Estonian Submitted Names

Estonian names are used in the country of Estonia in northern Europe.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aabel m Estonian (Archaic), Finnish (Rare)
Estonian form and Finnish variant of Abel.
Aabo m Estonian
Variant of Aapo.
Aadam m Urdu, Somali, Estonian
Urdu, Somali, and Estonian form of Adam.
Aade f Estonian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from Estonian aade "idea, thought" (compare the Finnish masculine name Aate).
Aadi m Estonian
Estonian form of Adolf.
Aado m Estonian
Estonian short form of Adam or Adolf.
Aadu m Estonian
Originally a vernacular form of Aadolf and Aadam, now used as a given name in its own right.
Aal f Estonian
Estonian variant of Aale.
Aale f Estonian
Estonian form of Alla and Estonian diminutive of Rosalia.
Aali f Estonian, Finnish
Variant of Aale 1.
Aare m Estonian
Derived from Estonian aare "treasure" and cognate of Finnish Aarre.
Aasa f Estonian
Commonly derived from Estonian aas "meadow", this name might have originally been a variant of Aase.
Aavo m Estonian
Originally s short form of Avraham, now used as a given name in its own right.
Adeele f Estonian
Estonian form of Adele.
Ado m Estonian
Vernacular form of Aadam and Aadolf.
Aet f Estonian
Estonian cognate of Agatha.
Afanassi m Estonian
Estonian transcription of Афанасий (see Afanasiy).
Agaate f Estonian (Rare)
Estonian form of Agatha.
Agne f Estonian
Either a borrowing of the Scandinavian and Latvian name or a variant of Agnes.
Ago m Estonian
Variant of Agu.
Agu m Estonian
Short form of August. This name is also sometimes considered a direct adoption of Estonian agu "early dawn".
Agur m Estonian
Variant of Agu.
Ahto m Estonian, Finnish
Variant of Ahti.
Aidi f Estonian
Variant of Aide.
Aiki f Estonian
Variant of Aigi.
Aile f Estonian
Variant of Estonian Aili, itself a borrowing of Finnish Aili.
Aili f Estonian
Estonian short form of both Alice and Adelheid as well as an adoption of Finnish Aili.
Ailika f Estonian (Rare)
Diminutive of Aili and Aila, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Ailo m Sami, Norwegian, Estonian, Finnish
Sami variant of Áilu.
Aimi f Estonian
Variant of Aime.
Aimur m Estonian
Estonian form of Aimo.
Ainar m Estonian
Masculine form of Aina 1.
Aine f Estonian (Rare)
Estonian variant of Aini.
Aini f Finnish, Estonian
Variant of Aino.
Ainika f Estonian (Rare), Latvian (Rare)
Estonian diminutive of Aina 1, used as a given name in its own right.
Ainike f Estonian
Diminutive of Aini and Aino, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Aire f Estonian
Estonian variant of Airi 2.
Airet m Estonian (Rare)
Masculine form of Aire.
Airi f Estonian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a borrowing of Finnish Airi 2 and a variant of Aili.
Airiin f Estonian (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Aire and Riin. It is occasionally also treated as a variant of Irene (mimicking the English pronunciation of this name) and an Estonian borrowing of Erin.
Airo m Estonian (Rare)
Masculine form of Aire.
Aita f Estonian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from Estonian aitama "to help" and a contraction of Agatha. This name was borne by the protagonist of Andres Saali's novel 'Aita' (1891).
Aive f Estonian
Feminine form of Aivar.
Aivo m Estonian
Originally a short form of Aivar, now used as a given name in its own right.
Ako m Estonian
Variant of Ago.
Aksel m Estonian
Estonian form of Axel.
Aksella f Estonian (Rare)
Feminine form of Aksel.
Alar m Estonian
Estonian form of Alaric.
Alari m Estonian
Variant of Alar.
Albe f German (East Prussian), Estonian
East Prussian German variant of Alba, as well as a short form of Albine.
Alda f Estonian (Rare)
Short form of Miralda.
Aldi m Estonian
Estonian form of Aldo.
Aldur m Estonian
Variant of Aldo and Haldur.
Alev m Estonian
Possibly derived from Estonian alev meaning "burough".
Algo m Estonian
Estonian form of Algot.
Aliide f Estonian
Variant of Alide.
Aliina f Finnish, Estonian (Rare)
Finnish form and Estonian variant of Alina.
Aliis f Estonian
Variant of Aliise.
Aliise f Estonian
Estonian form of Alice.
Älis f Estonian (Modern)
Estonian variant of Alice.
Allar m Estonian
Variant of Alar.
Aller m Estonian
Variant of Allar.
