West Frisian Submitted Names

West Frisian names are used in Friesland in the northern Netherlands. See also about Frisian Names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aach f West Frisian
Diminutive of Agathe, as well as names that begin with agi meaning "sword".
Aachtsje f West Frisian
Diminutive of names beginning with agi meaning "sword".
Aafke f West Frisian, East Frisian
Frisian feminine form of Ave, with the diminutive suffix ke included.
Aafkelina f West Frisian
Diminutive of names beginning with Alf meaning "elf".
Aalf m Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), East Frisian
Dutch short form of Adolf and West Frisian short form of Alef and Alof, which are both Frisian variants of Adolf.
Aanje f West Frisian
Feminine form of Ane 2.
Adick m West Frisian (Rare)
Pet form of Ade 2. Also compare Addick, which is a pet form of the related name Adde.... [more]
Afke f West Frisian
Diminutive of Ave.
Aiko m West Frisian, German, East Frisian, Dutch (Rare)
Short form of names containing the Germanic name element agjō or agil "edge (of a sword)", such as Ekkehard or Aai.
Aland m & f Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Archaic)
Dutch and West Frisian contracted form of Adelland. Also compare Eland.... [more]
Alef m Medieval Dutch, Medieval German, Dutch (Rare), Low German, North Frisian (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Medieval Dutch and German (also Low German) variant of Adolf as well as the North & West Frisian form of the name. Also compare Aalf (its medieval form is Aelf) and Alof.... [more]
Alem m West Frisian (Rare)
West Frisian form of Adalhelm.
Alemke f West Frisian (Rare)
Strictly feminine form of Alem (Frisian), where the Frisian diminutive suffix -ke has been added to the name.
Alof m Medieval Dutch, Medieval German, Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Medieval Dutch and German variant of Adolf as well as the West Frisian form of the name. Also compare Aalf (its medieval form is Aelf) and Alef.... [more]
Amarins f West Frisian
West Frisian form of Emerentia. Also compare Emerens.
Ame m West Frisian
West Frisian short form of names that contain the Germanic element amal "work". However, there are also instances where it is a short form of names of which the second element starts with an 'm' - the name Adelmar is a good example of that.
Amke f West Frisian (Rare)
Means "eagle" in Frisian.
Amme f West Frisian, East Frisian
Feminine form of Ame.
Andert m West Frisian
Frisian form of Andhard or Andward.
Angeniet f Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Dutch variant form of Angenies and West Frisian form of Agnes.
Angenietsje f West Frisian (Rare)
West Frisian diminutive of Angeniet. Also compare Angeniesje and Angenietje.
Anke m West Frisian
Variant of Ane 2, where the diminutive suffix ke has been added to the name.
Anko m West Frisian
Diminutive of Ane 2.
Anno m East Frisian (Rare), West Frisian, Medieval German
Frisian variant of Anne 2 as well as a medieval German cognate of the name.... [more]
Atser m West Frisian
Variant of Edser.
Aue m West Frisian
The origin of this Frisian name is uncertain; it is such a shortened and transformed form of certain names that it is very difficult to tell what the original name(s) must have been. Aue might have been a short form of names containing the Gothic element aivs (êwa in Old High German), such as Eubert and Eumund... [more]
Aukje f West Frisian, East Frisian
Strictly feminine form of Auke, where the diminutive suffix je has been added to the name.
Auwe m West Frisian
Variant of Aue.
Ave m Dutch, West Frisian
The origin of this Frisian name is uncertain; it is such a shortened and transformed form of certain names that it is very difficult to tell what the original name(s) must have been. Ave is usually said to be a short form of names that contained the Old Norse element âlfr (alb in Old High German) "elf" - but this cannot be said with certainty... [more]
Baart m West Frisian
West Frisian form of Bert.
Barteld m Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Dutch and West Frisian form of Berthold. Also compare the similar-looking name Bartel.
Bauco m Frisian, Dutch, West Frisian
Variant of Bauke, a diminutive form of Baue. Also possibly a variant of Auke.
Baue m West Frisian
A name of Germanic origin that has been so strongly abbreviated, that one can no longer tell with certainty what the original form and its meaning is. Some scholars think that it is derived from the name Bavo.
