These names occur primarily in popular culture and entertainment. They are not commonly given to real people.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
AatxemBasque Mythology, Popular Culture Means "calf" or more specifically, "young bull" in Basque. In Basque mythology, Aatxe is either the androgynous deity Mari 3 embodied as a young cow or bull, or a lesser shapeshifting spirit that takes the form of a bull and occasionally a human; the latter emerges at night, especially in stormy weather, from his cave dwelling in the Basque mountains.
AbalammPopular Culture, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Meaning unknown. In demonology, Abalam is a king of Jinnestan and one of the assistants of Paimon. This demon was featured in the 2010 film 'The Last Exorcism'.
AberamamPopular Culture Possibly a form of Abraham, as it supposedly means "he who has many children" in Romani. It is the name of a character in the television show 'Peaky Blinders'.
AbileyzafPopular Culture, Spanish (Rare, ?) The name of a character (played by actress Geraldine Chaplin) in the 2011 movie There Be Dragons, a period drama set during the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s.
AbraxasmEgyptian Mythology, Gnosticism, Popular Culture From a word thought to have originated with the Gnostics or the Egyptians, found on many amulets during the last years of the Roman Empire. Abraxas was used by the Basilideans, a Gnostic sect of the 2nd century, to refer to the Supreme Being or god whom they worshipped; they believed it to be a name of power because it contained the seven Greek letters which, computed numerically, equal the number 365 (the number of days in the year)... [more]
AdricmPopular Culture An anagram of Dirac, the surname of Nobel Prize-winning physicist Paul Dirac. This is the name of a character in the series 'Doctor Who', a companion of the fourth and fifth doctors.
AegonmLiterature, Popular Culture Derived from the Germanic element agjō "edge of a sword" and the Greek word αγώνας (agónas) "struggle". This is the name of multiple characters in George R. R. Martin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series, as well as the TV show based on the books 'Game of Thrones'.
AemonmLiterature, Popular Culture Possibly derived from Amon. This is the name of a character in George R. R. Martin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series, as well as the TV show based on the books 'Game of Thrones'.
ÆonfPopular Culture Used by animator Peter Chung for his character Æon Flux, from the name of a type of spirit being in Gnosticism, an emanation from the Godhead, ultimately from a Proto-Indo-European base meaning "vital force, life, long life, eternity".... [more]
AeromEnglish (American, Modern, Rare), Popular Culture From the English combining form (aero-), ultimately from Greek ἀήρ (aer) "air" (originally "the lower air, the air that surrounds the earth" as opposed to αἰθήρ (aither) "the upper air"; compare Aither)... [more]
AhsokafPopular Culture Created from an anagram of Ashoka, pitched by George Lucas after Ashoka the Great, the Indian Emperor of the Maurya Empire... [more]
AinbofPopular Culture, Shipibo-Conibo, Indigenous American The name of the titular heroine in the Peruvian Film Ainbo Spirit of the Amazon. It descends from aĩβo, which means “woman” in Shipibo Conibo, a Panoan language.
AkatoshmPopular Culture In the popular video game series 'The Elder Scrolls', Akatosh is the chief deity of the Nine Divines (the pantheon of gods in the game). He is generally considered to be the first of the Gods to form in the Beginning Place; after his establishment, other spirits found the process of being easier and the various pantheons of the world emerged... [more]
Akatsukim & fJapanese (Rare), Popular Culture From 暁 (akatsuki) meaning "dawn, daybreak," shifted from earlier akatoki, made up of 明 (aka) meaning "bright" and 時 (toki) meaning "time."... [more]
AkechetamSioux, Popular Culture Means "soldier" in Lakota. From the Lakota akíčhita "soldier, army, military, troops, police".... [more]
AkizafPopular Culture Name of a main character, Akiza Izinski, in the anime series 'Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D', known in Japan as Aki Izayoi (十六夜 アキ).
AkujimPopular Culture The title character in the 1999 video game Akuji the Heartless. It means 'Dead and Awake', and in the Kanji formate can quite literally be translated as 'Bad Deed'.
Akumaf & mPopular Culture Means "devil" or "demon" in Japanese This is the name of one of the antagonists in the fighting-game series 'Street Fighter'. In the original Japanese game his name is Gouki.
AllurafPopular Culture Apparently based on the English word allure. This was the name of a princess in the 1980s anime television show 'Voltron'.
