Scots Submitted Names

Scots names are used by speakers of the Scots language.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abe m Scots
Scots diminutive of Albert (compare Abe 2).
Ack m Scots
Diminutive of Alexander.
Aedie m Scots
Diminutive of Aidam.
Aidam m Scots
Scots form of Adam.
Aidie m Scots
Diminutive of Aidam.
Aidom m Scots
Scots form of Adam.
Ailey f Scots
Variant of Ailie.
Ailice f Scots
Scots form of Alice.
Ailie f Scots, English (Australian)
Of uncertain origin and meaning. This name is, however, considered both an Anglicization of Eilidh and a diminutive of Aileen and Ailison.
Ailison f Scots
Scots form of Alison.
Ailsie f Scots
Diminutive of Alison. In recent years, this name has occasionally been used as a diminutive of Ailsa.
Airchibald m Scots
Scots form of Archibald.
Airchibauld m Scots
Scots form of Archibald.
Airchie m Scots
Diminutive of Airchibauld.
Airthur m Scots
Scots form of Arthur.
Airtie m Scots
Shetland diminutive of Airthur.
Aisbit m Scots
Reduced form of Archibald.
Aishender m Scots
Scots form of Alexander.
Alaster m Scots
Scots form of Alasdair.
Alisaunder m Scots, Medieval English, Literature
Scots form and medieval English variant of Alexander. 'King Alisaunder' or 'Kyng Alisaunder', dating from the end of the 13th century or the early 14th century, is a Middle English romance or romantic epic telling the story of Alexander the Great's career from his youth, through his successful campaigns against the Persian king Darius and other adversaries, his discovery of the wonders of the East, and his untimely death.
All m Scots
Short form of Allan.
Allissaid f Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish
Scots phonetic variant of Gaelic Ealasaid found in the early 16th century.
Andra m Scots
Lowland Scots form of Andrew.
Angie m Scots
Diminutive of Angus.
Angnes f Medieval German, Medieval Scottish, Scots (Archaic)
Medieval southern German variant of Agnes reflecting the southern German pronunciation. It is also a Scots variant of Agnes which was recorded in the late Middle Ages.
Annella f Scots, Scottish
Elaboration of Anne 1.
Archebald m Scots (Archaic)
Archaic Scots form of Archibald
Attie m Scots
Shetland diminutive of Airthur.
Aubel m Scots
Scots form of Abel.
Aubraham m Scots
Scots form of Abraham.
Auhaz m Scots
Scots form of Ahaz.
Aulan m Scots
Scots form of Alan.
Auley m Manx, Scots
Manx and Scots form of Olaf, from Old Norse Áleifr via Old Irish Amlaíb... [more]
Aumon m Scots
Scots form of Amon.
Bab m Scots
Short form of Rabert.
Babbie f Scots
Diminutive of Barbara.
Babbs f Scots
Scots diminutive of Barbara.
Barbray f Scots
Scots form of Barbara.
Baubie f Scots
Diminutive of Baurbara.
Baurbara f Scots
Scots form of Barbara.
Beanie f Scots, English
Variant of Beenie.
Beattie f Scots, English
Diminutive of Beatrice.
Beel m Scots
Scots form of Bill.
Beenie f Scots
Diminutive of names ending in -bina, especially Robina.
Beigis f Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish
Diminutive of Margaret (compare English Peggy).
Beldie f Scots
Diminutive of Easabell.
Bell f Scots
Variant of Belle.
Bellag f Scots
Diminutive of Bell.
Benna f Scots
Shetlandic Scots reduced form of Brenda.
Bettag f Scots
Caithness Scots variant of Betty.
Breece m Scots (Archaic)
Obsolete variant of Bruce.
Brianann m Scottish Gaelic, Scots
Scottish Gaelic form of Brendan.
Bunty f Scots, English
Originally an English and Scottish term of endearment derived from Scots buntin "plump, short and stout" referring to a plump child (possibly with the intended meaning of "good healthy baby" or "dear little one")... [more]
Ceecil m Scots
Scots form of Cecil.
Chae m Scots
Short form of Chairles.
Chairles m Scots
Scots form of Charles.
Chairlie m Scots
Diminutive of Chairles. 'Wae's me for Prince Chairlie' is a Scottish song whose theme is the aftermath of the Jacobite Rising of 1745.
Chirsee f Scots
Orcadian Scots form of Girzie.
Ciobhan m Scots, Scottish Gaelic
Possibly a variant of Kevin or Cobhan.
Cuddie m Scots
Diminutive of Cuthbert.
