Dutch Submitted Names

Dutch names are used in the Netherlands and Flanders. See also about Dutch names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Roek m Dutch (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. It could be a contraction of a diminutive like Roelke or even be a variant of Rochus. However, it is also possible that the name is derived from Dutch roek meaning "rook" (as in, the bird).
Roelanda f Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Roeland.
Roelant m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Roland.
Roelf m Dutch, West Frisian, East Frisian
Contracted form of Rudolf and/or Roelof.
Roelfien f Dutch
Variant of Roelfine, with its spelling phonetical in nature.
Roelfine f Dutch
Dutch contracted form of Rudolfine.
Roelfke f Dutch, West Frisian
Feminine form of Roelf. Also compare Roelofke (see Roelofje).
Roelie f & m Dutch
Diminutive of given names starting with Roel-, such as Roeland and Roelof (for males) and Roelanda and Roelofje (for females).
Roelien f Dutch
Variant of Roeline, with its spelling phonetical in nature.
Roelina f Dutch
Variant of Roeline.
Roeline f Dutch
Feminine form of Roel.
Roelke m & f Dutch (Rare)
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Roel) into a feminine name by simply adding the Dutch diminutive suffix -ke to the original name... [more]
Roelman m Dutch
This name consists of the name Roel - which in itself is a short form of Roeland - with the Germanic element man "man" added to it, by way of pet form... [more]
Roelofje f & m Dutch
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Roelof) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix -je to the original name... [more]
Roeltje f & m Dutch, West Frisian
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Roel) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix -tje to the original name... [more]
Roen m Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Jeroen.
Rokina f Dutch (Modern, Rare)
Probably a spelling variant of Rocchina.
Rolien f Dutch
Variant of Roelien, though with this spelling, it may also be a short form of Carolien.
Rolina f Dutch
Variant of Roline (also compare Roelina).
Roline f Dutch, French (Archaic)
In The Netherlands, this name is a variant of Roeline - though with this spelling, it may also be a short form of Caroline... [more]
Rolman m Dutch
Variant of Roelman.
Rolof m Low German, Dutch (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Medieval Dutch
Low German form of Rodolf, as well as a Dutch variant of Roelof and a Swedish adoption.
Romaan m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch form of Romanus (see Roman).
Rombert m Germanic, Dutch
Derived from Old High German hrôm "fame, glory" combined with Old High German beraht "bright."
Rombout m Dutch (Rare)
Modern Dutch form of Rombald.
Romee f Dutch
Variant of Romée. This name is borne by Dutch fashion model Romee Strijd.
Romeyn m Dutch (Archaic)
Archaic Dutch spelling of Romein. A well-known bearer of this name was Romeyn de Hooghe, an important Dutch painter and sculptor.
Romijn m Dutch
Variant spelling of Romein.
Romynique f Dutch (Rare)
Combination of Romy with any French given name that ends in -nique, such as Dominique, Monique and Véronique.... [more]
Ronella f Afrikaans (Rare), Dutch (Rare), English (Rare)
Feminine form of Ronald, created by combining its short form Ron 1 with the popular feminine name suffix -ella.
Rooderick m Dutch (Archaic)
Primarily an archaic Dutch spelling of Roderick, which has only a handful of bearers nowadays.
Rooij m Dutch
Dutch form of Roy
Rook m Dutch (Archaic)
Short form of Rochus as well as of its variant forms Rocus and Rokus. This name is not to be confused with rook, the Dutch word for "smoke".
Roosmarijn f Dutch, Flemish
Dutch form of Rosemary. The name coincides with Dutch roosmarijn, a rare variant of rozemarijn "rosemary".
Rorik m Dutch (Rare)
Means "famous ruler", cognates from Hrœrekr from the Old Norse elements hróðr meaning "fame" and ríkr meaning "ruler, mighty, rich"... [more]
Rosalieff f Dutch
Means 'sweet rose.'
Rosalieke f Dutch (Rare)
Usually a diminutive form of Rosalie, seeing as the name contains the Dutch diminutive suffix -ke. However, in some cases, this name can also be a blend of the names Rosa 1 and Lieke.
Rosalinde f German, French (Rare), Dutch, Flemish
German and Dutch form of Rosalind.
