Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine
Scripts ალდე(Georgian)

Meaning & History

Georgian form of the Alanic name Alda. A known bearer of this name was the Georgian artist Alde Kakabadze (1932-2016).
Added 8/21/2015 by annemarie98
Edited 12/27/2022 by Mike C, Lucille, Randee15 and more

Gender Masculine & Feminine
Pronounced Pron. AHL-də  [key]

Meaning & History

Dutch short form of Germanic given names that begin with the element ald meaning "old" as well as (via metathesis) the element adal meaning "noble". Also compare Aldo and Alda 1.
Added 10/26/2016 by Lucille
Edited 12/16/2022 by Mike C