AccolonmArthurian Cycle Of uncertain origin, perhaps a derivative of the Gaulish name Acco (itself from Gaulish *acu- meaning "fast, swift, quick"). Sir Accolon, also spelled Accalon, is a character in Arthurian legends, possibly first appearing in the Post-Vulgate Suite du Merlin (c.1230-40)... [more]
AcheflowfArthurian Cycle Variant of Acheflour, which is probably a corruption of Blancheflour (see Blanchefleur) meaning "white flower" in Old French. In the Middle English romance 'Sir Perceval of Galles', Acheflour was the sister of King Arthur and mother of Perceval.
AganormArthurian Cycle A knight in the service of King Mordrain, ruler of the Arabain kingdom of Sarras. When Mordrain left his land to seek Joseph of Arimathea in Britain, he bequeathed his kingdom to Aganor.
AgionmArthurian Cycle A knight who, with his brother Agano, joined their cousin Harpin in his siege of the Castle of Three Maidens... [more]
AgrestesmArthurian Cycle Derived from Latin agrestis meaning "rural, rustic, wild, brutish", from ager "field, farm". This is the name of an ancient pagan king of Camelot in the Old French Arthurian romance 'Estoire del Saint Graal' ("History of the Holy Grail", 1220-35)... [more]
AilleannfArthurian Cycle Of uncertain derivation. This was the name of the title character in the Irish Arthurian romance Céilidhe Iosgaide Léithe (The Visit of the Grey-Hammed Lady). She married King Arthur when she took him and his knights to the Otherworld... [more]
AladinemArthurian Cycle Aladine is Priscilla's lover who appears in Book 6, Cantos 2–3. He is wounded by the wicked knight but survives.
AlemandinefArthurian Cycle Possibly from Old French alemandine, the name of a gem of a deep red colour (and the source of English almandine); this word was a corruption of Latin alabandicus "Alabandic (stone)", the name applied by Pliny the Elder to a variety of carbuncle worked at the city of Alabanda in Asia Minor (see Alabandus)... [more]
AlibelmArthurian Cycle A strong knight who served King Claudas of Gaul, fighting in Claudas’ war against Arthur. His brothers were Brumand (Brumant), Canart, and Cadant.
AlynefArthurian Cycle, Portuguese (Brazilian) Variant of Aline. It appears in Thomas Malory's 15th-century compilation of Arthurian legends Le Morte d'Arthur, where it belongs to a daughter of Pellinore who commits suicide after her lover is killed.
AmaethonmWelsh Mythology, Arthurian Cycle Derived from the Brittonic name *Ambaχtonos meaning "divine ploughman" or "ploughman-god". This was the name of the Welsh god of agriculture. In the late 11th-century legend of Culhwch and Olwen, Amathaon appeared as an Arthurian warrior; as one of his tasks, Culhwch had to convince Amathaon to plow the lands of the giant Ysbaddaden.
AmenafArthurian Cycle The name of a queen helped by Sir Gawain's son Wigalois in an Arthurian romance written by German knight Wirnt von Grafenberg in the early years of the 13th century. Its origin is uncertain; some scholars argue that it might be an adoption of Arabic Amina, while others theorize a derivation from Spanish ameno "delightful" (see Amoena).
AmidasmArthurian Cycle Amidas disputes his brother Bracidas over found treasure in Book 5, Canto 4 of "The Faerie Queene" by Edmund Spenser.
AmlawddmWelsh Mythology, Arthurian Cycle Derived from the Welsh intensive prefix *an-/am- combined with llawdd "praise". In Welsh myth he is the father of Eigyr (Igraine) and therefore the grandfather of King Arthur... [more]
AmpflisefArthurian Cycle Form of Amphelise used by the 13th-century poet Wolfram von Eschenbach for two characters in his Middle High German romance Parzival, one of whom was the queen of France during the time of Uther.
AndretmArthurian Cycle The name of a character in the Tristan and Isolde legends, a nephew of King Mark of Cornwall and cousin to Tristan. Andret, also spelled Andred, is a villainous character in later versions.
AnfortasmArthurian Cycle, Literature Probably derived from Old French enfertez or enfermetez meaning "infirmity". This was Wolfram's name for the wounded Fisher King in his epic 'Parzifal'.
