Romanian Submitted Names

Romanian names are used in the countries of Romania and Moldova in eastern Europe.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abiatar m Georgian (Archaic), Romanian (Rare)
Georgian and Romanian form of Abiathar.
Abigaela f Esperanto, Romanian (Rare)
Esperanto and Romanian form of Abigail.
Adelin f & m Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Finnish (Rare), Medieval French, Romanian, Lengadocian, Gascon, Niçard
Scandinavian feminine variant of Adelina, Romanian, Languedocian, Niçard and Gascon masculine form of Adelina and medieval French masculine form of Adeline.
Adeodat m Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak and Ukrainian form of Adeodatus.
Adiță m Romanian (Rare)
Diminutive form of Adrian.
Adorata f Romanian (Rare)
Derived from Romanian adorata, the feminine form of the adjective adorat, "adored".
Afina f Romanian
Derived from Romanian afin meaning "bilberry".
Alceu m Catalan, Portuguese (Brazilian), Romanian, Sicilian
Catalan, Portuguese, Romanian and Sicilian form of Alcaeus. Known bearers of this name include Brazilian writer and journalist Alceu Amoroso Lima (1893-1983) and Brazilian soccer player Alceu Rodrigues Simoni Filho (b... [more]
Alecu m Romanian
Short form of Alexandru.
Aleodor m Romanian (Rare)
Combination of Alex and Teodor.
Alexe m Greenlandic, Romanian
Romanian short form of Alexandru, as well as the archaic spelling of Greenlandic Alexi (according to the old Kleinschmidt orthography used to write Greenlandic until 1973, when orthographic reforms were introduced).
Alexie m Romanian, Louisiana Creole, History (Ecclesiastical)
Romanian form of Alexis and Alexios as well as a Louisiana Creole form of Alexis.
Ambrozia f Romanian (Rare)
Romanian form of Ambrosia.
Ambroziu m Romanian
Romanian form of Ambrose.
Amedeu m Romanian (Rare), Sicilian
Romanian and Sicilian form of Amadeus.
Anaida f Armenian, Romanian (Rare)
Variant form of Anahid, although it should be noted that at least one source claims that the name is derived from Greek ἀναιδής (anaides) meaning "shameless".... [more]
Anastasiu m Romanian (Rare, Archaic), Sicilian
Romanian and Sicilian form of Anastasius.
Anda f Polish, Romanian, Hungarian
Polish short form of Andrzeja and Romanian contraction of Andra 2.
Andi m Romanian
Short form of Andrei and, to a lesser extent, Adrian.
Androgeu m Catalan, Portuguese, Romanian
Catalan, Portuguese, and Romanian form of Androgeus.
Anemona f Romanian (Rare)
Romanian variant of Anemone.
Angelin m French, French (Belgian, Rare), Romanian
French and Romanian form of Angelinus.
Anghelache m Romanian (Rare)
Romanian form of Angelakis. A known bearer of this name is the Romanian equestrian and Olympic medalist Anghelache Donescu (b. 1945).
Anica f Romanian
Romanian form of Annika.
Anicuța f Romanian
Diminutive of Anica.
Antim m Bulgarian, Romanian
Bulgarian and Romanian form of Anthimos.
Antonel m Romanian
Diminutive of Anton.
Antonela f Romanian
Feminine form of Antonel.
Antuza f Romanian, Polish (Rare)
Romanian and Polish form of Anthousa.
Anuța f Romanian
Diminutive of Ana.
Argentina f Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (African), Italian, Romanian (Rare), English (Rare), Medieval English, Medieval Italian
Derived from Latin argentum meaning "silver" combined with the feminine adjectival suffix -ina.... [more]
Aristip m Catalan, Croatian, Romanian
Catalan, Croatian and Romanian form of Aristippos via its latinized form Aristippus.
Aristița f Romanian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a feminine form of Aristide.
Arsenie m Romanian
Romanian form of Arsenios.
Atreu m Catalan, Portuguese, Romanian
Catalan, Portuguese and Romanian form of Atreus.
Auraș m Romanian
Allegedly derived from Romanian aur "gold".