Bauke m & f West Frisian, Dutch
For a man, it is the diminutive form of Baue - but for a woman, it is the feminine form of Baue. However, the name is far more common on men than on women.
Baukje f West Frisian, Dutch
Strictly feminine form of Bauke.
Beie m West Frisian (Rare)
Short form of masculine Germanic names that contain the Germanic element baug meaning "bow" as well as "bend, crook".
Beitske f West Frisian
West Frisian diminutive of Elisabeth as well as the feminine form of Beitse.... [more]
Benne m West Frisian
Variant form of Ben 1.
Bent m West Frisian
Variant of Ben 2.
Bente m & f East Frisian, West Frisian
Shortened form of Bernhard or other names starting in Bern-.
Bessel m West Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Of Frisian origin, this name is possibly a diminutive of a shortened form of Germanic names that contain either the element bern meaning "bear" or the element beraht meaning "bright"... [more]
Beuckel m West Frisian (Archaic), Medieval Dutch
Medieval Frisian diminutive of Beuwe.... [more]
Binne m West Frisian
Variant form of Benne.
Binnert m West Frisian
Frisian form of Bennert.
Blommert m West Frisian
Frisian form of Bloemhard.
Boaie m West Frisian (Archaic)
This archaic West Frisian given name can be a variant form of Boye as well as be a derivation of West Frisian boai meaning "boy".
Bouke m & f West Frisian, Dutch
Variant of Bauke. This form is more commonly found on men than on women.
Boukje f West Frisian, Dutch
Strictly feminine variant of Baukje.
Boy m North Frisian, West Frisian, East Frisian, Dutch, Danish, German, English (Rare)
Variant form of Boye. In English-speaking countries, the name is usually derived from the English word boy meaning "boy" (in a manner comparable to the name Sonny) or a short form of the given names Boyce and Boyd.... [more]
Boye m West Frisian, East Frisian, North Frisian
There are many etymologies possible for this Frisian name. One is that it is a pet form of Germanic given names that contained the element bodo meaning "lord, ruler" or baug meaning "bow"... [more]
Brandaan m Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Archaic)
Dutch and West Frisian form of Brendan via its medieval Latin form Brandanus.
Burger m Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare), West Frisian (Archaic)
Dutch, Afrikaans and West Frisian form of the ancient Germanic name Burghar.... [more]
Coert m Dutch, West Frisian
Short form of Coenraad.
Cornelisje f Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Feminine form of Cornelis, which was created by adding the Dutch and Frisian diminutive suffix -je to it. This particular way of feminizing masculine names is typically Dutch as well as Frisian, and originated in medieval times.
Corneliske f Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Feminine form of Cornelis, which was created by adding the Dutch and Frisian diminutive suffix -ke to it. This particular way of feminizing masculine names is typically Dutch as well as Frisian, and originated in medieval times.
Dauwe m West Frisian
Variant of Douwe.
Derk m Dutch, West Frisian, East Frisian
Dutch variant form of Dirk, as well as the Frisian form of Dirk.
Derkje m & f Dutch, West Frisian
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Derk) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix je to the original name... [more]
Dieke f Dutch, West Frisian, East Frisian
Feminine form of Diede, as well as a pet form of Hendrika.
Dieuwertje f West Frisian, Dutch
Feminine form of Dieuwert. In The Netherlands, a well-known bearer of this name is television presenter Dieuwertje Blok (b. 1957).
Dimme m West Frisian
Frisian short form of names that have Gothic thiuda or Middle High German diet (both of which mean "people") for a first element, and of which the second element starts with an "m." The names Theudemund and Dietmar are good examples of that.
Divera f West Frisian (Latinized), Dutch
Latinized form of the unisex name Dieuwer. This particular latinization is solely intended for women; the masculine equivalent is Diverus and its variant spellings.... [more]
Djoeke f Dutch, West Frisian
Dutch form of Dieuwke, completely phonetical in its spelling. This "dutchized" form of a Frisian name has also been adopted by the Frisians themselves, though it is nowhere as popular in Friesland as the original form (Dieuwke).
Doe m West Frisian (Rare)
Short form of Doede.
