Arabic (Maghrebi) Submitted Names

These names are a subset of Arabic names used more often in the Maghreb (Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Libya). See also about Arabic names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aafrae عفرا f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عفرا (see Afra 2) chiefly used in North Africa.
Aasmae أسماء f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أسماء (see Asma) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abassia اباسيا f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Abbès عباس m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Abbes influenced by French orthography.
Abbes عباس m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عباس (see Abbas) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdalaati عبد العاطي m Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Means "servant of the giver" from Arabic عبد ال (ʿabd al) meaning "servant of the" combined with Aati "giver, bestower".
Abdelaali عبد العالي m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد العالي (see Abd Al-ali) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelali عبد العالي m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد العالي (see Abd Al-ali) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelatif عبد اللطيف m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد اللطيف (see Abd al-Latif) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelbaki عبد الباقي m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الباقي (see Abd al-Baqi) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelfettah عبد الفتاح m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الفتاح (see Abd al-Fattah) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelghafour عبد الغفور m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الغفور (see Abd al-Ghafur) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelhadi عبد الهادي m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الهادي (see Abd al-Hadi) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelhafid عبد الحفيظ m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الحفيظ (see Abd al-Hafiz) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelhafidh عبد الحفيظ m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الحفيظ (see Abd al-Hafiz) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelhalim عبد الحليم m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Abd al-Halim chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Abdelhaq عبد الحق m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الحق (see Abd al-Haqq) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelilah عبد الإله m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الإله (see Abd al-Ilah) chiefly used in Morocco.
Abdelillah عبد الإله m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الإله (see Abd al-Ilah) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdeljalil عبد الجليل m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الجليل (see Abd al-Jalil) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelkarim عبد الكريم m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الكريم (see Abd al-Karim) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelkhalek عبد الخالق m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الخالق (see Abd al-Khaliq) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelkhaleq عبد الخالق m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الخالق (see Abd al-Khaliq) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelkrim عبد الكريم m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الكريم (see Abd al-Karim) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelmadjid عبد المجيد m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد المجيد (see Abd al-Majid) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelmalek عبد المالك‎‎ m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد المالك (see Abd al-Malik) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelmjid عبد المجيد m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد المجيد (see Abd al-Majid) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelmoumen عبد المؤمن m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد المؤمن (see Abd al-Mumin) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelmoumene عبد المؤمن m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد المؤمن (see Abd al-Mumin) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelnacer عبد الناصر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الناصر (see Abd an-Nasir) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelouahab عبد الوهاب m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الوهاب (see Abd al-Wahab) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelouaheb عبد الوهاب m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الوهاب (see Abd al-Wahab) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelouahed عبد الواحد m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الواحد (see Abd al-Wahid) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelouahid عبد الواحد m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الواحد (see Abd al-Wahid) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdeltif عبد اللطيف m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد اللطيف (see Abd al-Latif) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelwaheb عبد الوهاب m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الوهاب (see Abd al-Wahab) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdenabi عبد النبي m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد النبي (see Abd an-Nabi) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdenasser عبد الناصر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الناصر (see Abd an-Nasir) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdenbi عبد النبي m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد النبي (see Abd an-Nabi) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdennacer عبد الناصر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الناصر (see Abd an-Nasir) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdennasser عبد الناصر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الناصر (see Abd an-Nasir) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdennour عبد النور m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد النور (see Abd an-Nur) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdenour عبد النور m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد النور (see Abd an-Nur) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abderahmen عبد