Cutbear m Scots
Scots form of Cuthbert.
Daivag m Scots
Caithness Scots diminutive of David.
Dally f Scots
Scots form of Dolly.
Dandie m Scots
Diminutive of Dand, itself a short form of Andrew.
Daud m Scots
Variant of Dod.
Daunie m Scots
Diminutive of Dauniel.
Dauniel m Scots
Scots form of Daniel.
Dauvit m Scots
Scots form of David.
Davock m Scots
Diminutive of Dauvit.
Daw m Scots
Short form of Dauniel.
Dawney m Scots
Diminutive of Daniel, Andrew and occasionally Donald.
Dite m Scots
Short form of Dauvit, used in northeast Scotland.
Dod m Scots
Scots diminutive of George.
Dodge m Scots
Diminutive of George via Dod.
Dohl m Scots
Scots adaption of Domhnall.
Dooglas m Scots
Scots form of Douglas.
Dorie m & f Scots
Short form of both Theodore and Theodora.
Dovy m Scots
Diminutive of Joseph.
Easabell f Scots
Scots form of Isabel.
Easie f Scots
Short form of Easabell.
Eck m Scots
Scots short form of Alexander.
Eckie m Scots
Diminutive of Eck, itself a short form of Alexander.
Edart m Scots
Variant of Edwart.
Edert m Scots
Scots form of Edward.
Edwart m Scots
Scots form of Edward.
Eelan f Scots
Scots form of Helen and Ellen 1.
Eelie f Scots
Diminutive of Eelan.
Eenie f Scots
Short form of names ending in -ina.
Eesac m Scots
Scots form of Isaac.
Eesie f Scots
Diminutive of Easabell.
Eiley f Scots
Variant of Eily.
Eily f Scots
Scots form of Eilidh.
Elick m Scots
Scots form of Alec.
Ellick m Scots
Scots short form of Alexander.
Ellie f Scots
Diminutive of Ellison.
Ellison f Scots
Scots form of Alison.
Elsbeth f Scots (Rare), German
Ulster Scots variant of Elspeth and German contracted form of Elisabeth.
Elshiner m Scots
Scots form of Alexander.
Elsie f Scots
Diminutive of Ellison.
Elspa f Scots (Archaic)
Variant of Elspeth via the other variant forms Elspath and Elspat.
Elspaith f Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish
Medieval Scots variant of Elspeth.
Eppie f Scots
Diminutive of Elspeth.
Erchie m Scots
Scots form of Archie.
Erswald m Scots
Scots form of Archibald.
Ertie m Scots
Shetlandic Scots diminutive of Arthur.
Ethart m Scots
Variant of Edwart.
Eupham f Scots (Archaic)
Reduced form of Euphemia.
Eysie f Scots
Scots diminutive of Isabel and Isabella.
Frauncis m Scots
Scots form of Francis.
Gaubie m Scots
Diminutive of Gaubriel.
Gaubriel m Scots
Scots form of Gabriel.
Gaun m Scots
Scots form of Gavin.
Gawn m Scots
Scots form of Gavin.
Gelis f Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish
Medieval Scots name of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a Scots form of Gelgéis and a Scots form of Gilia.
Geordag m Scots
Caithness Scots diminutive of George.
Geordo m Scots
Orcadian Scots diminutive of George.
Geordock m Scots
Diminutive of George, used on the Black Isle.
Georgy m Scots
Diminutive of George.
Giles f Scots (Archaic)
Scots variant of Gillian.
Girzie f Scots
Reduced and metathetical form of Griselda.
Girzle f Scots
Variant of Grizel.
Girzock f Scots
Diminutive of Girzle.
Girzzie f Scots
Shetlandic Scots form of Girzie.
Grizzel f Scots
Variant of Grizel.
Grizzie f Scots
Diminutive of Grizel.
Grizzle f Scots
Variant of Grizel.
Hab m Scots
Short form of Albert and Herbert.
Habbie m Scots
Diminutive of Hab.
Hairrie m Scots
Scots form of Harry, used as a diminutive of Hendrie.
Hairry m Scots
Scots form of Harry.
Hairy m Scots
Scots form of Harry.
Hakkie m Scots
Shetlandic Scots diminutive of Haakon. This name used to be Anglicized as Hercules.
Hansi m German, Scots
German and Shetlandic Scots diminutive of Hans. As a German name, it is rarely, if ever, used as a given name in its own right.
Hender m Scots
Diminutive of Hendry.
Henders m Scots
Diminutive of Hender.
