Arthurian Cycle Submitted Names

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Flojir m Arthurian Cycle
In Wirnt von Grafenberg’s Wigalois, a knight from Belamunt who killed Feroz, the husband of Ruel the hag.
Floraete f Arthurian Cycle
Tristan’s foster-mother, married to Rual li Foitenant.... [more]
Florant m Arthurian Cycle
A knight who served Duchess Orgeluse of Logres (Orguelleuse). He was titled ‘the Turkoyt’, the meaning of which is uncertain.
Flordiane f Arthurian Cycle
The sister of Duke Eskilabon of Belamunt.... [more]
Flordibel f Arthurian Cycle
Heroine of Der Pleier’s Tandareis and Flordibel. The daughter of the King of India, she was sent to Arthur’s court as a child to serve Guenevere.
Florée f Arthurian Cycle
A cousin and friend of Princess Hermondine of Scotland.... [more]
Floree f Arthurian Cycle
A lady kidnapped by Sir Caradoc of the Dolorous Tower. Caradoc also kidnapped Guinevere.... [more]
Floremus m Arthurian Cycle
Seneschal of King Lac of Great Orkney.... [more]
Floriant m Medieval French, French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), Literature, Arthurian Cycle
Variant form of Florian, which was probably influenced by the related name Florent. Alternatively, this name may have been derived from a contraction of the French adjective florissant meaning "flourishing".... [more]
Florinca f Arthurian Cycle
A lady saved by Tristan the Younger (Tristan’s son) from her cad of a husband.
Florisdelfa f Arthurian Cycle
It's origins are unknown but presumably a coinage from of the Latin flos "flower" and the Greek adelphe "sister".... [more]
Flourdelis f Arthurian Cycle
Flourdelis is Burbon's lover. She represents the disloyal citizens of France in Book 5, Canto 11 of "The Faerie Queene". Artegall rebukes her for letting Grantorto tempt her.
Flualis m Arthurian Cycle
A Saracen king of parts of Jerusalem. He was the husband of Subine.... [more]
Flurdamurs f Arthurian Cycle
Perceval’s paternal aunt; daughter of Gandin of Anjou and Schoette; and sister of Galoes, Gahmuret, and Limmire.... [more]
Flurent f Arthurian Cycle
Mother of Isolde and King Engres of Ireland in the Icelandic Saga af Tristram ok Ísodd.... [more]
Foldace f Arthurian Cycle
She was the daughter of Julius Caesar, the emperor of Rome, who gives her as wife to Patrices (Patrick), the brother of Avenable.
Foreston m Arthurian Cycle
One of the “estrange gens” who fought in the tournament of Peningue against Galehoudin’s (Galihodin) party.
Formis m Arthurian Cycle
A duke who ruled the Turning Isle (Turnance).... [more]
Fortimes m Arthurian Cycle
One of Perceval’s eleven paternal uncles in Perlesvaus.... [more]
Foucaire m Arthurian Cycle
A pirate who inhabited the Rock of the Perilous Port. He was slain by Pompey. His former abode was used by Mordrains during an adventure at sea.
Fradubio m Arthurian Cycle
Fradubio is a man turned into a tree by the sorceress Duessa. He warns the Redcrosse Knight about Duessa.
Fragus m Arthurian Cycle
Father of Guiron the Courteous. He was the son of Argons and the grandson of Febus of France.
Francagel m Arthurian Cycle
One of the twelve companions who accompanied Alexander from Greece to Britain, where Arthur knighted them all at the outset of Count Angrs’ rebellion, he seems to have been with Alexander’s party when it penetrated Windsor to capture Angrs.
Friam m Arthurian Cycle
A duke and an ally or vassal of Gawaine’s wife, Orgeluse (Orguelleuse).
Frians m Arthurian Cycle
A boorish and treacherous prince of Punterteis (Punturteis) in Der Pleier’s Garel von dem blühenden Tal.... [more]
Fronia f Arthurian Cycle
In Thomas Hughes’ The Misfortunes of Arthur, a lady in Guinevere’s service who dissuaded the queen – who had committed bigamy with Mordred – from a plot to murder Arthur.
Fulgin m Arthurian Cycle
A heathen king slain by Arthur’s Sir Galescalain (Galeshin) at the battle of Diana Bridge.
Furor m Arthurian Cycle
Furor is the wrathful spirit in Book 2, Canto 4 of "The Faerie Queene". He captures Phedon and is subdued by Guyon.
Gabarins m Arthurian Cycle
An infidel count who served Feirefiz, Perceval’s half-brother.
Gaddifer m Arthurian Cycle
The King of Scotland and an Arthurian knight. He was made king when his brother Betis became King of England in the time of Alexander the Great.
Gaheres m Arthurian Cycle
A nephew of the King of Norgales (North Wales), Gaheres received Gareth’s seat at the Round Table after Gareth was killed during Lancelot’s rescue of Guenevere from the stake.
Gaheris m Arthurian Cycle, Welsh Mythology
This is the name of a character in Arthurian tales, a brother of Gawain (as well as Gareth, Mordred and Agravain), and the son of King Lot and either Belisent or Morgause... [more]
Gailain m Arthurian Cycle
One of five knights who tried to murder Agravain but were defeated by Agravain’s brother, Gawaine.