AnsirusmArthurian Cycle He was called “the Pilgrim” because of his passion for going on pilgrimage, "for every third year he would be at Jerusalem" He passed his nickname on to his daughter, Alice le Beale Pilgrim. Ansirus was of Lancelot’s kin, apparently in the British branch of the family... [more]
AntikoniefArthurian Cycle Medieval German variant of Antigone. In Arthurian legend, she is the sister of King Vergulaht of Ascalun who became infatuated with Gawain during one of his visits... [more]
ArchemaismArthurian Cycle In the Prophecies de Merlin, the son of Angusel, King of Scotland. He took part in the expedition to save King Richard of Jerusalem from the King of Baghdad. He succeeded his father to the throne of Scotland.
ArtesiafTheatre, Arthurian Cycle Likely from Artois, the name of a region in France (for which "artesian wells" are named), itself derived from Atrebates, a Belgic tribe that inhabited the region of Gaul and Britain during Julius Caesar's time; Atrebates is cognate with Irish aittrebaid meaning "inhabitant".... [more]
BaalusmArthurian Cycle A king of the Saxons who participated in King Aminaduc’s siege at Vambieres.... [more]
BabianmArthurian Cycle A beautiful bird native to the land of Cluse (eventually ruled under Arthur by Daniel). During the day, it hovered over the ladies of Cluse, providing shade; at night, it gave off light. It was possessed of a beautiful voice... [more]
BacchantemArthurian Cycle Bacchante is a knight outside Malecasta's castle in Book 3, Canto 1 of "The Faerie Queene" by Edmund Spenser.
BagarimmArthurian Cycle A Knight of the Round Table who embarked with the others on the Grail Quest.
BagdemagusmArthurian Cycle Meaning unknown. In Arthurian legend, Bagdemagus is the king of Gorre, a Knight of the Round Table and the father of Maleagant.
BagotafArthurian Cycle The giantess mother of Galehaut by her husband Brunor the Brown in La Tavola Ritonda. She also had a daughter named Dalis (Delice). Tristan slew her at the Castle of Tears.... [more]
BagungusmArthurian Cycle (Archaic) Meaning unknown. An extremely rare figure in Arthurian legend, Bagungus only appears in the earliest transcriptions of the works of Laghamon, from about 1190, and due to its rarity is thought by some to be a corruption of the name Bagdemagus.
BalinmArthurian Cycle, Literature The name was used in Arthurian legend by Sir Thomas Malory as the name of one of King Arthur's valiant knights. ... [more]
BalinormPopular Culture (Rare), Arthurian Cycle The name Balinor has no known meaning. However, it was once used in the television series 'Merlin' (2008–2012) where the character Balinor was the father of Merlin and a former Dragonlord... [more]
BanmArthurian Cycle The name of Sir. Lancelot's father in Arthurian tales, Ban of Benoic.
BanyersmArthurian Cycle A Knight of the Round Table who participated in the Grail Quest.
BasciantemArthurian Cycle Basciante is a knight outside Malecasta's castle in Book 3, Canto 1. of "The Faerie Queene" by Edmund Spenser.
BaudrismArthurian Cycle, Literature An Irish knight who ruled the castle of Antiufais in Les Merveilles de Rigomer. He hosted Lancelot during the latter’s journey to Rigomer and provided him information on the road ahead.
BaudwinmArthurian Cycle, Literature One of the most important of the less-remembered knights, Baudwin seems to have been a major figure in various pre-Malory romances. In The Avowynge of King Arthur we learn that he made three interesting vows prompted by early experiences campaigning in Spain; never to deny anyone meat and drink, never to fear death, and never to be jealous of his wife or any other woman... [more]
BeaflursfArthurian Cycle Means "beautiful flower" (compare Blanchefleur). This was the name of a fairy in the Middle High German romance 'Parzival' (Wolfram von Eschenbach's adaptation of 'Perceval, the Story of the Grail', a poem by Chrétien de Troyes)... [more]
BeauvivantefArthurian Cycle, Literature A maiden who arrived at Camelot seeking a champion to avenge the death of a knight in the Straight of Sorelois (Straits of Sorelois). She was hoping to find Lancelot, but she reluctantly accepted Arthur’s appointment of Sir Brunor the Black, or the Knight of the Ill-Fitting Coat, to the task.... [more]
BedalismArthurian Cycle One manuscript of the Prose Tristan, in departure from the others, describes Tristan’s death at the hands of a lord named Bedalis.... [more]
BelamismArthurian Cycle A duke in Arthur’s service who married the Duchess of the Dark Mountain. He appears in Daniel von dem blühenden Tal, Der Stricker, 1210-1225.