Rosalique f Dutch (Rare)
Combination of Rosa 1 or Rosalie with any French name that ends in -ique, such as Angélique and Monique... [more]
Rosemarijn f Dutch
Dutch form of Rosemary.
Rosiana f Dutch (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Feminine form of Rosianus. A bearer of this name was Rosiana Coleners, a Belgian poet from the 16th century AD.
Rosmarijn f Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Roosmarijn. The name coincides with Dutch rosmarijn, an obsolete variant of rozemarijn "rosemary".
Roué m Dutch (Surinamese, Rare)
Meaning uncertain, but likely derived from the French surname Roué or even Rué.... [more]
Rover m Dutch, Medieval Dutch
Dutch diminutive name, possibly derived from Robert, Roelof, or Rafaël.
Rowin m & f Dutch
Dutch variant of Rowan. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch professional soccer player Rowin van Zaanen (b. 1984).
Rozalie f Czech, Dutch (Rare), English (Modern, Rare)
Czech variant of Rozálie and Dutch and English variant of Rosalie.
Rozanna f English (American, Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish, Hungarian, Polish, Greek
English and Dutch variant and Hungarian and Polish form of Rosanna as well as a Greek variant of Rozana.
Rozemarie f Dutch
Dutch variant spelling of Rosemarie.
Rozemarijn f Dutch, Flemish
Dutch form of Rosemary as well as a direct derivation from Dutch rozemarijn "rosemary".
Ruard m Dutch
Modern Dutch form of Raduard, though sometimes it is also said to be a variant form of Ruerd.
Rubert m Dutch, English, German
Variant form of Robert and/or variant spelling of Rupert.
Ruberta f Dutch, English, German
Variant form of Roberta and/or variant spelling of Ruperta.
Rudbert m Dutch, West Frisian, German
Variant form of Rodbert, which is an older form of Robert. See also Rupert.
Rudger m Dutch, German
Dutch variant of Rutger, and German variant of Rüdiger.
Rudolfien f Dutch
Dutch variant of Rudolfine, with its spelling phonetical in nature.
Rudolfine f Dutch, German
Variant spelling of Rudolphine.
Rudolfus m Dutch
Variant spelling of Rudolphus.
Rufijn m Dutch
Dutch form of Rufinus. A known bearer of this name is the Flemish painter and cartoonist Rufijn De Decker (b. 1949).
Ruis m Dutch (Rare)
Modern form of the medieval Dutch given name Ruys or Ruysch, of which the meaning is uncertain. It is theorized to be a diminutive or short form of masculine given names that contain the Germanic element hruod meaning "fame".... [more]
Rulof m Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Roelof. This name is slightly more common as a patronymic surname.
Rumold m Dutch
Dutch short form of Romuald.
Ruscha f Bulgarian (Germanized), Dutch (Rare)
German transcription of Bulgarian Ружа (see Ruzha), which has seen some use in the Netherlands.
Ruuf m Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Rufus. It is possible that there are a select few cases where the name is a variant of Roef, i.e. that it is a short form of Roelof (or its rare variant Rulof).... [more]
Ruurd m West Frisian, East Frisian, Dutch
Variant form of Ruerd, though it is the most common of the two nowadays (with over a thousand bearers).
Ruurdina f West Frisian, Dutch
Feminine form of Ruurd.
Ruut m Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Ruud.
Rychentha f Dutch (Rare)
Probably a variant spelling of Rychenda. This is the name of the daughter of a young couple that I know; the mother is Dutch and the father is of Dutch-Malaysian descent... [more]
Rykel m & f Dutch
This name means “the rich one”. Rykel Bennett from the Ohana Adventure, a YouTuber, has this name.
Saartje f Dutch, Flemish
Diminutive of Sara.
Sabijn f & m Dutch
Dutch form of both Sabinus and Sabina. However, in modern times, this name is found almost exclusively on females in The Netherlands... [more]
Sabineke f Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of Sabine, as it contains the Dutch diminutive suffix -ke.... [more]
Sabiniaan m Dutch (Archaic)
Archaic Dutch form of Sabinian.
