Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine

Meaning & History

Turkish and Albanian male name of Arabic derivation.

People named Servet include:

* Servet Çetin, Turkish footballer
* Servet Pëllumbi, Albanian politician
* Servet Tazegül, Turkish taekwondo athlete
Added 1/9/2014 by Sofia
Edited 2/16/2014 by Sofia

Gender Masculine

Meaning & History

Medieval French diminutive of Servais (as -et is a French masculine diminutive suffix). This given name fell out of use in France after the Middle Ages, but it has since enjoyed an extremely modest revival in the late 1980s. Despite that, the name is still extremely rare in France nowadays, to the point that it is much more common as a patronymic surname instead (and that while the surname itself is rare as well!).
Added 4/7/2016 by Lucille