BelayefArthurian Cycle A princess and wife of Lohengrin. She died of grief when Lohengrin was murdered by men sent by her parents.
BelchismArthurian Cycle A character appearing in "Meraugis de Portlesguez" by Raoul de Houdenc, early 13th century.
BelianzmArthurian Cycle One of four miscreant brother knights killed by Gawaine in "Diu Crône" by Heinrich von dem Türlin, c. 1230
BelidefArthurian Cycle She fell in love with Tristan while he was living and serving in Faramon’s court. When Tristan did not reciprocate, she became enraged and staged a “rape” scene for which Tristan was convicted and sentenced to execution.
BellamourmArthurian Cycle, Literature Bellamour is the lord of a castle and Pastorella's true father. He appears in Book 6, Canto 12. of "The Faerie Queene".
BellangeremArthurian Cycle Alteration of Berengar, possibly influenced by French bel, beau meaning "fine, beautiful, great" and anger "anger" (thus "righteous anger")... [more]
BellicentfLiterature, Arthurian Cycle From an Old French form of the Germanic name Belissendis, possibly composed of the elements bili "suitable, proper, fitting, decent, amiable" (cf. Biligard) and swind "strong, brave, powerful".... [more]
BendigeidmArthurian Cycle The giant son of Llyr and Penardun and brother Branwen and Manawydan Fab Llyr. Some sources, however, make Bendigeid Vran and Branwen the children of Llyr by Iweriadd, while Manawydan fab Llyr was the son of Llyr by Penardun.... [more]
BenemiasmArthurian Cycle A knight saved from the prison of Eskalibon of Belamunt (Eskilabon) by Arthur’s Sir Garel. In return, he served Garel in the war against King Ekunaver of Kanadic, and was eventually awarded a seat at the Round Table.
BeniosusmArthurian Cycle In the Icelandic Saga af Tristram ok Ísodd, a king who managed to wrest control of Tristan’s homeland, Spain, during the chaos that followed the defeat of Biríng, Tristan’s foster-father, at the hands of King Turnes of Africa.... [more]
BenwigmArthurian Cycle One of Twrch Trwyth’s piglets, killed by Arthur’s warriors at Dyffryn Amanw.
BernelainmArthurian Cycle One of the fifteen Saxon kings who invaded Britain during Arthur’s struggle to establish power.
BessillefArthurian Cycle In the Prose Tristan, a Cornish woman who loved Tristan. When Tristan rejected her, she became the paramour of Andred, Tristan’s enemy, and conspired to reveal his affair with Isolde to King Mark.
BethidesmArthurian Cycle The son of Perceforest, he made an unfortunate marriage to the sorceress Circe.
BetismArthurian Cycle According to the French romance Perceforest, Alexander the Great made Betis the King of England following the former’s fictional conquest of Britain. His brother, Gaddifer, was likewise made the King of Scotland... [more]
BlaesmArthurian Cycle on of the Earl of Llychlyn and one of the Three Just Knights of Arthur’s Court. He was dedicated to preserving justice through “earthly Law”, in contrast to his fellow knights, who followed the Law of the Church and the Law of Arms.... [more]
BlaharismArthurian Cycle A Knight of the Round Table defeated and taken prisoner by the Queen’s Knights during a tournament.
BlamoremArthurian Cycle Son of Nestor, brother of Sir Bleoberis de Ganis, cousin of Lancelot, and a Knight of the Round Table.... [more]
BlamouremArthurian Cycle A knight who owned a white hart that Gawaine pursued on his first adventure.... [more]
BlanchefleurfMedieval French, Dutch (Rare), Literature, Arthurian Cycle Means "white flower" in French. It is borne by a number of characters, who reflect purity and idealized beauty, in literature of the High Middle Ages, notably in the romances of Floris and Blanchefleur and Tristan and Iseult.
BlanchelesmArthurian Cycle One of Arthur’s knights in the Middle-English Sir Gawain and the Carl of Carlisle.
BlandamourmArthurian Cycle Blandamour, whose name indicates bland, or boring, love, is a knight in Book 4 of "The Faerie Queene". He and Paridell have a superficial friendship.
BlasinefArthurian Cycle Daughter of Igerne (Igraine) and Duke Hoel of Tintagil, sister of Brimesent, and half-sister of Arthur in the Vulgate Merlin. She married King Nentres of Garlot.... [more]
BleidenfArthurian Cycle In Henrich’s Diu Crône, a lady at Arthur’s court who failed in a chastity test.