Saffraan f & m Dutch (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Dutch saffraan meaning "saffron". In other words, this name is the Dutch cognate of Saffron.... [more]
Saffrijn f Dutch (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Saffraan or (dutchization of) Saffron. It was probably created in an attempt to make either name more feminine and/or palatable to mainstream Dutch society, as the aforementioned two names are neither traditional nor obviously feminine by Dutch standards.... [more]
Salomina f English (Rare), Dutch (Archaic), Popular Culture
Variant of Salome. This was used for a character in the movie 'I Origins' in 2014.
Samaël m Dutch, French
Dutch and French form of Samael.
Samarinde f Dutch, Literature, Popular Culture
The use of this extremely rare name was inspired by a character from the 1992 book "Ik ook van jou" (English: "I love you too" - the literal translation is "I also of you"), who is featured much more prominently in the 2000 sequel "Ik omhels je met duizend armen" (English: "I embrace you with a thousand arms")... [more]
Samuelis m Dutch (Rare), Lithuanian (Rare)
From Latin Samuelis, which is the genitive of the third declension of Samuel, the biblical Latin form of the Hebrew name Shemu'el.... [more]
San m & f Dutch, Limburgish
Dutch and Limburgish short form of Sander and Sanne.
Sanderijn f Dutch
Dutch form of Sandrine.
Sandrien f Dutch
Dutch form of Sandrine.
Sandrijn f Dutch
Dutch form of Sandrine.
Sanneke f Dutch, West Frisian
Variant of Sanne, where the diminutive suffix ke has been added to the name.
Sariël m Dutch
Dutch form of Sariel.
Sarissa f Dutch (Rare)
Elaboration of Sara.
Sas m & f Dutch, Flemish
Short form of Sasha (unisex) and Saskia (strictly feminine) as well as of their variant spellings.... [more]
Sasje f Dutch
Dutch feminine form of Sasso.
Sasso m Dutch, Low German, Medieval Italian, Germanic
Derived from Proto-Germanic *Sahsô meaning "Saxon", ultimately deriving from the word *sahsą "knife".
Saturnijn m Dutch (Archaic)
Archaic Dutch form of Saturninus.
Saviël m & f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Saviel. It is predominantly a masculine name in the Netherlands, but occasionally the name is also bestowed upon females. Saviël as a feminine name is slightly less common than its proper feminine counterpart Saviëlle.
Saviëlle f Dutch (Rare)
Strictly feminine form of Saviël.
Schaas m & f Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Paschaas and Paschasius (masculine) as well as Paschasia (feminine).
Schier m Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Beschier and Passchier and their many variants.... [more]
Sebastiaen m Dutch
Dutch form of Sebastian.
Sebastijn m Dutch
Dutch form of Sebastinus.
Sedekia m Dutch
Modern Dutch form of Tzidqiyyahu (see Zedekiah) via its latinized form Sedecias.
Seef m & f Afrikaans (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Limburgish (Rare)
This name is more often seen on men than on women. For men, the name is a short form of Josephus and in some cases also of Severinus and its Dutch form Severijn... [more]
Seefke f & m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Limburgish (Rare)
Diminutive of Seef. This name is predominantly feminine, but has occasionally informally been used on men (especially in Limburg, because diminutives ending in -ke are common for both sexes there).
Sefanja m & f Swedish (Rare), Afrikaans, Dutch, Dutch (Surinamese)
Swedish, Afrikaans and Dutch form of Zephaniah.
Seff m Dutch
Diminutive of names ending in -sef or -zef.
Segher m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Sieger.
Selentje f Dutch
Dutch diminutive of Selena.
Selinde f Dutch (Rare)
This given name can be a Dutch variant of Sieglinde as well as be a combination of Selina with Linde.
Semën m Russian, Dutch (Rare)
Russian variant transcription and Dutch form of Semyon.
Sent m Dutch, West Frisian
This name is often a short form of Vincent. However, it is also a short form for names that contain the Gothic elements sanths (like Sandulf) or sinths (like Sindulf).
Sep m Romansh, Dutch (Modern)
Romansh short form of Giusep and Dutch short form of Jozef.
Sepha f Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Josepha and Josephina.
