- (like in Edmar) and -ir (like in Ademir or Lucelir).
Ediwakima f & m Efik, Ibibio
Means "abundance; love" in Ibibio and Efik.
Edling m Swedish (Rare)
Combination of the Germanic name element adal "noble" and the suffix -ing (compare Erling, Elving and Henning).
Edlufu f Anglo-Saxon
Variant of Eadlufu, which meant "blessed love" from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and lufu "love" (related to leof).
Edmar m & f Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Filipino
Combination of the elements ed (from Eduardo, Edgardo, etc.) and mar (cf. Neymar, Diomar).
Edmer m Anglo-Saxon (Latinized)
Variant of Eadmær. The English historian Edmer or Eadmer (c. 1060-c. 1126) was a friend, disciple and biographer of Saint Anselm of Canterbury.
Edmilson m Brazilian
Transferred use of the surname Edmilson.... [more]
Edmound m Norman, Provençal
Norman and Provençal form of Edmund.
Edmure m Popular Culture
This name was used in the book series A Song of Ice and Fire and corresponding TV show Game of Thrones.
Ednaldo m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of the elements ed- (like in Edmar and Edvaldo) and -naldo (like in Ronaldo).