Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine
Usage Basque

Meaning & History

From the name of a town in the Basque region of Spain.
Added 5/14/2009 by mafiosa
Edited 2/26/2022 by Frollein Gladys

Gender Feminine
Scripts ალდა(Georgian)
Other Forms Formsალდე (Alde)

Meaning & History

This name was most notably borne by the Alan princess Alda of Alania (11th century), who was the second wife of king Giorgi I of Georgia.

The meaning of her name is unknown, but it should be of Iranian origin, since Alanic is an extinct Eastern Iranian language.
Added 6/8/2017 by Galds
Edited 7/12/2020 by Lucille and Evil

See Also

Alda 1, Alda 2