Serbian Submitted Names

Serbian names are used in the country of Serbia in southeastern Europe.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aćim Аћим m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian short form of Joachim.
Adana f Serbian (Rare), Bosnian
From the name of the city and province in Turkey. Adan is also the name of a garden in Quran.
Adeodat Адеодат m Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak and Ukrainian form of Adeodatus.
Agatonik Агатоник m Polish (Archaic), Serbian (Archaic)
Polish and Serbian form of Agathonikos.
Aki Аки m Serbian, Croatian
Short form of Aleksandar.
Aksentije Аксентије m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Auxentius.
Akvilina Аквилина f Georgian (Rare), Lithuanian, Finnish (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Georgian, Lithuanian, Finnish and Serbian form of Aquilina.
Alek Алек m Serbian (Modern, Archaic)
Shortened form of Aleksandar, a South Slavic name.
Alek Алек m & f Serbian
Shortened form of the Serbian names Aleksandar (M) and Aleksandra (F) which derive the Greek name Ἀλέξανδρος (Alexandros), which meant "defending men" from Greek ἀλέξω (alexo) meaning "to defend, help" and ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man" (genitive ἀνδρός).
Aleks Алекс m Serbian
Shortened form of Aleksandar, a South Slavic name.
Aleksandrija Александрија f Serbian, Macedonian
Serbian and Macedonian form of Alexandria.
Aleksijan Алексијан m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Alexian.
Alfej Алфеј m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Alphaeus.
Alimpije m Serbian (Rare, Archaic)
Serbian masculine form of Olympia.
Alkej Алкеј m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Alcaeus.
Alkiona Алкиона f Russian, Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Russian and Serbian form of Alcyone.
Ambrozija f Croatian, Lithuanian, Serbian
Croatian, Lithuanian and Serbian form of Ambrosia.
Amfilohije m Serbian
Serbian form of Amphilochios.
Amijan Амијан m Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian
Croatian, Macedonian and Serbian form of Ammianus.
Anastasije m Serbian
Masculine version of Anastasija
Anđel Анђел m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian form of Angel.
Anđelija Анђелија f Serbian, Croatian, Slavic Mythology
Serbian and Croatian form of Angelia. Ćorava Anđelija ("One-eyed Anđelija") is a storm demon in Balkan mythology.
Anđelina Анђелина f Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Angelina.
Andjelko Анђелко m Serbian (Anglicized)
Angliscised form of Anđelko
Andronik Андроник m Armenian, Bulgarian (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Macedonian (Rare), Polish (Archaic), Russian (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Slovene (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare)
Form of Andronikos (see Andronicus) in various languages. In Armenia, this name might also be a variant spelling or transcription of Andranik in some cases.
Anelija f Serbian, Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Анелия (see Anelia).
Apolon Аполон m Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian (Rare), Georgian (Rare), Macedonian, Serbian (Rare), Slovene
Form of Apollon (see Apollo) in various languages.
Apolonije Аполоније m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Apollonius.
Apolos Аполос m Serbian
Serbian name for the apostle Apollos.
Aranđel Аранђел m Serbian
This name is Christian in origin. It is derived from Serbo-Croatian arhanđel or arhanđeo "archangel", which is ultimately derived from Greek archangelos "chief angel".
Ardian m Albanian, Serbian (Modern, Rare), Bosnian
Ardian is a personal name deriving from the name of an Illyrian tribe of Ardiaei, whose original homeland was the valley of the Neretva river, in present day Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, the name is mainly present among modern Albanians, as they consider themselves to be the direct descendants of ancient Illyrians... [more]
Ardijan Ардијан m Serbian
Ardian is a personal name deriving from the name of an Illyrian tribe of Ardiaei, whose original homeland was the valley of the Neretva river, in present day Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, the name is mainly present among modern Serbs bosniaks and Croats, as they consider themselves to be the direct descendants of ancient Illyrians.... [more]
Aresenije m Serbian
Serbian form of Arsenius.
Aristaj Аристај m Serbian
Serbian name for Aristaeus, a minor Greek god of agriculture, hunting and cattle.