Hendretta f Scots
Scots feminine form of Hendry and cognate of Henrietta.
Hendrie m Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish
Medieval Scots variant of Hendry.
Hughack m Scots
Diminutive of Hugh.
Hughoc m Scots
Scots diminutive of Hugh.
Hughock m Scots
Diminutive of Hugh.
Hyug m Scots
Variant of Shug.
Isbal f Manx, Scots
Manx variant of Ysbal and Scots adaptation of Iseabal.
Isbell f Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish, American (Rare)
Variant of Isbel, which in the case of the Scots name is an approach at a phonetic spelling of Gaelic Iseabail.
Isie f Scots
Scots diminutive of Isabel.
Jaik m Scots
Scots from of Jack.
Jaikie m Scots
Diminutive of Jaik.
Jancey f Scots
Diminutive of Janet.
Janny f Scots
Shetlandic Scots diminutive of Janet.
Jarm m Scots
Shetlandic Scots form of Jerome.
Jaucob m Scots
Scots form of Jacob.
Jeames m Scots
Scots form of James.
Jeamock m Scots
Diminutive of Jeams.
Jeams m Scots
Scots form of James.
Jeamsie m Scots
Diminutive of Jeams.
Jeandag f Scots
Caithness Scots diminutive of Jean 2.
Jeeles m & f Scots
Variant of both masculine and feminine Giles.
Jeemie m Scots
Diminutive of Jeams.
Jemmie m Scots
Variant of Jamie.
Jenet f Scots, Cornish (Archaic)
Scots and Cornish form of Janet.
Jennag f Scots
Caithness Scots diminutive of Jenet.
Jenno f Scots
Orcadian Scots diminutive of Jenet.
Jeson m Scots
Scots form of Jason.
Jessag f Scots
Caithness Scots variant of Jessie 1.
Jinse f Scots
Diminutive of Jean 2.
Jinsie f Scots
Scots diminutive of Jean 2.
Jinty f Scots, Popular Culture
Caithness Scots diminutive of Janet. A famous namesake is British historian Dame Janet "Jinty" Nelson. "Jinty" was also a girls' comic published in Britain in the 1970s and early 1980s.
Jovis m Scots
Scots diminutive of Joseph.
Jowlia f Scots
Scots form of Julia. Jowlia Mannering is a character in Sir Walter Scott's 'Guy Mannering, Or, The Astrologer'.
Jowlie f Scots
Scots form of Julia.
Juidin m Scots
Scots form of Gideon.
Kait f Scots, English (American, Rare)
Short form of Kaitrin, or a variant of Kate, most often used as a short form of Kaitlyn.
Kaitie f Scots
Diminutive of Kait.
Kaitrin f Scots
Scots form of Katherine.
Katreine f Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish
Scots phonetic variant of Gaelic Caitrina.
Katren f Scots
Younger form of Katreine.
Kitto f Scots
Orcadian Scots form of Kittie.
Leebie f Scots
Diminutive of Elizabeth.
Leevie f Scots
Diminutive of Oleevia.
Leezabeth f Scots
Scots form of Elizabeth.
Leezie f Scots
Diminutive of Elizabeth.
Lowra f Scots
Scots form of Laura.
Lowrans m Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish
Medieval Scots variant of Lowrence.
Lowrence m Scots
Scots form of Laurence 1.
Lowrie m Scots
Diminutive of Lowrence.
Made f Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish
Medieval Scots form of Maude.
Madie f English, Scots
Variant of Maddie. As a Scots name, a diminutive of Madlin.
Madlin f Scots
Variant of Maidlin.
Magret f Scots
Scots form of Margaret.
Maidie f English (Rare), Scots
Variant of Maida, used as a British given name 'reasonably frequently until 1930. Resurfaced again briefly in the 1960s, but is a rarely used name', according to Dunkling & Gosling (1983)... [more]
Maikie f & m Scots
Scots diminutive of Mary (via May) and Shetlandic Scots diminutive of Malcolm.
Mailie f Scots
Diminutive of Mairy, equivalent of English Molly. Also used as a pet name for cows (compare Bessie).
Mairten m Scots
Scots form of Martin.
Mairtin m Scots
Scots form of Martin.
Mairy f Scots, Greek
Scots form of Mary and Greek variant of Mairi.
Mall f Scots
Short form of Mallie.
Mallie f Scots
Variant of Mailie.
Mansie m Scots
Scots diminutive of Manus, a variant of Magnus.