AlmmPopular Culture Derived from Old Norse "álmr," which translates to "elm tree." "Alm" is also the Swedish word for "elm tree."... [more]
AlomafEnglish (Rare), Theatre, Popular Culture A pseudo-Hawaiian name invented by LeRoy Clemens and John B. Hymer for the title character of their 1925 Broadway play Aloma of the South Seas, which was twice adapted to film, in 1926 and again in 1941... [more]
AloyfPopular Culture Aloy is the protagonist in the 2017 video game Horizon Zero Dawn and its upcoming sequel Horizon Forbidden West.
AlphysfPopular Culture Meaning unknown. This is the name of a character in the popular RPG game 'Undertale'.
AltairafEnglish (Modern, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Modern, Rare), Popular Culture The name of a character in the classic 1956 science fiction film, Forbidden Planet. Altaira Morbius was the daughter of the scientist and space voyager Dr. Edward Morbius. The name Altaira is derived from Altair, the brightest star in the constellation of the Eagle (Aquila).
AlucardmPopular Culture The name Dracula spelled backwards. Though regularly featured in (animated) films, notably 'Son of Dracula' (1943), it is perhaps best known in more recent times from Kouta Hirano's 'Hellsing' manga and the 'Castlevania' video games.
AmbrosinusmLiterature, Popular Culture This is the latinized name of Merlin in the novel "The Last Legion" written by Valerio Massimo Manfredi (b. 1943), but also in the 2007 film based on the book. In the novel, his full name is Meridius Ambrosinus (while his original Gaelic name is MyrddinEmrys), but he is usually referred to as simply Ambrosinus.
AnduinmPopular Culture Created by video game developer Blizzard Entertainment for several characters in the fantasy video game series "Warcraft". One notable bearer, Anduin Lothar, is the leader of Alliance forces during the First and Second Wars... [more]
AntimonyfPopular Culture Antimony was named after the Greek words anti and monos to mean “a metal not found alone.” The chemical symbol, Sb, comes from the element's historical name, stibium.
AnyankafPopular Culture Name of a vengeance demon, Anyanka "Anya" Jenkins, from the American TV-series 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' (1997-2003).
AparekamGeorgian (Archaic), Popular Culture Derived from Georgian აპარეკა (Apareka), which is the name of a famous folk song from Khevsureti, the mountain region of Georgia. In the song itself, Apareka is the name of a young man.
AquatafPopular Culture One of the princesses in Disney's "The Little Mermaid." The name probably comes from aqua, water.
AragogmPopular Culture From J K Rowling's Harry Potter series, Aragog is the name of the giant spider that lives in the Forbidden Forest. He fears basilisks and is a great friend of Rubeus Hagrid, who rescued him when he was a child and cared for him... [more]
ArenitafPopular Culture Diminutive of Spanish arena meaning “sand” (see Arena). This is the name of Sandy Cheeks in the Spanish dub of SpongeBob SquarePants (1999-).
ArginefPopular Culture, French (Rare) Argine is the name of the Queen of Clubs on French playing cards. While the names on other cards are recognisable figures from history or mythology, Argine is more obscure, it is explained as an anagram of the Latin word regina "queen".
AriettafPopular Culture (Rare) Either a diminutive of Aria 1, or from the major antagonist and God-General in Tales of the Abyss. Given after the musical term for a small song, from the Italian word "arietta."
ArionmAncient Greek, Greek, Greek Mythology, Popular Culture In Greek mythology, Arion is the name of a divine immortal talking horse, who is the son of the gods Poseidon and Demeter. In real life, this name was borne by a Greek singer and poet of Methymna on Lesbos, skilled at the cithara and inventor of the dithyramb... [more]
ArisufJapanese, Popular Culture Japanese transliteration of Alice, in use among the Japanese since the 20th century, particularly in recent decades.... [more]
ArkantosmPopular Culture Name given to Atlantean general and protagonist of the game Age of Mythology.
Armisticef & mPopular Culture, American (Rare) From the English word armistice meaning "truce, ceasefire", ultimately derived from Latin arma "arms" and -stitium "stoppage". This is the name of a character on the HBO series 'Westworld'.
ArthasmPopular Culture (?) The name of a character from the online game 'World of Warcraft'. It is obviously derived from the name Arthus.
ArvillafEnglish (Rare), Popular Culture Unknown, possibly related to Arvel. In the 2007 film "Bonneville" Jessica Lange played Arvilla Holden, a widow on a road trip to deliver her late husband's ashes to California.
