Dutch Submitted Names

Dutch names are used in the Netherlands and Flanders. See also about Dutch names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aad m Dutch, Limburgish
Short form of Adriaan and Adrianus.
Aagje f Dutch, Belgian
Short form of Agatha. In some cases there might also be a connection to Age 1.
Aaike f & m Dutch
Diminutive of names beginning with Agi or Adal.
Aalderik m Dutch
Variant of Adelrik.
Aaldert m Dutch
Dutch form of Adelhard.
Aaldrik m Dutch
Variant of Aalderik.
Aalf m Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), East Frisian
Dutch short form of Adolf and West Frisian short form of Alef and Alof, which are both Frisian variants of Adolf.
Aaltje f Dutch, Frisian
Diminutive of Adelheid.
Aarnout m Flemish, Dutch
Variant of Arnout.
Aat m Dutch
Nickname for Adriaan or Agathon.
Ab m Dutch, English (American)
Short form of Albert and Albertus (Dutch) as well as of Abraham (Dutch and English) and other names that begin with Ab-, such as Abner and Abbott (both English)... [more]
Abdiël m Dutch
Dutch form of Abdiel.
Abelina f Dutch
Feminine form of Abe 2.
Abeltje m & f Dutch, Frisian
Diminutive of Abe 2.
Abiël m Dutch
Dutch form of Abiel.
Abigaël f Dutch, Flemish, French, French (Belgian)
Dutch form of Abigail and French variant of Abigaïl.
Abimaël m Dutch
Dutch form of Abimael.
Abramina f Dutch (Rare), Italian (Archaic)
Dutch variant of Abrahamina as well as an Italian diminutive of Abrama, since the name contains the Italian feminine diminutive suffix -ina.
Achiel m Dutch (Rare), Flemish
Dutch form of Achilles via its French form Achille.... [more]
Adagonda f Dutch
Variant of Adelgonda.
Adamus m Hebrew (Latinized), Medieval Latin, Dutch (Rare), English (Archaic), German (Archaic)
Latinized form of Adam, used primarily as a baptismal name or as an official name on birth certificates. In western Europe, this name was especially common in the medieval period.
Adelberta f Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Adelbert.
Adelbertina f Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Adelbert.
Adelfried m Dutch, German
Dutch and German variant of Adelfrid.
Adelgonda f Dutch
Dutch form of Adelgund.
Adelgonde f Dutch, French
Dutch and French form of Adelgund.
Adelgondis f Dutch
Dutch form of Adelgundis.
Adelmoed f Dutch
Dutch form of Adalmut.
Adelrik m Dutch
Dutch form of Adalric.
Adelwijn m Dutch
Dutch form of Adalwin.
Adiël m & f Dutch
Dutch form of Adiel.
Adilia f Flemish
Cognate of Adilie.
Adinda f Indonesian, Dutch, Literature
Means "sister" or "eldest daughter" (a formal, poetic term) in Indonesian. The name was used by Dutch writer Eduard Douwes Dekker (1820-1887), better known by his pen name Multatuli, for one of the eponymous characters in his story "Saïdjah and Adinda" in his 1860 novel Max Havelaar.
Adolfien f Dutch
Dutch form of Adolfine.
Adolphina f Dutch, Dutch (Surinamese), Flemish
Variant of Adolfina, influenced by the French Adolphine.
Adolphine f Dutch, French, German
French feminine form of Adolphe.
Adonia m Dutch, German, Italian, Biblical Swedish
Dutch, German, Italian and Swedish form of 'Adoniyah (see Adonijah) via its hellenized form Adonias.
Adrie m & f Dutch
Diminutive of Adrianus and Adriana.
Adriël m Dutch
Dutch form of Adriel.
Adriëlle f Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Adriël.
Adriën m & f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Adrien. As a feminine name, it may be a variant of Adriënne.
Adriënne f Dutch
Dutch form of Adrienne.
Adriette f Dutch (Rare)
Feminization of Adrian (via the French form Adrien) by way of adding the French diminutive suffix -ette.
Aefie f Dutch (Archaic)
Older form of Aafje.
Aeltje f Dutch (Rare, Archaic)
Obsolescent variant of Aaltje primarily used in the 1600s and briefly between the 1930s and the 1960s.
Ageeth f Dutch
Dutch from Agatha.
Agnetis f Dutch (Rare), English (Archaic), German (Archaic)
From Latin Agnetis, which is the genitive of the third declension of Agnes, the latinized form of the Greek name Hagne.... [more]
Agniese f Dutch
Older form of Agneta.
Agnietje f Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of Agneta.
Ahlert m Dutch
Cognate of Adalbert.
Aiko m West Frisian, German, East Frisian, Dutch (Rare)
Short form of names containing the Germanic name element agjō or agil "edge (of a sword)", such as Ekkehard or Aai.