Galaas m Arthurian Cycle
A fearsome giant, surnamed ‘the Moor’ or ‘the Mighty’, found in Heinrich von dem Türlin’s Diu Crône.... [more]
Galagandreiz m Arthurian Cycle
The lord of the castle of Moreiz.... [more]
Galaida f Arthurian Cycle
Kay’s sweetheart in Heinrich von dem Türlin’s "Diu Crône". She failed two chastity tests, which humbled Kay, who had been making great sport of the other ladies who failed.
Galamide f Arthurian Cycle
Sister of Gasozein of Dragoz. Her brother challenged Arthur for Guenevere... [more]
Galehaut m Arthurian Cycle
Meaning unknown. However, like many given names from Arthurian legend, this name is probably of Celtic origin (either Breton or Welsh, to be precise). It was subsequently gallicized and due to this, it is sometimes thought to be connected to Middle French hault (which is haut in modern French) meaning "high, elevated".... [more]
Galeschin m Arthurian Cycle
Galeschin is a Knight of the Round Table in Arthurian legend. He is a nephew of King Arthur, son of the king's half-sister Elaine and King Nentres of Garlot.... [more]
Gandwy m Arthurian Cycle
One of Arthur’s gatekeepers.
Ganieda f Arthurian Cycle, Literature
According to the Red Book of Hergest, she was the twin sister of Merlin. She is found in both the Vita Merlini and the Welsh poems where she is called Gwendydd.... [more]
Ganora f Arthurian Cycle
Latinate form of Gaynor used by Reginald Heber for the character of Queen Guinevere in his unfinished and posthumous 'Morte d'Arthur' (first published in 1830).
Ganore f Arthurian Cycle
Variant of Gaynor used by George Augustus Simcox in his poem The Farewell of Ganore (1869).
Garanwyn m Arthurian Cycle
Possibly derived from Welsh garan meaning "heron, crane" and gwyn meaning "white".
Gardante m Arthurian Cycle
Gardante is a knight outside Malecasta's castle. He wounds Britomart in a fight.
Garez m Arthurian Cycle
A King of Libya in "Wigalois" by Wirnt von Grafenberg.
Garsidis m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
King of Karmerie and husband of Lambore. He died at a young age, which caused his wife to die of grief. His daughter, Tydomie, married Arthur’s nephew Meleranz.
Garwen f Arthurian Cycle, Welsh Mythology
Means "fair leg" from Welsh gar "leg" and gwen "white, fair, blessed". According to the Welsh Triads (Triad 57), this name belonged to one of Arthur's three mistresses... [more]
Gauriel m Arthurian Cycle
A knight who married a fairy ruler, but lost her (and his own handsome features) when he revealed her existence to others. To reclaim her, he had to journey to Arthur’s court, defeat three knights, and take them to her land of Fluratrone... [more]
Gawaine m Arthurian Cycle
Variant of Gawain used by Thomas Malory in his 15th-century compilation of Arthurian legends 'Le Morte d'Arthur'.
Gawen m Cornish, Medieval English, Arthurian Cycle
Middle English form of Gawain, as well as the modern Cornish form.
Genius m Arthurian Cycle
Genius is the gatekeeper of the Bower of Bliss and the porter of the Garden of Adonis in "The Faerie Queene".
Gentis m Arthurian Cycle
A knight present at the tournament of Sorgarda, which Gawain won.
Genvissa f Arthurian Cycle
According to Geoffrey, Genvissa is the daughter of the Roman Emperor Claudius. Claudius supposedly gives Genvissa in marriage to the British king Arviragus. When Arviragus revolted against Claudius, Genvissa arranged peace between them.... [more]
Gerenton m Arthurian Cycle
An ancestor of Arthur and father of Conan, he was mentioned in Gallet’s pedigree.
Geryoneo m Arthurian Cycle
Geryoneo is the monster who invades and destroys Belge's country. He represents Catholic Spain's domination of Europe. Arthur kills him.
Gilimar m Arthurian Cycle
A noble knight who lodged Lancelot, Gawaine, Gareth, and Tristan on their way back from the castle Pluris adventure.... [more]
Gilloman m Arthurian Cycle
The King of Ireland when King Ambrosius Aurelius ruled in Britain.... [more]
Gilmaurius m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
According to Geoffrey, the King of Ireland who was defeated when Arthur invaded that country.... [more]
Giramphiel f Arthurian Cycle
A goddess, in Diu Crône, who hated Gawain because he had stolen a magic belt from her husband, Sir Fimbeus. When Gawain visited her castle, she maliciously told him of an adventure to be found in the country of Aufat (Aufrat) – in truth, the “adventure” was a terrible dragon, which Gawain nonetheless managed to defeat.... [more]
Girida f Arthurian Cycle
One of Isolde’s ladies-in-waiting in La Tavola Ritonda. She is known as Bessille in the Prose Tristan.... [more]
Gismirante m Arthurian Cycle
Hero of Antonio Pucci’s romance, from the fourteenth century, bearing his name, Gismirante, the son of a former Knight of the Round Table, left his home in Rome for Arthur’s court after his father, on his deathbed, bade him to make the journey... [more]
Giuriano m Arthurian Cycle
Nephew of the King of Scotland, present at Arthur’s tournament at the Hard Rock (Castle of the Hard Rock).