Arsenija Арсенија m & f Serbian
Feminine form and male variant of Arsenius.
Arsenije Арсеније m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Arsenios via Arsenius.
Arso Арсо m Croatian, Montenegrin, Serbian
Short form of Arsenije. A known bearer of this name was the Montenegrin general Arsenije "Arso" Jovanović (1907-1948).
Artemije m Serbian (Rare)
Variant form of Artemios.
Asklepije Асклепије m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Asklepios.
Atik Атик m Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian and Serbian form of Atticus.
Atinagora Атинагора m Macedonian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Macedonian and Serbian form of Athenagoras.
Avakum Авакум m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Habakkuk.
Avelj Авељ m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Abel.
Avit Авит m Croatian, French, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Occitan
Croatian, French, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian and Occitan form of Avitus.
Bajo Бајо m Albanian, Montenegrin, Serbian, Slovak
Albanian short form of Bajram as well as a diminutive of Branislav (Slovak) and Bratislav (Montenegrin and Serbian).... [more]
Balša Балша m Montenegrin, Serbian
Means "strong", "healthy", "big man".
Bato бато m Serbian
Bato means brother in Serbian
Beti f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
A short form of Elizabeta.
Blagomir Благомир m Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the Slavic elements blag "good, gentle, kind, blessed" and mir "peace".
Blagomira Благомира f Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian
Feminine form of Blagomir.
Blažo Блажо m Montenegrin, Serbian
Diminutive of Blagoje (also compare Blaž). A notable bearer of this name is the Montenegrin prime minister and president Blažo Jovanović (1907-1976).
Bobana Бобана f Serbian
Feminine form of Boban.
Bodin Бодин m Serbian (Rare), Medieval Serbian, History
Serbian king Constantine Bodin (fl. 1072–1108) was a ruler of Duklja, the second, although titular, King of Duklja and Dalmatia from 1081 to 1101, succeeding his father, King Michael.... [more]
Bogoja m Macedonian, Serbian
The name is used in the Balkan countries Macedonia and Serbia. It is from the eastern orthodox church, from the South Slavic language. Dates back since 1926.
Bogoljub m Croatian, Serbian
Derived from Bog "God" and ljubiti ''to love".
Bogosav Богосав m Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Variant of Bogoslav.
Borimir Боримир m Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
Derived from Slavic bor "battle" combined with Slavic mir "peace". A known bearer of this name is Borimir Perković (b. 1967), a former Croatian soccer player.
Borimira Боримира f Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
Feminine form of Borimir.
Borjan Борјан m Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian
Derived from the Slavic element bor "battle". Notable bearer is Macedonian conductor Borjan Canev (born 1973).
Borjana Борјана f Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Macedonian
Feminine form of Borjan.
Borka Борка f Serbian, Croatian
Feminine form of Borko.
Boroslav Борослав m Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
Variant form of Borislav.
Bosiljka Босиљка f Croatian, Serbian
Derived from bosiljak, Croatian and Serbian name for the herb "basil" (Ocimum basilicum), ultimately from Greek basileus meaning "king".
Božimir m Croatian, Serbian
Means "divine peace", derived from Slavic bozy "divine" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Božur Божур m Serbian (Rare)
Flower name meaning "peony", or more specifically, Paeonia peregrina flower from the peony family. The flower has a symbolic meaning, as it, according to the legend, sprung from the blood of fallen Serbian heroes during the Battle of Kosovo (1389).
Božurka Божурка f Serbian (Rare)
Feminine form of Božur.
Braco Брацо m Croatian, Serbian
Taken from the nickname, which originated as a pet form of the word brat meaning ''brother''.
Brajan Брајан m Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Serbian name stemming from the word брајо (brajo), a diminutive form of the word "brother".
Brajko Брајко m Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Diminutive of Brajan.
Brana Брана f Croatian, Serbian
Nickname for Branka.
Brane m Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Short from of names containing the Slavic element borna "protection", such as Branko, Branimir, Branislav...
Branilo Бранило m Serbian
Diminutive of Branislav.