Sepharinus m Dutch
This name originally came into being as an erroneous spelling of Severinus (see Severino). But, when found spelled as Zepharinus, it can also be an erroneous spelling of Zephyrinus (see Zeferino)... [more]
Servé m Flemish (Rare), Limburgish (Rare)
Flemish and Limburgish variant spelling of Servet, which is a diminutive of Servais, the French form of Servatius.
Severien m & f Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch form of Severinus for men and Dutch variant of Severine and/or Séverine for women... [more]
Sheraldo m Dutch
Variant of Geraldo.
Sherida f Near Eastern Mythology, Dutch, Literature, Popular Culture
Sumerian goddess, consort of Utu.... [more]
Shosha f Jewish, Yiddish, Dutch (Rare), Literature
Yiddish diminutive of Shoshana.... [more]
Sias m Afrikaans, Dutch (Rare), German (Archaic)
Short form of Josias. Known bearers of this name include the Dutch sculptor Sias Fanoembi (1949-2013) and the South African statesman Sias Hoffman (1807-1879).
Sibrand m Dutch
Dutch form of Sigebrand.
Sibren m Dutch
Dutch form of Sigibern or Sigebrand.
Siburg m Dutch, West Frisian
Dutch and Frisian form of Sigeburg.
Sicco m Dutch
Hypocoristic form of names containing the Germanic name element sigu "victory".... [more]
Sico m West Frisian, Dutch (Rare)
Variant spelling of Siko, which itself is a variant form of Sike. Out of these names, Sico is currently the most prevalent. Also compare Sikko.
Siebrandt m Dutch, Frisian
Dutch for Siegbrand.... [more]
Sien f Dutch, Limburgish
Short form of Francina, Josina, Klasina and other names with a similar ending.
Sieneke f Dutch, West Frisian
Diminutive form of Sien.
Siënna f Dutch
Dutch variant of Sienna.
Sierd m Dutch, Frisian
Possibly from Sîgi "Victory" and Hard "strong"
Siete f Dutch (Archaic)
Short form of Lusie.
Siewerd m Dutch
A Dutch name meaning "victory".
Sigbritt f Swedish, Dutch, Danish (Rare)
Combination of Sig (from Signe, Sigrid, or other names beginning with the Old Norse element sigr "victory") and Britt... [more]
Sigerik m Croatian, Dutch, Norwegian
Croatian, Dutch and Norwegian form of Sigeric.
Sigert m Dutch, West Frisian
Dutch and West Frisian form of Sigehard.
Sijas m Dutch (Rare)
Variant spelling of Sias.
Sijbren m Dutch
Variant of Sibren.
Sijmen m Dutch
Dutch form of Simon 1.
Sil m & f Dutch, West Frisian
In the case of a male bearer, this name is probably (but not certain) a short form of a Germanic name containing the Old High Germanic element sigu "victory" (a younger form of Gothic sigis, see Sigisbert)... [more]
Silvaan m Dutch
Dutch form of Silvanus.
Silviaan m Dutch
Dutch form of Silvianus.
Silvian m Dutch, Romanian, English, German
English, German and Romanian form of Silvianus, also sometimes used in The Netherlands.
Silvijn m Dutch
Dutch form of Silvinus.
Simoneke f Flemish
Diminutive of Simone 1, as it contains the Dutch and Flemish diminutive suffix -ke.... [more]
Simonique f Dutch (Rare), American (Rare)
Possibly a blend of the name Simone 1 with Monique.
Simonis m Dutch (Rare)
From Latin Simonis, which is the genitive of the third declension of Simon 1, the biblical Latin (and also Greek) form of the Hebrew name Shimon.... [more]
Simonneke f Flemish
Diminutive of Simonne, as it contains the Dutch and Flemish diminutive suffix -ke.... [more]
Simonus m Dutch (Rare), English (Archaic), German (Archaic)
Medieval latinized form of Simon 1, which makes the name a double latinization, as Simon itself is already (biblical) Latin. Also compare Simonis.
Simoon m & f Dutch
As a masculine name (archaic), Simoon is a short form of Simonis and Simonus.... [more]
Simoontje f Dutch
Diminutive of Simona, Simone 1 and Simoon, which is exclusively used informally.
Simson m Dutch
Dutch form of Samson.
