These names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Slavic peoples.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
AlatyrАлатырьmSlavic Mythology The Alatyr in Russian legends and folklore is a sacred stone, the "father to all stones", the navel of the earth, containing sacred letters and endowed with healing properties. The awareness of the existence of such a stone exists in various parts of the Slavdom... [more]
DobrogeyДоброгейmSlavic Mythology (Russified, Archaic) The name Dobrogey is a constructed or reconstructed name with roots in Slavic and potentially Indo-European languages. It is primarily associated with modern Rodnovery (Slavic Neopaganism), and as such, lacks concrete historical documentation in ancient texts... [more]
DolyafBulgarian, Slavic Mythology Goddess of fate in East Slavic Mythology, personification of the fate bestowed upon a man at birth. She is described as a plainly dressed woman able to turn herself into various shapes. When she is positive she is named Dolya, when negative she turns into Nedolya.
EriloЕрилоmSlavic Mythology Alternative name for Jarilo, Slavic god of spring, fertility, and erotic or sexual love. The name is derived from "yary-" (passionate). Depicted as a handsome, barefoot youth dressed in a white cloak and adorned with a crown of wildflowers, Jarilo rode on a white horse, his left hand holding a bucket of wheat seed.
GamayunfSlavic Mythology Gamayun is a prophetic bird of Russian folklore. It is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge and lives on an island in the mythical east, close to paradise. She is said to spread divine messages and prophecies, as she knows everything of all creation, gods, heroes, and man... [more]
JarylomSlavic Mythology Derived from the Proto-Slavic root *jarъ (jar), from Proto-Indo-European *yōr-, *yeh₁ro-, ultimately from *yeh₁r-, meaning "spring; summer; strong; furious". This is the name of an East and South Slavic god of vegetation, fertility and springtime, son to lightning god Perun.... [more]
KikimoraКикимораfSlavic Mythology The name of an evil house spirit in Slavic Mythology. Her name may derive from the Udmurt word kikka-murt meaning "scarecrow". Alternatively it may come from the Polish mora or Czech můra which mean "moth" or be related to the Old Norse mara meaning "nightmare".
KoscheiКоще́йmSlavic Mythology (?), Russian A antagonistic figure from traditional Russian fairy tales. Known as “Koschei the Deathless”, he is portrayed as an evil and powerful wizard who cannot be killed by traditional means since his soul is hidden inside an object, often an egg nested inside other protective objects.
KostromafSlavic Mythology Derived from Russian костёр (kostyor) meaning "bonfire". This is the name of an East Slavic fertility goddess. According to myth, she drowned herself in a lake and became a rusalka when she discovered that her newlywed husband, Kupalo, was her brother.
KresnikmSlavic Mythology Slavic god associated with fire, the summer solstice, and storms. Kresnik was worshipped among the Slavic population of the eastern Alps. He is probably the same deity as Svarožič, son of the Slavic sun god, Svarog, described as having golden hair and golden hands... [more]
KupalafSlavic Mythology Kupala is the Slavic goddess of water, herbs and magic. Her name means "to bathe".
LeshachikhaЛешачихаfSlavic Mythology The wife of Leshy. Her name is derived from the same root, ле́ший (leshiy) meaning "one from the forest", ultimately from лес (les) meaning "forest".
LiubafSlavic Mythology Derived from the Slavic element lyuby "love", this was the name of the Sorbian and Wendish goddess of spring, love and fertility.
MarzanafRussian, Slavic Mythology, Baltic Mythology Baltic and Slavic goddess associated with seasonal agrarian rites based on the idea of death and rebirth of nature, Marzana is often referred to as a goddess of death.... [more]
MeluzafFolklore, Slavic Mythology Meluza is a mythical creature in Russian folklore. She was depicted in a Russian lubok of the 17th or 18th century. She is described as half-woman, half-snake, or as the half-woman, half-fish creature... [more]
MoryanafSlavic Mythology Derived from Russian море (more) meaning "sea" and combined with the feminine ending яна (yana). This is the name of a female sea spirit in Slavic folklore, possibly a goddess.
