Obscure Submitted Names

These names are very rare and cannot be said to "belong" to any one culture. They are put here because they cannot be categorized anywhere else.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aahliyah f Obscure
Rare variant of Aaliyah.
Aaleiya f Obscure
Variant of Aaliyah.
Abaigael f Obscure
Variant of Abigail.
Abalina f Obscure
Possibly a variant of Abilene.
Abarrane f Obscure (Rare)
Meaning unknown, though it may be a feminine form of Abraham.
Abelline f Obscure
Variant of Abeline.
Aberycusgentylis m Obscure
Aberycusgentylis Balthropp, baptized 25 January 1648 in Iver, Buckinghamshire, England, was named in honour of the Italian-born Oxford professor and jurist Alberico Gentili (1552-1608) via the Latinized form of his name: Albericus Gentilis.
Ablyn f Obscure
An invented name, comprised of Ab (such as in Abigail) and Lyn.
Abrigale f Obscure
Variant of Abigail.
Achena f Obscure
This has been explained as a Greek name meaning "Achaean, of Achaea" (also compare Achaeus)... [more]
Achilies m Obscure
Spelling variant of Achilles.
Adaluna f Obscure, Spanish (Latin American, Modern, Rare, ?)
Combination of Ada 1 and Luna. This was also the Roman name of the River Lune in Cumbria and Lancashire, England.
Adamline f Obscure
Feminization of Adam.
Addabelle f Obscure
Variant of Adabel.
Addallee f Obscure
Variant of Adalee.
Adelén f Obscure
Accented form of Adelen, borne by Spanish-Norwegian singer Adelén (b. 1996).
Adelhejd f Obscure
'Danishized' form of Adelheid.
Adriell m Obscure
Variant of Adriel.
Adtzer m Obscure
Variant of Adser.
Aerielyn f Obscure
Variant of Arielyn, a combination of the name Ariel with the popular name suffix lyn.
Aerious m Obscure (Modern)
Possibly a variant of Areios.
Aeriwentha f Obscure
This was the real name of American sprinter Mae Faggs (1932-2000).
Agathia f Obscure
Variant of Agatha.
Aglaie f Obscure
Variant of Aglaia.
Ahleesha f Obscure
Variant of Alicia.
Ahlysia f Obscure
Variant of Alysia.
Aieisha f Obscure
Variant of Aisha.
Aimerik m Obscure
Variant of Aimeric.
Ainslei f Obscure
Variant of Ainsley.
Aiyanah f Obscure
Variant of Ayanna.
Ajatsa f Obscure
Possibly a form of Aisha.
Ajouah f Obscure
Meaning and origin unknown.
Ajvi f Obscure
Variant of Aivi.
Akadsa f Obscure (Modern, Rare)
Meaning unknown.
Alauda f Obscure
Derived from Latin alauda meaning "lark".
Alaythea f Obscure
Variant of Alethea.
Albantine f Obscure
Feminine form of Alban.
Alecyn f Obscure
Variant of Alison.
Aleighah f Obscure
Variant of Aaliyah.
Alfride f Obscure
Variant of Alfrida.
Alfriede f Obscure
Variant of Alfride.
Algiane f Obscure
Feminine form of Algis, itself the French form of Adalgis.
Alivyah f Obscure
Variant of Olivia.
Aliyannah f Obscure
Variant of Aliana.
Allicenne f Obscure
Variant of Alison.
Alliciyia f Obscure
Variant of Alicia.
Almonzo m Obscure
Variant of Almanzo.
Alohnzo m Obscure
Variant of Alonso.
Aloura f Obscure
Variant of Alora.
Alphabeta f Obscure
Alphabeta Swithinbank (-1849) died in Hunslet, Yorkshire.... [more]
Altonious m Obscure
Most likely a variant of Altonio.
Alydea f Obscure
Invented name, maybe based on Alyssa or Alethea
Alyxa f Obscure
Variant of Alexa.
Amariza f Obscure
Variant of Amarisa
Amayomi f Obscure
Meaning unknown. A mother im Brazil named Daniele Pereira Brandão Xavier registered her daughter with this name, and become viral in early 2023. This was the first time a person was given that name in Brazil... [more]
Amazonie f Obscure
From the French name of the Amazon River (see the place name Amazon). This name was used by French actor Vincent Cassel for his daughter born 2019 in Brazil.