Doede m Dutch (Rare), West Frisian
Frisian and northern Dutch form of Ludolf and similar Germanic names. It originated in nursery speech, as such names were (and are) too difficult for toddlers to pronounce correctly.
Doeke m Dutch (Rare), West Frisian
Contracted form of Doedeke, which is a diminutive of Doede, as it contains the Dutch and Frisian diminutive suffix -ke.... [more]
Doutzen f West Frisian, Dutch
Feminine form of Douwe, which possibly started out as a patronymic meaning "son of Douwe". The name has been rising in popularity since 2007, because of the Frisian model Doutzen Kroes (who rose to fame that year).
Douwe m West Frisian
Derived from Frisian dou "dove."
Duco m Dutch, West Frisian
Variant of Doeke. A notable bearer of this name was the Frisian freedom fighter Doecke "Duco" van Martena (1530-1605).
Ede m West Frisian, East Frisian
Frisian form of Ade 2.
Edsard m West Frisian
West Frisian form of Eghard.
Edser m West Frisian
Shorter form of Edsert.
Edzard m West Frisian, East Frisian
Variant of Edsard. This name was borne by several counts of East Frisia.
Eelke m & f West Frisian
West Frisian diminutive form of Ele via Eele in the case of male bearers, and feminine form of Ele in the case of female bearers.
Eelkje f West Frisian
West Frisian diminutive form of Eelke.
Eggert m West Frisian, Low German
West Frisian and Low German form of Eghard.
Eibe m East Frisian, West Frisian
Frisian short form of names that have ag for a first element (for an elaborate description of ag, please see Agmund), and of which the second element starts with a "b"... [more]
Eide m East Frisian, West Frisian, Low German
As a Frisian name, this name is a short form of names that have ag for a first element (for an elaborate description of ag, please see Agmund)... [more]
Eige m West Frisian
Frisian short form of names that have ag for a first element: for an elaborate description of ag, please see Agmund.
Eile m West Frisian
Frisian short form of Germanic names that have agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) for a first element, such as Eildert and Eilmer.
Eilke m & f East Frisian, West Frisian, Low German
For a man, it is the diminutive form of Eile - but for a woman, it is the feminine form of Eile.
Eilof m West Frisian
West Frisian form of Agilolf via its variant Egilolf.
Eimert m Dutch, West Frisian, East Frisian
Frisian form of Agimar. Though originally a Frisian name, it is now commonly used as a Dutch name as well. A known bearer of this name is Eimert van Middelkoop, the Dutch minister for Defence.
Eine m West Frisian
Frisian short form of names containing the Germanic element agin or egin, like Aginhard - see also Einhard.
Eland m & f Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Dutch and West Frisian contracted form of Edelland, which is a variant form of Adelland. Also compare Aland.... [more]
Elbrich f West Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
West Frisian form of Adalburg via its variant spelling Adelburg.
Ele m West Frisian
West Frisian variant of Ale 2.
Ellert m West Frisian
West Frisian variant of Allert.
Ene m West Frisian, East Frisian
A Frisian name of Germanic origin that has been so strongly abbreviated, that one can no longer tell with certainty what the original form and its meaning is. Some scholars think that it may be a short form of names containing the Germanic element agin or egin (like Aginhard), thus making it comparable to Eine.
Engelke m & f Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare), East Frisian (Rare), Low German (Rare)
In the case of male bearers, this name is a diminutive of Engel. In the case of female bearers, this name is a feminine form of Engel... [more]
Engeltje f Dutch, West Frisian, East Frisian (Rare)
Strictly feminine form of Engel. In the Netherlands, the name is often associated with the Dutch word engeltje meaning "little angel". Also compare Engelke.
Erco m West Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Variant spelling of Erko, which is most likely a diminutive of Erk. Also compare Ercken and Herko, which is a variant of Herke.
Erk m Swedish (Rare, Archaic), West Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare)
Swedish dialectal form of Erik as well as the West Frisian and North Frisian form of Erik.
Fedda f West Frisian
Feminine form of Fedde.
Fedderik m West Frisian
West Frisian form of Frederik.
Feie m West Frisian
West Frisian short form of names that contain the Old High Germanic element fridu "peace" - see also Fedde.
