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Flordiane 1
not set
Gender Masculine

Meaning & History

The sister of Duke Eskilabon of Belamunt.

All knights who desired her had to contend with Eskilabon and were invariably defeated and imprisoned – until Arthur’s Sir Garel conquered Eskilabon and ended the custom.
Added 7/6/2024 by hermeline

Flordiane 2
not set
Gender Feminine

Meaning & History

The sister of Duke Eskilabon of Belamunt.

All knights who desired her had to contend with Eskilabon and were invariably defeated and imprisoned – until Arthur’s Sir Garel conquered Eskilabon and ended the custom.

Garel seemed to engage himself to Flordiane, but he later married Queen Laudamie of Averre.
Added 7/31/2024 by hermeline