Aureliu m Sicilian, Corsican, Sardinian, Romanian
Sicilian, Corsican, Sardinian and Romanian form of Aurelius.
Axente m Romanian
Romanian form of Auxentios.
Azalee f Romanian
Means "azalea" in Romanian.
Benone m Romanian
Romanian form of Benoni.
Bia f Romanian
Short form of Bianca.
Blanduzia f Romanian (Rare)
Fântâna Blanduziei ('Blanduzia's Fountain' in English) was a literary and political weekly magazine which was first published in 1888 and run by Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu.
Brăduț m Romanian
Derived from Romaninan brăduț, the diminutive of brad, "fir tree".
Bujor m Romanian (Rare)
Means "peony" in Romanian.
Calin m Romanian
Variant of Călin used by Romanians abroad or in informal contexts (for example on the internet). Note that this is not the standard spelling of the name.
Calina f Romanian (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Călina. Ana-Călina is known as Ana Calina in English.
Camil m Catalan, Romansh, Romanian, Occitan, Provençal, Lengadocian
Romansh, Catalan, Romanian and Occitan form of Camillus.
Casian m Romanian
Romanian form of Cassian.
Casiana f Spanish (Rare), Galician (Rare), Romanian (Rare)
Spanish, Galician and Romanian form of Cassiana.
Catalin m Romanian
Spelling variant of Cătălin used by Romanians abroad or in informal contexts (for example on the internet). Note that this is not the standard spelling of the name.
Catinca f Romanian
Diminutive of Ecaterina and Caterina.
Catrina f Romanian (Rare)
Contracted form of Ecaterina and Caterina.
Cazimir m Romanian
Romanian form of Casimir.
Cazimira f Romanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Cazimir.
Cefeu m Catalan, Portuguese, Romanian
Catalan, Portuguese and Romanian form of Cepheus.
Cerasella f Romanian, Italian
Diminutive of cerasa, an alternative Italian term to say ciliegia, both meaning "cherry". Cerasella is a 1959 Canzone Napoletana song performed by Gloria Christian and Wilma De Angelis... [more]
Cerber m Polish, Romanian
Polish and Romanian form of Cerberus.
Cezarion m Bosnian, Croatian, Polish, Romanian
Bosnian, Croatian, Polish and Romanian form of Caesarion.
Chilina f Romanian (Archaic)
Probably from Akilina which itself comes from Latin Aquilina "eagle".
Chira f Romanian
Romanian form of Kira 1 and feminine form of Chiru.
Chiru m Romanian (Archaic)
Romanian form of Kyrios.
Cicerone m Italian, Romanian (Rare)
Italian form of Cicero, which has also seen some use in Romania.
Cici m Romanian (Rare)
Romanian diminutive or short form of Cicerone.... [more]
Cipriana f Italian, Portuguese, Galician, Spanish, Romanian, Greek (Rare), Gascon, Provençal
Italian, Romanian, Portuguese, Galician, Spanish, Gascon and Provençal feminine form of Cyprianus (compare Cypriana).
Cireșica f Romanian
Derived from Romanian cireșică, the diminutive of cireașă, "cherry".
Claudela f Romanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Claudel.
Clemența f Romanian
Romanian form of Clementia.
Cleonic m Romanian (Rare)
Romanian form of Cleonicus.
Cleonica f Romanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Cleonic.
Cneus m Romanian
Romanian form of Gnaeus.
Coca f Romanian
Diminutive of Cornelia.
Codin m Romanian
Diminutive of Constantin.
Codrina f Romanian
Feminine form of Codrin.
Codrinel m Romanian
Diminutive of Codrin.
Codru m Romanian (Rare)
Derived from Romanian codru "wood, forest".
Codruța f Romanian
Feminine form of Codruț.
Columban m German, German (Austrian), Romanian
German and Romanian form of Columbanus.
Contard m Catalan, French, Romanian
Catalan, French, and Romanian form of Gunthard via Latinized form Cuntardus
Coprina f Romanian (Rare)
Derived from Romanian coprină "daffodil".
Coralia f Romanian (Rare), Spanish, Galician, Italian (Rare)
Romanian, Italian, Galician and Spanish form of Coralie.