Branomir Браномир m Croatian, Serbian
Variant of Branimir.
Bratimir Братимир m Croatian, Serbian
There are two possible explanations for the etymology of the first element of this name. The first explanation is that it is derived from Slavic brati "reap, gather", which would make the whole name an older form of Berimir... [more]
Bratoljub Братољуб m Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the Slavic elements bratu "brother" and lyub "love".
Bratomir Братомир m Croatian, Polish, Serbian
Means "brother of peace", derived from Slavic bratu "brother" combined with Slavic mir "peace". Also compare Bratimir.
Brijana f Serbian (Modern)
Serbian form of Briana.
Brut Брут m Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Brutus.
Budimir Будимир m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from (Serbo-)Croatian buditi "to awaken, to (a)rouse". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace" or "world". In other words, this name is the Croatian and Serbian cognate of the Polish name Budzimir.
Budislav Будислав m Czech, Croatian, Serbian
Deroved from buditi, "to wake up", and slava, "fame, glory".
Budivoj Будивој m Czech, Croatian, Serbian
Derived from buditi, "to wake up", and voi, "army".
Cajka Цајка f Serbian
Diminutive of Caja, which is used as a diminutive of Jelisaveta and Stanislava.
Ceca Цеца f Serbian
Diminutive of Cecilija and Svetlana.
Čedo m Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the Slavic word čedo meaning "child", also used as a nickname for Čedomir.
Cintija Цинтија f Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Cinthia.
Ćiprijan Ћипријан m Serbian (Rare)
Variant of Cyprian.
Ćirilo Ћирило m Serbian, Bosnian
Serbian and Bosnian variant of Cyril.
Ćirjak Ћирјак m Serbian (Archaic)
Serbian form of Kyriakos (see Cyriacus).
Čučimir Чучимир m Serbian (Archaic), History, Medieval Serbian
Medieval Serbian name of which the first element is of uncertain origin. It may possibly have been derived from Slavic chucha or chusha, which may signify something small. An other possibility may be Slavic chuzh "foreign, alien, strange" - compare modern Russian chuzhoy, Polish cudzy and Slovak cudzí, all of which mean "foreign, alien, strange"... [more]
Cvetana f Croatian (Rare), Serbian, Bulgarian, Slovene
Cognate of Cvitana and Bulgarian variant transcription of Tsvetana.
Cvjetko m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian variant of Cvetko.
Dalimir Далимир m Croatian, Polish, Serbian
Derived from Slavic dal "far away" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Dana Дана f Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Montenegrin
Shortened form of the name Danica, meaning the planet Venus, symbol of dawn and beauty. “Dan” means day.
Danaj Данај m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Danaos (also see Danaus).
Danaja Данаја f Slovene, Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian, Serbian and Slovene form of Danaë.
Dane m Serbian (Modern, Rare)
Is the short form for Daniel,Danijel in serbia bosnia etc.. people Who are called Daniel uses the short variant Dane,Danko. Most used in ex Yougoslavia.
Dane Данијел m Serbian
Danilka Данилка f Croatian, Serbian
Feminine form of Danilo.
Danimir Данимир m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from Serbo-Croatian dan "day", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic dьnь "day". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace"... [more]
Danina Данина f Serbian
Danislav Данислав m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from Serbo-Croatian dan "day", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic dьnь "day". The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory"... [more]
Dardan m Serbian
Dar is serbian for "Gift" and Dan for "Day" Gift of the day.The name of the Dardani, an Illyrian tribe who lived on the Balkan Peninsula. Their name may derive from an Illyrian word meaning "pear".
Dare Даре m Macedonian, Serbian, Slovene
Short form of masculine names that contain the Slavic element daru meaning "gift" (compare Darko).... [more]
Darije Дарије m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Darius.
Darjan m Croatian, Serbian
Either a form of Darian or a derivative of the Slavic element dar meaning "gift".
Darka Дарка f Serbian (Rare), Croatian, Slovene
Either a feminine form of Darko or a short form of other feminine dar- names like Darinka or, as some sources suggest, even Darija.