Feike f & m West Frisian, East Frisian
Diminutive form of Feie (for males) and feminine form of Feie (for females).
Fem f Dutch, West Frisian
This name can be a short form of Eufemia (Dutch) or a feminine form of Femme (Frisian).
Femmeke f West Frisian
Strictly feminine form of Femme, where the diminutive suffix ke has been added to the name.
Fenja f West Frisian, German, Danish
Variant form of Fenje. Also compare Fenna. You might also want to take a look at the other entry for Fenja, which is a name from Norse mythology (but has a completely different etymology) that could also have been the inspiration for the parents of some of the modern-day bearers of the name.
Fenje f West Frisian
Variant form of Fen 2.
Fenneke f Dutch, West Frisian, East Frisian
Strictly feminine diminutive of Fenne.
Ferdau f West Frisian
The first element of this name, which has been metathesized, is derived from Old High German fridu "peace." The second element is derived from wîh "holy" or Old High German wîg "warrior."
Fere f & m West Frisian
Short form of Germanic names that contain the Old High German element fridu meaning "peace", such as Frederik and Frederika.
Ferre m & f Dutch, West Frisian
Dutch short form of Ferdinand and West Frisian variant form of Fere.
Fidde m West Frisian
Variant form of Fedde.
Fijtje f West Frisian
Feminine form of Feie.
Fin m West Frisian (Rare)
Variant form of Fen 2.
Finne m & f West Frisian
Variant form of Fenne.
Foeke m West Frisian
Variant form of Foke.
Foke m West Frisian, East Frisian
Frisian variant form of Folke.
Fokke m West Frisian, East Frisian
Variant form of Foke.
Folgert m East Frisian (Archaic), West Frisian (Rare)
Some sources state that this name is a variant form of Folkert, while at least one source states that it is a variant of Folger, the (West) Frisian form of the ancient Germanic name Folcgar.
Folle m West Frisian
Frisian short form of names that contain the Old High Germanic element folc "people", such as Folmer and Folpert.
Folmer m West Frisian
Frisian form of Folkmar.
Foppe m West Frisian
Frisian short form of masculine names that have folc for a first element, and of which the second element starts with a "b." The name Folcbert is a good example of that.
Fos m West Frisian
Contracted form of Germanic names beginning with the element folk "people".
Fouke m & f West Frisian
Variant form of Foeke.
Fridsert m West Frisian (Rare)
West Frisian form of Fridehard.
Frister m West Frisian (Rare)
Variant of Fritser, which probably came into being through metathesis.
Fritser m West Frisian (Rare)
Variant spelling of Fridser, which itself is a variant of Fridsert.
Gabbe m West Frisian
Variant form of Gabe.
Gabe m West Frisian
Frisian short form of names that contain the Gothic element giban (geban in Old High German), such as Gebamund and Gebavultus.
Gale m West Frisian (Rare)
This name is the Frisian form of the Germanic given name Gaito, which was ultimately derived from Proto-Germanic *gails meaning "cheerful, jovial". But in addition to that, it is also often a short form of Germanic given names that contain (or are related to) the aforementioned element of *gails, such as Geilhard.... [more]
Gauke m & f East Frisian, West Frisian
East and West Frisian diminutive of Gauwe.
Gebbe m West Frisian
Variant of Gabbe.
Gees f Dutch, West Frisian
Dutch short form of Gesina.
Geldau f West Frisian
Derived from Gothic gild "sacrifice" combined with wîh "holy" or Old High German wîg "warrior."
Gelle m West Frisian
Frisian short form of names that contain the Old Frisian element geld, which ultimately comes from Gothic gild "sacrifice, value."
Gelmer m West Frisian
Frisian form of Gildemar.
Ger m & f Dutch, Limburgish, West Frisian
Dutch, Limburgish and West Frisian short form of Germanic given names containing the element ger meaning "spear", such as Gerard, Gerben and Gerlof.
Germen m West Frisian, Dutch (Rare)
West Frisian form of Germanus and Gereman (see Germann).
Gibbe m West Frisian
Variant of Gabbe, or a short form of Giselbert.
Gijsje m & f Dutch, West Frisian
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Gijs) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix je to the original name... [more]
Gilderik m West Frisian
West Frisian form of Childeric.