الرحمن m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الرحمن (see Abd ar-Rahman) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abderahmene عبد الرحمن m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الرحمن (see Abd ar-Rahman) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abderaouf عبد الرؤوف m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الرؤوف (see Abd ar-Rauf) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abderazak عبد الرزاق m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الرزاق (see Abd ar-Razzaq) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abderazzak عبد الرزاق m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الرزاق (see Abd ar-Razzaq) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abderrachid عبد الرشيد m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الرشيد (see Abd ar-Rashid) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abderrahman عبد الرحمن m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الرحمن (see Abd ar-Rahman) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abderrahmen عبد الرحمن m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الرحمن (see Abd al-Rahman) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abderrahmene عبد الرحمن m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الرحمن (see Abd ar-Rahman) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abderraouf عبد الرؤوف m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الرؤوف (see Abd ar-Rauf) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abderrazak عبد الرزاق m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الرزاق (see Abd ar-Razzaq) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abderrazek عبد الرازق m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الرازق (see Abd ar-Razzaq) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abderrazzak عبد الرزاق m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الرزاق (see Abd ar-Razzaq) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdeslem عبد السلام m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد السلام (see Abd as-Salam) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdessalem عبد السلام m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد السلام (see Abd as-Salam) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdessamad عبد الصمد m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الصمد (see Abd as-Samad) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdessamed عبد الصمد m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الصمد (see Abd as-Samad) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdesselam عبد السلام m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد السلام (see Abd as-Salam) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdesselem عبد السلام m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد السلام (see Abd as-Salam) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdesslam عبد السلام m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد السلام (see Abd as-Salam) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdesslem عبد السلام m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد السلام (see Abd as-Salam) chiefly used in North Africa.
Achraf أشرف m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أشرف (see Ashraf) chiefly used in North Africa.
Achref أشرف m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أشرف (see Ashraf) chiefly used in North Africa.
Adlen عدلان m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عدلان (see Adlan) chiefly used in North Africa.
Adlène عدلان m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Adlene influenced by French orthography.
Adlene عدلان m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عدلان (see Adlan) chiefly used in North Africa.
Adnane عدنان m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عدنان (see Adnan) chiefly used in North Africa.
Adnen عدنان m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عدنان (see Adnan) chiefly used in Tunisia.
Adnene عدنان m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عدنان (see Adnan) chiefly used in North Africa.
Afef عفاف f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant transcription of Afaf (chiefly Tunisian).
Afnane أفنان f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أفنان (see Afnan) chiefly used in North Africa.
Ahcène أحسين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Ahsan chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Ahd عهد m & f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
From Arabic عَهْد (ʿahd) meaning "knowledge, fulfillment, observance".
Ahlem احلام f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic احلام (see Ahlam) chiefly used in North Africa.
Ahmel m Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Means "I bring" or "I carry" in Arabic.
Aicha عائشة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Aïcha.
Aïchouche عيشوش f Arabic (Maghrebi), French (Rare)
Gallicized version of Aichouche, ''Lalla Aicha'' an regent of Touggourt during the minority of her son Abd ar-Rahman (1833–1846) can be known as Aïchouche
Aichouche عيشوش f Arabic (Maghrebi)
From Aicha + -ouche
Aïssa عيسى m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Form of Isa 1 used in Northern Africa and other French-influenced regions of the continent.
Alae علاء m Arabic (Maghrebi)
From Arabic عَلَاء (ʿalāʾ) meaning "exalted, lofty, excellent" (related to Ali 1 and Aali).
Alaeddine علاء الدين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic علاء الدين (see Ala ad-Din) chiefly used in North Africa.
Amaterrahmane f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Means "maidservant of the merciful" from Arabic أمة ال (amat al) meaning "maidservant of the" combined with رحمن (rahman) meaning "merciful".
Amèle f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare), French (Rare)
Likely a variant transcription of Amelle.
Amelle f Arabic (Maghrebi, Gallicized), French
Gallicized feminine form of Amel 2, ultimately from the Arabic Amal 1.
Amen-allah أمان الله m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أمين الله (see Amin Allah).
Amenallah أمين الله m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أمين الله (see Amin Allah) chiefly used in Tunisia.
Ameni أميني m & f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Means "Wish" in Maghrebi Arabic. This name is more commonly used in Tunisia
Ameur عامر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عامر (see Aamir 1) chiefly used in North Africa.
Ammaraah عمارة f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare, ?)