Akelei f Dutch (Modern, Rare), German (Modern, Rare)
Direct adoption of the Dutch and German name for the flower Aquilegia vulgaris "columbine".
Akke f & m Dutch
Aland m & f Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Archaic)
Dutch and West Frisian contracted form of Adelland. Also compare Eland.... [more]
Albertien f Dutch
Dutch form of Albertine.
Albijn m Dutch
Generally the Dutch form of Albinus, but in some instances it can be derived from Albuin as well. A bearer of this name was the Flemish painter Albijn Van den Abeele (1835-1918).
Alde m & f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch short form of Germanic given names that begin with the element ald meaning "old" as well as (via metathesis) the element adal meaning "noble". Also compare Aldo and Alda 1.
Aldegondis f Dutch
Dutch form of Aldegundis.
Aldemar m Germanic, Dutch, German
Derived from Gothic alds (alt in Old High German) "old" combined with Old High German mâri "famous". The name might also be a metathesis of Adalmar.
Alderik m Dutch
Dutch form of Alderic.
Alef m Medieval Dutch, Medieval German, Dutch (Rare), Low German, North Frisian (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Medieval Dutch and German (also Low German) variant of Adolf as well as the North & West Frisian form of the name. Also compare Aalf (its medieval form is Aelf) and Alof.... [more]
Alert m Low German, Dutch (Rare)
Low German and Dutch form of Athalhart.
Aletta f Dutch, Swedish (Archaic), Afrikaans, Icelandic (Modern, Rare), Hungarian
Archaic Swedish diminutive of Alhet and Dutch variant of Aleida as well as a Hungarian adoption of the Dutch name... [more]
Aleydis f Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Older form of Aleidis. Aleydis of Schaerbeek, also known as Alice of Schaerbeek, (c. 1220–1250) was a Cistercian laysister who is venerated as the patron saint of the blind and paralyzed... [more]
Alfard m Dutch, Frisian
Dutch and Frisian form of Alfhard.
Alfert m Dutch
Dutch variant of Alfard.
Alfonsine f Flemish, Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Alfons.
Alfried m Dutch, German
Short form of Adalfried and variant of Alfred.
Alianne f Dutch (Rare), English (Rare)
In the Netherlands, this given name is usually a combination of the names Alie (which is usually a short form of Alida) and Anne 1.... [more]
Alidoor m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch and Flemish form of Alidor. A known bearer of this name was the Belgian politician Alidoor De Keyser (1920-2012).
Alie f & m Dutch, English (Rare)
Diminutive of names beginning with Al, most typically Alida.... [more]
Alieda f Dutch (Rare)
Variant spelling of Alida.
Alieke f Dutch
Diminutive form of Alie, seeing as the name contains the Dutch diminutive suffix -ke.
Alien f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch phonetical spelling of the French name Aline. The name also occurs as a short form of the related name Alina, in which case it is used strictly informally (i.e. not as an official name on birth certificates).... [more]
Aliëtte f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Aliette. However, it should be noted that in the Netherlands, there may also be cases where this name is a combination of the Dutch feminine given name Alie with the French diminutive suffix -ette... [more]
Alijda f Dutch
Variant spelling of Aleida.
Alike f Dutch (Rare)
Variant spelling of Alieke.
Alinda f Dutch, Afrikaans, Finnish, Swedish (Rare), Hungarian, Gascon
Dutch, Afrikaans, Finnish, Swedish and Hungarian contracted form of Adelinda and Gascon contracted form of Aidelina.
Aliza f Hungarian, Basque, Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans
Basque form of Alice, Hungarian variant of Alíz and Dutch and Afrikaans variant of Alisa.
Allegonda f Dutch
Dutch variant of Aldegonda (see Aldegund), now more popular than its parent name. Compare Hillegonda/Hildegonda.
Alman m Dutch
Dutch short form of Adelman.
Almar m Germanic, Danish, Dutch, German (Rare), Norwegian, Swedish, Estonian (Rare)
Contraction of Athalmar and its variants, such as Adelmar.... [more]
Almatine f Dutch (Rare)
Meaning unknown. It might possibly be a combination of Alma 1 with any feminine name that ends in -tine, such as Christine and Martine.... [more]
Almund m Dutch, German
Short form of Adalmund.
Alof m Medieval Dutch, Medieval German, Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Medieval Dutch and German variant of Adolf as well as the West Frisian form of the name. Also compare Aalf (its medieval form is Aelf) and Alef.... [more]
Aloijsius m Dutch
Dutch variant of Aloysius.
Aloïs m Dutch, French
French and Dutch form of Aloysius.
Aloïsius m Dutch
Dutch variant of Aloysius.