Daroslav Дарослав m Croatian, Lithuanian, Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from Slavic dar "gift, present", which in turn is derived from Proto-Slavic darъ "gift, present". Compare modern Polish darować "to donate, to gift" and Czech darovat "to donate, to give", as well as Proto-Slavic dati "to give"... [more]
Deifob Дејфоб m Russian (Rare), Bulgarian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian and Serbian form of Deiphobus.
Delko m Croatian (Rare), Bulgarian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Derived from Slavic delati meaning ''to work''.
Denija Денија f Croatian (Rare), Serbian
Derived from Dejana.
Desa f & m Russian (Archaic), Serbian, Croatian
Either a short form of Desanka or derived from Slavic des meaning ''to happen, to occur''.
Desanka Десанка f Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the South Slavic desiti meaning "to happen". A bearer of this name was Desanka Maksimović (1898-1993), a Serbian poet and professor of literature.
Desimira Десимира f Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
Feminine form of Desimir.
Despot Деспот m Bulgarian (Archaic), Macedonian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Derived from ancient Greek δεσπότης (despotes) meaning "lord, master", which was synonymous with κύριος (kyrios) meaning "lord, master" (see Kyrios)... [more]
Deva Де́ва f Medieval Slavic, Medieval Russian, Serbian (Rare)
Means "maiden, girl, lass", derived from the Proto-Slavic děva, itself from the Proto-Indo-European dʰeh₁ "to suck, suckle".
Didim Дидим m Croatian, Georgian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Croatian, Georgian, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Didymus.
Dionisije Дионисије m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Dionysios.
Dioskor Диоскор m Russian, Serbian
Russian and Serbian form of Dioskoros.
Djedomir m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is probably derived from Serbo-Croatian djed "grandfather". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace". In other words, one could say that this name is the Croatian and Serbian form of Dedomir.
Djedoslav m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is probably derived from Serbo-Croatian djed "grandfather". The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory". In other words, one could say that this name is the Croatian and Serbian form of Dedoslav.
Dobrašin m Serbian
Derived from the Slavic element dobru "good".
Dobrica Добрица m & f Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the Slavic element dobru "good", also used as a nickname for names containing this element, like Dobrivoj, Dobroslav, etc.
Dobriša m Croatian, Serbian
Diminutive of Dobroslav, Dobrivoj and other names containing the Slavic element dobru meaning "good"... [more]
Dobrislav Добрислав m Croatian, Serbian
Variant form of Dobroslav.
Dobrislava f Croatian, Serbian
Feminine form of Dobrislav.
Dobrivoj Добривој m Serbian
Derived from the Slavic elements dobru "good" and voji "soldier".
Dobrivoje Добривоје m Serbian
Variant of Dobrivoj.
Dojčin Дојчин m Serbian
Comes from the name Dojen and its meaning is "chaste".
Đoka Ђока m Serbian
Diminutive of Đorđe.
Dostana Достана f Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the word for "enough" (dosta). Given to a child whose parents wish for that child to be their last, as there are already too many children in the family.
Draginja Драгиња f Serbian
Variant of Dragana.
Dragun Драгун m Serbian
Serbian name for the date-plum tree (Diospyros lotus).
Dražena f Croatian, Serbian
A female form of Dražen.
Draženko Драженко m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Diminutive of Dražen.
Dren Дрен m Serbian, Croatian
From дрен/dren meaning European Cornel (Cornus mas) (type of dogwood). ... [more]
Drenka f Croatian, Serbian
Feminine form of Dren.
Drina Дрина f Serbian (Rare)
The name of the river that flows between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose name is derived from the Latin name of the river (Latin: Drinus) which in turn is derived from Greek (Ancient Greek: Dreinos), used as a feminine name.
Drinka Дринка f Serbian (Rare), Croatian
Diminutive of Drina.
Đuka Ђука m & f Croatian, Serbian
Diminutive/nickname for Đuro or Đurđa.