Possibly an Arabic form of Amara
Amor عمر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عمر (see Umar) chiefly used in North Africa.
Anissa أنيسة f Arabic (Maghrebi), Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic أنيسة (see Anisa) chiefly used in North Africa, as well as an Indonesian variant of the name.
Anisse أنيس m Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Rare variant of Anis (chiefly Maghrebi).
Anouar أنور m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أنور (see Anwar) chiefly used in North Africa.
Anouer أنور m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أنور (see Anwar) chiefly used in Tunisia.
Aouatef عواطف f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عواطف (see Awatif) chiefly used in North Africa.
Aouatif عواطف f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عواطف (see Awatif) chiefly used in North Africa.
Aouicha عائشة f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Maghrebi transcription of 'Aisha.
Asmae أسماء, أسمى f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أسماء or أسمى (see Asma) chiefly used in North Africa.
Asmahan أسمهان f Persian (Modern), Arabic (Maghrebi)
Means "seeker of excellence" in Persian, possibly as an elaboration of Asma. It is the stage name of Amal Atrash, an Iranian singer.
Assya آسيا, آسية f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic آسيا or آسية (see Asiya) chiefly used in North Africa.
Aymane أيمن m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أيمن (see Ayman) chiefly used in North Africa.
Aymen أيمن m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أيمن (see Ayman) chiefly used in North Africa.
Ayyoub أيوب m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أيوب (see Ayyub) chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Azdin عز الدين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عز الدين (see Izz ad-Din) chiefly used in North Africa.
Azdine عز الدين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عز الدين (see Izz ad-Din) chiefly used in North Africa.
Azeddine عز الدين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عز الدين (see Izz ad-Din) chiefly used in North Africa.
Azedine عز الدين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عز الدين (see Izz ad-Din) chiefly used in North Africa.
Azzdine عز الدين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عز الدين (see Izz ad-Din) chiefly used in North Africa.
Azzeddine عز الدين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عز الدين (see Izz ad-Din) chiefly used in North Africa.
Azzedine عز الدين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of عز الدين (see Izz ad-Din) chiefly used in North Africa.
Bachir بشير m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Bashir chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Badreddine بدر الدين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic بدر الدين (see Badr ad-Din) chiefly used in North Africa.
Badredine بدر الدين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic بدر الدين (see Badr ad-Din) chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Béchir بشیر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant transcription of Bechir based on French orthography.
Bechir بشير m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Bashir (chiefly Tunisian).
Belgacem بلقاسم m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Tunisian variant of Belkacem.
Belkacem بلقاسم m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Abu al-Qasim chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Bensalem بنسالم m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Transferred use of the surname Bensalem.
Besma بسمة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic بسمة (see Basma) chiefly used in North Africa.
Beya بية f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Meaning unknown.
Bilel بلال m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic بلال (see Bilal) chiefly used in North Africa.
Billal بلال m Arabic (Maghrebi), Bengali (Muslim)
Maghrebi transcription and Bengali form of Bilal.
Billel بلال m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic بلال (see Bilal) chiefly used in Algeria.
Boualem بوعلام‎‎ m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Means "father of Alam", from Arabic أَبُو (ʾabū) meaning "father" combined with the given name Alem (chiefly Algerian).
Boubaker أبو بكر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أبو بكر (see Abu Bakr) chiefly used in North Africa.
Boubakeur أبو بكر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أبو بكر (see Abu Bakr) chiefly used in North Africa.
Boubekeur أبو بكر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أبو بكر (see Abu Bakr) chiefly used in North Africa.
Boubker أبو بكر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أبو بكر (see Abu Bakr) chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Bouchaïb شعيب m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Transferred use of the surname Bouchaib, meaning "son of Shoaib"; mainly used in Morocco.
Bouchraya بوشراية m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Possibly from Arabic باشر (bāšara) "to carry out, to exercise, to take" or from بشر (baššara) "to bring good news" or بشر (bašar) "human, humankind".... [more]
Boutheïna بثينة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Boutheina influenced by French orthography.