Alouette f English (Modern, Rare), Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare), Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
Derived from French alouette "lark, skylark". Alouette is a popular Quebecois children's song, commonly thought to be about plucking the feathers from a lark. Although it is in French, it is well known among speakers of other languages as many US Marines and other Allied soldiers learned the song while serving in France during World War I and took it home with them, passing it on to their children and grandchildren.... [more]
Alouis m Dutch
Dutch variant of Aloïs.
Alouisius m Dutch
Dutch variant of Aloïsius.
Aloys m Dutch, German, German (Silesian)
German variant and Silesian German form of Alois, and Dutch short form of Aloysius.
Alphardus m Dutch (Latinized)
Latinized form of Alphard.
Alphonsina f Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Alphonsus.
Altman m Dutch, German
Variant of Aldman.
Alto m Spanish, Portuguese, English, Italian, German, Dutch
Directly taken from Latin altus meaning "to raise, to make high, to elevate". As a musical term it refers to the contrapuntal part higher than the tenor and its associated vocal range.... [more]
Alwart m Dutch
Dutch form of Alaward.
Alwina f Dutch, German, Polish
Feminine form of Alwin.
Alyda f Dutch (Rare), English (Rare)
Variant of Aleida and Alida (depending on the pronunciation used). A known bearer of this name is the Dutch racing cyclist Alyda Norbruis (b... [more]
Amaat m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch form of Amatus and possibly also of Amadeus.
Amabile m & f Italian (Rare), French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), Dutch (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Italian form of Amabilis and also rare French form of Amabilis. The name is unisex in Italy and strictly feminine in the francophone world... [more]
Amalaswintha f Germanic, Dutch, History
Derived from the Germanic elements amal "work" and Gothic svinths (swind in Old High German) "strength." This name was borne by a daughter of Theodoric the Great, who became queen of the Ostrogoths after his death in 526 AD.
Amalfrieda f Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Amalfrida.
Amalrik m Dutch
Dutch form of Amalric.
Amandina f Portuguese, Dutch, Flemish, Gascon, Corsican, Provençal, Lengadocian
Cognate of Amandine. Amandina of Schakkebroek is a saint in the Catholic Church. She was martyred during the Boxer Rebellion.
Amarant f Dutch
Amarant is a Dutch girl's name. The name comes from the Greek word Amarantos which means "unfading beauty".... [more]
Amasja m & f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Amaziah. This name has always been extremely rare in the Netherlands and was also an exclusively masculine name until around the '60s of the 20th century... [more]
Ambriël m Dutch
Dutch form of Ambriel.
Amelberga f Dutch
Dutch form of Amalberga.
Amelberge f Dutch
Dutch form of Amalberge.
Amelrik m Dutch
Variant of Amalrik.
Amiël m Dutch
Dutch form of Amiel.
Ammiël m Dutch
Dutch form of Ammiel.
Amon m Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, Biblical, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian
From the Hebrew name אָמוֹן, which derived from the root אמן meaning "solid, stable, constant, faithful". In the Old Testament this ist the name of a king of Judah.
Amplonia f Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch variant form of Apollonia. This name has survived to modern times, but barely so, as it is quite rare in the Netherlands these days: in 2014, there were less than 10 living bearers (of all ages) in the entire country... [more]
An f Dutch, Limburgish
Dutch and Limburgish short form of Anna.
Anastaas m Dutch (Archaic)
Dutch form of Anastasios (see Anastasius).
Anatool m Dutch (Archaic), Flemish (Rare), Literature
Dutch and Flemish form of Anatolius.... [more]
Anceline f Medieval French, French (Rare), English (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
French diminutive of Ancelle. There are also instances where this name is the feminine form of Ancelin, which is a French diminutive of Anselme.... [more]
Ancelle f French (Archaic), French (African, Rare), French (Quebec, Archaic), English (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
French variant of Ancille, which has also been used in non-francophone countries over time. Note that in the English-speaking world, there are very likely cases where this name is a feminization of Ansel.... [more]
Ancilla f German, German (Swiss), Dutch (Rare), Hungarian (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. Its use is probably influenced by the Latin title ancilla Dei meaning "handmaid of God".... [more]
Ancille f French (Archaic), French (African, Rare), French (Quebec, Archaic), English (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
French form of Ancilla, which has also been used in non-francophone countries over time. Also compare Ancelle.... [more]
Andel m Dutch
Version of names with the Germanic And- such as Andebert.
Ander m Dutch
Dutch diminutive of Alexander.
Andrik m Russian, Dutch (Modern, Rare), Flemish (Modern, Rare)
Russian diminutive of Андрей (see Andrey) and as such not usually used as a given name in its own right. In Dutch, however, it is occasionally found as a given name in its own right... [more]
Anemoon f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch variant of Anemone.