Gladinel m Arthurian Cycle
A knight freed from the prison of Felon of the Guard when Sir Durmart defeated Felon.
Glador m Arthurian Cycle
A vassal of the King with a Hundred Knights present at King Mark’s tournament at Lancien.
Gliglois m Arthurian Cycle
Name of Gawain's squire.
Glitonea f Arthurian Cycle
A sister of Morgan, and thus co-ruler of an Otherworld kingdom that is usually identified with Avalon.
Gloriande f Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Daughter of King Gonosor of Ireland. She married King Apollo of Liones and had a son named Candaces.... [more]
Gornemant m Arthurian Cycle
The name of a character in Arthurian tales.
Grantorto m Arthurian Cycle
Grantorto is the giant who holds Irena and her kingdom hostage in Book 5. He represents Irish Catholic rebels. Artegall kills him.
Griflet m Arthurian Cycle
Sir Griflet is a Knight of the Round Table in Arthurian legend.
Grysinde f Arthurian Cycle
A lady who became the subject of dispute between Mabon the Black and Mennonas. Tristan and Isolde came to help Mabon... [more]
Guigenor f Arthurian Cycle
In the First Continuation of the Old French Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes (ca. 1200), Guigenor was the daughter of Sir Guiromelant and Clarissant and the niece of Gawain.
Guignier f Arthurian Cycle
A maiden married Sir Caradoc Briefbras, one of Arthur’s knights, in the First Continuation of Chrétien de Troyes’s Perceval.
Guinebal m Arthurian Cycle
The older brother of Kings Ban and Bors and the uncle of Lancelot.... [more]
Guinevak f Arthurian Cycle
Anglicised form of Gwenhwyfach.
Guinever f Arthurian Cycle
Variant of Gwenivere, occasionally seen in original Arthurian works when speaking of Gwenivere, King Arthur's queen.
Guingras m Arthurian Cycle
The good and kind King of Wales in Renaut’s Le Bel Inconnu.... [more]
Guiron m Arthurian Cycle
Guiron le Courtois is a character in Arthurian legend, a knight-errant and one of the central figures in the French romance known as Palamedes, with later versions named Guiron le Courtois and the Compilation of Rustichello da Pisa.
Guizor m Arthurian Cycle
Guizor was killed by Artegall before the narration begins in "The Faerie Queene".
Gwaine m Welsh, Arthurian Cycle
Variant of Gawain. Gwaine is a character on the BBC television series 'Merlin', meant to represent the Gawain of Arthurian legend.
Gweir m Arthurian Cycle
An Arthurian warrior named as one of the Three Enemy-Subduers of the Island of Britain and a “stubborn man” in the Welsh Triads.
Gwenore f Arthurian Cycle
Form of Guinevere used in Thomas Chestre's romance Sir Launfal and in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Gwyl f Arthurian Cycle
One of Arthur’s three mistresses, according to the Welsh Triad 57.... [more]
Heglan m Arthurian Cycle
A knight in Arthur’s court from Camelot, defeated in duel by King Pellinore.
Helaés f Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Helaes was an orphan, the Countess of Limos, the sister of one Clapor le Riche and the niece of one Meleager le Rous, a sister or cousin of the Damoisele à la Harpe, and also unmarried and a determined lover of Sir Gawaine... [more]
Helain m Arthurian Cycle
One of the two peasant brothers who were protégés of King Armant of the Delectable Isle and the Red City. They treacherously killed the king and seized his kingdom. Palamedes killed Helain and avenged King Armant’s death.
Helaius m Arthurian Cycle
Nephew of Joseph of Arimathea and ancestor of Arthur on the maternal side, according to the pedigree of John of Glastonbury.
Heliabel f Arthurian Cycle
The Grail heroine and the sister of Perceval.... [more]
Helior m Arthurian Cycle
A knight who abducted the wife of Sir Daguenet (Dagonet), Arthur’s fool. Daguenet eventually killed him.
Helizabel f Arthurian Cycle
The daughter of Pelles and mother of Galahad in the Vulgate Lancelot.... [more]
Hellawes f Arthurian Cycle
Probably a variant of Helewise. It occurs in Thomas Malory's 15th-century compilation of Arthurian legends 'Le Morte d'Arthur' belonging to a sorceress who creates the chapel perilous, the setting of one of the quests of Sir Lancelot, and falls in love with the knight... [more]
Helpherich m Arthurian Cycle
A king who, allied with King Ekunaver of Kanadic, went to war with Arthur. Ekunaver was defeated by Garel, and Helpherich was given a seat at the Round Table.
Hemison m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Sir Hemison was a lover of Morgan le Fay, living with her at one of her castles.
Hendris m Arthurian Cycle
King of Slavonia.... [more]
Hermenor m Arthurian Cycle
A knight slain by Guiron the Courteous at the Levegnic tournament. His brother, Hector the Noble, was also killed by Guiron.