BlenziblyfArthurian Cycle, Literature Tristan’s mother in the Icelandic Saga af Tristram ok Ísoud. She replaces Blancheflur (Blancheflor) from the earlier German sources and is the counterpart of Blesinbil in Norse Tristan legend.... [more]
BleoberismArthurian Cycle, Literature A Knight of the Round Table from Gannes, first mentioned by Chrétien de Troyes. His name may derive from a twelfth-century storyteller named Bleheris mentioned in several texts.... [more]
BliobelmArthurian Cycle One of Arthur’s knights in Arthour and Merlin, who participated in the battle against Rions’ (Ryons) Saxons at Carhaix.
BloisinefArthurian Cycle, Literature Daughter of Urbin of the Mountain (Urpin) and sister of Brun, a knight killed by Gawaine. To avenge her brother, she plotted Gawaine’s murder, but she eventually fell in love with Gawaine.
BlunderboarmArthurian Cycle A giant who once managed to capture Jack the Giant-Killer, but was killed, along with his brothers, when Jack managed to escape.
BolvinmArthurian Cycle Counselor to Earl Milon, who desired Enide, Erec’s wife. Milon and Bolvin tried to kidnap the woman, but Erec killed them both.
BracidasmArthurian Cycle Bracidas disputes with his brother, Amidas, over treasure they find in Book 5, Canto 4 of "The Faerie Queene". Artegall determines him to be the rightful owner.
BradwenmArthurian Cycle Son of Iaen; brother of Sulyen, Teregud, Moren, Siawn, and Caradawg; and one of Arthur’s warriors from Caer Dathal.... [more]
BrandegorismArthurian Cycle, Literature The King of Estranggorre (Estrangore). He married a daughter of Adrian of Constantinople and thus became the brother-in-law of Adrians’s other daughter, the mother of Saigremor le Desree (Sagramore).... [more]
BrandusmArthurian Cycle, Literature The lord of La Dolorous Garde before Lancelot conquered it. When the Saxons invaded Britain at the beginning of Arthur’s reign, Brandin joined them against Arthur. Niniane, the Lady of the Lake, was briefly his paramour and taught him some enchantments that he applied to his castle.... [more]
BrangainefArthurian Cycle Probably a medieval corruption of Branwen. This is the name of Isolde's faithful and beautiful handmaiden in almost all the Tristan and Isolde legends.
BrangaledmArthurian Cycle, Literature The owner of a horn, Corn Brangaled, that was said to have been capable of providing any drink desired and to number amongst the Thirteen Treasures of Britain.
BraniefArthurian Cycle A lady at Arthur’s court. Both Branie of the High Mountain and her sister, Clameroi, failed a chastity test.
BranormArthurian Cycle, Literature A famous knight of Uther Pendragon’s table, hailed in Palamedes. When he was about 120 years old, he visited Arthur’s court and defeated almost all of Arthur’s knights in joust, including Arthur, Lancelot, Palamedes, and Gawaine... [more]
BrasiasmArthurian Cycle A hermit living near Windsor, he hosted Lancelot when the latter left Arthur’s court in London after a quarrel with Guenevere. It was this quarrel that led to the dinner at which Sir Patrise was poisoned, for Guenevere gave the dinner to show outward that she had as great joy in all other knights of the Round Table as she had in Sir Lancelot.
BriadanmArthurian Cycle In Palamedes, one of two knights who murdered the Good Knight Without Fear. His companion was Ferrant.
BriadasmArthurian Cycle A powerful jouster who guarded the Spring of the Two Sycamores. He was considered undefeatable; he had even knocked down Gawaine. This lasted until he was conquered by Lancelot and received a mortal wound... [more]
BriainsmArthurian Cycle A knight who joined Nogant in an assault on Queen Fenise of Ireland. Arthur’s forces joined Nogant but Arthur soon learned that he was a coward, and the siege was lifted.
BrisenfArthurian Cycle The name of a witch in Arthurian legend. One theory connects it to Old Norse brisinga "glowing, twinkling" (a word-forming element associated with Freya's famous necklace, the brísingamen).
BrodanmArthurian Cycle A Knight of the Round Table who embarked with the others on the Grail Quest.
BronnilmArthurian Cycle In Robert Mannyng’s chronicle, a Saxon lord who allied with Mordred and was slain at the final battle against Arthur.
