Medieval Dutch Submitted Names

These names were used by medieval Dutch peoples.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abbo m Germanic, Medieval Dutch, Medieval German, Medieval French, Frisian, Finnish
Either from Proto-Germanic *abô meaning "husband, man", or a diminutive of Alberich and other names beginning with Old High German alb "elf", as well as a Frisian diminutive of Old High German names beginning with the element adal "noble" and a second element beginning with b (compare Abe 2)... [more]
Abrahame m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Abraham.
Adaem m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Adam via its latinized form Adamus, as is indicated by the pronunciation of both names.
Adelaert m Medieval Dutch
Dutch medieval form of Adelhard.
Adriaen m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Adriaan. A well-known bearer of this name was Adriaen van der Donck (c. 1618–1655), a pivotal figure in the establishment of the middle colonies of colonial America, and the ultimate significance of Manhattan as a place of commerce.
Aernken m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Arend.
Aert m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Aart.
Agneese f Medieval Flemish, Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant of Agnes.
Agnieze f Medieval Dutch
Medieval variant of Agniese.
Alef m Medieval Dutch, Medieval German, Dutch (Rare), Low German, North Frisian (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Medieval Dutch and German (also Low German) variant of Adolf as well as the North & West Frisian form of the name. Also compare Aalf (its medieval form is Aelf) and Alof.... [more]
Aliden f Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Alijt.
Alof m Medieval Dutch, Medieval German, Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Medieval Dutch and German variant of Adolf as well as the West Frisian form of the name. Also compare Aalf (its medieval form is Aelf) and Alef.... [more]
Alveradis f Medieval German, Medieval Dutch
Derived from the Germanic elements alf "elf" and ræd "counsel" (compare Alfred).
Amplonia f Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch variant form of Apollonia. This name has survived to modern times, but barely so, as it is quite rare in the Netherlands these days: in 2014, there were less than 10 living bearers (of all ages) in the entire country... [more]
Andrees m Limburgish (Rare), Medieval Dutch
Limburgian form of Andreas (see Andrew) as well as a medieval Dutch variant of Andries.
Angenijs f Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Agnes.
Annen f Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Anne 1.
Anthonis m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Anthony.
Antien f Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
This given name originated in medieval times as a variant spelling (or even a misspelling) of Antjen, as the letter 'j' was regularly written as an 'i' in medieval records... [more]
Antjen f Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
This name is a variant of Anna, where the diminutive suffix -tjen has been added to the name. Since -tjen is a diminutive suffix that was primarily used in the Middle Ages and has since been replaced by the more modern -tje, we can actually say that Antjen is the medieval Dutch form of Antje.... [more]
Arent m Medieval Dutch, East Frisian (Archaic), Dutch (Rare), Danish, Norwegian, Swedish
Medieval Dutch and East Frisian form of Arnold as well as a Scandinavian variant of Arend. As for the Netherlands: this given name is still in use there today, but it is not as common there as its modern form Arend is.... [more]
Arentijn f Medieval Dutch
Late medieval form of Arendina (and perhaps even a corruption or variant of Arentjen in some cases), which appears to have been rather uncommon even in that era.
Ariaen m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Ariaan. In other words: this name is a short form of Adriaen.
Ave f Medieval Dutch
Possibly a short form of Aven 3.
Averadis f Medieval German (?), Medieval Dutch (?)
Possibly a variant of Alveradis, the Latinized form of Alberada.
Averall f Medieval Dutch
The daughter of Divara van Haarlem and Jan van Leiden, the proclaimed King and Queen of the Anabaptist regime in Münster in the early 1500's
Baernt m Medieval Dutch
Contracted form of Bernaerd.
Baldrich m Medieval German, Medieval Dutch
Medieval German and Dutch form of Baldric.
Bartolomeus m Swedish (Rare), Old Danish, Medieval Dutch, Medieval Baltic, Dutch (Archaic)
Swedish, medieval Dutch and medieval Latvian form of Bartholomew.
Bernaerd m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Bernard.
Bernaert m Medieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish
Medieval Dutch form of Bernard, which was most common in Flanders (Belgium).
Berwald m Medieval French, Medieval Dutch
Derived from Old High German bero "bear" and walt "power, authority".
Beuckel m West Frisian (Archaic), Medieval Dutch
Medieval Frisian diminutive of Beuwe.... [more]
Beyaert m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Beiaard.
Beye m Medieval Dutch
Variant of Beie.
Bouden m Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Boudijn.
