Medieval Dutch Submitted Names

These names were used by medieval Dutch peoples.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Hughe m Old Danish, Medieval Dutch
Old Danish form of Hugi and medieval Dutch variant of Hugo.
Hugheman m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Hughe (compare Hanneman).
Ignaes m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Ignaas.
Ihan m Estonian (Archaic), Medieval Dutch
Estonian archaic form of Johannes, as well as a medieval Dutch variant of Jan 1.
IJsbrant m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of IJsbrand.
Janneman m & f Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), Literature
Medieval Dutch pet form of Jan 1 and Janne 2, as the Germanic element man has been used as a suffix for pet forms of both masculine and feminine names since the 7th century AD.... [more]
Jannes m Dutch, Flemish, German (Rare), Limburgish, East Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare), West Frisian, Danish (Rare), Finnish (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Medieval Dutch
Dutch, Flemish, Frisian, Limburgish and (Low) German short form of Johannes, which has also seen some use in Scandinavia.
Jantien f Medieval Dutch, Dutch
This given name originated in medieval times as a variant spelling (or even a misspelling) of Jantjen, as the letter 'j' was regularly written as an 'i' in medieval records... [more]
Jantjen f Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
This name is a variant of Johanna, where the diminutive suffix -tjen is included in the name. Since -tjen is a diminutive suffix that was primarily used in the Middle Ages and has since been replaced by the more modern -tje, we can actually say that Jantjen is the medieval Dutch form of Jantje.... [more]
Jeronimus m Medieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish, Medieval German, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch, Flemish and German variant spelling of Ieronimus.
Jhan m Spanish (Latin American), Medieval Dutch
Variant of Jean 1 used in Spanish-speaking Latin America, as well as a medieval Dutch variant of Jan 1.
Jheronimus m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch spelling of Ieronimus. It is one of several spellings, for there was no fixed writing standard in the medieval period.... [more]
Jorijs m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Joris.
Josken m & f Medieval Dutch, Flemish (Rare)
This name is usually a diminutive of Jozef (for men) and Josephina (for women), but there are also cases where it is a diminutive of Jodocus via its short form Josse... [more]
Josquin m Medieval Dutch (Gallicized), Medieval French
Gallicized form of Josken. A famous bearer of this name was Josquin des Prez, a Franco-Flemish composer of the Renaissance.
Juliaen m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Juliaan. A bearer of this name was the Flemish painter Juliaen Teniers the Younger.
Justaes m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Justus.
Katerine f Medieval English, Medieval Welsh, Medieval Dutch, Medieval Baltic, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Medieval English and medieval Welsh variant of Katerina, medieval Latvian variant of Katarīna, medieval Dutch form of Katherine and a Scandinavian spelling of French Catherine.
Katerinen f Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Katerine.
Kathalijne f Medieval Dutch
Medieval variant of Katelijne.
Katheline f Medieval Flemish, Medieval Dutch, Medieval Irish (Anglicized)
Medieval Flemish and Dutch variant of French Cateline as well as an early Anglicization of Caitlín.
Kerstant m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Christiantius, later associated with Christianus.
Kiel m Medieval Dutch
Short form of Kiliaen and Kilianus.
Kiliaen m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Cillian via its latinized form Kilianus.... [more]
Kilianus m Irish (Latinized), Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Latinized form of Cillian via its variant form Kilian. When this given name first came into use in the Netherlands during the Middle Ages, it was given in honour of saint Kilian, who is generally known as sint Kilianus in Dutch.
Lambrecht m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Lambert.
Lauwerens m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Archaic)
Medieval Dutch form of Laurentius (see Laurence 1).
Lem m Medieval Dutch
Short form of Lambrecht.
Lens m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Laurens.
Leunis m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval short form of Apollonius, which is still in use today (albeit rarely). Also see the related name Pleunis.
Leyn m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Gisleyn. This medieval name has survived into modern times, but barely. In 2010, there were less than 10 bearers in all of The Netherlands... [more]
Leynaert m Medieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish
Medieval form of Leonard. It was used in all areas where Dutch was spoken, but the name appears to have been most prevalent in what was then the County of Flanders... [more]
Liisbetten f Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Lijsbet.
Lincken f Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch diminutive of Katherine.
Ludewijn m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Leutwin.
Lusie f Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant of Lucia.
Luyt m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch short form of names whose first element is derived from Old High German liut "people" or Old High German hlûd "famous", such as Liutbrand and Luderik... [more]
Lyncken f Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch diminutive of Katherine.
Mabelie f Medieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish
Medieval Dutch variant of Mabilia.
Machtelden f Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Machteld.
Madaert m Medieval Dutch
Variant form of Medaert.
Madeleene f Medieval Dutch
Late medieval Dutch form of Magdalene.
Maerten m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Maarten.
Maes m Medieval Dutch, Dutch
Medieval Dutch spelling of Maas. In The Netherlands, this spelling of the name has enjoyed a modest revival since 1998 (before which time this spelling was pretty much out of use), with 24 births in 2009 being the highest number so far.
Magdaleene f Medieval Dutch
Late medieval Dutch form of Magdalene.