AsgoremPopular Culture The name of a character from the RPG game ''Undertale''. In the game Asgore is the powerful king of the monsters, who plans to use seven human souls in order to destroy the barrier that imprisons all monsters underground.
AsheronmPopular Culture Possibly an altered form of Acheron, the name of a god of an underworld river in Greek mythology. This was used for Asheron Realaidain, the titular character in the fantasy online role-playing game Asheron's Call.
AshitakamPopular Culture Used for the main protagonist (アシタカ) in the anime film, Princess Mononoke.
AshrahfPopular Culture Means "ten" in Arabic. This is the name of a Mortal Kombat character.
Atomm & fPopular Culture In the case of film director Atom Egoyan (1960-), it is taken from atom bomb (from Greek atomos meaning "uncut, unhewn; indivisible", derived from Greek α, a negative prefix, combined with tomos "a cutting", from temnein "to cut"), given to him by his Armenian-Egyptian parents to mark the completion of Egypt's first nuclear reactor.
AtoqmPopular Culture Atoq Navarro is a South American archaeologist and main antagonist of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
AttafPopular Culture Atta is used in the Pixar movie 'A Bug's Life' (1998) for the main character Princess Atta. Atta is named after a genus of ants.
AudífazmSpanish (Rare), Popular Culture Spanish form of Audifax. In this day and age, the best-known bearer of this name is Audífaz Córcega, a character from the Mexican telenovela Mi marido tiene familia (2017-2019).
AuricmPopular Culture, Literature Auric Goldfinger is the antogonist of James Bond in 'Goldfinger' by Ian Flemming. The name derives from Latin #aurum "gold" and maens "golden". Also in the case of French composer Georges Auric (1899-1983), transferred from the surname Auric.
AyleomPopular Culture A famous bearer of this name is Ayleo “Ayo” Bowles, member of music duo Ayo & Teo.
AzkadelliafPopular Culture Possibly derived from the Greek name Delia 1 which means "from Delos, the island of which Artemis and Apollo, the twins gods, were born." ... [more]
AzsharafPopular Culture (Archaic) Believed to be inspired by the name Asherah, Azshara is the name given to one of World of Warcraft's most notable characters - Queen Azshara. ... [more]
AzulafPopular Culture, Spanish (Modern, Rare) Fictional name meant to be derived from Portuguese, Galician, and Spanish azul meaning "blue" (of Persian origin). This is the name of a main antagonist in the television series 'Avatar: The Last Airbender'.
AzulonmPopular Culture Meant to be the original masculine form of Azula, from which that name is derived. Fire Lord Azulon is a character in the American television show Avatar: The Last Airbender.
BakugoumPopular Culture Contains the kanji baku which translates to bomb/explosion while go translates to powerful. A famous bearer is Katsuki Bakugou, one of the protagonists of the Japanese anime series 'My Hero Academia'.
BalinormPopular Culture (Rare), Arthurian Cycle The name Balinor has no known meaning. However, it was once used in the television series 'Merlin' (2008–2012) where the character Balinor was the father of Merlin and a former Dragonlord... [more]
BaloomPopular Culture Baloo is a main fictional character featured in Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book from 1894 and The Second Jungle Book from 1895.
BaltomPopular Culture Meaning is unknown. It is possibly related to Baldo, which means "bold, brave", or Valto, which means "to rule with greatness"... [more]
BammPopular Culture, English (Modern, Rare) Possibly a diminutive for any name starting with the letter B. Also an onomatopoeia word suggesting the sound of a "loud thud". ... [more]
Banditf & mEnglish (American, Rare), Popular Culture (Rare) From the English word, ultimately from the late Latin bannire "to proclaim". Used by My Chemical Romance vocalist Gerard Way and Mindless Self Indulgence bassist Lyn-Z for their daughter.... [more]
BaphometmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend, Popular Culture Probably from a medieval corruption of Mahomet. This appears in the Inquisition of the Knights Templar as the name of an alleged Muslim or pagan idol. In the 19th century it became associated with a Western occult symbol drawn by Eliphas Lévi, a "Sabbatic Goat" image depicting a demonic horned god.
BarbarellafPopular Culture Likely influenced by the name Barbara. This is the name of the main character in the 'Barbarella' comic book.
BardroymPopular Culture Meaning unknown. Manga author Yana Toboso used this name for a character in her popular manga serie 'Kuroshitsuji'.