Marget f Scots, Medieval English, Manx (Archaic), Old Swedish
Scots and Medieval English variant of Margaret, Manx dialect form of Margaid, and Old Swedish variant of Marghit.
Mattha m Scots
Scots form of Matthew.
Matthae m Scots
Scots form of Matthew.
Maucom m Scots
Scots form of Malcolm.
Mause f Scots
Diminutive of Mairy.
Mausie f Scots
Diminutive of Mause.
Mauthe f Scots
Variant of Maude.
Meggie f Scots, English (Rare)
Variant of Meggy.... [more]
Megs f Scots
Diminutive of Meg.
Megsie f Scots
Diminutive of Meg.
Merraid f Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish
Scots phonetic variant of Gaelic Mairead.
Merran f Scots
Scots form of Marian 1.
Mey f Scots
Variant of May.
Meysie f Scots
Diminutive of Mey.
Mhàiri f Scots
Scots adoption of the vocative case of Màiri due to mistaking it for the nominative case.
Michle m Scots
Scots variant of Michael.
Morggán m Medieval Scottish, Scots (Archaic)
The name seemed to be a distant branch from the old Welsh name Morcant, first record of this name being used was by the first Mormaer or Earl of Mar known as Morggán of Mar.
Nannie f Scots
Scots diminutive of Agnes (as well as Ann).
Nanse f Scots
Diminutive of Agnes.
Nansie f Scots
Scots diminutive of Agnes.
Nantie m Scots
Diminutive of Antony.
Nanty m Scots
Diminutive of Antony.
Nattie f English, Scots
Diminutive of names beginning with Nat-, such as Natalie, as well as a Scots diminutive of Henrietta.
Naubal m Scots
Scots form of Nabal.
Nelzie f Scots
Diminutive of Nell.
Nepps f Scots
Diminutive of Elspeth.
Oleevia f Scots
Scots form of Olivia.
Ollie m Scots
Orcadian Scots form of Ole. This name is occasionally Anglicized as Oliver.
Onick m Scots
Diminutive of Andra.
Osla f Faroese, Scots (Archaic)
Faroese variant and Shetlandic Scots adoption of Ásla. As a Shetlandic name, Osla was usually Anglicized as Ursula.
Ossie m Scots
Shetlandic Scots form of Ási. This name used to be Anglicized as Hosea.
Ossit m Scots
Reduced form of Oswald.
Pait m Scots
Short form of Paitrick.
Paitie m Scots
Diminutive of Pait.
Paitrick m Scots
Scots form of Patrick.
Paitrik m Scots
Scots form of Patrick.
Patie m Scots
Diminutive of Pate.
Peem m Scots
Short form of Jeams.
Peemser m Scots
Diminutive of Peem.
Pheel m Scots
Short form of Pheelip.
Pheelip m Scots
Scots form of Philip.
Pim m Scots
Scots diminutive of James.
Pimmie m Scots
Scots diminutive of James.
Rabbin m Scots (Archaic)
Scots form of Robin.
Rabert m Scots
Scots form of Robert.
Rasmar m Scots
Shetlandic Scots form of Erasmus.
Rauchel f Scots
Scots form of Rachel.
Rauchie f Scots
Diminutive of Rauchel.
Reyta f Scots
Scots diminutive of Henrietta.
Richart m Scots, Medieval French
Scots and medieval French form of Richard.
Rinalde f Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish
Scots form of Raghnaid via the variant Raonaild.
Ringan m Scots
Scots variant of Ninian.
Samel m Scots
Scots form of Samuel.
Sammel m Scots, Medieval Dutch
Scots and medieval Dutch form of Samuel.
Sannag m Scots
Diminutive of Alexander, used in Caithness.
Sannagie m Scots
Diminutive of Sannag.
Sannock m Scots
Diminutive of Alexander.
Saumal m Scots
Scots form of Samuel.
Saummie m Scots
Diminutive of Saumal.
Saundy m Scots
Variant of Sandy.
Saurah f Scots
Scots form of Sarah.
Sawnie m Scots
Variant of Sandy.
Seem m Scots
Short form of Seemon.
Seemie m Scots
Diminutive of Seem.
Seemon m Scots
Scots form of Simon 1. In some places it is also used as a Scots form of Sigmund or Simeon.
Shanet f Scots (Archaic)
Scots phonetic variant of Gaelic Seònaid.
Sheumais m Scots
Scots adoption of the vocative case of Seumas due to mistaking it for the nominative case.
Shoord m Scots
Shetlandic Scots form of Sigurd. The name is occasionally Anglicized as George.
Shoosan f Scots
Scots form of Susan.