It is odd to give someone this as a legal name. I like William but not Bill.
― Anonymous User 7/3/2024
Surprised no one mentioned the brilliant comedic actor, Bill Murray!
― Anonymous User 7/2/2024
Bill (or at least Billy) was used as a pet form well before the 19th century. There was a song called "Billy and Molly" which was already popular in the 1690s -- though it has been lost, at least three other songs that say "to be sung to the tune of "Billy and Molly" were published in that decade. In 1699, a satirical novel called "The Essex Champion; or the famous history of Sir BIlly of Billericay" by William WInstanley was published in England. On the first page of that novel it's said the title character was christened as William but in the next sentence he's immediately called "Billy" with no indication that would be considered unusual. William of Orange (King WIlliam III of England) is usually called "King Billy" in Northern Ireland. I haven't yet been able to find information on when the first written example of that was printed, but many people think the spread of Bill and Billy from Ireland to England was prompted by the Irish using that nickname for the king after the Battle of Boyne in 1690. [noted -ed]
I don't really like it as a masculine name, but Bill Potts on Doctor Who changed my whole perspective on it. I think it's fascinating how different it can sound when it's used in a feminine context.
Bill: "So-crates. "The only true wisdom consists in knowing that you know nothing." Ted: "That's us, dude." Bill: "Oh yeah!"Quote from Bill and teds excellent adventure.
In Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, FireRed, LeafGreen, HeartGold, SoulSilver, Let’s Go Pikachu!, & Let’s Go Eevee!, Bill is a Pokémon researcher & the developer of the Pokémon Storage System. He is lactose intolerant.
United States one-dollar Bill —————————————— Description | The United States one-dollar Bill since 1876 has been the lowest value denomination of United States paper currency.I’m going to pay my Dollar Bill now, bye.
Much prefer Bill to Will. Much more stronger sounding and more classy. Also Will is such a common verb "will you do this", "will you come here" etc that it doesn't seem right to be used as a name for a person.
Wedding Bell Blues, a song which I know through the TV show Gilmore Girls (featured in the episode of the same name). For those reasons, this name is tied up with positive associations for me.
Bill Hader is an Emmy-winning comedian, actor, voice actor, producer, writer, and director. He is best known from his work on Saturday Night Live, which he was a cast member of from 2005 to 2013.
Personally, I prefer the nicknames Will/Willy for William. However, the nicknames Bill/Billy are more appropriate for the rare given name Billiam. Someone already submitted this kree8v name incorporating the nicknames Bill and Billy. So if I named a boy William, I would only use the nicknames Will and Willy. Or if I named him Billiam, I would only use the nicknames Bill and Billy. It all has to do with the letters beginning on the names. I hope this makes sense. This is a strong and handsome name for a boy, though!
In 2018, 51 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Bill* who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 463rd most common male first name for living U.S. citizens. *as a first name, not a nickname (as hard as it is to imagine someone naming their infant "Bill")
This is a hideous nickname that sounds like a name for old people. And some of the most obnoxious celebrities have this name, like Bill Clinton, Bill OReilly, Bill Cosby. The name itself sounds dumb.
― Anonymous User 1/23/2018
Sounds like a fat middle aged man who sits on his chair every day while sipping on his beer and ranting about stuff while watching sports. Yeah, I am not too crazy on this name as you can clearly see. I love the name Will/William, but I despise Bill.
I like this name. I like both Bill and Will I would use it if I would have boy twins. My favourite bearer is Bill Cipher from the series 'Gravity Falls'.
This is such a boring, overused name. If you want a good nickname then choose Will instead, sounds much more classier and distinguished.
― Anonymous User 5/12/2016
Not a fan personally. Too old fashioned. I prefer Will as a nickname for William.
― Anonymous User 3/22/2016
I am surprised that no one has said anything about Bill Gates. William Henry "Bill" Gates, an American business magnate, philanthropist, investor, and computer programmer, co-founded Microsoft with Paul Allen. He is also currently the richest person in the world.
Bill Bixby was an American film and TV actor. He is best known for playing Dr. David Banner in The Incredible Hulk (1978 TV series).
― Anonymous User 9/17/2014
Quite dated, as is Jim for James. I prefer Billy or Will.
― Anonymous User 7/13/2013
"Bil" is Dutch for "buttock". Did I just ruin this name?
― Anonymous User 6/1/2013
I personally, never really thought much of the name. I always thought of that "Kill Bill" Movie. That was until I started listening to band Tokyo Hotel, where, the lead singer is called Bill. I personally love the name now - the name 'Bill' suits him. It's short, and sweet. Nothing too over the top. =]
Bill Wyman (born William George Perks) is an English musician and former bass player for the Rolling Stones. He was always known as the most promiscuous member of the band, which says a lot! He has also written several books, including a disgustingly detailed autobiography titled *Stone Alone* which covers his life up until the death of Brian Jones. Read it if you dare!
― Anonymous User 3/26/2009
I think I'm biased to the name because of the singer of Tokio Hotel. =P I was never really fond of it before, but looking at it again, I think it's a short, sensible name. It probably would make more sense, though, if your name is actually William.
― Anonymous User 8/10/2008
My name is Bill, and my father said it was after a medieval weapon, which is just like my father.
Mostly obnoxious men are called Bill. Think Bill O'Reilly, Bill Donoghue, and Bill Bryson, just to name the ones I can think of right now. Besides, I don't like the nickname at all. I wish guys named William, Wilson or whatever would go by Will. This is such a typical name for fat middle-aged guys who are rude in every way.
I can't believe no one's mentioned this yet, Bill Bruford is a seriously awesome drummer, with a wicked polyrhythmic, forceful style. He's collaborated on loads of projects, including King Crimson and his own fusion band Bruford. I love his music!
Like Betty or Liz against Elizabeth, Bill is a blunt alternative to the richer, more dignified full name William. It can also, however, be lots of fun, so long as a William doesn't adopt it as a full name. Will is a gentler nickname.
Famous bearer: the character Bill S. Preston Esquire, as portrayed by Alex Winter in the teen comedy films 'Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure' and 'Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey'.
Once upon a time I saw this ancient guy that was practically dead smoking on a street corner and his name was Bill. No not really but that's what I think of when I hear the name Bill.
I'm Bill. Not William. On my birth certificate, it says "Bill". I've had to deal with this all my life; people always assume I'm a William. Ah well, I love being unique!