Dukađin Дукађин m Serbian
Leka III DUKAĐINI (1410–1481), mostly known as Leka DUKAĐINI, was a 15th-century member of the Serbian nobility,DUKAĐINI from the Duka family, A contemporary of Skanderbeg, DUKAĐINI is known for the conon or kanuna Leka DUKAĐINI,a code of law instituted among the tribes of Serbia and Montenegro and northern Albania of serbs Ethnicity only.
Dule m Serbian
Diminutive of Dušan.
Đura Ђура m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of George.
Đurđe ђурђе m Serbian
Serbian form of George
Đurđevka Ђурђевка f Serbian
Derived from Serbo-Croatian ђурђевак (đurđevak) meaning "lily of the valley (species Convallaria majalis)" (compare Đurđica). It is also the Serbian word for St... [more]
Duša Душа f Croatian, Slovene, Serbian
Derived from Slavic dusha meaning "soul, spirit".
Duška Душка f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Feminine form of Duško.
Džozef m Serbian
Serbian phonetic spelling of Joseph.
Eak Еак m Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
Bulgarian, Croatian and Serbian form of Aiakos via its latinized form Aeacus.
Ekatarina Екатарина f Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Variant of Katherine.
Elijan Елијан m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Aelian.
Elijana Елијана f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene, Macedonian
Croatian, Serbian, Slovene and Macedonian form of Eliana 1.
Elzana f Macedonian, Serbian, Bosnian
Female name of Arabic derivation, from ezan, Islamic call to worship.
Emanuilo m Serbian
Emanuilo is variant of Emanuel, one of Jesus Christ names, means God with us.
Emerencija Емеренција f Croatian (Rare), Lithuanian (Archaic), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian, Lithuanian and Serbian form of Emerentia.
Emica f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian diminutive form of Ema 1 and Emilija, used in its own right.
Emilijan Емилијан m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Emiliano.
Emilijana Емилијана f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Serbian and Slovene form of Emiliana.
Entoni m Serbian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare), Albanian (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Variant of Anthony, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Epafrodit Епафродит m Bulgarian (Archaic), Catalan (Archaic), Serbian (Archaic), Ukrainian (Archaic), Russian (Archaic)
Bulgarian, Catalan, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Epaphroditos as well as a Russian variant transcription of Yepafrodit.
Epaminonda Епаминонда m Croatian (Rare), Italian (Rare), Macedonian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian, Italian, Macedonian, Romanian and Serbian form of Epameinondas via its latinized form Epaminondas.
Epikasta f Serbian
Serbian version of Epicaste (Ἐπικάστη), a name attributed to five women in Greek mythology, for example Epicaste, mother of Homer by Telemachus (son of Odysseus).
Epimetej Епиметеј m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Epimetheus.
Eratosten Ератостен m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Eratosthenes.
Evarist Еварист m Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Provençal
Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak and Slovene form of Evaristus.
Evehma Евехма f Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Evaechme.
Evica Ебица f Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Slovene, Hungarian
Diminutive of Eva.
Evpsihije Евпсихије m Serbian (Archaic)
Serbian form of Eupsychios.
Evstratije Евстратије m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian form of Eustratios.
Feđa Феђа m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Fedya. A known bearer of this name is the Bosnian writer Feđa Isović (b. 1965).
Fedja Феђа m Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Danish (Rare), Dutch (Rare), German, Swedish (Rare)
Variant transcription of Feđa (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian) and Fedya (Bulgarian and Russian).... [more]
Fedra Федра f Greek, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian (Rare), Galician, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Sicilian, Slovene, Spanish, Ukrainian, Theatre
Modern Greek form of Phaidra (see Phaedra) as well as the standard form in various other languages.... [more]
Ferekrat Ферекрат m Serbian, Ukrainian
Serbian and Ukrainian form of Pherecrates.
Fevronija Февронија f Serbian
Serbian form of Febronia.
Fidanka Фиданка f Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian
Means "sapling, sprout, shoot" in Macedonian.
Filomela f Serbian, Macedonian, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Finnish, Indonesian, Turkish, Portuguese, Breton, Italian, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Spanish
Serbian, Macedonian, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Finnish, Indonesian, Turkish, Portuguese, Breton, Italian, Catalan, Basque, Galician, and Spanish form of Philomel.