Amberella f Obscure
Elaboration of Amber with the suffix -ella
Ambrietta f Obscure
Elaboration of Ambre with the suffix -etta
Ameleia f Obscure
Variant of Amelia.
Ameliaranne f Obscure
Combination of Amelia and Anne 1. This is the name of the protagonist of a number of children's books written by Constance Heward in the early 20th century... [more]
Amileah f Obscure (Modern, Rare)
Spelling variant of Amelia.
Amybel f Obscure
Possibly a variant of Amybelle.
Analexa f Obscure (Modern)
Combination of Ana and Alexa.
Anasazi f Obscure, Spanish (Mexican, Modern, Rare)
From the name of an ancient Native American people who lived in Utah and Colorado.
Andalasia f Obscure
From Andalasia, the name of the fairy tale kingdom in the Disney films 'Enchanted' (2007) and 'Disenchanted' (2022).
Andreios m Obscure (?)
Possibly derived from Greek ἀνδρεῖος (andreios) "manly, strong, brave".
Anivia f Brazilian (Rare), Obscure
Possibly an invented name based on the Latin word nix, nivis meaning "snow".
Annabetha f Obscure
Elaboration of Annabeth.
Annakin m Obscure (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Anakin, unless transfered from the English surname.
Annakyn f Obscure (Modern, Rare)
Feminization of Anakin, likely influenced by the spelling of Anna.
Annemary f Obscure
Combination of Anne 1 and Mary.
Anniegale f Obscure
Combination of Annie and Gale.
Annlyn f Obscure
Combination of Ann and Lyn.
Annmaria f Obscure
Combination of Ann and Maria.
Annmary f Obscure
Combination of Ann and Mary.
Anodyne f Obscure (?)
From Latin "anōdynos", meaning “stilling or relieving pain”, from Ancient Greek "ἀνώδυνος", meaning “free from pain”), from "ἀν-", meaning “without” plus "ὀδύνη", meaning “pain”.
Anorrah f Obscure
Variant of Annora.
Antoinella f Obscure
Variant of Antonella and feminine form of Antoine.
Antonya f Obscure
Variant of Antonia.
Anwyll m Obscure (Modern, Rare)
From the Welsh word annwyl, which means "dear" or "darling".
Aouie m & f Obscure
Likely derived from the five vowels of the English language.
Aquafina f Obscure
Means "fine water" in Italian.
Arbnora f Obscure
According to not very realiable but nevertheless frequently reprinted sources, Arbnora is the name of the hedgehog in German fables.
Arceus m Obscure
From the Pokémon character Arceus, whose name comes from the combination of the Greek word αρχή (arkhé), "origin", and the Latin word deus (god). In the game lore, Arceus is the original Pokémon who created the universe... [more]
Arelai f Obscure (Rare)
Meaning unknown.
Arellie f Obscure
Variant of Arely.
Ariadnea f Obscure
Elaboration of Ariadne.
Aristia f Obscure
Feminine form of Aristides or delivered from Arista
Arkadina f Obscure
Derived from a Russian surname, the feminine form of the surname Arkadin, which is probably derived from the given name Arkadiy... [more]
Arriane f Obscure
Variant of Ariane.
Arrington m & f Obscure
Transferred use of the surname Arrington. The USA Social Security Administration has recorded 17 boys and 15 girls with the name Arringtion in 2001.
Arryah f Obscure
Possibly an alternate spelling of Aria 1 or Ariah.
Arthello m Obscure
Possibly a blend of Arthur and Othello.
Aryiella f Obscure
Variant of Ariella.
Aryssia f Obscure
Possibly a variant of Alyssia.
Ashleyanna f Obscure
Combination of Ashley and Anna.
Ashlond f Obscure
Variant of Ashland.
Ashtynne f & m Obscure
Variant of Ashtyn.
Ashurina f Obscure
Feminine form of Ashur.
Asthrid f Obscure
Variant of Astrid.
Astrella f Obscure
From Greek ἀστήρ (aster) meaning "star". This name was used by Scottish singer Donovan for his daughter born 1971.