Allo m Estonian
Variant of Alo.
Almar m Germanic, Danish, Dutch, German (Rare), Norwegian, Swedish, Estonian (Rare)
Contraction of Athalmar and its variants, such as Adelmar.... [more]
Alo m Estonian (Modern), Livonian, Medieval Baltic
Livonian name of uncertain origin and meaning, mentioned in the Chronicle of Henry of Livonia. In modern-day Estonia, this name is used as a short form of Aleksander and associated with Estonian alustus “beginning".
Alve f Estonian (Archaic)
Contracted form of Alviine and cognate of Alva 1.
Alver m Old Norse, Old Swedish, Estonian (Archaic)
Old Norse variant of Alfr as well as the Old Swedish form of AlvéR.
Alvi f & m Estonian (Rare)
Feminine variant of Alve and masculine form of Alf 1.
Alviina f Finnish, Estonian
Finnish and Estonian form of Alvina and Finnish variant of Alfiina.
Alviine f Estonian
Estonian form of Alwine and variant of Alviina.
Alvo m Estonian (Rare)
Short form of Alvar.
Amilda f Latvian, Estonian
Contracted form of Armilda.
Amilde f Estonian
Contracted form of Armilde.
Ana f Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, English, South Slavic, Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Slovak, Georgian, Polish
Diminutive of Anastasiya (and any other spelling of the name).
Anastassia f Belarusian, Estonian
Belarusian variant transcription of Anastasia, as well as an Estonian variant.
Anastassija f Estonian
Estonian form of Anastasia
Andi m Estonian, Croatian
Estonian variant of Anti.
Ando m Estonian
Short form of Andres, used as a given name in its own right.
Andre m Estonian
Variant of Andres. Theories include, however, also a derivation from Antonius.
Andro m Estonian
Short form of Andres, used as a given name in its own right.
Andu m Estonian
Variant of Ando.
Anete f Estonian, Latvian
Estonian and Latvian form of Annette.
Anfissa f Estonian
Estonian transcription of Russian Анфиса (see Anfisa).
Annela f Estonian
Elaboration of Anne 1.
Annele f Finnish, Estonian
Diminutive of Anne 1. In Finland, it may also be derived of (or inspired by) Hannele.
Annely f Estonian
Variant of Anneli.
Annes m Estonian
Variant of Hannes.
Anni f Estonian
Variant of Anna and Anne 1.
Anniki f Estonian
Variant of Annika.
Annus m Estonian
Variant of Anno.
Ano f Estonian
Older form of Anu 1, rare today.
Anto m Estonian
Variant of Ando.
Antu m Estonian
Short form of Anton.
Anžela f Latvian, Estonian
Latvian form of Angela and Estonian transcription of Анжела (see Anzhela).
Ardi m Estonian (Rare)
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a variant of Artur and Hardi.
Ardo m Estonian
Variant of Artur.
Argo m Estonian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a variant of Ardo and a derivation from Argo, the name of the ship used by Jason and the Argonauts (whose name is said to be derived from Greek άργυρος (argyros) "silver")... [more]
Arilde f Estonian (Archaic)
Estonian borrowing of Arilda.
Arm m Estonian (Archaic)
Short form of Armas and Armo.
Arma f Estonian (Rare)
Feminine form of Armas and Armo as well as a variant of Armi.
Armi f Finnish, Estonian (Rare)
Finnish and Estonian short form of Armida and Armilda. This name was borne by Armi Kuusela (b. 1934), Miss Universe 1952.
Armiida f Finnish, Estonian (Archaic)
Finnish and Estonian form of Armida.
Armilda f Estonian
Estonian form of Armhilde.
Armilde f Estonian
Variant of Armilda.
Armo m Estonian
Estonian variant of Armas.
Ärni m Estonian
Estonian form of Ernst.
Arro m Estonian
Contracted form of Argo.
Arti m Estonian
Variant of Artur.
Arved m German, Estonian
Variant of Arvid.
Arvi m Finnish, Estonian
Variant of Arvid.
Asalea f Norwegian, Icelandic, Estonian
Norwegian, Icelandic, and Estonian form of Azalea.
Asko m Finnish, Estonian, Frisian
Finnish form of Askold and Frisian variant of Aske, as well as a Finnish dialectal diminutive of Andreas or Asarja.
Asmo m Finnish, Estonian
Finnish and Estonian form of Asmus as well as the Finnish form of Asmund.
Asmus m Danish, Low German, Estonian (Archaic)
Low German short form of Erasmus. Asmus has also seen usage in Denmark from at least the 15th century onward, predominantly in Southern Jutland (Sønderjylland).