BartonmEnglish, Popular Culture Transferred use of the surname Barton. In popular culture, Barton Fink is the name of a playwright in the 1991 film "Barton Fink".
BayonettafPopular Culture Name of the titular main character and protagonist of the same named game and movie. It's origins aren't very touched upon. However it's said in the movie to be derived from the weapon name "bayonet" and made feminine by the suffix "-ta".
BelldandyfPopular Culture Variant of Verdandi, representing an Anglicization of the name's Japanese transcription. This is the name of a major character in the manga series "Oh My Goddess!"
BénicefPopular Culture The name of the main character in the German movie Schande (1999).
BenjenmPopular Culture, Literature Contracted form of Benjamin. It is the name of a character in the 'Game of Thrones' and 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series, Benjen Stark.
BericmEnglish (British), Literature, Popular Culture Variant of Berrick. Beric Dondarrian is a character in 'A Song of Ice and Fire', as well as it's TV counterpart 'Game of Thrones', known for leading the Brotherhood without Banners and being repeatedly resurrected, though in his case, the name is a variant of Barak 1, as he is known as The Lightning Lord.
BerliozmPopular Culture Transferred use of the French surname Berlioz, borne by Louis-Hector Berlioz (1803–1869) a French Romantic composer and conductor... [more]
BeržasmLithuanian, Folklore, Popular Culture Derived from the Lithuanian noun beržas meaning "birch tree". In Lithuanian folklore and popular culture, Beržas is the name of one of the three sons of the titular character of the folk tale Eglė žalčių karalienė, which translates to English as Eglė, the Queen of Serpents.
Bingom & fPopular Culture, Pet From an alternative form of bing, suggesting a ringing sound. As an exclamation of surprise or sudden realization, bingo! is attested from 1923.
BirdinafPopular Culture Name of a character in the 1955, MGM released 'The Glass Slipper,' their musical take on the famous Cinderalla story.
BirdofPopular Culture Birdo, known in Japan as Catherine (キャサリン Kyasarin), is a recurring character in the Mario franchise. Her first appearance was as an enemy in Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic, which was rebranded as Super Mario Bros... [more]
BiwakofPopular Culture This name combines 琵琶 (biwa), referring to the biwa or Japanese lute, or 枇杷 (biwa), referring to the loquat, with 子 (shi, su, tsu, (-)ko, -ne) meaning "child."... [more]
BlademEnglish, Popular Culture Transferred use of the surname Blade or from the Old English blæd ‘leaf of a plant,' of Germanic origin; related to Dutch blad and German Blatt.... [more]
Blanketm & fPopular Culture From the English word blanket. A famous bearer of this is Michael Jackson's son, whose nickname is Blanket Jackson.
BlinxmPopular Culture A phonetic rendering of the English word "blinks". Used by the eponymous feline main character of the Xbox game 'Blinx: The Time Sweeper".
BluebellfEnglish, Popular Culture From the name of the flower, used to some extent as a first name when flower names were in vogue at the end of the 19th century.
BlutomPopular Culture Bluto is the name of the main antagonist of the famous Popeye series since 1932 - partly. There was a brief change of name to Brutus (1957 - 1978) during an apparent copyright dispute, but his name was reverted back to Bluto during the 1970s where it has remained his official name (although a 1988 comic book tried to remedy this by making Bluto and Brutus twin brothers).
BobamPopular Culture A diminutive or variation of Bob. This is the name of Boba Fett who is a bounty hunter from Star Wars. Boba Fett is a sly reference to another hotshot jockey, Bob Falfa, the drag racer played by none other than Mr... [more]
BolinmPopular Culture An earthbending character from the TV series "The Legend of Korra" bears this name.
BoltmPopular Culture, Pet An animated dog being the title hero in the movie 'Bolt' (2008). The name comes from a lightning bolt mark on his side.
BomimPopular Culture The middle name of Freddie Mercury, whose given name was Farrokh Bomi Bulsara.
BonmEnglish (Australian), Popular Culture Given in honour of AC/DC rock star "Bon" Scott, who was born Ronald Scott. His nickname was given to him at school, to differentiate him from another Ronald in his class... [more]
BonomPopular Culture Derives from 'Bono Vox', an altered form of bonavox, which is Latin for "good voice". On its own, it could be seen as a variant of Bonus.... [more]
BowsermPopular Culture Possibly a transferred use of the surname Bowser. This is the Western name of Bowser, a turtle-like creature and main antagonist of the Super Mario franchise, debuting in the 1985 game Super Mario Bros... [more]
BrandinefPopular Culture Possibly a combination of Brandy and the popular suffix -ine. Brandine Spuckler is Cletus's wife on the American animated series The Simpsons.