Angeliek f Dutch
Dutch form of Angelique.
Angelinus m Late Roman, Dutch
Masculine form of Angelina.
Angenies f Dutch (Rare)
Modern Dutch form of Angenijs.
Angeniesje f Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of Angenies. Also compare Angenietje and Angenietsje.
Angeniet f Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Dutch variant form of Angenies and West Frisian form of Agnes.
Angenietje f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch diminutive of Angeniet. Also compare Angeniesje and Angenietsje.
Angenita f Dutch
Derived from Agnes.
Aniek f Dutch
Dutch form of Anique - otherwise a short form of Annika or Annemiek.
Aniël m Dutch
Dutch form of Aniel.
Aniel m Biblical Greek, Dutch (Rare), Dutch (Surinamese, Rare), English (Rare), French (Modern), Spanish (Latin American)
Greek form of Hanniel and its variant Haniel, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Aniet f Dutch
Short form of Anita 1.... [more]
Anique f Dutch
French form of Annika, or perhaps a short form of Angelique.
Anisette f Flemish (Rare)
Diminutive of Anise.
Anje f Dutch, Afrikaans, Flemish
Diminutive of An.
Anjes f & m Dutch (Rare), Low German (Rare)
Hypochoristic form of Anna or Ane 2.
Anjo m & f Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare), German (Rare)
This given name is rare for both genders, even though it is more often seen on men than on women.... [more]
Anky f Dutch
Variant of Anke.
Annebet f Dutch
Combination of Anne 1 and Bet.
Annechien f Dutch
Diminutive of Anne 1. It originated in the northeastern Dutch province of Drenthe, as the name contains the Drents diminutive suffix -chien, which is cognate to medieval Dutch -gjen (variantly spelled -gien) and medieval Dutch -tjen (variantly spelled -tien)... [more]
Annefien f Dutch (Rare)
Combination of Anne 1 with a given name ending in -fien, such as Josefien (also found spelled as Jozefien), Adolfien and Rudolfien... [more]
Annefiet f Dutch (Rare)
Combination of Anne 1 and -fiet-, itself derived from Sofietje.
Anne-Fleur f Dutch
Combination of Anne 1 and Fleur.
Annejet f Dutch (Rare)
Contraction of Anne 1 and Jet.
Anneken f Low German, Danish, Flemish, Old Swedish
Low German diminutive of Anne 1.
Annekien f Dutch, Flemish
Diminutive of Anna.
Anneleen f Flemish, Dutch (Rare)
Contraction of Anne 1 and Leen.
Annelinde f Dutch (Rare)
Combination of Anne 1 and Linde.
Anneline f Afrikaans, Dutch, Dutch (Antillean), French (Archaic), Danish, Norwegian
Dutch and Afrikaans variant of Annelien as well as a Danish and Norwegian combination of Anne 1 and Line (and thus a cognate of Annelien) as well as a Danish, Norwegian and archaic French diminutive of Anne 1 found up to the 1700s in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region.
Annelize f Dutch
Variant of Anneliese.
Anneloes f Dutch
Combination of the names Anne 1 and Loes. Known Dutch bearers of this name include the former field hockey player Anneloes Nieuwenhuizen (b... [more]
Annelot f Dutch
Combination of Anne 1 and lot (compare Liselot).
Annemarieke f Dutch
Combination of Anna and Marieke. (Cf. Annemarie, Annemieke.)
Annemijn f Dutch
This name is a combination of Anne 1 with a name ending in -mijn, such as Jasmijn and Willemijn (which is a variant form of Wilhelmina).... [more]
Annene f Dutch
Derivative from Anne 1
Annephine f Dutch (Rare)
Combination of Anne 1 with a given name ending in -phine, such as Josephine. Also compare Annefien, which is a different spelling of this name but the more prevalent of the two (even though they are both rare in the Netherlands).
Anner m Dutch
Masculine form, using the Dutch grammatical suffix to verb stems -er (as in English, for a male actor, e.g. in werk-er 'work-er') of Anne (usually female, but sometimes male; equivalent to English Anna, from Biblical Hannah), notably adopted as adult by the famous Dutch cellist Anner (born Anne) Bijlsma (+2019)
Annerie f Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
Combination of Anne 1 and Rie.
Anneroos f Dutch
Combination of Anne 1 and Roos.
Annetje f Dutch
Diminutive of Anna.
Anniek f Dutch
Cognate of Annika.
Annigje f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch diminutive of Anna.
Annique f Dutch (Rare)
Vraiant of Aniek and Anique.
Anoek f Dutch
Dutch variant of Anouk.
Anoeschka f Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Variant of Anuschka. This is borne by Namibian author Anoeschka von Meck (1967-).
Ansfried m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Ansfrid.
Anthonij m Dutch
Variant of Anthony.