Boudijn m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Baldwin.
Brandaen m Medieval Dutch, Literature
Medieval Dutch form of Brendan via its medieval Latin form Brandanus. The use of this name started in honor of the Irish monastic saint Brendan the Navigator (died circa 577 AD), who was quite popular in the Low Countries throughout the Middle Ages.... [more]
Brunsten m Medieval Dutch, Medieval German
Medieval Dutch variant form of Bruynsten and Medieval German form of Brunstein.
Brus m Medieval Dutch
Short form of Brusten.
Brusten m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant form of Bruynsten.
Bruynsten m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Brunstein. This is not to be confused with the medieval Dutch word bruynsten (which is bruinsten in modern Dutch) meaning "(the) brownest".
Bruysten m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant form of Bruynsten.
Caspaer m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Caspar via its latinized form Casparus.... [more]
Cathelinen f Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Catheline.
Cathlyne f Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Katherine.
Christiaen m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Christiaan.
Claesken m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Klaas via Claes.
Claeysken m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Klaas via Claeys.
Claseken m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Klaas via Clase.
Clemencien m Medieval Dutch
Possibly a medieval Dutch form of Clementinus.
Coenen m Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Coen.
Coenkijn m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Coen.
Coenraed m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Conrad.
Colijn m Dutch (Rare), Medieval Dutch
Dutch form of Colin 2 or a short form of Nicolijn.
Cop m Medieval Dutch
Short form of Jacob.
Copken m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Cop.
Coppe m Medieval Dutch
Variant of Cop.
Coppijn m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Cop.
Crispiin m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Crispin.
Crystiaen m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Christian.
Daem m Medieval Dutch
Short form of Adamus and its medieval Dutch form Adaem. To a lesser extent, it was also used to abbreviate Damianus / Damiaen and Damasus / Damaes.
Daemkiin m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Adam via the variant form Adaem.
Damaes m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Damasus.
Damiaen m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Damiaan.
Danckaert m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Dankhard (compare Dankert).
Dellis m & f Dutch, Medieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish
Medieval Dutch diminutive of Aegidius and Diederik. As well as a feminine nickname for Delicia, and modern Dutch spelling of Dallas.
Delyana f Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant of Deliana.
Diederic m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Diederik.
Dillejane f Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant of Deliane.
Dirc m Medieval Dutch
Variant of Dirk.
Dirck m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Dirk.
Divara f Medieval Dutch (Latinized), Theatre
Latinized form of Dietwara (possibly via its variant Thiwara), which is a younger and strictly feminine form of the unisex name Theodoar. Also compare Divera, which is very closely related.... [more]
Doedeken m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Doede.
Donaes m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Donaas.
Donaet m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Donaat.
Dyngen f Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Dymphna.
Dyrck m Medieval Dutch, English (Modern)
Medieval Dutch variant spelling of Dirck, as well as a modern English variant of Dirk.
Eilburg f Medieval Dutch
Possibly derived from Old German agil, meaning "edge, blade" and burg, meaning "fortress".
Engelbrecht m Dutch (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), German (Rare), Medieval Dutch
Dutch, Swedish and Danish form of Engelbert, as well as a German variant.
Eoban m Medieval Dutch, History (Ecclesiastical)
Eoban (died 5 June 754 at Dokkum) was a companion of St. Boniface, and was martyred with him on his final mission. In Germany, he is revered as a bishop and martyr.
Ercken m Medieval Dutch, Medieval German
Medieval Dutch and medieval (Low) German diminutive of Arnold. It is a diminutive because it contains the medieval diminutive suffix -ken, of which the modern equivalent is -ke in Dutch (though -je is even more modern and commonplace) and -chen in German.
Everold m Medieval French, Medieval German, Medieval Dutch
Derived from Old High German ebur "boar" and Old High German hold "friendly, comely, graceful".
Faes m Medieval Dutch
Short form of Bonifaes, Gervaes (also found written as Gerfaes) and Servaes (also found written as Serfaes).... [more]
Fijcken f Medieval Dutch
Medieval pet form of Sophie, which is no longer used in this form but is usually seen as Fieke nowadays.
Fijs m Dutch (Rare), Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch given name, first recorded in 1576 as Feys. Uncertain etymology, possibly derived from Frisian name Feie, or Dutch diminutive Faas.
Floriis m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant of Floris.
Florijs m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant of Floris.
Frijn m Medieval Dutch
Medieval short form of Severijn, which is nowadays almost exclusively found as a surname in The Netherlands.
