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Gender Masculine
Scripts Ἀρίων(Greek)
Pronounced Pron. AR-ee-ən(Popular Culture)  [key]
Other Forms FormsAreion, Aryon, Arian, Arien, Arione

Meaning & History

In Greek mythology, Arion is the name of a divine immortal talking horse, who is the son of the gods Poseidon and Demeter. In real life, this name was borne by a Greek singer and poet of Methymna on Lesbos, skilled at the cithara and inventor of the dithyramb. He is said to have lived at Periander's court in Corinth in the late 7th century B.C. A legend repeated by Herodotus tells how, having been thrown overboard by pirates, Arion was saved from the sea by a dolphin that had been charmed by his music. And, finally, Arion is also the name of several characters in popular culture, such the mystical hero of a DC comic book.
Added 4/18/2006 by antiquitas
Edited 12/21/2017 by Sofia, Armorbeast, AustraLiana and more