Gildert m West Frisian
West Frisian form of Gildard.
Gilperik m West Frisian
West Frisian form of Chilperic.
Hadde m Dutch, West Frisian
Variant form of Hade.
Hade m Dutch, West Frisian
Short form of names that contain the Old High Germanic element hadu, such as Hadebert and Hadefuns.
Haie m West Frisian (Rare), East Frisian, North Frisian, Low German
Frisian and Low German short form of Germanic names that contain the element hag (for an elaborate description of hag, please see Hagabert).
Hansje m & f Dutch, West Frisian
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Hans) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix je to the original name... [more]
Harmke f Dutch, German (Rare), West Frisian
Feminine form of Harm. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch journalist and presenter Harmke Pijpers (b. 1946).
Harre m East Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Frisian short form of Germanic given names containing the element hari meaning "army", such as Herbert and Herman.
Haug m East Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare), West Frisian (Archaic), Upper German
Frisian and Upper German form of Hugo as well as a short form of other Germanic given names that have hugu meaning "heart, mind, spirit" for a first element.... [more]
Hauk m & f East Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Frisian short form of Germanic given names that have hugu meaning "heart, mind, spirit" for a first element, such as Hugubert. Also compare Haug, which this name could be considered to be a variant form of.
Haye m West Frisian, East Frisian, North Frisian, Dutch (Rare)
Variant spelling of Haie. A known Dutch bearer of this name is the author Haye van der Heyden (b. 1957).
Hedde m West Frisian, East Frisian
Variant form of Hede.
Hede m West Frisian (Rare)
Variant form of Hade.
Hedse m West Frisian
West Frisian variant of Hade.
Hedser m West Frisian (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. It might possibly be the West Frisian form of Hadegar. Also compare Hidser.
Hedsert m West Frisian (Rare)
Variant of Hedser. It is possible that this name could also be the West Frisian form of Hadard or Hadeward... [more]
Hedzer m West Frisian
Variant spelling of Hedser. A known bearer of this name was the Dutch politician Hedzer Rijpstra (1919-2011).
Heie m West Frisian, East Frisian, North Frisian, Low German
Frisian and Low German variant form of Haie.
Heijo m West Frisian, East Frisian
Frisian variant form of Heie.
Helle m West Frisian (Rare)
Frisian short form of names that contain the element hildr (such as Hildebrand) or heil (such as Heilbert).
Helmert m West Frisian, Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Helmer. Known bearers of this name include the Dutch painter Helmert van der Flier (1827-1899) and the Dutch actor Helmert Woudenberg (1945-2023).
Herke m West Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of Herre. Also compare Harke.
Hero m West Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Variant form of Herre, which itself is a variant form of Harre. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch former politician Hero Brinkman (b... [more]
Herre m West Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
West Frisian variant of Harre.
Hibbe m West Frisian, East Frisian
Frisian short form of names that have hildr for a first element, and of which the second element starts with a "b." The names Hildebert and Hildebrand are good examples of that.
Hidser m West Frisian (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. It might possibly be the West Frisian form of a masculine Germanic name that contains the Germanic element hild meaning "battle", such as Hildegar... [more]
Hidsert m West Frisian (Archaic)
Variant of Hidser. It is possible that this name could also be the West Frisian form of Hildard or Hildeward... [more]
Hinderk m Low German, East Frisian, West Frisian
Low German variant of Hinnerk as well as a Frisian cognate of Heinrich (see Henry).
Hinke m & f West Frisian
West Frisian short form of Hendrik or Hendrika, depending on the sex of the bearer.
Hob m West Frisian
Frisian short form of names that have hugu for a first element, and of which the second element starts with a "b." The name Hugubert is a good example of that.
Hobbe m West Frisian, East Frisian
Frisian shortened form of names starting with HUG like Hugbert.
Hoppe m West Frisian
Variant of Hobbe.
Hotse m West Frisian
Variant of Hotte.
Hotske f West Frisian
Feminine form of Hotse, where the diminutive suffix ke has been added to the name.