Filon Филон m Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Philon.
Filotej Филотеј m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Philotheos via its latinized form Philotheus.
Flavijan Флавијан m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Flavianus (see Flavian).
Fostirije Фостирије m Serbian (Archaic)
Serbian form of Phosterios via its modern Greek transcription Fostirios.
Fridrih Фридрих m Russian, Serbian
Russian and Serbian form of Frederick.
Frontin Фронтин m Bosnian, Bulgarian, French (Archaic), Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Bosnian, Bulgarian, French, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Frontinus. In France, the name Frontin can also be a diminutive of Front.
Gašo Гашо m Serbian
Diminutive of Gavrilo.
Georgije Георгије m Serbian
Variant of George.
Gigo Гиго m Georgian, Macedonian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Serbian
Diminutive of Giorgi (Georgian), Gligor (Macedonian), Grigol (Georgian) and Igor (Bosnian, Montenegrin and Serbian).
Glicerije Глицерије m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian form of Glykerios via its latinized form Glycerius.
Glikerija Гликерија f Lithuanian (Rare), Serbian (Archaic)
Lithuanian and Serbian form of Glykeria.
Glikerije Гликерије m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Glykerios.
Gnej m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Gnaeus.
Goca Гоца f Croatian, Serbian
Short form of Gordana.
Goga Гога f Croatian, Serbian
Pet form of Gordana.
Gostimir Гостимир m Croatian, Serbian
Means "peaceful guest", derived from Slavic gost "guest" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Gracija Грација f Serbian, Croatian, Slovene, Macedonian
Serbian, Croatian, and Slovene form of Gratia.
Gracijela f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Serbian and Slovene form of Graciela.
Gradimir Градимир m Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Croatian
The first element of this name can be derived from Serbo-Croatian grȃd, which can mean "city, town" as well as "fortress, castle" (which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic gordъ "settlement, enclosed space")... [more]
Gradimira Градимира f Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Gradimir.
Gradislav Градислав m Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
The first element of this name can be derived from Serbo-Croatian grȃd, which can mean "city, town" as well as "fortress, castle" (which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic gordъ "settlement, enclosed space")... [more]
Grigorije Григорије m Serbian
Serbian form of Gregory.
Gvozdana f Serbian, Croatian
Feminine form of Gvozden.
Gvozden Гвозден m Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the adjective gvozden, meaning "iron-like". Notable bearer is Gvozden Flego, Croatian former Minister of Science and Technology.
Hariton Харитон m Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Romanian, Serbian and Croatian form of Chariton.
Hilarija f Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Slovene, Latvian (Rare)
Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, and Latvian form of Hilaria.
Hionija Хионија f Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Chionia.
Hiroši Хироши m Serbian
Serbian description of Japanese Hiroshi. Hiroši is name of Branko Vukelić's son. Branko Vukelić are been most biggest spy in second world wear. Name mean tolerant on japanese.
Hortenzija f Latvian, Serbian (Rare), Lithuanian (Rare)
Latvian, Serbian, and Lithuanian form of Hortensia.
Hotimir Хотимир m Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Serbian and Slovene cognate of Chociemir. A bearer of this name was Hotimir, a prince of Carantania who lived in the 8th century AD.
Hristivoje m Serbian (Rare)
Derived from Serbian Hristos meaning ''Christ''.
Hristodul m Serbian
Serbian form of Christodoulos.
Hvalimir Хвалимир m Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from the Serbo-Croatian noun hvala "thanks". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace". A known bearer of this name was Hvalimir Belojević, a 9th-century Serbian duke.
Ifeta Ифета f Croatian, Serbian
Ignjat Игњат m Serbian, Croatian
Croatian and Serbian form of Ignatius. A bearer of this name was the Croatian poet Ignjat Ðurđević.
Ikar Икар m Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Ikaros (see Icarus).
Ikonija Иконија f Croatian (Rare), Serbian
Derived from the Croatian and Serbian noun ikona (which is written as икона in Serbian) meaning "icon", which is derived from Greek εικόνα (eikona), itself ultimately derived from ancient Greek εἰκών (eikon) meaning "likeness, image, portrait".... [more]
Ildika f Slovene, Serbian
Diminutive of Ilda.