Coriolan m Romanian
Romanian form of Coriolanus.
Corvin m English, German (Swiss, Rare), Romanian
English,German and Romanian form of Corvinus.
Costela f Romanian
Feminine form of Costel.
Costeluș m Romanian
Diminutive of Constantin.
Costina f Romanian
Contracted form of Constantina.
Costinel m Romanian
Diminutive of Costin.
Cotiso m Romanian (Rare), History
Cotiso was the name of a Dacian king (approximately 30 BC) who ruled the mountains between Banat and Oltenia (modern-day Romania).
Cozmina f Romanian
Variant of Cosmina.
Crăița f Romanian
Derived from Romanian crăiță "marigold".
Crenguța f Romanian (Rare)
Derived from Romanian crenguța, the diminutive of creangă, "branch".
Crin m Romanian
Masculine form of Crina.
Cristin m Romanian
Romanian form of Christinus.
Cristinel m Romanian
Diminutive of Cristin.
Cristinela f Romanian
Feminine form of Cristinel.
Cristofor m Romanian
Romanian form of Christophoros.
Crizantema f Romanian (Rare)
Derived from Romanian crizantemă "chrysanthemum".
Darie m Romanian
Romanian form of Darius.
Dedal m Croatian, Polish, Romanian
Croatian, Polish and Romanian form of Daedalus.
Deifobos m Romanian (Rare), Polish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Romanian, Polish and Norwegian form of Deiphobus.
Deliu m Romanian (Rare)
Masculine form of Delia 1.
Denia f Romanian (Rare), Moldovan (Rare)
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a contracted form of Denisa and a derivation from denie (indefinite form). The denia (definite form) is a Matins, or vigil, which takes place in the evening in the fifth week of Lent... [more]
Dida f Romanian (Rare)
Short form of Didina.
Didina f Romanian
Possibly originally a contracted form of Alexandrina.
Diogene m Italian, Romanian
Italian and Romanian form of Diogenes.
Dochia f Romanian, Mythology
Short form of Odochia. In Romanian mythology, Dochia was a very beautiful shepherdess whom Emperor Trajan loved... [more]
Domnica f Romanian, Moldovan, Late Roman, History
Late Roman feminine form of Domnicus, this name is also considered a Romanian cognate of Dominica. Albia Domnica (ca... [more]
Dora f Romanian
Feminine form of Doru.
Dorel m Romanian
Derived from Romanian dor "longing".
Dorela f Romanian
Feminine form of Dorel.
Dorelia f Romanian, Romani
Elaboration of Dorela.
Dorimedont m Russian (Rare, Archaic), Romanian (Rare, Archaic)
From Ancient Greek Δορυμέδοντος, means "master of spear", where δόρυ="spear" and μέδων, μέδοντος="master, chief". ... [more]
Doroteea f Romanian
Romanian form of Dorothy.
Drăguța f Romanian (Rare)
Derived from Romanian drăguță, the feminine form of the adjective drăguț, "cute, precious".
Ducu m Romanian
Romanian diminutive of the given name Radu or names containing the name element.
Duiliu m Romanian, Sicilian
Romanian and Scilian form of Duilius.
Dulcineea f Romanian (Rare)
Romanian form of Dulcinea. It coincides with the archaic Romanian word dulcinee "girlfriend, sweetheart" (ultimately from Romanian dulce "sweet")... [more]
Dumitrache m Romanian (Archaic)
Romanian form of Dimitrakis. This name has fallen out of use and now only survives as a patronymic surname.
Dumitrana f Romanian
Feminine form of Dumitru.
Dumitrița f Romanian
Diminutive of Dumitra.
Dușan m Romanian
Romanian form of Dušan.
Eancu m Romanian
Another spelling of the name Iancu; of Romanian-American origin.
Ecaterin m Romanian (Rare)
Masculine form of Ecaterina.
Edera f Italian, Albanian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Maltese (Rare)
Means "ivy" in Italian, from Latin hedera "ivy", perhaps related to the Latin root -hendere "to grasp; to take; to cling onto".
Eftimia f Romanian
Feminine form of Eftimie.
Egeu m Catalan, Portuguese, Romanian
Catalan, Portuguese and Romanian form of Aegeus.