Sinita f German (Modern, Rare), Dutch (Modern, Rare)
Probably an extension of Sina with the Spanish diminutive ending -ita
Sippora f Swedish, Norwegian, Azerbaijani, Dutch, Dutch (Surinamese)
Scandinavian variant and Azerbaijani form of Zipporah.
Sjaan m & f Dutch
Short form of Johanna (feminine), or a short form of Christianus or Sebastianus (masculine).
Sjak m Dutch, Limburgish (Rare)
Variant of Sjaak, of which the pronunciation was influenced by the French name Jacques.... [more]
Sjanet f Dutch (Rare)
Dutchization of either the English name Janet or the French name Jeannette. Also compare the related name Sjaan.
Sjarlot f Dutch (Rare), Limburgish (Archaic)
Dutch and Limburgian form of Charlotte.
Sjeel f Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Angelica and its variant Angelika. It can also be a short form of Angela, but only when it is spelled as Angéla, as otherwise the pronunciation does not match.... [more]
Sjel m Dutch (Rare), Limburgish (Rare)
Short form of Michel and also its variant spelling Misjel. Also compare the related name Chiel.... [more]
Sjelle f Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Misjelle.
Sjo m & f Dutch (Rare)
Shortening of Jozef (male) or Johanna (female).
Sjoerdtje f Frisian, Dutch
Feminine form of Sjoerd.
Sjoert m West Frisian, Dutch
Variant form of Sjoerd.
Sjon m Dutch
Dutch form of John, completely phonetical in its spelling (which reflects only the pronunciation of John as it is done in English).
Sjouke m West Frisian, Dutch
This name is a combination of the name Sjouwe (which is a variant form of Sieuwe) with the diminutive suffix -ke.
Sjoukje f West Frisian, Dutch
Feminine form of Sjouke.
Sjuul m & f Dutch, Limburgish
Dutch short form of the French names Jules 1, Julie and Juliette.... [more]
Smaragd m & f Russian (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Russian form of Smaragdos. In the Netherlands, the name is a very rare feminine name. It is derived from the Dutch noun smaragd meaning "emerald", which as you can see has the same etymology as Smaragdos.
Sofieke f Dutch
Pet form of Sofie, but it is also a diminutive form of the name because it has the diminutive suffix -ke at the end.
Sofiën m Arabic (Maghrebi, Dutchified), Dutch (Rare)
Dutchified form of Sofien. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch soccer player Sofiën Klibi (b. 1992), who currently plays for VV Born.
Sofietje f Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of Sofie.
Solomonica f Dutch (Rare)
Derived from the Jewish surname Solomonica. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch writer Solomonica de Winter (b... [more]
Soof f Dutch
Short form of Sophia and Sophie as well as of their alternative spellings Sofia and Sofie.... [more]
Sooi m Flemish
Short form of Fransooi, but these days it's usually an informal name in daily life for men who are officially named François and even Franciscus.... [more]
Sophieke f Dutch
Pet form of Sophie, but it is also a diminutive form of the name because it has the diminutive suffix -ke at the end.
Sophius m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Dutch
Latinized form of Sophios, which is the masculine form of Sophia.
Soraja f Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Slovene, Dutch
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Thurayya.
Soscha f Dutch (Rare), German (Rare)
Dutch and German variant of Shosha.
Sosha f Jewish, Yiddish, Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Shosha. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch television presenter Sosha Duysker (b. 1991).
Sosja f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch variant of Shosha and Sosya.
Soy m Dutch (Rare)
This name is best known for being the name of the Dutch actor Soy Kroon (b. 1995). He stated in a 2008 interview with the regional newspaper Eindhovens Dagblad that he was named after his father (who is named Jos), but in a creative way... [more]
Spijk m Dutch (Modern, Rare)
Probably a Dutchification of Spike. Alternatively, this name might be derived from the Dutch word spijker meaning "nail" (as in, the metal object), which is also etymologically related to the aforementioned given name.