Hotte m West Frisian
The origin of this Frisian name is uncertain; it is such a shortened and transformed form of certain names that it is very difficult to tell what the original name(s) must have been. Hotte might have been a short form of Horatius.
Hotze m West Frisian, Dutch
Short form of Horatius.
Idde m West Frisian
Variant of Ide.
Ide m West Frisian
Frisian masculine form of Ida as well as a variant form of Ede.
Ids m West Frisian
Variant of Ide. A well-known bearer of this name is the Dutch-Frisian speed skater Ids Postma.
Iem m & f West Frisian (Rare)
Short form of Ieme and related names, such as Iemke.
Ieme m & f West Frisian (Rare)
Variant spelling of Ime 2. This given name is more commonly found on males than on females.
Iemke m & f West Frisian (Rare)
Variant form of Imke. But in other words, you could also say that this name is a diminutive of Ieme.
Ienje f Dutch, West Frisian
Means "small one", from West Frisian ien meaning "one".
Igo m West Frisian
Variant of Ige.
Illand m & f West Frisian (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. It might possibly be a variant form of Eland.
Imme f & m West Frisian (Rare), East Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare)
Variant form of Ime 2. This given name is more commonly found on females than on males.... [more]
Ine m West Frisian (Rare)
Derived from the particle in, which is usually used to give extra emphasis to something. Scholars have not been able to find any other explanation for the meaning of this Frisian name.
Ingel m & f Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Variant of Engel as well as a short form of related names that start with Ingel-, such as Ingelbert, Ingelhard and Ingeltrud... [more]
Inse m & f West Frisian (Rare), East Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare)
Frisian variant form of Ine. Sometimes also said to be a Frisian short form of Germanic names that have Ing for a first element, such as Ingulf... [more]
Iske f East Frisian, West Frisian
Feminine form of Ise.
Ive m & f West Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Frisian form of Ivo 1 (masculine) and Dutch short form of Ivonne (feminine).
Ivessa f West Frisian (Rare)
West Frisian feminine form of Ive.
Iwe m West Frisian
This name is probably a variant form of Ive.
Jaline f West Frisian
Feminine form of Jalle.
Jannes m Dutch, Flemish, German (Rare), Limburgish, East Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare), West Frisian, Danish (Rare), Finnish (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Medieval Dutch
Dutch, Flemish, Frisian, Limburgish and (Low) German short form of Johannes, which has also seen some use in Scandinavia.
Janno m Estonian (Rare), Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), German (Rare)
Estonian variant of Jaan as well as a Dutch and West Frisian variant of Janne 1, all of which are names that are ultimately derived from the Hebrew name Yochanan (see John).
Janus m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Limburgish (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), Danish, Finnish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Dutch, Flemish, Limburgish and West Frisian short form of Adrianus and sometimes also of Johannes (which is also found spelled as Johannus)... [more]
Jappe m & f West Frisian, Low German, Literature
West Frisian and Low German form of Jacob, or a variant of Gabbe.... [more]
Jard m & f West Frisian
Masculine and feminine form of Jarich.
Jarich m West Frisian
Frisian short form of names that contain the Gothic element gairu (gêr in Old High German) "spear."
Jarig m West Frisian, East Frisian
Variant spelling of Jarich.
Jarik m West Frisian
Variant of Jari influenced by Jorik.
Jarre m West Frisian
Frisian short form of names that contain the Gothic element gairu (gêr in Old High German) "spear." See also Jarich.
Jeen m Dutch, West Frisian
Dutch and Frisian form of Johannes. Also compare the related names Jene and Jenne.
Jehannes m West Frisian (Rare)
West Frisian form of Johannes.
Jeldau f West Frisian
Variant spelling of Geldau.
Jeldert m West Frisian
Frisian form of Ethelhard (see Adalhard), or a variant spelling of Geldert.
Jella f West Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare), German (Rare), Hungarian (Rare, Archaic)
Frisian feminine form of Jelle and German short form of Gabriella as well as a Hungarian borrowing of both names.... [more]
Jelmer m West Frisian, Dutch
Modern West Frisian form of Adalmar via Ethelmer, but it is also possible that it is a variant form of Gelmer (see also my comment for Jelle) in some cases.
Jelte m West Frisian, Dutch, East Frisian
Frisian variant form of Jelle.