Mariken f Medieval Dutch
This name is a variant of Marie, where the diminutive suffix ken has been added to the name. Since ken is a diminutive suffix that was primarily used in the Middle Ages and has since been replaced by the more modern ke, we can say that Mariken is the medieval variant of Marieke.
Marquert m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Marcaward.
Martiin m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Martin.
Matheeus m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Matthew.
Mathiseken m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Mathijs via the variant Mathise.
Matthys m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans, West Frisian
Medieval Dutch form of Matthijs as well as the modern Afrikaans and West Frisian form of Matthijs. In the Netherlands, the name has survived to modern times, but it is highly rare there currently, especially when compared to its modern counterpart.... [more]
Medaert m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Medard.
Melijs m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch short form of Aemilius (see Emil; compare Melis).
Memorantia f Medieval English, Medieval Dutch
Memorantia f. Latin memorantia 'remembering'.
Mergriet f Medieval Dutch
Medieval variant of Margriet.
Meynaert m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Meginhard.
Mijs f & m Dutch (Rare), Medieval Dutch, Frisian
As a feminine name a diminutive of Meisje, Mijsje, and Meisken meaning girl in Dutch, meisje itself is a diminutive of meid meaning "maid, virgin"; also a diminutive of Maria via Marije... [more]
Moen m Medieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish, Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Simoen and its variants (such as Symoen). It is possible that there were cases where the name is a short form of Salomoen and its variant Salemoen, but these would be rare, as the people involved would most likely have been Jewish.... [more]
Nataneel m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Nathaniel.
Nicasis m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Nicasius.
Nickel m Medieval Dutch, Medieval German, Dutch (Rare), German (Rare), English (Rare), Hunsrik
In Germany and the Netherlands, this name is a medieval short form of respectively Nicolaus and Nicolaas. In the case of the latter, it is via the medieval short form Nicol 1, of which Nickel is a variant.... [more]
Niclaes m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch shorter form or variant of Nicolaes. In other words, you could say that this name is basically the medieval form of the modern name Niklaas - but then via the form Niclaas.... [more]
Nicol m & f Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch shorter form or variant of Nicolaes. It was exclusively a masculine name at the time. The name has since become used on females as well, which happened in the second half of the 20th century (after World War II)... [more]
Nicolaes m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Late medieval form of Nicolaas, which ultimately comes from the early medieval name Nycolaes. The name is still in use to this day, albeit very rarely... [more]
Nikolaes m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Variant spelling of Nicolaes. In other words, you could say that this name is the medieval form of Nikolaas.... [more]
Nyclaes m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Nicholas.
Nycolaes m Medieval Dutch
Earlier form of Nicolaes.
Oel m Medieval Dutch
Possibly a short form of Oelard.
Omaer m Medieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish
Medieval form of Audamar (see Otmar).
Oric m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Odrich.
Otrad m Medieval Dutch
Derived from Old High German ōt meaning "wealth, riches" and rāt meaning "counsel, advice".
Otte m Greenlandic, Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Medieval Dutch
Variant of Otto. It can also function as a short form of names containing the name element ott, itself derived from Old Norse ótti or ōtti, meaning "terror, fear, dread"... [more]
Ottekiin m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Otto.
Otten m Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Otto.
Palmarius m Medieval Latin, Medieval Dutch, Medieval German
Derived from the Latin adjective palmarius meaning "of the palm" as well as "superior, excellent". It is ultimately derived from the Latin noun palma meaning "palm tree" as well as "flat hand, palm of the hand".... [more]
Passchier m Medieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish, Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Dutch, Flemish and Frisian form of Pascharius, probably via its French form Pasquier.... [more]
Pelgrem m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch cognate of Pilgrim.
Perche m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch short form of Perchevael.
Perchevael m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Perceval.
Percheval m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant form of Perchevael.
Perse m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant form of Perche.
Perseyn m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch diminutive form of Perse.
Philips m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Philippos (see Philip).... [more]
Philps m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant of Filips.
Phylips m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant of Filips.
Pleunis m & f Medieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval short form of Apollonius, which is still in use today (albeit rarely). In more recent times, the name has also been used as a short form of Apollonia for women, but very rarely so, especially when compared to the more traditional feminine forms Pleunie and Pleuntje.
Pouwels m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Paul.
Protaes m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Protasius. A more modern form of this name is Protaas, even though that name is (also) very archaic in this day and age.
Quiryn m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Quirinus.
Raes m Medieval Dutch
Short form of Erasmus.
Regnerus m Medieval Dutch (Latinized)
Later form of Raginerus, mostly used in medieval times.
Reijnier m Medieval Dutch
Variant spelling of Reynier.
Reinaert m Medieval Dutch
Middle Dutch form of Reynard.
Renger m West Frisian, Medieval Dutch
West Frisian and medieval Dutch form of a Germanic name that was composed of the elements ragin meaning "advice, counsel" and ger meaning "spear".... [more]
Reyer m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Reier, which is nowadays a bit more common than Reier itself, but not as common as the modern (variant) spelling Reijer, which is the most prevalent out of the three of them.... [more]
Reynaer m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Reynard.