Ilijana f Croatian, Serbian
Croatian form of Iliana.
Ilir Илир m Serbian
Means Illyrian the ancestors of the serbs.... [more]
Ilirijan Илиријан m Serbian
Means Illyrian the ancestors of the SERBIAN ethnic people
Ilyana f Arabic, Bulgarian, Serbian
Feminine form of Ilya. Ilyana is an indirect Quranic name and a non-standard formation that originates from Ilana. It means "sun", "sun ray", "kindness", "softness", "leniency", and "gentleness".
Inka Инка f Serbian, Croatian
Diminutive of names containing the element in, for example Ivana, Inoslava, Anina, Ines, Ingrid, etc.
Ipatije Ипатије m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Hypatius.
Irinej Иринеј m Serbian
Serbian form of Irenaeus.
Isihije Исихије m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Hesychios.
Iskren Искрен m Bulgarian, Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Derived from Bulgarian and Serbian искрен (iskren) "sincere, honest; true, devoted". This name is borne by Bulgarian soccer player Iskren Pisarov (b. 1985).
Iskrena Искрена f Bulgarian, Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Iskren.
Ismailo m Serbian
Serbian form of ISHMAEL. Ismailo is older son of Avram, in old testament of Bible.
Istok Исток m Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Slovene (Rare)
From Slavic istok meaning "east".
Istoka Истока f Serbian, Croatian
Feminine form of Istok.
Ižeslav Ижеслав m Serbian
From Old Church Slavonic, ижe (iže) meaning "who (is)" and popular suffix слав (slav) meaning "glory", thus "one who is glorious".
Izraelo Израело m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Israel.
Izrafel Израфел m Serbian
Serbian name for the Judeo-Christian angel Israfil, an angel of music.
Izvorina Изворина f Serbian
From Serbian извор (izvor) meaning "source".
Jablan m Croatian (Rare), Serbian
From the word for the tree called ''poplar'' in English.
Jaćim Јаћим m Serbian
Variant of Joakim.
Jaglika Јаглика f Serbian (Rare), Macedonian (Rare)
A flower name meaning "cowslip" (Lat. "Primula veris").
Janaćije Јанаћије m Serbian (Rare)
Variant of Janićije.
Janićije Јанићије m Serbian (Rare)
Variant of Joanikije.
Jasminko Јасминко m Bosnian, Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Diminutive of Jasmin 2.
Jasone m Czech, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian
Czech, Croatian, Bosnian, and Serbian form of Jason.
Javorka f Croatian, Serbian
Feminine form of Javor.
Javorko Јаворко m Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Diminutive of Javor.
Jeca Јеца f Serbian
Nickname for the name Jelena
Jeka f Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Used as a nickname for Jelena or Jelisaveta.
Jelenka Јеленка f Serbian, Croatian
Diminutive of Jelena.
Jelenko m Serbian, Croatian
Serbian and Croatian masculine form of Jelenka.
Jelimir Јелимир m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from Serbo-Croatian jelen "deer, stag, buck", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic (j)elenъ "deer, stag". The second element is either derived from Slavic mir "peace" or Slavic mer "great, famous".
Jelisava f Serbian
Short from of Jelisaveta.
Jeremija Јеремија m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Jeremiah.
Jerina Јерина f Serbian (Rare), Medieval Serbian
A form of Irene. The most notable bearer was Despotess Jerina (originally: Irene Kantakouzene), the wife of Serbian Despot Đurađ Branković, who lived in the 15th century and who is known in Serbian folk legends as Damned Jerina because of many hardships she reportedly imposed on the people... [more]
Jerotej Јеротеј m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Hierotheos. A notable bearer of this name was the Serbian writer Jerotej Račanin (born c. 1650, died after 1727).
Jerotije Јеротије m Serbian (Rare)
Variant of Jerotej. A known bearer of this name was the Serbian professor Jerotije Topalović (1870-1914).