BrudanmArthurian Cycle The nephew of Brian of the Isles, Arthur’s enemy. He murdered the noble Meliot of Logres, and was slain in turn by Perceval.
BrunormArthurian Cycle Likely derived from the Germanic element brunna "armour, protection" or brun "brown". This is the name of several characters in Arthurian tales, including the father of Sir Galehaut and the Knight of the Ill-Fitting Coat.
BuroinmArthurian Cycle The duke of the White Lake. He raised and educated Tybalt, the youth who became Lancelot’s first squire. He gave lodging to Lancelot one night as he traveled to Arthur’s court.
BusiranemArthurian Cycle A sorcerer who imprisoned the maiden Amoret and tried to force her to become his lover. Britomart, the warrior maiden, learned of Amoret’s plight from Scudamore, Amoret’s lover. Britomart braved the enchantments of Busirane’s castle, defeated him, and freed Amoret.
CadormArthurian Cycle, Cornish Probably a form of Cadeyrn, perhaps derived from its Cornish cognate. In Arthurian romance this was the name of Guinevere's guardian. According to the 12th-century chronicler Geoffrey of Monmouth, Cador was a ruler of Cornwall and the father of Constantine, King Arthur's successor.... [more]
CalobrusmArthurian Cycle This is the name of a character appearing in Perlesvaus, an Old French Arthurian romance who is the cousin of Perceval and son of Calobrutus.
CalobrutusmArthurian Cycle This is the name of a character appearing in Perlesvaus, an Old French Arthurian romance who is one of Perceval’s eleven paternal uncles.
CambinafArthurian Cycle Cambina is Triamond's sister and Cambell's wife in Book 4, Cantos 2–3 of "The Faerie Queene". She is well-versed in magic and able to soothe conflict.
CelisefArthurian Cycle One of the maidens of Viviane, the French Damsel of the Lake, Celise seems to have held a high place in the Damsel’s service. her grasp of magic, while doubtless far short of Viviane’s, Nimue’s, or Morgan’s, was practical and useful.
ClamidemArthurian Cycle A knight and king of Brandigan and Iserterre in Wolfram’s Parzival. He fell in love with Cunneware of Lalander and married her.
ClaribellfArthurian Cycle Claribell is the lover Phedon kills out of rage. Her story is told in Book 2, Canto 4 of "The Faerie Queene". ... [more]
CleodalismArthurian Cycle The seneschal of King Leodegan of Carmelide. He assisted Leodegan, and Arthur, in battles against the Saxons at Carhaix and Aneblayse, and he led a battalion in Arthur’s war against Rome.
ClidrafArthurian Cycle In Ulrich’s Lanzalet, a beautiful woman from the enchanted island of Thyle.... [more]
ColumbellfArthurian Cycle Columbell is the lady of the squire captured by Argante in "The Faerie Queene"
CondwiramursfArthurian Cycle The name of a queen who becomes Parzival’s wife in the chivalric romance ‘Parzival’ by Wolfram von Eschenbach.
CorcecafArthurian Cycle Corceca is an old woman in Book 1 of "The Faerie Queene". She practices Catholic rituals and prays the rosary.
CorflambomArthurian Cycle Corflambo is the powerful giant who captures Amyas in Book 4, Canto 8 of "The Faerie Queene". He is killed by Arthur.
CormorantmArthurian Cycle Cormorant is a giant in Book 6 of "The Faerie Queene". He will take back Bruin's kingdom unless Bruin produces an heir.
CressilefArthurian Cycle The daughter of King Clodoveus of Cornwall, an ancestor of Mark and Tristan.... [more]
CrudormArthurian Cycle Crudor is the knight who requires a mantle of knights' and ladies' hair from his lady Briana before he is willing to marry her in Book 6, Canto 1 of "The Faerie Queene". He is reformed by Calidore.
CundriefArthurian Cycle The name of two women in the 'Parzifal' by Wolfram von Eschenbach.
CymochlesmLiterature, Arthurian Cycle From the Greek elements κῦμα (kyma) meaning "swell of the sea, wave, billow" and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory". In Edmund Spenser's poem The Faerie Queene (1590) this is the name of a knight characterized by indecision and fluctuations of the will... [more]
CynonmArthurian Cycle One of Arthur’s three Counselor Knights, found in the Welsh Triads and other Welsh texts. He was the son of Clydno.
