Scots Submitted Names

Scots names are used by speakers of the Scots language.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Shuggie m Scots
Diminutive of Shug.
Shuggy m Scots
Scots diminutive of Hugh.
Shusan f Scots
Scots form of Susan.
Shusie f Scots
Diminutive of Shusan.
Sibbie f Scots
Diminutive of Easabell.
Sizzie f Scots
Shetlandic Scots diminutive of Easabell.
Steen m Scots
Scots form of Stephen.
Suphy f Scots
Scots diminutive of Sophia.
Synnie f Scots
Shetlandic Scots form of Signy.
Tamas m Scots
Scots form of Thomas.
Tammas m Scots
Scots form of Thomas.
Thain m Scots, English
Transferred use of the surname Thain meaning a nobleman who served as an attendant to royals or who was awarded land by a king... [more]
Theebet f Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish
Diminutive of Elizabeth via the diminutive Thebe.
Theniel m Scots
Truncated form of Nathaniel.
Tib f Scots
Scots short form of Isabel.
Tibbie f Scots
Diminutive of Tib.
Tirval m Scots
Shetlandic Scots form of Torvald.
Tizzie f Scots
Diminutive of Theresa and occasionally of Elizabeth.
Took m Scots
Diminutive of Tom 1.
Waut m Scots
Short form of Wauter.
Wauter m Scots
Scots form of Walter.
Wautie m Scots
Diminutive of Waut.
Weelum m Scots
Scots form of William.
Wullie m Scots
Scots diminutive of William.
Yeddie m Scots
Diminutive of Aidam.
Yid m Scots
Southern Scots short form of Aidam.
Yiddie m Scots
Diminutive of Yid.