German (Bessarabian) Submitted Names

These names are a subset of German names used more by Bessarabia Germans, who were German settlers in Bessarabia (modern Moldova and southern Ukraine).
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Alisia f German (Bessarabian)
Contracted form of Aloisia.
Benediktus m Indonesian, German (Bessarabian)
Indonesian and Bessarabian German form of Benedictus (see Benedict).
Beno m Georgian, German (Bessarabian), Kashubian
Short form of names beginning with Ben-, such as Benedikt (German and Kashubian), Benedikte (Georgian) and Beniamin (Georgian and Kashubian).... [more]
Berna f Hungarian, German (Bessarabian), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Afrikaans
Short form of Bernadett and Bernadetta as well as a Dutch and Afrikaans short form of names beginning with the element Bern-.
Brunislava f German (Bessarabian)
Variant of Bronislava influenced by names beginning with the element Brun-, such as Brunhilde.
Clartela f German (Bessarabian)
Possibly a variant of Kartela influenced by Clara.
Constancia f Medieval Occitan, Medieval English, German (Bessarabian), Dutch (Antillean), Spanish, Louisiana Creole (Archaic)
Occitan and Spanish form and Bessarabian German variant of Constantia as well as an English Latinization of Constance.
Dictatus m German (Bessarabian)
From Latin dictatus, meaning "repeated, dictated".
Dionisius m Indonesian, German (Bessarabian)
Indonesian and Bessarabian German form of Dionysius.
Edlinda f German (Bessarabian)
Possibly a variant of Edelinda.
Emerentiana f Late Roman, Medieval Italian, Dutch, Flemish, German (Bessarabian), History (Ecclesiastical)
Feminine form of Emerentianus. Saint Emerentiana was a Roman martyr, who lived around the start of the 4th century. Her feast day is January 23.
Ermelia f German (Bessarabian)
Derived from the Germanic name element ermen "whole; universal" (compare Irmela).
Eudochia f German (Bessarabian), Moldovan, Romanian
Romanian form and Bessarabian German variant of Eudokia.
Gottoleva f German (Bessarabian)
Bessarabian German form of Godeliva.
Hypolith m German (Bessarabian)
Bessarabian German form of Hippolytos.
Kaetan m German (Bessarabian)
Bessarbian German form of Caietanus.
Kajeton m German (Bessarabian)
Bessarabian German form of Caietanus (see Gaetano).
Klotilda f Croatian (Rare), Lithuanian, Czech (Rare), Slovak (Rare), Kashubian, Slovene, German (Bessarabian), Albanian
Croatian, Lithuanian, Czech, Slovak, Kashubian, Albanian and Slovene form of Clotilde.
Kordelia f Czech, Polish, German (Bessarabian)
Czech and Polish form of Cordelia. In the Czech Republic, it is also used as a form of Cordula, to which it is probably etymologically unrelated.
Makrena f German (Bessarabian)
Bessarabian German form of Makrina.
Mansuetus m Late Roman, German (Bessarabian)
Means "tame" in Latin, from a contraction of the phrase manum suetus "tamed by the hand of another". It was borne by several early saints.
Michaelina f German (Bessarabian)
Feminine form of Michael. This name was borne by Michaelina Hordashevska (later known as Josaphata Hordashevska, 1869 – 1919), a Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Religious Sister, who was the first member and co-foundress of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate.
Optat m Bulgarian, Catalan, French, Polish, Russian, German (Bessarabian)
Bulgarian, Catalan, French, Polish and Russian form of Optatus.
Panteleon m German (Bessarabian)
Bessarabian German form of Pantaleon.
Pulcheria f Late Greek, History (Ecclesiastical), German (Bessarabian), Italian (Rare)
Derived from Latin pulcher meaning "beautiful, noble". This name was borne by Saint Pulcheria, elder sister of the Byzantine emperor Theodosius II. It was also the name of a character in 'Crime and Punishment' by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
Sekundia f German (Bessarabian)
Possibly an elaborated form of Sekunda.
Sekundila f German (Bessarabian)
Bessarabian German form of Secundilla.
Semforianus m German (Bessarabian)
Bessarabian German form of Symphorianus.
Semphorian m German (Bessarabian)
Bessarabian German form of Symphorianus.
Servatis m German (Bessarabian)
Possibly a contracted form of Servatius.
Sibillina f German (Bessarabian)
Bessarabian German form of Sibyllina.
Silvi m German (Bessarabian)
Meaning unknown, possibly a short form of Silvius.
Symphorosa f Late Roman, English (Rare), German (Bessarabian)
Either a latinate variant of Symphora that was created by adding the Latin feminine augmentative suffix -osa to it, or a corruption of Sympherusa, which is the proper Latin form of the Greek name Sympherousa.... [more]
Telesphor m German (Bessarabian)
Bessarabian German form of Telesphoros (see Télesphore).
Theonilla f German (Bessarabian), History (Ecclesiastical)
Diminutive of Theona. Saint Theonilla of Aegea was a pious Christian woman martyred in the persecutions of proconsul Lysias.
Theonisius m German (Bessarabian)
Variant of Dionisius influenced by names starting with Theo-, such as Theonilla or Theodor.
Thomatilla f German (Bessarabian)
Variant of Domitilla, possibly influenced by Thomas.
Wigil m German (Bessarabian)
Possibly a German form of Vigilius.
Zacheus m Medieval English, Medieval German, Swedish (Rare), German (Bessarabian)
Swedish and medieval English form of Zacchaeus, as well as a German variant of Zachäus.