DagonetmArthurian Cycle Meaning unknown, possibly from Old English dæg "day". Dagonet or Daguenet was a witless Knight of the Round Table in Arthurian legend, usually described as the king's fool. Introduced in the Prose Lancelot, he becomes Arthur's beloved court jester in Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur and Tennyson's Idylls of the King.
DahamorthmArthurian Cycle A knight killed by Gawaine in a tournament at the city of Baldac (Baghdad) in Babylonia. Dahamorth’s brother, Angaras of Karamphi, tried to slay Gawaine for the incident, but was himself defeated.
DamartmArthurian Cycle A magician killed by Betis. After this feat, Betis’s name was changed to Perceforest.
DanadormArthurian Cycle A vassal of Emperor Filimenis of Constantinople, father of Sir Floriant.
DanidainmArthurian Cycle A knight from Lyonesse and cousin of Breuse the Pitiless, whose evil disposition he shared. Lancelot killed him.
DanisefArthurian Cycle, Literature The Queen of Cluse in Der Stricker’s Daniel. Her husband, King Matur, challenged Arthur and was slain. Arthur then took over Cluse. Danise mourned for Matur but agreed to marry Daniel of the Blossoming Valley, a noble knight of Arthur’s who had made the conquest possible.... [more]
DaniusmArthurian Cycle According to Geoffrey of Monmouth, king of Britain in the fourth or third century BC.... [more]
DanubremArthurian Cycle A Knight of the Round Table and brother of Acorant the Agile. He was related in some way to Lancelot.... [more]
DarasmArthurian Cycle, Literature An old knight who lived with his nephew, Danaim, and harbored sick and injured knights in his castle, including Tristan, Mordred, and Palamedes.... [more]
DarecafArthurian Cycle The sister of St. Patrick in Jocelyn’s Life of St. Patrick. She was said to have been Patrick’s youngest sister and to have had seventeen sons.... [more]
DarilmArthurian Cycle A Saxon warrior. He was the son of King Bramangue and the brother of Haram and Orient.... [more]
DarsenoismArthurian Cycle A knight whom Arthur freed from the castle Causuel when he defeated the Merciless Lion, Darsenois’s jailer. In return, Darsenois gave Arthur a charger.
DavalonmArthurian Cycle Davalon The Proud is one of Arthur’s knights in Heinrich von dem Türlin’s "Diu Crône". The name is corrupted and split from Guigomar d’Avalon, found in Chrétien’s Erec.
DecettomArthurian Cycle Decetto or deceit is an enemy of Timias in Book 6, Canto 5 of "The Faerie Queene". He is in league with the Blatant Beast.
DefettomArthurian Cycle Defetto or defect is an enemy of Timias in Book 6, Canto 5 of "The Faerie Queene". He is in league with the Blatant Beast.
DinadanmArthurian Cycle Of unknown meaning, perhaps from Din Eidyn, the old name for Edinburgh (which appears in the early medieval Welsh poem 'Y Gododdin'), or possibly an Anglicized form of Dunawd... [more]
DindranefArthurian Cycle Of uncertain origin, probably from Welsh Danbrann which was possibly derived from Middle Welsh dawn "gift" or dwn "brown, dark" and bran "raven". Dindrane is historically the sister of Perceval, one of King Arthur's knights... [more]
DioglusmArthurian Cycle The seneschal of King Maglory the Saxon. In the early days of Arthur’s reign, he invaded northern Britain with other Saxons. He was killed at the battle of Clarence by Sir Eliezer, King Pelles’ son.
DionisefArthurian Cycle A medieval form of Dionysia used in the 13th-century Arthurian tale Les Merveilles de Rigomer, where it belongs to the queen of Rigomer Castle in Ireland.
DodalismArthurian Cycle A Saxon king who participated in the Saxon invasion of northern Britain in the early days of Arthur’s reign. He was killed by Agravain at the battle of Cambenic.
DolanziemArthurian Cycle A Scottish knight in the service of lord Galehaut. Galehaut left him a viceroy of the Giant’s Isle after Tristan conquered it and slew Galehaut’s parents.
DolonmArthurian Cycle Dolon is an old man and former knight who wants revenge on Artegall for killing his son. In Book 5, Canto 6 of "The Faerie Queene" he almost kills Britomart instead.
DonymArthurian Cycle Dony is Florimell's dwarf who searches for her in Books 3 and 5 of "The Faerie Queene".
DorilasmArthurian Cycle A Knight of the Round Table and the nephew of King Nentres of Garlot. He fought with his uncle against the Saxons at the battles of Broceliande and Clarence.
