Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.

Gender Feminine
Usage Estonian

Meaning & History

Originally a diminutive of Ingrid and Inge. Its use as a given name in its own right may have been influenced by Estonian ingel "angel".
Added 12/7/2017 by Miella
Edited 7/22/2020 by Frollein Gladys and Evil

Gender Masculine & Feminine
Pronounced Pron. ING-əl(Dutch)  [key]

Meaning & History

Variant of Engel as well as a short form of related names that start with Ingel-, such as Ingelbert, Ingelhard and Ingeltrud. Also compare the West Frisian word ingel meaning "angel".

In some cases, this name is used instead of Engel as a short form of names that start with Engel-, such as Engelbert. This might be done in order to avoid association with the Dutch word engel meaning "angel".
Added 3/26/2020 by Lucille