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Gender Masculine
Other Forms FormsMagdrains, Mogdains, Mondrames, Mordrain de Sarras, Mordrains, Mordrayns, Mordrayous

Meaning & History

Mordrain is the Christian name of Evalach, an Eastern king and a contemporary to Joseph of Arimathea who is Christened by Joseph. Later, when Joseph is imprisoned by the pagan British king Crudel, Mordrain leads an army from his eastern kingdom to Britain to Joseph’s rescue. Mordrain later approaches too closely to the Grail and is smitten with paralysis and blindness and his wounds remain unhealed. Mordrain will remain in this condition until the coming of the knight who will achieve the Holy Grail. Mordrain is visited by Perceval during the Grail Quest with no result but is eventually healed by Galahad and then dies in Galahad’s arms.
Added 10/22/2024 by hermeline