DragonelmArthurian Cycle, Literature Dragonel the Cruel is a malevolent knight who abducted the lady Rohais from the knight Arguisiaus of Carhaix, wounding Arguisiaus in the process. Dragonel intended to force Rohais into marriage, but Perceval encountered him, defeated him, and sent him to Arthur’s court.
DriadammArthurian Cycle A cousin of Erec who was slain by Mordred, prompting a feud between Erec and Mordred.
DrianmArthurian Cycle Knight of the Round Table. Son of Pellinore (apparently his third in wedlock), brother of Perceval, Lamorat, Aglovale, Alain, and Tor le Fise Aries.... [more]
DruasmArthurian Cycle, Literature Lord of the Hill of Wretches. He slew every knight who adventured his way, but was eventually killed by Agravain. Druas’s brother, Sorneham of Newcastle, learned of the incident and, in revenge, he defeated and imprisoned Agravain.
DruidainmArthurian Cycle A loathsome hunchbacked dwarf, to whom Gawaine gave the false lady Ydain after she tried to leave Gawaine for another knight. Druidain’s eventual possession of Ydain had been foretold by an oracle in the dwarf’s youth.
DruonmArthurian Cycle Druon is a knight who fights with Blandamour, Paridell, and Claribell in Book 4, Canto 9 of "The Faerie Queene".
DubricmHistory (Ecclesiastical), Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend, Arthurian Cycle In Welsh legend, he is said to be the illegitimate son of the daughter of King Peibio Clafrog, ruler of Ergyng (located in present-day Herefordshire, England), Efrddyl. Her father tried to drown her in the River Wye, but didn’t succeed... [more]
DulceflurfArthurian Cycle A princess of Trefferin and Karedonas whose father, King Gediens, was slain by the heathen King Verangoz of Sorboreste.... [more]
DulcemarmArthurian Cycle Arthur went to war with him, besieging Tandernas, to avenge a wrong committed by Tandareis. Dulcemar and Gawaine managed to broker a peace. Through his son, Dulcemar later became overlord of Malmontan and Mermin.
DuzabelfArthurian Cycle, Literature A princess from Turtus, kidnapped and held for ransom by giants named Fidegart and Purdan. She was rescued by Arthur’s Sir Garel. Her parents were King Amurat and Queen Klarine.... [more]
DyoglismArthurian Cycle The seneschal of King Maglory the Saxon. In the early days of Arthur’s reign, he invaded northern Britain with other Saxons. He was killed at the battle of Clarence by Sir Eliezer, King Pelles’ son.
DyonismArthurian Cycle Brother of Alibel, Dion, and Casibilant, and nephew of Duke Calles.... [more]
DyonisefArthurian Cycle A lady who ruled the Castle of Ten Maidens with her lover, Sir Geogenant. Dyonise and Geogenant were friends of Sir Durmart.
EchelmArthurian Cycle One of Arthur’s warriors in Welsh legend, killed by the boar Twrch Trwyth at Llwch Ewin during the epic hunt.
EctormArthurian Cycle Sir Ector is the father of Sir Kay and the foster father of King Arthur in the Arthurian legend.
EdernmWelsh Mythology, Arthurian Cycle, Medieval Breton, Breton Derived from Old Welsh edyrn "immense; heavy; prodigious, wonderful, marvellous", in the past this name has been (falsely) considered a derivation from Latin aeternus "eternal".... [more]
EglatinefLiterature, Arthurian Cycle Probably a medieval French variant or possibly a misspelling of Eglantine. In Arthurian legend, Eglatine was the daughter of King Machen of the Lost Island, and the half-sister of King Nentres of Garlot... [more]
EirenafArthurian Cycle, Literature Eirena, also spelled Irena, is a ruler whose kingdom is besieged by Grantorto in Book 5 of "The Faerie Queene". Artegall restores her rule.
ElamiefArthurian Cycle In Wirnt von Grafenberg’s Wigalois, a Queen of Tyre who entered a kind of sparrowhawk tournament and won, for she was the most beautiful.
EleinefArthurian Cycle The beautiful, golden-haired daughter of King Pellinore and the Lady of the Rule, Eleine killed herself with the sword of her lover Sir Miles after he was treacherously slain by Loraine le Savage.
EliadusmArthurian Cycle King of Sicily and father of Floriant, an Arthurian knight, who was raised by Morgan Le Fay.