Boutheina بثينة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic بثينة (see Buthayna) chiefly used in Tunisia.
Boutheyna بثينة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic بثينة (see Buthayna) chiefly used in North Africa.
Bouzid بوزيد m & f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Means "father of Zaid".
Btissam ابتسام f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic ابتسام (see Ibtisam) chiefly used in North Africa.
Btissame ابتسام f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic ابتسام (see Ibtisam) chiefly used in North Africa.
Buthainah f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Means “beautiful”.
Camel كامل m Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Maghrebi variant of Kamil 1.
Camilia كاميليا f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Possibly derived from Arabic كامل (kāmil) meaning "complete, full, whole".
Chaâbane شعبان m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Chaabane influenced by French orthography.
Chaabane شعبان m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شعبان (see Shaban) chiefly used in North Africa.
Chabane شعبان m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شعبان (see Shaban) chiefly used in Algeria.
Chadia شادية f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شادية (see Shadiya) chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Chadiya f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi form of Shadiya.
Chafik شفيق m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شفيق (see Shafiq) chiefly used in North Africa.
Chafika شفيقة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شفيقة (see Shafiqa) chiefly used in North Africa.
Chafiqa شفيقة f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Variant transcription of Shafiqa.
Chahd شهد f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of شهد (see Shahd) chiefly used in Tunisia.
Chahine شاهين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Shahin chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Chahinez شاهيناز f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Shahinaz chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Chahira شهيرة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Shahira chiefly used in North Africa.
Chahla شهلاء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شهلاء (see Shahla) chiefly used in North Africa.
Chahrazad شهرزاد f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شهرزاد (see Shahrazad) chiefly used in North Africa.
Chahrazade شهرزاد f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شهرزاد (see Shahrazad) chiefly used in North Africa.
Chahrazed شهرزاد f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شهرزاد (see Shahrazad) chiefly used in North Africa.
Chaïma شيماء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Chaima influenced by French orthography.
Chaima شيماء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شيماء (see Shaima) chiefly used in North Africa.
Chaimaa شيماء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شيماء (see Shaima) chiefly used in Morocco.
Chaimae شيماء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شيماء (see Shaima) chiefly used in Morocco.
Chaker شاكر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi form of Shakir (chiefly Tunisian).
Chakib شكيب m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شكيب (see Shakib) chiefly used in North Africa.
Chakir شاكر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Shakir chiefly used in Moroccan Arabic.
Chams شمس m & f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi form of Shams
Chamseddine شمس الدين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Tunisian Arabic transcription of Shams al-Din.
Chaouki شوقي m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شوقي (see Shawqi) chiefly used in North Africa.
Chawki شوقي m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شوقي (see Shawqi) chiefly used in North Africa.
Chayma شيماء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شيماء (see Shaima) chiefly used in North Africa.
Chaymaa شيماء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شيماء (see Shaima) chiefly used in North Africa.
Chaymae شيماء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شيماء (see Shaima) chiefly used in Morocco.
Cheikh شيخ m Western African, Arabic (Maghrebi)
Western African and Maghrebi variant of Sheikh.
Cheikha شيخة f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare), Western African (Rare)
Feminine form of Sheikh (chiefly Algerian and Mauritanian).
Chérif شريف m Western African, Arabic (Maghrebi)
Form of Sharif used in North Africa and parts of French-influenced western Africa.
Chérifa شريفة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Sharifa chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Cherifa شريفة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant transliteration of شريفة (see Chérifa).
Chiheb شهاب m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Tunisian Arabic transcription of Shihab.
Chirine f Arabic (Maghrebi, Gallicized)
French transcription or form of Shirin.
Chokri شكري m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شكري (see Shukri) chiefly used in Tunisia.
Chouaïb شعيب m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Form of Shuaib used in French-influenced Northern Africa.
Chouaib شعيب m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شعيب (see Shuaib) chiefly used in North Africa.