BrickmPopular Culture Originally a nickname from the English word brick (having the slang meaning "a good fellow" from 1840). It was used for a character in Tennessee Williams' play 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof' (1955).
BrolymLiterature, Popular Culture Derived from the English word broccoli. This is the name of a fictional character from the Dragon Ball media franchise. In the series, Broly is a green-haired villain and belongs to the Saiyan race, like Goku and Vegeta.
BronnmLiterature, Popular Culture Ser Bronn of the Blackwater is the name of a character from the Song of Ice and Fire books by GRR Martin and the TV show Game of Thrones based upon the former. ... [more]
BrünomPopular Culture Pseudo-German variant of Bruno used for the titular character of Sacha Baren Cohen's 2009 comedy film 'Brüno', about a flamboyantly gay Austrian fashion designer.... [more]
BubbamEnglish, Popular Culture In the American South, the name is from a term of endearment usually thought to be based on the word brother.
BulmafPopular Culture Used as the name of a main character off Dragon Ball Z,it is a play on the word 'Bloomers'.
Bumblebeem & fPopular Culture, English (Rare) The name of several fictional characters, including a Marvel comics superhero, Transformers character, and The Simpsons character.
BumimPopular Culture Coined name meant to be derived from Sanskrit भूमि (bhū́mi) meaning "earth, soil, ground". This is the name of two characters in the television series 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' and 'The Legend of Korra', respectively.
BurnufObscure, Popular Culture Possibly an elaboration of English burn. This was the stage name of American actress Burnu Acquanetta (1921-2004; real name Mildred Davenport), sometimes known simply as Acquanetta, who claimed it was an Arapaho name meaning "burning fire".
BuruubamPopular Culture Buruuba is the name of Yoichiro Minami's feral Tarzan-inspired character in the eponymous shonen book series and the 1955 Japanese American film coproduction by Daiei (now Kadokawa) pictures.
ByakuyamPopular Culture Means "white night" or "arctic night" in Japanese. It is the name of a character in the popular Japanese manga and anime, "Bleach"
Bylethm & fPopular Culture Variant of Beleth. This is the name of an avatar character in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
CabengofPopular Culture The name of Virginia Kennedy given to her by her twin sister Grace (Poto) in their own private language.... [more]
CabiriafItalian (Rare), Popular Culture Perhaps a Latinized form of Greek Καβειρία (Kabeiria), an epithet of the goddess Demeter, possibly derived from the name of Mount Kabeiros in Asia Minor; see also Kabeiro... [more]
CaeldorifPopular Culture Most likely intended as an anagram of Cordelia. This name was first used as the name of a character in Fire Emblem: Fates. She resembles Cordelia, a character from the previous game, Fire Emblem: Awakening.
CailloumPopular Culture The French word caillou means "pebble", and by extension it can also mean "bald head". ... [more]
CaligomEnglish, Popular Culture Possibly related to the name for the genus of the "owl butterfly" or the Latin word meaning "darkness, mist." Name of a faerie in the game 'Lovestruck.'
CarasynthiafPopular Culture Carasynthia "Cara" Dune is a Human female Alderaanian who served in the Rebel Alliance as a shock trooper, and who later became a mercenary in the Star Wars Disney+ series The Mandalorian.
CarriettafEnglish (American, Rare), Popular Culture Elaborated form or diminutive of Carrie. In many movie adaptations of Stephen King's horror novel Carrie (1974) this is the full name of the title character, Carrie White, though her full name is spelled Carietta in the original novel.
CassimafPopular Culture This name was created for a character in King's Quest, a computer-based adventure game series developed by Sierra Entertainment.... [more]
CataniafPopular Culture Derived from the Italian city of Catania and the Italian word katane meaning "grater". It is used for the character of Princess Catania in the movie Barbie: Mariposa and the Fairy Princess.
Catti-briefPopular Culture, Literature Catti-brie (spelled Cattie-brie in later publications) is the name of a character in the 'Forgotten Realms', a series of fantasy novels by American author R. A. Salvatore which serves as a setting for the role-playing game 'Dungeons & Dragons'... [more]
CerafPopular Culture Of uncertain origin and meaning, this name might be a variant of Sera. It was used in the 1988 movie The Land Before Time where it belongs to one of the main characters, a triceratops.