Egidiu m Romanian, Corsican, Sicilian
Romanian, Corsican and Sicilian form of Aegidius.
Elcana m Portuguese, Biblical Portuguese, Biblical Spanish, Spanish, Romanian
Portuguese and Romanian form of Elkanah and Spanish variant of Elcaná.
Eleuteriu m Sicilian, Romanian (Rare)
Romanian and Sicilian form of Eleutherios.
Emanoila f Romanian
Feminine form of Emanoil.
Emeric m Romanian (Rare)
Romanian form of Emmerich.
Enache m Romanian (Rare)
Variant of Ienache, which in turn is a variant of Ianache. A known bearer of this name is the Romanian former wrestler Enache Panait (b. 1949).
Enricu m Romanian (Rare), Sardinian, Sicilian
Romanian and Sardinian form of Henry via Enricus and Sicilian form of Enrico.
Epaminonda m Croatian (Rare), Italian (Rare), Macedonian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian, Italian, Macedonian, Romanian and Serbian form of Epameinondas via its latinized form Epaminondas.
Epimeteu m Catalan, Portuguese, Romanian
Catalan, Portuguese and Romanian form of Epimetheus.
Eremia m Georgian (Rare), Romanian (Rare)
Modern Georgian and Romanian form of Yirmiyahu (see Jeremiah). The older Georgian form of the name is Ieremia.
Eudochia f German (Bessarabian), Moldovan, Romanian
Romanian form and Bessarabian German variant of Eudokia.
Eufimia f Romanian, Ukrainian (Archaic), Medieval Italian, History (Ecclesiastical)
Variant transliteration of Ukrainian Євфимія (see Evfimiya) as well as the Romanian form of Euphemia and an early medieval Italian variant of Eufemia.
Eugeniu m Romanian, Sicilian
Romanian and Sicilian form of Eugenius.
Eusebie m Romanian
Romanian form of Eusebius.
Eustațiu m Romanian (Rare)
Romanian form of Eustathios via its latinized form Eustathius (which is also found spelled as Eustatius).... [more]
Evarist m Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Provençal
Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak and Slovene form of Evaristus.
Ezechia m Romanian, Italian
Italian and Romanian form of Hezekiah.
Fănel m Romanian
Diminutive of Ștefan.
Fănica f Romanian
Diminutive of Ștefana.
Fănică m Romanian
Diminutive of Ștefan.
Fanurie m Romanian (Rare)
Romanian form of Phanourios via its latinized form Phanurius.
Filaret m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Moldovan, Romanian, Polish (Rare)
Form of Philaretos used in several languages.
Filica f Romanian
Diminutive of Filofteia, not commonly used as a given name in its own right.
Filofteia f Romanian, History (Ecclesiastical)
Romanian form of Philothea. Saint Filofteia of Tarnovo is a child saint from the 13th century. She is considered the Protectress of Romania.
Fineas m Romanian, Italian
Romanian and Italian form of Phineas.
Floare f Romanian (Rare)
Directly taken from Romanian floare "flower".
Floarea f Romanian
Derived from Romanian floare "flower".
Florența f Romanian
Romanian form of Florentia (see Florence). Note that Florența is also the Romanian name for the Italian city of Florence.
Florențiu m Romanian (Rare)
Romanian form of Florentius (see Florence).
Florinel m Romanian
Diminutive of Florin.
Florinela f Romanian
Feminine form of Florinel and diminutive of Florina.
Frăguța f Romanian (Rare)
Derived from Romanian frăguța, the diminutive of fragă "wild strawberry".
Fridolina f German (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Italian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Romansh
Feminine form of Fridolin. This name is borne by Swedish soccer player Fridolina Rolfö (b. 1993).
Garofița f Romanian
Derived from Romanian garofiță, the diminutive of garoafă "carnation".
Gavrilă m Romanian (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Gavril.
Gelu m Romanian
Gelou is portrayed as 'some Vlach' (originally 'quidam Blacus', Vlach and Blacus meaning 'Romanian') being a leader of the Vlachs in Transylvania, and having his capital at Doboka. He was said to be defeated by the warriors of the Magyar chieftain Töhötöm.... [more]
Genovieva f Romanian (Rare)
Variant of Genoveva influenced by Geneviève.