EliedusmArthurian Cycle One of the heathen kings who, under King Oriel, ravaged northern Britain in the early days of Arthur’s reign.
ElieziermArthurian Cycle The son of King Pelles of Corbenic, brother of Elaine and maternal uncle of Galahad.... [more]
ElinantmMedieval French, Arthurian Cycle, Medieval Welsh nant coming from the Old French meaning "pledge, security" or perhaps Welsh for "stream". The first part of the name is unknown, possibly from the same root at Helen meaning "torch"... [more]
ElyabelfArthurian Cycle A medieval form of Elizabeth used in the 13th-century Prose Tristan and its adaptations, where it belongs to the mother of Tristan.
ElyanmArthurian Cycle In Arthurian romance tales, Sir Elyan the White, also known as Helyan le Blanc, is the son of Sir Bors and is a Knight of the Round Table. He's sometimes a cousin of Lancelot, and helps rescue him after his affair with Guinevere is revealed... [more]
ErecmArthurian Cycle Possibly derived from the Old Breton name Guerec, which may be related to Welsh Gweir, the name of several of King Arthur's warriors and relatives in early Welsh tales... [more]
EsmereefArthurian Cycle Perhaps derived from Old French esmer meaning "to like, love, respect". This was the name of an enchanted queen of Wales in Le Bel Inconnu (ca. 1185-90), an Old French Arthurian poem by Renaut de Bâgé... [more]
EthelinafArthurian Cycle Daughter of Octa the Saxon who married Arthur as a token of peace between the Britons and the Saxons.
EttarrefArthurian Cycle Used by Alfred Lord Tennyson in his Arthurian epic 'Idylls of the King' (1859) as the name of the lady loved by Pelleas. An earlier form, Ettard, was used by Sir Thomas Malory in his 'Le Morte d'Arthur' and may have been a variant or corrupted form of Arcade, the original name of the character in the Post-Vulgate Cycle.
EunomiefArthurian Cycle Eunomie is an assistant to Mercilla in Book 5, Canto 9 of "The Faerie Queene". She is one of the Hours.
EvainefArthurian Cycle In Arthurian tales, Evaine is the sister of Lancelot's mother Elaine, wife of King Bors of Gaul and mother of Sir Lionel and Sir Bors the Younger. Her character first appears in the Old French prose Lancelot of the Lake (c.1215–20), which was incorporated into the Vulgate Lancelot.... [more]
EvalusmArthurian Cycle An emperor of Rome who, according to Perlesvaus, mounted a sacred stone in the pommel of the Grail Sword.
EvelakemArthurian Cycle From Evalach, likely a corruption of Afallach. It appears in this form in Thomas Malory's 15th-century compilation of Arthurian legends 'Le Morte d'Arthur', in which Evelake is a good king of Sarras and a contemporary of Joseph of Arimathea... [more]
EvrainmArthurian Cycle A sorcerer who, with his brother Mabon, entered Wales and laid waste to the city of Snowdon, ruled by Queen Esmeree the Blonde, whom they turned into a snake. He was defeated in combat and was put to flight by Gawaine’s son Guinglain.
FaramonmArthurian Cycle The name of a fictional character in Arthurian literature, a king of France or Gaul who is based on Faramund, a semi-legendary 5th-century Frankish king.
FasciniafArthurian Cycle A sorceress encountered by Arthur on the island of Pamona. She tempted him to carnal lust, but the angel Gabriel visited him and caused him to flee.
Fauvielm & fArthurian Cycle Gawaine’s horse in Les Merveilles de Rigomer, from the French word fauve, meaning “beast”. Gawaine lost the horse when he was robbed and imprisoned at the castle Fors Graviers, but recovered it when he slew Lord Bauduins of Wanglent, who had somehow come into possession of it... [more]
FavelmArthurian Cycle A Saxon warrior slain by Gareth in a skirmish near Camelot, during the Saxon invasion of Britain.
FavidafArthurian Cycle The name of a lady saved from two giants by Erec in the Norse Erex Saga. She appears in Chrétien’s Erec.
FenisefArthurian Cycle In Durmart le Gallois, the Queen of Ireland, Sir Durmart fell in love with her after hearing of her great beauty. At the city of Landoc, Durmart won a sparrowhawk tournament and presented the prize to Fenise without knowing her identity.... [more]
FerauntmArthurian Cycle A Spanish knight in the Roman army that fought against Arthur in the Roman War.