CerseifLiterature, Popular Culture Created by American author George R. R. Martin for his series of epic fantasy novels A Song of Ice and Fire, published beginning 1996, and the television adaptation Game of Thrones (2011-2019), where it belongs to an evil queen who is one of the main antagonists... [more]
ChakotaymPopular Culture Means "man who walks the Earth but who only sees the sky" in the language of the fictional Anurabi tribe. Chakotay was the name of the first officer in 'Star Trek: Voyager'.
CheetarafPopular Culture The name of a humanoid cheetah in the animated television series ThunderCats (1985-1989). It is an elaboration of English cheetah, a word ultimately derived from Sanskrit.
ChellfEnglish, Popular Culture Variant of Chelle. Chell is the name of the main protagonist in Valve game studio's 'Portal' video game series.
ChianafDutch (Rare), English (American, Rare), Popular Culture Meaning and origin uncertain. It might possibly be an invented name, in which case it might (for example) consist of an Asian name element (such as Japanese chi meaning "wisdom, intellect") and the name Ana... [more]
ChibiusafPopular Culture Usagi/Sailor Moon and Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask's daughter from Sailor Moon, an extremely popular magical girl themed manga. Chibi means "small, little" and usa is abbreviation of usagi meaning "rabbit".
Chromm & fPopular Culture (Rare) Possibly derived from Greek chroma meaning "color". This is the name of one of the protagonists of the video game Fire Emblem: Awakening. Variant of Chrome
CijifPopular Culture, English (American, Rare) Possibly an invented name, perhaps a phonetic spelling of the initials C and G. This was used for a character on the American soap opera Knots Landing, Ciji Dunne. She is a character that debuted on the show in 1982... [more]
CindelfDutch (Rare), Popular Culture Possibly a Dutch diminutive of Cynthia. Cindel Towani was a main character in the TV movies Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure and Ewoks: The Battle for Endor, which are part of the Star Wars universe.
CirnofPopular Culture, English The name is based on the English word "chill." A notable character with the name is Cirno, an ice fairy from the Touhou Project.
CloudmPopular Culture Derived from the English word cloud. In Popular Culture, this is the name of the main protagonist (Cloud Strife) in "Final Fantasy VII", who also makes an appearance in "Dissidia: Final Fantasy".
CondoritomPopular Culture Means "little condor" in Spanish. This is the title character of the Chilean comic strip Condorito (first published 1949).
ConstanziafRomansh (Archaic), Literature, Popular Culture Variant of Costanza. This name was used as the full name of Michael Corleone's younger sister Connie in the novel The Godfather (1969) by Mario Puzo, as well as the resulting film adaptation (1972).
CoralunafPopular Culture The stage name of Ana Isabel Mercado (1989-), a blind Spanish singer who competed on the eighth season of the Spanish reality television talent show Operación Triunfo (2011). She has stated that she based it on Corina, the name of the protagonist of Nunca miras mis manos (2003) by Susana Pérez Alonso.
CoranmPopular Culture This is the name of an Altean man who serves as Princess Allura's right-hand man in the 2016 series "Voltron: Legendary Defender."
Corinthianm & fEnglish (Rare), Popular Culture Corinthian is the most ornate of the classical orders (columns) of Greek and Roman architecture, characterized by fluted columns and elaborate capitals with intricate carvings. It has taken on the meaning of "ornate, luxurious" because of the typical traits of the namesake order... [more]
CortanafEnglish (Modern, Rare), Popular Culture Variant of Curtana, from the Latin curtus, meaning "short", the name of the ceremonial sword used at the Coronation of British royalty. It is borne by an artificial intelligence creature in the Halo video game franchise, as well as Microsoft's virtual assistant, which was named for the character in the game.
CorypheusmPopular Culture Derived from coryphaeus, which is the latinized form of the Greek word κορυφαῖος (koryphaios) meaning "head man, chief, leader". The word itself is ultimately derived from the Greek noun κορυφή (koruphe) meaning "head, top"... [more]
CrashmPopular Culture Most notably the name for video game character Crash Bandicoot, an orange bandicoot from his self-titled platform game series created by Sony.
CreusmPopular Culture 'Creus, the Grand Solar Knight' is a character in the online game Roblox.
