Gender Masculine
Meaning & History
German cognate of William. This was the name of two German emperors. It was also the middle name of several philosophers from Germany: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900), and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716), who was also a notable mathematician. Another famous bearer was the physicist Wilhelm Röntgen (1845-1923).
Related Names
Feminine FormsWilhelmine, Elma, Helma, Helmine, Minna, Wilhelmina, Wilma(German)
Other Languages & CulturesGwilherm(Breton) Guillem, Guim(Catalan) Vilim, Vilko(Croatian) Vilém(Czech) Vilhelm, Villum(Danish) Willem, Jelle, Liam, Pim, Wil, Wilhelmus, Willy, Wim(Dutch) William, Bill, Billie, Billy, Liam, Wil, Will, Willie, Willy(English) Vilhelmo, Vilĉjo(Esperanto) Villem(Estonian) Viliame(Fijian) Vilhelm, Viljam, Viljami, Jami, Vilhelmi, Vilho, Vili, Viljo, Ville(Finnish) Guillaume, Liam, Lyam(French) Guillerme(Galician) Vilmos, Vili(Hungarian) Vilhjálmur(Icelandic) Uilliam, Liam, Uilleag, Ulick(Irish) Guglielmo, Elmo(Italian) Vilhelms, Vilis(Latvian) Wöllem, Wullem, Wum(Limburgish) Vilhelmas(Lithuanian) Illiam(Manx) Wiremu(Maori) Wilkin, Wilky, Wilmot(Medieval English) Vilhelm, Liam(Norwegian) Wiljahelmaz(Old Germanic) Guilherme, Gui(Portuguese) Uilleam(Scottish Gaelic) Viliam(Slovak) Viljem, Vili, Vilko(Slovene) Guillermo(Spanish) Vilhelm, Liam, Ville(Swedish) Viliami(Tongan) Gwilym, Gwil, Gwilim, Gwillym(Welsh)
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Name Days
Ace Attorney characters, American Horror Story characters, arm wrestlers, Austrian presidents, authors, cornetists, costumiers, defence, desire, directors, Elder Scrolls characters, emperors, Fire Emblem characters, Full Metal Panic characters, German chancellors, German presidents, Hogan's Heroes characters, How to Train Your Dragon characters, Hunters characters, inventors, Legend of the Galactic Heroes characters, Nobel laureates in Chemistry, philosophers, play titles, protection, ReZero characters, scientists, Suikoden characters, Swedish royal family, Tori Amos lyrics, tyrants, world leaders, Xeno characters
Sources & References
- Förstemann, Ernst. Altdeutsches Namenbuch. Bonn, 1900, page 1602.