Hermind m Arthurian Cycle
The brother of King Hermance of the Red City, Hermind fought Sir Palomides for the right of avenging Hermance’s death, but yielded to Palomides as the better warrior.... [more]
Hermondine f Arthurian Cycle
Daughter of the King of Scotland.... [more]
Herzeloyde f Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Derived from the Middle High German words herze meaning "heart" and leit meaning "grief, sorrow, suffering".... [more]
Hewin m Arthurian Cycle
A duke who governed Guiens under King Arthur.
Hiderus m Arthurian Cycle (Latinized)
Form of Edern used in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Brittaniae.
Hildifonsus m Arthurian Cycle
A semi-latinized form of Hildifuns used in the 14th-century Icelandic Saga af Tristram ok Isodd (Saga of Tristan and Iseult), where it belongs to a Welsh bishop.
Hireglas m Arthurian Cycle
Nephew of Bedivere and a knight of Arthur’s court in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia.... [more]
Hrothwina f Arthurian Cycle
Alternative spelling for Ronwen, the daughter of Hengist who married Vortigern.... [more]
Huddibras m Arthurian Cycle
Huddibras is Elissa's lover in Book 2, Canto 2 of "The Faerie Queene".
Iblis f Arthurian Cycle
In an Arthurian legend in Ulrich von Zatzikhoven's late 12th-century German poem Lanzelet, the loving fairy mistress of Prince Lancelot is named Iblis, an anagram for Sibil/Sybil.
Idain f Arthurian Cycle
An unattractive woman whose lover, Cardroain, championed her in a sparrowhawk tournament at Landoc. The sparrowhawk was to go to the most beautiful woman present, but Cardroain expected to win it for Idain through force of arms... [more]
Idœl m Arthurian Cycle
Father of Arthur’s knight Johfreit de Liez.
Ignaro m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Ignaro, also called Ignorance, is an old man in Orgoglio's castle.
Ignaures m Arthurian Cycle
This British knight was a popular lover, and fought in the Noauz tournament. His shield was half green and half azure, with a leopard on the green side.
Ignoge f Arthurian Cycle
The daughter of the Greek King Pandrasus.... [more]
Iguedon m Arthurian Cycle
A Saxon warrior killed by Sir Ulfin at the battle of Carhaix.
Ilamert f Arthurian Cycle
In Heinrich von dem Türlin’s Diu Crône, Gawain required a magic skein of thread to cross a river. This he obtained by defeating the brother of its owner, Lady Ilamert of Lanoier.
Ilax m Arthurian Cycle
The father of Erec, according to the Norse version of the story of Erec, the Erex Saga.
Illeli f Arthurian Cycle
In Sir Ian Stuart-Knill’s curious pedigree of Arthur, she is the wife of Joseph of Arimathea and an ancestor of Arthur.
Illesgaleron m Arthurian Cycle
A prince of Wales who joined Arthur’s battle against the Saxons at Vambieres. He is found exclusively in the Livre d’Artus.... [more]
Imain m Arthurian Cycle
Duke of Tulmein and brother-in-law of Enide’s father Koralus.... [more]
Ingeles m Arthurian Cycle
This is the name of a character appearing in Syre Gawene and the Carle of Carlyle, a Middle English tail-rhyme romance who is one of King Arthur’s knights.
Inogen f Arthurian Cycle
A daughter of Merlin in Richard Hole’s Arthur.... [more]
Ioruaidh m Arthurian Cycle
The son of the King of Iceland, father of Rathlean and, through her, according to the Irish romance Visit of Grey Ham, the grandfather of Ailleann.
Isoud f Arthurian Cycle, Norman
Norman form and English variant of Isolde.
Isoude f Medieval English, Arthurian Cycle
Medieval English vernacular form of Isolde. It appears in this form in Thomas Malory's 15th-century compilation of Arthurian legends Le Morte d'Arthur.
Iwein m Arthurian Cycle
German form of Yvain in Hartmann von Aue's verse romance Iwein.
Izerna f Arthurian Cycle (Archaic)
The name comes from the account of King Artus: a Hebrew Authurian Romance of 1279. The English version, published by Syracuse University Press in 2003, and was edited and translated by Curt Leviant.... [more]
Izold f Arthurian Cycle (Polonized)
Variant of Izolda used by Tadeusz Żeleński in his translation of the tales of Tristan and Isolde.
Ižota f Belarusian, Literature, Arthurian Cycle
Belarusian form of Iseult that was used in the Old Belarusian translation of Tristan and Iseult called Apoviesć pra Tryščana (translates The Tale of Tristan into English) that was made in the XVI century by an unknown author.
Jaidons m Arthurian Cycle
An Arthurian knight who joined Gawain’s quest to conquer Rigomer castle.
Jandree f Arthurian Cycle
In Perlesvaus, a pagan princess who was the sister of King Madaglan of Oriande.... [more]
Japhite f Arthurian Cycle
The faithful and devoted wife of the evil King Roaz of Glois. She was a beautiful Asian woman. When Wigalois (Gawain’s son) killed her husband, she died from sorrow... [more]
Jascaphin m Arthurian Cycle
Father of Gawain and Clarissant in Heinrich von dem Türlin’s Diu Crône. His wife was Queen Morcades (Morgause). When King Jascaphin died, his brother banished Morcades from Orcanie.... [more]
Jaufre m Lengadocian, Arthurian Cycle
Languedocian form of of Jaufré. 'Jaufre' is the only surviving Arthurian romance written in Occitan; its main character is equivalent to Sir Griflet son of Do, a Knight of the Round Table known from other literature.
