Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine

Meaning & History

The Etruscan god of the underworld. He is identical with the Greek Hades and the Roman god Pluto.
Added 10/14/2007 by LMS
Edited 8/20/2017 by LMS

Gender Feminine
Usage Estonian

Meaning & History

Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from Estonian aitama "to help" and a contraction of Agatha. This name was borne by the protagonist of Andres Saali's novel 'Aita' (1891).
Added 10/16/2011 by Amara L.
Edited 7/22/2020 by Frollein Gladys and Evil

Gender Feminine
Usage Romansh

Meaning & History

Romansh variant of Agata, traditionally found in the Engadine valley.
Added 1/23/2016 by anonymous
Edited 2/15/2023 by Frollein Gladys

Gender Masculine
Other Forms FormsEita

Meaning & History

Derived from Basque aita "father". It appears in this spelling as a given name in the 10th-11th centuries.
Added 6/4/2016 by Frollein Gladys
Edited 8/17/2017 by Frollein Gladys and LMS

See Also

User submission Àita