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Gender Masculine
Pronounced Pron. NEE-klah:s  [key]
Other Forms FormsNeicklaes, Neiclaes, Neiclaus, Neijclaus, Neiklaes, Nichlaes, Nichlaus, Nicklaes, Nicklaus, Niclaus, Niklaes, Niklaus, Niecklaes, Niecklaus, Nieclaes, Nieclaus, Nieklaes, Nieklaus, Nijcklaes, Nijcklaus, Nijclaes, Nijclaus, Nijklaes, Nijklaus, Nychlaes, Nycklaes, Nyclaes, Nyclaus, Nyklaes, Nyklaus

Meaning & History

Medieval Dutch shorter form or variant of Nicolaes. In other words, you could say that this name is basically the medieval form of the modern name Niklaas - but then via the form Niclaas.

This name is still in use to this day, albeit very rarely.
Added 7/27/2015 by Lucille