CyannfPopular Culture From the name of a fictional character in a French comic book called The Cycle of Cyann.
DaariomLiterature, Popular Culture Daario Naharis is the name of a sellsword character from the Song of Ice and Fire books by GRR Martin and the TV show Game of Thrones based upon the former. ... [more]
Daizanm & fJapanese, Popular Culture, Literature From Japanese 大 (dai) meaning "big, strong, great" and 斬 (zan) meaning "slash, kill". It can also be composed of different kanji that have the same pronunciations.
DakenmPopular Culture In the Marvel comics universe, Daken is the son of Wolverine and his wife Itsu. Logan thought he died in womb when Itsu was attacked one night while he was away, but he is removed and secretly left in the care of a local Japanese couple... [more]
DallbenmLiterature, Popular Culture The ancient wizard in The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander as well as a character in Disney's The Black Cauldron.
DardanellafEnglish (Rare), Popular Culture From the name of the Dardanelles, one of the straits that separate European Turkey from Asian Turkey. The place name apparently derives from the name of Dardanos, son of Zeus and Electra in Greek myth.... [more]
DarkseidmPopular Culture Darkseid (pronounced "Darkside'') is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.
DarnafFilipino, Popular Culture Darna is a fictional character and superheroine created by Filipinokomiks (Philippine colloquial term for comics) legend Mars Ravelo. In her more popular incarnations, she is a warrior from outer space manifesting herself through a girl from Earth, named Narda.... [more]
DaroachmPopular Culture From Kirby, an action-platformer video game series developed by HAL Laboratory and published by Nintendo.
DarylannfPopular Culture A compound of the names Daryl and Ann borne by a recurring character in 'Hill Street Blues' played by the actress Deborah Richter.
DaryunmPopular Culture Daryun is a main character from "The Heroic Legend of Arslan", which is a novel series and anime show.
DecaprefPopular Culture Used on a video game character from the Street Fighter series. It is likely derived from дека́брь (dekábrʹ), the Russian word for December.
DededemPopular Culture King Dedede is a fictional character and the primary antagonist in Nintendo's Kirby video game series.
DeedlitfPopular Culture This is the name of a prominent elf in the anime and games series 'Lodoss Wars'.
DejahfLiterature, Popular Culture, American Dejah Thoris is the name of a fictional character and princess of the Martian city-state/empire of Helium on the planet Barsoom (Mars) in American author Edgar Rice Burroughs's series of Martian novels (the first of which was published in 1912)... [more]
DekumPopular Culture From Japanese 木偶 (deku) meaning "useless person". This is the nickname of Izuku Midoriya, the main protagonist of the manga series My Hero Academia (first released in 2014).
DelennfPopular Culture Sci-Fi TV series, Babylon 5 character, head of the minbari religious cast
DemorafPopular Culture This is the name of Hikaru Sulu's daughter, Helmsman of the USS Enterprise-B in the 1994 film 'Star Trek: Generations'. Perhaps by coincidence, the word demora means "delay" in both Spanish and Portuguese.
DesamparadafPopular Culture Means "forsaken, helpless" in Spanish, in effect an altered form of Desamparados. The compound name María Desamparada was used for a character on the Mexican telenovela Triunfo del amor (2010-2011).
DesfredfPopular Culture German translation of Offred used in the series 'Die Geschichte der Magd' 'The Handmaid's Tale'.
Destrym & fPopular Culture, English English form of Destrier, a French surname derived from the Anglo-Norman word destrer meaning "warhorse". This name was popularized by the western novel 'Destry Rides Again' (1930, by Max Brand) and two subsequent identically-named film adaptations (1932 and 1939).
DhalsimmPopular Culture The name of a character from the Street Fighter series of video games. According to Street Fighter II game director Akira Nishitani in a 1991 interview, it is derived from Dhalisma, the name of a martial artist from the 'India-Pakistan area'.
DiablomObscure, Popular Culture Means "devil" in Spanish. Diablo Cody is the pen name of American writer Brook Busey (1978-). There is also a Marvel supervillain named Diablo.
DixianafPopular Culture, Central American (Rare) Elaborated form of Dixie. It was used for the title character, a circus performer, in Dixiana (1930), a film set in the southern United States in the antebellum period.
DobbymPopular Culture The name of a House-Elf in the Harry Potter series of books.