Reynaert m Medieval Dutch, Literature
Medieval Dutch form of Reinhard.... [more]
Reynier m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Reinier.
Reynken m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Reyn 3.
Rickwin m Medieval Dutch, Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant form of Ryckwyn. Of the many medieval variations, this is the only one that has survived to today, although it is rarely used.
Rijckwijn m Medieval Dutch
Variant spelling of Ryckwyn.
Ritsaert m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Richard.
Robbrecht m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Robert.
Roelant m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Roland.
Rolof m Low German, Dutch (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Medieval Dutch
Low German form of Rodolf, as well as a Dutch variant of Roelof and a Swedish adoption.
Rosafiere f Medieval Dutch
I found it on a Dutch baby name site claiming it is a Dutch Medieval name, possibly from the Late Latin meaning fiery rose.
Rover m Dutch, Medieval Dutch
Dutch diminutive name, possibly derived from Robert, Roelof, or Rafaël.
Rutgheer m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Roger.
Ryckwyn m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Ricwin.
Salomoen m Medieval Dutch, Medieval Jewish
Medieval Dutch form of Salomon, which was primarily used in the Jewish community.
Sammel m Scots, Medieval Dutch
Scots and medieval Dutch form of Samuel.
Segher m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Sieger.
Simoen m Medieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish
Medieval Dutch form of Simon 1, which was most common in Flanders (Belgium).
Snelryem m Medieval Dutch
Derived from the Old High German elements snel, meaning "quick, fast" and hruod, meaning "fame, glory".
Splinter m Medieval Dutch (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Meaning uncertain, even though this rare Dutch given name was already in use in medieval times. Compare the modern Dutch word splinter meaning "splinter".... [more]
Suster f Medieval Dutch, West Frisian (Rare)
Derived from medieval Dutch and West Frisian suster meaning "sister". Also compare Sister, Syster and Zuster.... [more]
Thys m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
Medieval Dutch and Afrikaans short form of Matthys. But in other words, you could also say that this name is the medieval Dutch and Afrikaans equivalent of Thijs.... [more]
Tielkiin m Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Tiele.
Tielman m West Frisian (Rare), Medieval Dutch
West Frisian and medieval Dutch form of Tillmann.
Tijsken m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch diminutive of Matthijs.
Tisken m Medieval Dutch
Medieval variant form of Tijsken.
Tossaen m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Tossanus.
Trinnen f Medieval Dutch
A Medieval Dutch hypochoristic form of Catherine
Truden f Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Gheertruud.
Truy f Medieval Dutch
Short form of Geertruy, Geertruyt, Gertruyt and other variants that contain -truy-.
Truyken f Medieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish
Diminutive of Truy, as it contains the medieval Dutch diminutive suffix -ken.
Tryntje f Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Trijntje. This name has survived to modern times, but it is extremely rare in the Netherlands, especially when compared to its modern form Trijntje.
Vaes m Medieval Dutch
Short form of Gervaes and Servaes.
Verildis f Medieval Dutch
Latinate form of Veerle, recorded in the early 13th century.
Verlisebette f Medieval Dutch
Medieval variant of Elisabeth.
Vermergriete f Medieval Dutch
Medieval variant of Margriet.
Vlas m Medieval Dutch
Derived from vlas, which is the Dutch word for the flax plant (species Linum usitatissimum).
Vrederic m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant of Frederik.
Vrederick m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant of Frederik.
Vrolijk m Medieval Dutch, Medieval German
Derived from Old Dutch *frō, *frao "happy" and -līk "like", literally "happy-like".
Waelram m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Walderam.
Waernaer m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Werner.
Walewein m Old Dutch, Medieval Dutch, Arthurian Cycle
A name from 12th century France and Flanders, and the Dutch name of Arthurian Knight, Gawain.
Weernaert m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Wernard.
Welter m Medieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish, Medieval German, Limburgish (Rare)
Medieval variant of Walter. In this day and age, most bearers are elderly Limburgians; otherwise the name has fallen out of use, primarily surviving in the patronymic surnames Welter and Welters.
Wijtman m Medieval Dutch
Likely derived from Old Dutch wit, meaning "white" and man, meaning "man".
Willaem m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant of Willem.
Willam m English, Medieval Dutch
English variant of William and medieval Dutch variant of Willem.
Wisse m Dutch, West Frisian, Medieval Dutch
Short form of names containing the Germanic elements wîsan, wîso or wîs, such as Wisamar.
Wissen m Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Wisse.
Wolfert m West Frisian, East Frisian, Dutch (Rare), Medieval Dutch
Frisian and medieval Dutch form of Wolfhard.
Wynand m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), East Frisian (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Wijnand, Frisian variant of Winand and South African form of Winand.... [more]
Wynanda f Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare), English (American, Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Wijnanda, Frisian variant of Winanda and South African form of Winanda.
Yolente f Medieval Dutch
Medieval variant of Jolande.
Zillicken f Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch diminutive of Cecilia.
Zoete f Medieval Dutch
Derived from Middle Dutch soete "sweet" (zoete in Modern Dutch).
Zoetync f Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive or an extended form of Zoete.