Fyen f Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Fye.
Garbrant m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Garibrand.
Geertrui f Medieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish, Dutch, Flemish
Variant of Geertruy. In modern times, the name is also used as a short form of Geertruida.
Geertruyt f Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Medieval Dutch form of Gertrude. It remains in use to this day, but it's extremely rare.... [more]
Gertruyt f Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Gertrude.
Gervaes m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Gervasius.
Gheerlof m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Gerulf.
Gheertruud f Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Gertrude.
Gheleyn m Medieval Dutch
Variant form of Gisleyn.
Ghileyn m Medieval Dutch
Variant form of Gheleyn.
Giliam m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Guilliam. Also compare the English patronymic surname Gilliam, which is etymologically related.
Gisleyn m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant form of Gisleen.
Godaert m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Godard.
Godbald m Medieval French, Medieval Dutch, Medieval German
Derived from Old High German, Old Dutch got and Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old English god meaning "god, deity" with Old High German bald meaning "bold".
Godert m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch variant form of Godaert. This name has never truly gone out of fashion and is still in use to this day. Known Dutch bearers of this name include the diplomat and statesman Godert van der Capellen (1778-1848) and the singer and actor Godert van Colmjon (1943-2009).
Godevaert m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Godefrid. In very rare cases, it can also be derived from Godehard.
Godhelm m Medieval German, Medieval Dutch, Old Frisian, Medieval English
Derived from Old High German, Old Dutch got and Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old English god meaning "god, deity" and Old High German, Old Saxon helm and Old English helma meaning "helmet".
Goeswiin m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Goswin.
Goris m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), Greek
Short form of Gregoris (Dutch) and Grigoris (Greek). Also see Joris.
Govaert m Medieval Dutch
Short form of Godevaert. A known bearer of this name was the Flemish astronomer Govaert Wendelen (1580-1667), who is known as Godefroy Wendelin in English.
Govert m Medieval Dutch, Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant form of Govaert. This name has never truly gone out of fashion and is still in use to this day. Known bearers of this name include the Dutch painter Govert Flinck (1615-1660) and the Dutch astronomer Govert Schilling (b... [more]
Gregoris m Medieval Dutch, Greek
Medieval Dutch variant of Gregorius (see Gregory) as well as a Greek alternate transcription of Grigoris.
Guillaem m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of the French name Guillaume.
Guilliam m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of the French name Guillaume. It remains in use to this day, but it's extremely rare.... [more]
Hadewijch f Medieval Dutch
Variant spelling of Hadewych.
Halewijn m Medieval Dutch
Name of the titular character in of the well-known Dutch medieval ballad "Heer Halewijn zong een liedekijn"/"The Song of Lord Halewijn".
Han m Medieval Dutch
Variant of Jan 1.
Hanneman m & f Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch pet form of Hanne 1, as the Germanic element man has been used as a suffix for pet forms of both masculine and feminine names since the 7th century AD... [more]
Hannijn m Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Han 10.
Hansen m Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Hans.
Heijndelen m Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Hendrick.
Heile f Medieval Dutch
Short form of names beginning with the Old German element heil meaning "healthy, whole".
Heilken f Medieval Dutch, Medieval German
Medieval pet form of Helena, Heilwig and Hildegonda (and similar names starting with Heil- and Hil-)... [more]
Heinman m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Hein 1 (compare Hanneman).
Hellicha f Medieval Dutch
Hellicha of Wittelsbach was Duchess consort of Bohemia from 1189 to 1198, married to Duke Conrad II.
Henric m Gascon, Swedish (Rare), Romanian, Medieval Dutch
Gascon and Romanian form of Henry, Swedish variant of Henrik and medieval Dutch variant of Hendrick.
Herbern m Medieval Dutch, Frisian (Archaic)
Medieval Dutch and Frisian form of Heribern.
Heyman m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Hagiman. In that era, Heyman was sometimes also used as a pet form of Hendrick.... [more]
Heyne m Medieval Dutch
Short form of Hendrick.
Hildeken f Medieval Dutch, Flemish (Rare)
Medieval Dutch diminutive of feminine given names that contain the Germanic element hild meaning "battle", such as Hildegonda and Mathilde... [more]
Hille f East Frisian, Estonian, German (Rare), German (Silesian, Rare), Medieval Dutch
Short form of names containing the element hild, for example Mathilda. It was first recorded in the 1300s and is still occasionally used (as opposed to some of its variant forms)... [more]