Meaning & History
Short form of William. This spelling was not commonly used before the 19th century. The change in the initial consonant may have been influenced by an earlier Irish pronunciation of the name. Famous bearers include basketball player Bill Russell (1934-2022), comedian Bill Cosby (1937-), American president Bill Clinton (1946-), and Microsoft founder Bill Gates (1955-), all of whom were born with the name William.
Related Names
Other Languages & CulturesGwilherm(Breton) Guillem, Guim(Catalan) Vilim, Vilko(Croatian) Vilém(Czech) Vilhelm, Villum(Danish) Willem, Jelle, Liam, Pim, Wil, Wilhelmus, Willy, Wim(Dutch) Vilhelmo, Vilĉjo(Esperanto) Villem(Estonian) Viliame(Fijian) Vilhelm, Viljam, Viljami, Jami, Vilhelmi, Vilho, Vili, Viljo, Ville(Finnish) Guillaume, Liam, Lyam(French) Guillerme(Galician) Wilhelm, Liam, Willi, Willy(German) Wilhelm, Willehelm(Germanic) Vilmos, Vili(Hungarian) Vilhjálmur(Icelandic) Uilliam, Liam, Uilleag, Ulick(Irish) Guglielmo, Elmo(Italian) Vilhelms, Vilis(Latvian) Wöllem, Wullem, Wum(Limburgish) Vilhelmas(Lithuanian) Illiam(Manx) Wiremu(Maori) Wilkin, Wilky, Wilmot(Medieval English) Vilhelm, Liam(Norwegian) Wiljahelmaz(Old Germanic) Wilhelm(Polish) Guilherme, Gui(Portuguese) Uilleam(Scottish Gaelic) Viliam(Slovak) Viljem, Vili, Vilko(Slovene) Guillermo(Spanish) Vilhelm, Liam, Ville(Swedish) Viliami(Tongan) Gwilym, Gwil, Gwilim, Gwillym(Welsh)
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