Astriel m & f Obscure
Possibly derived from Greek ἀστήρ (aster) meaning "star".
Astrith f Obscure (?)
This is borne by Astrith Baltsan (1956-), an Israeli concert pianist; it is uncertain if her name has the same etymological origins as Ástríðr.
Atari m & f Obscure (Modern)
From the Japanese word 当たり (atari) meaning "a hit, a good move" (specially in the game of Go). Atari is the name of an American videogame company that released the video game console Atari 2600 in the year 1977... [more]
Athalya f Obscure
Variant of Athaliah.
Athiena f Obscure
Variant of Athena.
Aubrelle f Obscure
Not available.
Audio m Obscure
From the Latin audiō 'hear, listen'.
Audralina f Obscure
Elaboration of Audra 2 using popular suffix -lina.
Audreina f Obscure
Variant of Audrina.
Audriella f Obscure
Combination of Audrey and the suffix -ella.
Audrienne f Obscure
Possibly a variant of Adrienne or an elaboration of Audrey.
Audrietta f Obscure
Elaboration of Audrey with the suffix -etta
Aurabella f Obscure
Combination of Aura and Bella, likely based on Arabella.
Auraelia f Obscure
Variant of Aurelia.
Auraia f Obscure
Perhaps an elaboration of Aura.
Auroralyn f Obscure
Combination of Aurora and Lyn.
Avaliese f Obscure
Elaboration of Ava 1 using the suffix -liese.
Avellina f Obscure
Feminine form of Avellino. It could also be used as a variant of Avelina.
Avelynne f Obscure
Variant of Avelyn
Avena f Obscure
Elaborated form of Ava 1, possibly influenced by the Spanish word avena ("oats").
Averley f & m Obscure
Transfered from the surname.
Avynn f Obscure
Variant of Aven.
Awsten m Obscure
Variant of Austin.
Axleigh f Obscure (Modern)
Combination of the phonetic sound ax with the popular name suffix lee.
Axxel m Obscure
Variant of Axel. Per the SSA, Axxel was given to 16 boys in 2017.
Axxl m Obscure
Variant of Axel in the same fashion as Jaxn.
Ayrien m & f Obscure (?)
Of uncertain etymology.
Ayverie f Obscure
Variant of Avery.
Azaela f Obscure
Feminine form of Azael.
Azaella f Obscure
Feminine form of Azael.
Azaleigha f Obscure
Variant of Azalea.
Azaleo m Obscure
Masculine form of Azalea.
Azarelle f Obscure (Modern)
Feminization of Azarel.
Azayleigha f Obscure (Modern)
Spelling variant of Azalea.
Azurina f Obscure
Elaboration of Azura with the suffix -ina
Balagangadharanatha m Obscure, Indian (Rare, ?)
Means "finding refuge in the might of the Ganges-supporter (i.e. Shiva)" in Sanskrit, from a combination of Sanskrit बल (bala) "might, strength" with Gangadhara, a name of the god Shiva meaning "Ganga-supporter, Ganges-receiver, the ocean", and नाथ (nātha) "patron, protector, lord" or "refuge"... [more]
Ballerina f Obscure (Modern)
American actor Jeremy Sisto has a daughter named Charlie-Ballerina, born June 5, 2009.
Banana f & m Obscure
Taken directly from the banana fruit.
Baylye f Obscure
Variant of Bailey.
Beatica f Obscure
Possibly an elaboration of Beata.
Beatres f Obscure
Variant of Beatrice.
Beauleen f Obscure
Combination of Beau and lene.
Beccalyn f Obscure
Combination of Becca and Lyn.
Beckian f Obscure
First name of poetess Beckian Fritz Goldberg. Possibly a combination of Becki and Ann.
Beliana f Obscure
Could be a combination of Bella and Ana.
Bellabeth f Obscure
Combination of Bella and Beth.
Benry m Obscure (Modern, Rare)
Variant/combination of Ben 1 and Henry.
Berlynne f Obscure (Modern)
Excusively feminine form of Berlin, using the popular feminine name suffix lynne.
Berylla f Obscure
Variant of Beryl.