PoludnitsafSlavic Mythology The name of a supernatural creature in Eastern European mythology, known in English as "Lady Midday" or the "Noon Witch". Her name is probably derived from the proto-Slavic *polъ meaning "half" and dьnь meaning "day", therefore "midday", and the related terms in the various Slavic languages... [more]
PopielmSlavic Mythology Popiel is a legendary ruler of the 9th century who is said to have ruled over the Polans or Goplanes. However, there is no historical evidence of his existence to date.... [more]
PumphutmSlavic Mythology Pumphut is the name of a Sorbian gnome who plays tricks on abusive people. He is featured in the the novel 'Krabat' by Ottfried Preußler where he challenges the evil master in a duel of magic and defeats him.... [more]
RadegastmSlavic Mythology From Slavic radǔ (content, glad), or rad (kind, willing, happy), and gostŭ (host). Old god of Slavic mythology. He is considered to be a deity of hospitality, or host or leader of an assembly or council... [more]
RadgostmSlavic Mythology From Slavic radǔ (content, glad), or rad (kind, willing, happy), and gostŭ (host). Old god of Slavic mythology. He is considered to be a deity of hospitality, or host or leader of an assembly or council... [more]
RojanicefSlavic Mythology Rojanice, with Rod her male counterpart, presides over the destinies of Humans. She is the co-creator of the universe, during birth.
RozhanitsaРожаницаfSlavic Mythology Allegedly means "woman giving birth" from Proto-Slavic *roditi "to give birth, to bear (fruit)". This is the name of an obscure Russian goddess who has a feast day in late December. She is a winter goddess and is usually depicted wearing antlers.
SawafSlavic Mythology Wars and Sawa are legendary characters from the origin myth of the founding and etymology of the city of Warsaw, capital of Poland. There are several versions of the legend with their appearance.... [more]
SrechaСречаfSlavic Mythology Srecha (English: happiness, luck) is the Serbian goddess of fate. She spins the thread of life as an assistant to the great goddess Mokosh. ... [more]
TetafMedieval Czech, Slavic Mythology In Bohemian mythology, Teta is the second oldest daughter of the Bohemian ruler Krok (or Crocco). Her sisters are Kazi and Libuše. While Libuše is a soothsayer, Teta is guiding people to worship supernatural beings and worshiping natural forces... [more]
TugafCroatian (Rare), Slavic Mythology Means "sadness" in Croatian. According to a folk tradition, she and her sister Buga, together with their five brothers Klukas, Lobel, Kosenc, Muhlo and Hrvat, led the Croats into the ancient Roman province of Dalmatia in the 7th century.
UrodafSlavic Mythology Uroda was the Slovakian goddess of agriculture, the fields and the harvest. Her name is certainly linked to the Slovakian word úroda "harvest", however it doesn't seem to be quite so clear what came first, the goddess or the word.
VadunyfRomanian (Rare), Slavic Mythology Possibly means "to see; to know", if derived from the Proto-Slavic věděti, from the Proto-Indo-European wóyd 'to know', from weyd 'to see, to know'. The name itself appears to be a variation of the Russian word vedun'ia "witch, sorceress", the feminine form of vedun 'sorcerer'.
WarsmSlavic Mythology Wars and Sawa are legendary characters from the origin myth of the founding and etymology of the city of Warsaw, capital of Poland. There are several versions of the legend with their appearance.... [more]
ZernebogЦрнобогmSlavic Mythology (Slovak) variant transcription of Chernobog. Zernebog is a Slavic deity, about whom much has been speculated but little can be said definitively. The name may also be given as Crnobog, Czernobóg, Černobog, Црнобог or Chernobog; these are all romanizations of the Russian Чернобог, meaning black god... [more]
ZivenafSlavic Mythology Zivena was the goddess of life, love and fertility in Slavic mythology, also recorded as Živa.... [more]
ZoryaЗоряfSlavic Mythology, Soviet, Russian The name given to the goddess (sometimes two or three) of the dawn or the morning and evening stars. The most common depiction was that of a warrior woman. Also compare the related names Zarya, Zvezda and Danica.... [more]