Gențiana f Romanian (Rare)
Derived from Romanian gențiană meaning "gentian".
Georgiu m Romanian (Rare)
Romanian form of Georgius.
Geta f Romanian
Short form of Georgeta.
Ghedeon m Romanian
Romanian form of Gideon.
Gheorghina f Romanian, Moldovan
Feminine form of Gheorghe.
Ghiocel m Romanian (Rare)
Means "snowdrop (flower)" in Romanian (genus Galanthus).
Giani m Romanian (Rare)
Romanian borrowing of Gianni.
Gică m Romanian
Diminutive of George.
Gicu m Romanian
Diminutive of George and Gheorghe.
Gigel m Romanian
Originally a diminutive of Gheorghe and George, used as a given name in its own right.
Gigi m Georgian, Romanian
In Georgia, this name is a diminutive of Giorgi and Grigol (compare Gigola).... [more]
Gladiola f English (Rare), Albanian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Spanish (Mexican, Rare), Filipino (Rare)
From the name of the flowering plant gladiolus, literally meaning "small sword" from Latin gladius "sword" (a reference to its sword-shaped leaves). Gladiola Josephine "Glady Joe" is a character in the novel 'How to Make an American Quilt' (1991) and subsequent film adaptation (1995).
Gogu m Romanian
Short form of Grigore and Gheorghe.
Grațiana f Romanian
Feminine form of Grațian.
Grațiela f Romanian
Romanian form of Graciela.
Graziela f Portuguese (Brazilian), Filipino (Rare), Romanian
Portuguese form of Graciela and Romanian variant of Grațiela.
Grigoraș m Romanian
Diminutive of Grigore.
Grigorie m Moldovan, Romanian
Romanian form of Gregorius.
Gruia m Romanian (Rare)
Derived from Romanian gruie and Transylvanian grui "crane (the bird)".
Hariclea f Romanian (Rare)
Romanian form of Chariclea. It was most famously borne by Romanian opera singer Hariclea Darclée.
Hedwiga f Prague German, Medieval Polish, Romanian (Rare)
Prague German form of Hedvika and older Polish form of Jadwiga.
Henric m Gascon, Swedish (Rare), Romanian, Medieval Dutch
Gascon and Romanian form of Henry, Swedish variant of Henrik and medieval Dutch variant of Hendrick.
Henrieta f Czech, Slovak, Kashubian, Romanian
Czech, Slovak, Kashubian and Romanian form of Henrietta.
Heraclit m Romanian
Romanian form of Herakleitos via its latinized form Heraclitus.
Hionia f Romanian (Rare), Greek (Rare), Russian (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Greek variant transliteration of Χιονία (see Chionia), Russian variant transliteration of Хиония (see Khioniya) as well as the Romanian form of this name.
Hipocrate m Romanian
Romanian form of Hippocrates.
Horică m Romanian
Diminutive of Horia and Horea.
Iahve m Theology, Romanian (Rare)
Romanian form of Yahweh.
Ianache m Romanian (Archaic)
Probably the Romanian form of Yannakis (see Giannakis). Also compare the similar name Janaq.... [more]
Ianis m Romanian (?)
Either a diminutive of Ioan or a borrowing of Yanis.
Iannis m Greek, Romanian (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Γιάννης (see Giannis). Notable bearer is a Greek-French Composer: Iannis Xenakis, born in Romania... [more]
Iasmin m Romanian (Rare)
Masculine form of Iasmina.
Ica f Romanian (Rare)
Short form of Vasilica.
Icuța f Romanian (Rare)
Diminutive of Ica.
Idalina f English (Rare), Portuguese (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian), Romanian (Rare)
Combination of Ida with the popular suffix -lina.
Ieremia m Romanian (Rare), Georgian (Rare), Hawaiian, Biblical Hawaiian
Romanian form of Yirmiyahu (see Jeremiah) as well as an older Georgian and Hawaiian form of the name. The modern Georgian form is Eremia.... [more]
Ignațiu m Romanian
Romanian form of Ignatius.