Splinter m Medieval Dutch (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Meaning uncertain, even though this rare Dutch given name was already in use in medieval times. Compare the modern Dutch word splinter meaning "splinter".... [more]
Staf m Dutch
Dutch short form of Gustaaf, influenced by the variant form Gustaf. A known bearer of this name is the Flemish actor and television presenter Staf Coppens (b... [more]
Stanne f & m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
In Flanders (Belgium), this given name is strictly masculine, as it is a variant form of Stan 3, which is a short form of Constans and related names (such as Constant and Constantijn).... [more]
Stanneke f & m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
In Flanders (Belgium), this given name is strictly masculine, as it is a diminutive of Stan 3, which is a short form of Constans and related names (such as Constant and Constantijn)... [more]
Steef m Dutch
Dutch short form of Stefan.
Stefaan m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Variant spelling of Stephaan, although one can also consider this name to be the short form of Stefanus. Known bearers of this name include Belgian politician Stefaan De Clerck (b... [more]
Stefanneke m Flemish (Rare)
Flemish diminutive of Stefan.
Steije m Dutch (Rare)
Meaning unknown, possibly of Frisian origin. Also compare Stije, which is possibly related.
Steijn m Dutch
Variant spelling of both Stein and Stijn. A notable bearer of this name is the Dutch racing driver Steijn Schothorst (b. 1994).
Stenn m Dutch
Variant of Sten.
Stephaan m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch form of Stephanus. Also compare Stefaan, which is a little bit more common in Belgium and The Netherlands.
Stephana f Medieval Latin, Dutch (Rare), English (American, Rare)
Latin feminine form of the Greek name Stephanos (see Stephen) via its latinized form Stephanus.... [more]
Steye m Dutch (Rare)
Variant spelling of Steije.
Steyn m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Afrikaans
Dutch variant and Afrikaans form of Steijn. In the case of the Afrikaans name, it can also be a transferred use of the Afrikaans surname.
Stienes m Flemish
Variant of Stienus.
Stije m Dutch (Rare)
Meaning unknown, possibly of Frisian origin. Also compare Steije, which is possibly related.... [more]
Stoffel m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), German (Archaic), Luxembourgish (Archaic), Romansh (Archaic)
Dutch and German short form of Christoffel, Romansh short form of Cristoffel and Luxembourgish short form of Krëschtaffel... [more]
Stoffer m Dutch, German
Dutch and German short form of Christoffer.
Sunette f English (American, Rare), Afrikaans, Dutch (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. In the English-speaking world, the name might perhaps be a combination of the English word sun with the French feminine diminutive suffix -ette, which would essentially give the name the meaning of "little sun"... [more]
Sunna f Germanic Mythology, Icelandic, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), German (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Derived from Old High German and Old Norse sunna meaning "sun". This was the name of the Germanic goddess who personified the sun. In Scandinavia it has also been used as a short form of Sunniva and Susanna... [more]
Sus m & f Dutch, Flemish, West Frisian (Rare)
As a masculine name, this name is a Dutch and Flemish short form of Franciscus. Also compare Cis, which is a similar short form (mostly when it comes to pronunciation) of Franciscus.... [more]
Susanneke f Dutch
Dutch diminutive of Susanne.
Suske m & f Dutch, Flemish, West Frisian (Rare), Literature
As a masculine name, this name is a Dutch and Flemish diminutive of Franciscus via its short form Sus. So, in other words, this name is basically a combination of Sus with the Dutch and Flemish diminutive suffix -ke... [more]
Swa m Flemish, Limburgish
Short form of François. Also compare Swat.... [more]
Swannet f Dutch (Rare)
Either a short form of Swannetje or a combination of a name starting with Sw- (such as Swaantje and Swana) with Annet.
Swat m Flemish (Rare)
Flemish short form of François. The best known bearer of this name is the Belgian former soccer player François "Swat" Van der Elst (1954-2017).
Sweder m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of an ancient Germanic name that was composed of the Gothic element svinths (swind in Old High German) "strength" and the Old High Germanic element hari "army".
Swentibold m Dutch
Dutch form of Zwentibold. According to some, it might even also be a germanized form of the Slavic name Svatopolk, which means "holy people" (see also Svyatopolk).
Sybelle f Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Sibbe via the variants Sybel and Sybbe.
Sylveer m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Variant spelling of Silveer, which was influenced by the French form Sylvère.
Symforiaan m Dutch (Archaic), Flemish (Archaic)
Archaic Dutch and Flemish form of Symphorianus.