DodgermEnglish (Rare), Literature, Popular Culture From the English word dodger meaning "one who dodges; one who avoids, evades, or sidesteps". Traditionally a nickname, it is occasionally used as a given name. Fictional bearers include Jack Dawkins, better known as the Artful Dodger, a character from Charles Dickens' novel Oliver Twist (1838) who befriends Oliver and entreats him to join Fagin's team of young pickpockets, as well as the title character in Terry Pratchett's 2012 novel Dodger (loosely based on Dickens' Dodger) and Mark 'Dodger' Savage, a character from the British soap opera Hollyoaks (introduced 2011)... [more]
DolfjemDutch, Literature, Popular Culture Dutch diminutive of Dolf, as it contains the Dutch diminutive suffix -je. This name is extremely rare as an official name on birth certificates: it is predominantly used informally, most often on young children.... [more]
DominofPopular Culture, English (Rare) Short form of Dominique. It was used by author Ian Fleming in his James Bond novel 'Thunderball' (1961), where the nickname belongs to Bond's Italian love interest Dominetta "Domino" Vitali (renamed Dominique "Domino" and simply Domino in the 1965 and 1983 film adaptations, respectively)... [more]
DondermLiterature, Popular Culture Derived from the Dutch word donder meaning "thunder". Popularized by the reindeer in the story 'Twas the Night Before Christmas and the song Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer, even though the reindeer was originally named Dunder.
Dondim & fPopular Culture, English From a comic strip first published in 1955. In this comicstrip, Dondi was an Italian orphan asking for his parents saying "dondi" all the time. In the comic strip this comes from people calling him dandy boy.
DoraemonmPopular Culture From Japanese どら猫 (dora neko) meaning "stray cat" and 衛門 (emon), an old-fashioned suffix for male names. In the homonymous manga and anime, Doraemon is an earless robotic cat who travels back in time from the 22nd century to aid a boy named Nobita Nobi.
DovahkiinmPopular Culture Means "dragonborn" in the fiction ancient Dragon Language of the dragons in Bethesda's The Elder Scrolls game series. The player-created protagonist of the fifth game in the series, The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, goes by the epithet Dovahkiin... [more]
DovimafPopular Culture (Rare) Nom de plume adopted by American supermodel Dorothy Virginia Margaret Juba. The name is a portmanteau of the first two letters of Juba's three given first names, and was the first single name ever used by a model.
DrakulmPopular Culture (Modern) Variant of Dracula. From the epithet of Vlad II Dracul, father of Vlad the Impaler, which meant either "dragon" (alluding to his membership in the noble Order of the Dragon) or "the devil" from Romanian drac "devil".
DraxmPopular Culture This was the name given to Drax a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Drellam & fPopular Culture A nickname for Andy Warhol used by his friends, a combination of Dracula and Cinderella.
Dresdenf & mEnglish, Popular Culture From the name of the city in Germany, which is derived from Old Sorbian Drežďany, meaning "people of the riverside forest".
DrosselmPopular Culture German for "thrush" as in the bird. The name of a character in the anime adaption of Black Butler, Drossel Keinz.
DruantiafPopular Culture, Celtic Mythology Hypothetic old Celtic form of the name of a river in the south of France commonly known as the Durance, which is of unknown meaning. An Indo-European root meaning "to flow" has been suggested. According to Robert Graves in 'The White Goddess' (1948), it is derived from the Indo-European root *deru meaning "oak" (as are the words druid and dryad) and probably also belonged to a Gallic tree goddess, which he identifies as "Queen of the Druids" and "Mother of the Tree Calendar"... [more]
DuckiemPopular Culture Phil "Duckie" Dale is a character in the film Pretty in Pink.
EärienfPopular Culture (Modern) Means "daughter of the sea" in Quenya, from eär "sea" and ien "daughter". This name is borne by the daughter of Elendil in the Amazon series 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power'... [more]
EbenitafPopular Culture Feminine form of Ebenezer, possibly influenced by Bonita. This name was created for the movie 'Ms Scrooge', where it belongs to the titular character, played by Cicely Tyson.
EcolomPopular Culture The exact origin of this name is unclear, though it could come from 心 (kokoro; heart). It could also be derived from コロコロ (corocoro; roughly a fat , bouncy, spherical object).... [more]
EddardmLiterature, Popular Culture Variant of Edward, used in George R. R. Martin's book 'A Game of Thrones' and the subsequent TV show 'Game of Thrones'.