Asso m Estonian, Livonian, Curonian
Livonian, Curonian and Estonian form of Azzo. In modern times, this name is considered a variant of Asko in Estonia.
Astrit f Estonian
Variant of Astrid.
Ats m Estonian
Originally a variant of Atso, this name is now also considered a short form of Artur and used as a given name in its own right.
Atso m Finnish, Estonian
Finnish and Estonian form of Azzo.
Aule f Estonian
Variant of Auli.
Auli f Estonian
Diminutive of Aurelia.
Aulika f Estonian
Diminutive of Auli.
Aulike f Estonian
Variant of Aulika.
Auni f Estonian, Finnish
Variant of Aune.
Auri f & m Finnish (Rare), Estonian (Rare)
Finnish diminutive of Aura, occasionally also used in Estonia.
Aurika f Estonian
Diminutive of Auri, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Aveli f Estonian
Combination of Ave and the syllable -li- (most commonly derived from Eliisabet).
Avo m Estonian
Variant of Aavo.
Barba f Breton, Corsican, Latvian, Estonian (Archaic)
Breton, Corsican, Latvian and Estonian cognate of Barbara (compare French Barbe).
Betti f Estonian, Hungarian, German (Swiss)
Estonian short form of Eliisabet, Hungarian short form of Erzsébet and Swiss German short form of Elisabeth.
Birjo f Estonian (Rare)
Estonian cognate of Pirjo.
Borõss m Estonian
Estonian variant of Boris used to transcribe Ukrainian Борис.
Christfried m German, Estonian
A name coined from the name elements Christ "Christus" and *Frid* "peace" by German pietists in the 18th century.
Daaniel m Estonian (Rare)
Estonian variant of Daniel.
Daile f Estonian
Estonian borrowing of Daila.
Daily f Estonian (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Daile and Ly.
Deboora f Estonian (Rare)
Estonian form of Deborah.
Dekla f Estonian (Rare)
Estonian borrowing of Dēkla.
Demjan m Estonian
Estonian transcription of Russian Демьян (see Demyan).
Dilaila f Estonian (Modern, Rare)
Borrowing of Delilah, reflecting the English pronunciation of this name.
Doora f Estonian (Rare)
Estonian form of Dora.
Dzintar m Estonian (Rare)
Estonian borrowing of Dzintars.
Ebe f Estonian
Short form of names beginning with the Germanic element eber meaning "wild boar", making it an Estonian cognate of Ebba. It is also sometimes used as a short form of Eliisabet.
Eda f Estonian
Originally a short form of Hedda and Hedvig, now used as a given name in its own right.
Ede f Estonian
Variant of Eda.
Eede f Estonian (Rare)
Short form of Eedit.
Eedi m Estonian
Diminutive of Eduard.
Eedit f Finnish, Estonian (Rare)
Estonian variant and Finnish form of Edith.
Eedo m Estonian
Originally a short form of Eduard, now used as a given name in its own right.
Eego m Estonian
Estonian invented name.
Eelija m Estonian
Estonian form of Elijah.
Eeljas m Estonian (Archaic)
Archaic variant of Elias.
Eesi f Estonian
Short form of Teesi.
Eeve f Estonian
Variant of Eeva.
Eevike f Estonian
Diminutive of Eevi.
Egert m Finnish, Estonian, Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Eggert. Egert Haglund was a Swedish Formula-3 racing car driver.
Egle f Latvian (Rare), Estonian
Latvian and Estonian cognate of Eglė as well as a direct derivation from Latvian egle "spruce tree; fir tree; pine tree".
Ehala f Estonian (Rare)
Elaboration of Eha.
Eik m Estonian
Variant of Heiki.
Eila f Estonian
Variant of Eili.
Eili f Estonian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a borrowing of Norwegian Eili or Finnish Eila.
Eilika f Estonian
Diminutive of Eila, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Eilike f Estonian
Variant of Eilika.
Eimar m Estonian
Either a borrowing of Norwegian and Swedish Eimar or, more likely, a variant of Aimar.
Einari m Finnish, Estonian
Finnish form and Estonian variant of Einar.
Ekke m Finnish, Swedish, Estonian
Finnish and Swedish diminutive of Erik. As an Estionian name, it might also be derived from various Germanic names beginning with the name element ag (compare Ekkehard).
Elari m Estonian
An Estonian masculine name.
Eldur m Estonian
Variant of Heldur.
Ele f Estonian
Variant of Hele.
Eleri f Estonian
Short form of Eleriin.
Eleriin f Estonian (Modern)
Combination of Ele and Riin.
Elfi f German, Estonian
German diminutive of Elfriede and Estonian diminutive of Elfriide.
Elfriide f Estonian
Estonian form of Elfriede.