Jenephus m Arthurian Cycle
A duke in Arthur’s service.
Jerneganz m Arthurian Cycle
A duke who served Perceval’s brother, Feirefiz.
Jernis m Arthurian Cycle
A count who served Arthur. His daughter, Ampflise, was a Grail Maiden.
Joene f Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Wife of King Cichoriades of Cornwall.... [more]
Jolïete f Arthurian Cycle
Possibly from Old French joli, jolif "pretty, cute, smart, joyful". According to the Fourth Continuation (or Gerbert's Continuation; c. 1230) of Chrétien de Troyes' unfinished romance Perceval, the Story of the Grail, this was the name of a maidservant of Bloiesine, Gawain's lover.
Joseus m Arthurian Cycle
In Perlesvaus, the son of King Pelles.... [more]
Josimas m Arthurian Cycle
A holy man, formerly a knight, who lodged Perceval and Gawain in his hermitage.
Jovelin m Arthurian Cycle
Father of Kahedins and Isolde of the White Hands (Iseult) in Gottfried’s Tristan.... [more]
Juben m Arthurian Cycle
A duke of Forckheim who Erec saved after he had been kidnapped by seven robbers. His brothers, Joachim, Perant, and Malcheus, were also abducted and liberated. Erec sent them to Arthur’s court to relate the adventure.
Kadienn m Arthurian Cycle
Both maternal and paternal ancestor of Arthur found in the Welsh Bonedd yr arwr, directly descended, on both occasions, from Llyr.
Kailin m Arthurian Cycle
The king of Friesland who served Arthur.
Kainus m Arthurian Cycle
A Knight of the Round Table.... [more]
Kalafes m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
King of Terre Foraine (the Strange Land) (including the city of Malta) in the time of Joseph of Arimathea.... [more]
Kalegras m Arthurian Cycle
The name of both Tristan’s father and Tristan’s son in the Icelandic Saga af Tristram ok Ísodd, from Canelengres, Tristan’s father’s surname in German romance.... [more]
Kalogreant m Arthurian Cycle, Medieval German (Rare), German (Modern, Rare)
German form of the name Calogrenant occurring in Iwein by Hartmann von Aue.
Kalubin m Arthurian Cycle
A count defeated by Arthur’s Sir Tandareis.... [more]
Kamelin m Arthurian Cycle
A Knight of the Round Table and son of King Alfred of Ireland.... [more]
Kamphies m Arthurian Cycle
One of the many knights forced to swear allegiance to Gawain.
Kandalion m Arthurian Cycle
The bold but wicked Duke of Montikluse. He made it his hobby to imprison knights in his Malmort Tower, leaving them to starve.... [more]
Karabin m Arthurian Cycle
A giant who served King Ekunaver of Kanadic’s who delivered a message, where Ekunaver promised to invade Arthur’s lands.
Karadus m Arthurian Cycle
Among Arthur’s knights in the list Chrétien de Troyes made. Chrétien tells us that Karadus had a very cheerful disposition.
Karsie f Arthurian Cycle
Duchess of Arundel in Gottfried’s Tristan.... [more]
Kaylet m Arthurian Cycle
The King of Spain and Castille during the reign of Uther in Britain. His capital was Toledo. He was prompted by his uncle Schiltunc to join King Vridebrant of Scotland’s invasion of the African kingdom of Zazamanc... [more]
Kea m Arthurian Cycle
Likely from a Cornish form of the Welsh name Cai or Cei (see Kay). This was the name of a semi-legendary British saint, for whom the Cornish parish of Kea is named... [more]
Kegein m Arthurian Cycle
One of Arthur’s warriors who was the son of Elauth.
Kex m Arthurian Cycle
Form of Kay 2 used by the 12th-century French poet Chrétien de Troyes in his Arthurian romances.
Kingrun m Arthurian Cycle
The seneschal of King Clamide.... [more]
Klamorz m Arthurian Cycle
A knight present at the Sorgarda tournament, which Gawain won.
Klarine f Arthurian Cycle
Queen of Turtus and wife of Amurat.... [more]
Klingsor m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
A powerful medieval sorcerer in Wolfram’s Parzival, formerly the Duke of Terre de Labour (probably Italy as its capital was Capua), nephew of Vergil of Naples (Vergilius; author of the Aeneid).... [more]
Koralus m Arthurian Cycle
The name of Enide’s father according to Hartmann von Aue. He is called Licorant (Liconal) by Chrétien de Troyes.... [more]
Kundrie f Arthurian Cycle
A woman in the tale of Parsifal who knew about the magic arts.
Kuraus m Arthurian Cycle
A British knight from Gagunne, encountered by Lancelot early in his adventures. Lancelot came across Kuraus and Orphilet fighting in a clearing. They were both ready to collapse from exhaustion, and Lancelot made them stop fighting.... [more]
Kurion m Arthurian Cycle
A malicious knight who attacked Queen Albiun of the Wild Mountain, intending to steal her lands. He was defeated by Arthur’s Sir Tandareis, ending the assault.
Ladiana f Arthurian Cycle
The niece of King Mark of Cornwall.