Jenne m & f Dutch, West Frisian, East Frisian
Masculine and feminine (short) form of Johannes.
Jenneke f & m Dutch, West Frisian
Variant of Jenne, where the diminutive suffix ke has been added to the name.
Jenthe f & m Dutch, West Frisian
Variant spelling of Jente.
Jerta f Hungarian (Archaic), West Frisian (Rare)
Originally a short form of Gertrúd, occasionally used as a given name in its own right, as well as a West Frisian short form of names beginning with the element Ger-, used as a given name in its own right.
Jesse m West Frisian, North Frisian
Variant form of Iese, which itself is a variant form of Ese. Also compare Jisse.
Jessina f West Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare)
Feminine form of the Frisian masculine name Jesse.
Jildau f West Frisian (Modern)
This Frisian name can be a variant spelling of Geldau, or a variant form of Jeldau.
Jildert m West Frisian
This Frisian name can be a variant spelling of Gildert, or a variant form of Jeldert.
Jildou f West Frisian
Variant spelling of Jildau.
Jilles m West Frisian
West Frisian form of Aegidius (see Giles).
Jinne m & f West Frisian
Mostly used on males, this name is derived from Ine and/or Ene.
Jinte f & m West Frisian, Dutch, Flemish
West Frisian masculine variant and feminine form of Jinne.
Jinthe f West Frisian, Dutch
Variant spelling of Jinte, only seen on females so far.
Jippe m & f West Frisian
Variant form of Jibbe.
Jiska f West Frisian
Variant of Jiske.
Jiske f West Frisian
Feminine form of Jis.
Jisse m West Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare)
Variant form of Iese, which itself is a variant form of Ese. Also compare Jesse.
Jit m West Frisian, East Frisian, North Frisian
Frisian variant form of Ede and Ide.
Jitske f West Frisian, Dutch
Frisian feminine form of Jit.
Jitze m West Frisian, Dutch
Frisian variant form of Jit.
Jobbe m West Frisian
Variant form of Joppe.
Jonne f Dutch, Flemish, West Frisian, East Frisian
Dutch and Frisian variant of Jonna.
Jonneke f Dutch, West Frisian
Variant of Jonne, where the diminutive suffix ke has been added to the name.
Joppe m Dutch, West Frisian
Variant form of Jop.
Jork m West Frisian (Rare)
Originally a short form of names containing the element ever- such as Everhard.
Josje m & f Dutch, West Frisian
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Jos) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix je to the original name... [more]
Jouke m & f West Frisian, Dutch
This name is of Frisian origin and is most seen on men in Friesland (which has over a thousand bearers, whereas there are less than a hundred female bearers).
Jurjen m West Frisian
West Frisian form of George.
Jurra f West Frisian (Rare)
Feminine form of Jurre.
Kars m Dutch, West Frisian
Short form of Karsten. Also compare Karst.
Karst m Dutch, West Frisian
Short form of Karsten. Also compare Kars. A known Dutch bearer of this name is the film and television director Karst van der Meulen (b... [more]
Keesje f & m Dutch, West Frisian
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Kees) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix je to the original name... [more]
Kei m West Frisian, North Frisian
Frisian pet form of Cornelius, Gerard and Nicolaas. In other words, you could say that this name is a variant form of Kai 1.
Keije m West Frisian, North Frisian
Variant form of Kei.
Keike f West Frisian, North Frisian
Feminine form of Kei.
Keke m & f Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Dutch diminutive of Cornelius and Cornelia, and West Frisian variant form of Keike.
Kenau f West Frisian, Dutch (Rare)
The first element of this name is derived from Germanic kuni meaning "family, kin, race, kind", which is not to be confused with Germanic kuoni meaning "brave". The second element is derived from either Germanic wîh meaning "holy" or Germanic wîg meaning "warrior."... [more]
Kene m & f West Frisian (Rare)
West Frisian variant form of Kune.
Kerst m Dutch (Rare), German (Rare), West Frisian
Short form of masculine names that start with Kerst-, such as Kersten and Kerstian.... [more]
Klaasje m & f Dutch, West Frisian, East Frisian
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Klaas) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix je to the original name... [more]