Elgi f Estonian
Variant of Elga.
Eli f Estonian
Variant of Ele.
Eliis f Estonian
Variant of Eliise.
Eliise f Estonian
Estonian short form of Eliisabet and cognate of Elise.
Elika f Estonian
Diminutive of Eli, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Elis f Estonian, Slovene (Rare)
Originally an Estonian short form of Eliisabet and a Slovene short form of Elizabeta, now used as a given name in its own right.
Elle f Estonian
Originally a short form of Eliisabet and Helena, now used as a given name in its own right.
Ellu f Estonian
Variant of Elli 2 and Elle.
Elme f Estonian
Variant of Elma.
Elmer m Estonian
Variant of Elmar.
Elmet m Estonian
Variant of Elmer.
Elmi f Estonian
Variant of Elme.
Elmiine f Estonian (Archaic)
Estonian form of Elmine.
Elmo m Estonian
Short form of Elmar.
Elve f Estonian, Sami
Sami form and Estonian variant of Elvi.
Ena f Estonian
Variant of Ene.
Enda f Estonian
Feminine form of Endo.
Endo m Estonian
In use since the Middle Ages, the name is of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a diminutive of Hendrik or Andres (compare Endla).
Endrik m Estonian
Variant of Hendrik.
Eneken f Estonian
Variant of Ene (see also Ennike).
Enela f Estonian (Rare)
Elaboration of Enel.
Eneli f Estonian
Combination of Ene with the syllable -li- from Eliisabet (compare Anelie).
Enelin f Estonian (Modern)
Elaboration of Eneli.
Enna f Estonian
Variant of Endla ( via Enda) as well as a feminine form of Enn.
Enne f & m Finnish, Estonian (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Enna and Enno. Also means "omen" in both Estonian and Finnish.
Enno m Estonian
Variant of Enn.
Eno m Estonian
Variant of Enno.
Enu f Estonian (Archaic)
Older form of Ene, recorded in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Epp f Estonian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from Estonian hepp "lively" and a variant of Ebe.
Ere f Estonian (Rare)
Directly taken from Estonian ere "bright".
Ergo m Estonian
Variant of Eerik.
Eriala f Estonian (Rare), Finnish (Rare)
Means "speciality" in Estonian
Erki m Estonian
Variant of Eerik.
Erko m Estonian
Variant of Erki.
Erla f English (Rare), Icelandic, Faroese, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), Estonian (Rare)
Scandinavian feminine form of Jarl (compare Erle), and an English feminine form of Earl... [more]
Ervo m Estonian
Short form of Ervin.
Esmi f Estonian, Dutch (Rare)
Possibly a form of Esmé.
Esta f Faroese, Estonian
Faeroese and Estonian variant of Ester. As an Estonian name, since the 19th century Esta has been associated with Estonia, the Latin name of the country.
Este f Finnish (Rare), Estonian
Finnish diminutive of Ester and Estonian variant of Esta.
Esti f Estonian
Variant of Esta.
Euripidese m Estonian
Estonian form of Euripides.
Eve f Estonian
Variant of Eva and short form of Evelin.
Eveli f Estonian
Combination of Eve and the syllable -li-, most commonly derived from Eliisabet.
Eveliis f Estonian (Rare)
Combination of Eve and Liis.
Evely f Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Estonian (Modern)
Combination of Eve and Ly and variant of Eveli.
Evi f Dutch, Estonian, German
Dutch variant of Evie and Estonian variant of Eevi. As a German name, Evi is a diminutive of Eva and generally not used as a given name in its own right.
Evika f Estonian, Slovene
Estonian diminutive of Evi and Slovene diminutive of Eva, rarely used as a given name in its own right.
Fjodor m Estonian
Estonian transcription of Russian Фёдор (see Fyodor).
Fljura f Estonian (Rare)
Estonian transcription of Russian Флюра (see Flyura).
Gaida f Latvian, Estonian
Derived from either Latvian gaidīt "to wait (for)" or Latvian gaidas "expectations". This name is also occasionally used in Estonia.
Gaidi f Estonian
Estonian borrowing of Gaida.
Gerli f Estonian
Variant of Kerli.
Gerlin f Medieval German, Estonian (Modern)
Medieval German diminutive of Gertrud and Estonian elaboration of Gerli.
Gertu f Estonian
Variant of Kertu.
Getter f Estonian
Originally an Estonian Swedish (estlandssvenska) name, historically common in Dagö (Hiiumaa island) while it belonged to Sweden and was inhabited by Swedes (until the 18th century), now commonly used among Estonians... [more]
Gilleke f Estonian
No known meaning or history. Similar to Gille, old Swedish variant to Gilde.