Lähelin m Arthurian Cycle
A king who conquered Wales and North Wales from Queen Herzeloyde, Perceval’s mother, in Wolfram’s Parzival, after Gahmuret’s death. His brother was Duke Orilus of Lalander and his sister was Cunneware of Lalant.... [more]
Lambergus m Arthurian Cycle
In the Italian Tristano Riccardiano and La Tavola Ritonda, the husband of the Hebrew Damsel of Thornbush Ford. He found out that his wife and Tristan were having an affair... [more]
Lambor m Arthurian Cycle
The King of Terre Foraine (Strange Land) or Logres, a Grail King descended from Bron. He ruled Corbenic and the Strange Land.... [more]
Lambord m Arthurian Cycle
The maternal great-grandfather of Arthur, according to the pedigree of John of Glastonbury.
Lambus m Arthurian Cycle
One of the many Saxon kings who, under the Saxon King Hargadabran (Hargodabrans), fought against Arthur at the battle of Clarence.
Lamide f Arthurian Cycle
One of Isolde’s maidservants.... [more]
Lamorak m Arthurian Cycle
Possibly a coinage based on French l'amour "love". It has also been suggested that this is a corruption of the Welsh name Llywarch. This was the name of a Knight of the Round Table in some Arthurian romances, a son of King Pellinore and brother of Percival.
Lancelottus m Arthurian Cycle
Latinised form of the name Lancelot
Lantris m Arthurian Cycle
Tristan’s squire, whose name was changed from Alcardo when Tristan knighted him... [more]
Lanval m Arthurian Cycle
From Norman French l'an val meaning "the valiant man". In Arthurian romance Lanval is a knight at the court of King Arthur. The character originates in one of the lais of Marie de France, written in the late 12th century.
Laudalis m Arthurian Cycle
One of the knights who vows to go in quest for Merlin for a year and a day.
Laudamie f Arthurian Cycle
Queen of Averre, which she inherited from King Avenis and Queen Anfole (Annore). She had a sister named Anfole.... [more]
Launcelot m Theatre, Arthurian Cycle
Variant of Lancelot. This spelling was used by Shakespeare in his play The Merchant of Venice (written between 1596 and 1598) for the character of Launcelot Gobbo.
Lenomie f Arthurian Cycle
Guinevere’s sister in Heinrich von dem Türlin’s "Diu Crône". She was a queen. She had another sister named Flori.
Leodegan m Arthurian Cycle
King of Cameliard, father of Guenevere and Genievre.
Leodegrance m Arthurian Cycle, Welsh Mythology
King Leodegrance was Queen Guinevere's father from Arthurian mythology. "His earliest existing mention is in the Prose 'Lancelot', though he may be identical to Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Leodegar."
Liamere f Arthurian Cycle
The Queen of Libya, the wife of King Amire, and the daughter of King Garez in "Wigalois" by Wirnt von Grafenberg.
Libers m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
The king of Lorgan.... [more]
Libran m Arthurian Cycle
A king who battled and killed an unnamed uncle of Perceval, forcing Perceval’s aunt into seclusion in the Vulgate "Queste del Saint Graal" 1215-1230.
Logistilla f Arthurian Cycle
A sister of Morgan Le Fay, in Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso, and probably one of the nine co-rulers of Avalon.
Lorez m Arthurian Cycle
A knight present at the Sorgarda tournament, which Gawain won.
Losanna f Arthurian Cycle
The evil sovereigness of the Ancient Tower in La Tavola Ritonda.
Lyonors f Arthurian Cycle
Appears in Thomas Malory's 15th-century compilation of Arthurian legends 'Le Morte d'Arthur', belonging to the daughter of Earl Sanam. Lyonors had an affair with Arthur and bore him a son, Borre. Alfred Lord Tennyson used the name in his poem 'Gareth and Lynette' (1872) for the sister of Lynette, a character usually called Lyonesse in medieval versions of the story.
Maaglant m Arthurian Cycle
A leader of Sesnes, involved in the attack on Vandaliors Castle early in Arthur’s reign.
Mabsant m Arthurian Cycle
Son of Caw, one of twenty brothers, and one of Arthur’s warriors found in the Welsh Culhwch and Olwen.
Mabuz m Arthurian Cycle
Anglo-Norman form of Mabon. This is a character in 'Lanzelet', an Arthurian romance written by Ulrich von Zatzikhoven after 1194; Mabuz the Enchanter is the cowardly lord of the Schatel le Mort, or "Castle of the Dead".
Macabres m Arthurian Cycle
A king and brother of the pagan king Helisier.
Maccabruno m Arthurian Cycle
In La Tavola Ritonda, Tristan assists his future father-in-law, Gilierchino, in quashing a rebellion led by Gilierchino’s nephew, Albroino. Maccabruno was another uncle of Albroino, whom he joined in the war.... [more]
Macedor m Arthurian Cycle
A warrior who served Alexander of Constantinople.... [more]
Machars m Arthurian Cycle
A Saxon king who, under King Hargadabran, fought Arthur’s army at Clarence.
