Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine & Masculine
Pronounced Pron. DER, DAR  [key]
Other Forms FormsDear

Meaning & History

Transferred use of the surname Dare. It was borne by Canadian American photographer and author Dare Wright (1914-2001).
Added 5/26/2010 by anonymous
Edited 5/13/2021 by LMS and SeaHorse15

Gender Masculine
Scripts Даре(Macedonian, Serbian)

Meaning & History

Short form of masculine names that contain the Slavic element daru meaning "gift" (compare Darko).

Notable bearers of this name include the Slovenian soccer player Dare Vršič (b. 1984) and the Macedonian politician Bozhidar "Dare" Dzambaz (1911-1981).
Added 1/7/2020 by Lucille