Machen m Arthurian Cycle
King of the Lost Island.... [more]
Macob m Arthurian Cycle
A fearsome Irish knight.... [more]
Madaglan m Arthurian Cycle
The pagan king of Oriande in Perlesvaus.... [more]
Maddan m Arthurian Cycle
The son of King Locrinus and Queen Gwendolen of Britain, and thus grandson of Corineus.... [more]
Madoine f Arthurian Cycle
A fairy companion of Morgan le Fay.... [more]
Madolas m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
This name belongs to a character appearing in the Lancelot-Grail Cycle, also known as the Vulgate Cycle or the Pseudo-Map Cycle, an early 13th-century French Arthurian literary cycle.
Madon m Arthurian Cycle
King of Bulgaria and one of the allys of Emperor Thereus of Rome.... [more]
Madule f Arthurian Cycle
Wife of Nicoraut.... [more]
Maduras m Arthurian Cycle
A knight in the service of Leriador who lays siege to le Chastel des Mares.... [more]
Maeldinus m Arthurian Cycle
A Welsh warrior who, while hunting in the mountains of Arwystli, went insane from eating poisoned apples that had been intended for Merlin.... [more]
Magano m Arthurian Cycle
A kinsman of Tristan who helped murder Meliadus (Meliodas of Liones), Tristan’s father.... [more]
Maglory m Arthurian Cycle
One of the many Saxon kings to invade Britain at the beginning of Arthur’s reign.
Malador m Arthurian Cycle
Co-leader, with Gamor, of an army of Saracens who fought Ambrosius and Uther Pendragon at Bristol.
Malagrin m Arthurian Cycle
A knight slain by Alexander the Orphan (Alisander le Orphelin) at the behest of a maiden whom Malagrin had harassed.
Malaguin m Arthurian Cycle
The proper name given to the King with a Hundred Knights in the early prose Lancelot tales. The King is given other names in other sources, and in Lancelot of the Laik, Malaguin and the King with a Hundred Knights are separate characters, although both are kings in Galehaut’s service... [more]
Malbecco m Arthurian Cycle
Malbecco is the old man who guards his riches and his attractive wife Hellenore. He eventually becomes Jealousy itself.
Malcheus m Arthurian Cycle
A duke of Manaheim and one of four brothers saved by Erec from seven robbers in "Erex Saga".
Maleagant m Arthurian Cycle
Meaning unknown. In Arthurian mythology Maleagant is the son of King Bagdemagus or Baeddan (the two characters may be one and the same)... [more]
Malecasta f Arthurian Cycle
Sovereigness of the Castle Joyous, a palace of sexual indulgence.... [more]
Malegar m Arthurian Cycle
Malegar leads the attack on the House of Temperance in Book 2, Canto 11 of "The Faerie Queene". He represents mortal pain, sickness, and death. Arthur defeats him by taking him away from his mother earth.
Malengin m Arthurian Cycle
Malengin is a shapeshifting thief who lives in a cave in Book 5, Canto 9 of "The Faerie Queene". Talus and Artegall kill him.
Malifer m Arthurian Cycle
Champion of the Saxons.... [more]
Malseron m Arthurian Cycle
A chief giant who served King Ekunaver of Kanadic. His companions were Karabin, Zirijon, and Zirdos.... [more]
Malvasius m Arthurian Cycle
The King of Iceland in Arthur’s time, according to Geoffrey of Monmouth. His name may come from the Welsh Melwas.... [more]
Manathes m Arthurian Cycle
A follower of Joseph of Arimathea who, in Sarras, was once charged with guarding an ark containing the Holy Grail. His companions were Anascor and Lucan.
Mancipicelle f Arthurian Cycle
A malicious maiden who tried to cause Gawain’s death by luring him into a battle against the mighty Sir Guiromelant. The ruse failed, and Mancipicelle later apologized.
Mandogran m Arthurian Cycle
The King of the Blossoming Valley and father of Daniel, an Arthurian knight.
Mangoun m Arthurian Cycle
In Robert Biket’s Lai du Cor, the King of Moraine, he sent a horn to Arthur’s court which would expose any infedility on the part of his wife.... [more]
Manibel m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
A resident of Corbenic (Carbonek), the Grail Castle, who did not believe in the Grail.... [more]
Marabron m Arthurian Cycle
The son of King Vagor of the Ille Estrange.... [more]
Marador m Arthurian Cycle
A generous knight who once lodged a wounded Sir Bors.
Maragon m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Brother of the Knight of the Dragon, who was slain by Perceval.
Maragond m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
A cousin of Hengist and one of the many Saxon kings to invade Britain during the beginning of Arthur’s reign.... [more]
Maragoz m Arthurian Cycle
The seneschal (or steward) of King Eliadus of Sicily.... [more]
Maranz m Arthurian Cycle
The son of the King with a Hundred Knights.... [more]
Marbrin m Arthurian Cycle
King of Galilee and one of the allies of Emperor Thereus of Rome.... [more]
Margalant m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
An evil Saxon or Saracen king.... [more]
Margan m Arthurian Cycle
Brother of the giants Durkan and Ulian. They all served Lord Karedoz of Malmontan, and they were slain by Sir Tandareis.
Marganor m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
The seneschal of the King with a Hundred Knights.... [more]
Margante f Arthurian Cycle, Literature
An alternative name for Argante, a queen who appears in Brut by Layamon, and, in this work, an alias for Morgan Le Fay.
Marganus m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
One of the nephews of Cordelia, the other being Cunedagius (Cunedag).... [more]
Margawse f Arthurian Cycle
One of the three daughters – seemingly the oldest – of Igraine and Gorloïs of Tintagil. Margawse was wedded to King Lot of Lothian at the same time that her widowed mother re-married Uther Pendragon.
Margoadras m Arthurian Cycle
A Saxon king who was a cousin of Hengist.... [more]
Margoil m Arthurian Cycle
One of Arthur’s knights.
Margon m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
1. The wine steward of the Saxon king, Pignoras. He fought against Arthur’s forces at the second battle of Clarence, and was killed there.... [more]
Margondes m Arthurian Cycle
1. A knight who fought in Arthur’s army against the Saxons at Clarence. He is said to be a leader of the Sesnes, involved in the attack on Vandaliors Castle, early in Arthur’s reign.... [more]
Margondre m Arthurian Cycle
A king of the Saxons.
Margoras m Arthurian Cycle
A Saxon king, allied to King Rions, killed by King Ban of Benoic at the battle of Aneblayse.
Marhalt m Arthurian Cycle
Marhalt was the father of Sir Marhaus (according to Malory) and thus the father-in-law of King Anguish, who married Marhaus’ sister. The king is mentioned in Malory X, 66, fighting in the Lonazep tournament, but most of the time he remains in the background, perhaps busily governing his territory.
Mariens m Arthurian Cycle
A nobleman and a of the King of France.... [more]
Marinaia f Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Merlin’s mother in Paolino Pieri’s fourteenth-century La Storia di Merlino.... [more]
Mariole f Arthurian Cycle, Literature
A beautiful maiden who owned a magical golden circlet.... [more]
Marlagan m Arthurian Cycle
A knight who imprisoned Calogrenant (Calogrenat).... [more]
Marlan m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
The King of the Scottish Borderlands, called “the Simple” or “the Accursed” because of his evil ways.... [more]
Marliaus m Arthurian Cycle
One of Arthur’s knights in the English Arthour and Merlin.... [more]
Marmadus m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Son of the Red Knight from the Forest of Quinqueroi and brother of Leander, Evander, and Meliadas.... [more]
Maronel m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
The King of Gaul some time before Arthur’s reign.... [more]
Marot f Arthurian Cycle
Maidservant of the homicidal Maiden of the Narrow Wood.... [more]
Marramiles m Arthurian Cycle
An Arthurian knight.
Marrien m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Marrien is a wise an benevolent figure who lives in the Valley of Marvels and is revered by the humans who live nearby. Marrien is described as having the upper body of a man and the lower body of a horse, and he is known for his knowledge of herbs and medicine.... [more]
Marrion f Arthurian Cycle, Literature
One of Morgan Le Fay’s sisters, according to Bataille Loquifer.
Marroch m Arthurian Cycle
A heathen king who attacked a queen named Ysope. He was defeated by Arthur and Sir Wigamur.
Marrok m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
A werewolf knight. In Le Morte d’Arthur of Thomas Malory, Marrok is depicted as a loyal knight of Arthur who fights alongside him in the final battle against Mordred. During the battle, Mordred engages Marrok in combat and ultimately kills him
Marsil m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
King Marsil is a character who appears in several Arthurian romances, particularly those that focus on the legendary hero Roland, one of King Arthur’s knights.
Marsion f Arthurian Cycle
n the La Bataille de Loquifer, a sister of Morgan le Fay.... [more]
Marsique f Arthurian Cycle, Literature
A beautiful fairy, over whom Gawain fought Mabon the Enchanter. Marsique obtained the magic Scabbard of Excalibur for Gawain, ensuring Gawain’s victory.
Maruc m Arthurian Cycle
A knight defeated by Arthur’s Sir Dodinel in defense of a maiden. Dodinel compelled him to surrender to Queen Guenevere at La Fontaine as Fees.... [more]
Masade m Arthurian Cycle
Arthur’s Earl of Vera in the Norse Erex Saga.... [more]
Matain m Arthurian Cycle
The lord of the Castel de La Blanche Espine, where Knights of the Round Table were reviled.... [more]
Mataly m Arthurian Cycle
An early Knight of the Round Table, injured in a tournament against the Queen’s Knights.
Mathael m Arthurian Cycle
Brother of Brangain (Isolde’s maidservant) and Sir Perynin.... [more]
Mathamas m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
The lord of a tower near the Fairies’ Fountain. Mathamas hated Arthur.... [more]
Maudins m Arthurian Cycle
A knight with whom Lancelot lodged one his way to Rigomer Castle.... [more]
Maugan m Arthurian Cycle
A priest who Arthur appointed as Archbishop of Silchester.
Maugantius m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
One of King Vortigern’s advisors and a wise man.... [more]
Maunis m Arthurian Cycle
A Knight of the Round Table.
Maupas m Arthurian Cycle
A heathen duke slain by Arthur’s Sir Craddok at the battle of Carhaix.
Mazadan m Arthurian Cycle
According to Wolfram, Arthur’s great-grandfather and also an ancestor of Percivale, through his sons Lazaliez and Brickus, respectively.... [more]