Choukri شكري m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Shukri (chiefly Moroccan and Algerian).
Cyrane f Arabic (Maghrebi, Gallicized, Archaic, ?)
Possibly derived from the name of the ancient Greek city of Cyrene, which was located in North Africa
Dahbia الدهبية f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Possibly from the Arabic word ذهبية (dhahabia) meaning "golden." This name is primarily used in Algeria.
Dahmane دحمان m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Contraction of Abderrahmane.
Dhiae ضياء m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic ضياء (see Ziya) chiefly used in North Africa.
Dhiaeddine ضياء الدين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic ضياء الدين (see Ziya ad-Din) chiefly used in North Africa.
Djaafar جعفر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic جعفر (see Jafar) chiefly used in North Africa.
Djabar جبّار m Arabic (Maghrebi), Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic جبّار (see Jabbar) chiefly used in North Africa, as well as an Indonesian variant of the name.
Djaber جبّار m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic جبّار (see Jabbar) chiefly used in Algeria.
Djafar جعفر m Indonesian, Arabic (Maghrebi)
Indonesian form of Jafar as well as an Arabic alternate transcription chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Djaffar جعفر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Jafar chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Djalal جلال m Arabic (Maghrebi), Indonesian
Arabic alternate transcription of Jalal chiefly used in Northern Africa as well as an Indonesian form of the same name.
Djalil جليل m Indonesian, Arabic (Maghrebi)
Indonesian form of Jalil as well as an alternate transcription of the name chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Djamal جمال m Arabic (Maghrebi), Indonesian
Arabic alternate transcription of Jamal chiefly used in Northern Africa as well as an Indonesian form of the same name.
Djamel جمال m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Jamal chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Djamil جميل m Arabic (Maghrebi), Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic جميل (see Jamil) chiefly used in North Africa, as well as an older Indonesian variant of the name.
Djelloul جلول m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Jalil.
Djilali جيلالي m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Jalil.
Dorra f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Dorra Ibrahim Zarrouk (born January 13, 1980) is a Tunisian actress living in Egypt.
Dorsaf درصاف f Arabic (Maghrebi)
From Arabic در (durr) meaning "pearl" combined with صاف (ṣāfin) meaning "pure, clear, bright".
Douaa دعاء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic دعاء (see Dua) chiefly used in North Africa.
Douae دعاء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic دعاء (see Dua) chiefly used in Morocco.
Dounia دنيا f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Dunia used in Morocco and Algeria.
El Arabi العربي m Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Means "the Arab" in Arabic. A known bearer is El Arabi Hillel Soudani (1987-), an Algerian footballer.
Elghalia الغالية f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Means "the expensive (one)" from Arabic غَالِيَّة (ḡāliyya) meaning "expensive, dear, precious". A known bearer is Elghalia Djimi (1961-), a Sahrawi human rights activist.
Elyès إلياس m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Elyes influenced by French orthography.
Elyes إلياس m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi variant of Ilyas (chiefly Tunisian and Algerian).
Emna آمنة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic آمنة (see Amna or Amina 1) chiefly used in Tunisia.
Essaïd السعيد m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Derived from Arabic السَّعِيد (as-saʿīd) meaning "the happy" or "the lucky" (see Sa'id). A notable bearer is Essaïd Belkalem (1989-), an Algerian footballer.
Essia آسية f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic آسيا or آسية chiefly used in Northern Africa. According to the Quran, Moses was discovered by Pharaoh's wife Asiya, who raises him as her adopted son.... [more]
Essil أسيل f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أسيل (see Assil) chiefly used in North Africa.
Fadela فضيلة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic فضيلة (see Fadila) chiefly used in North Africa.
Fadhila فضيلة f Indonesian, Arabic (Maghrebi)
Derived from Arabic فَضِيل (faḍīl) meaning "excellent, virtuous".
Fadoua فدوى f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic فدوى (see Fadwa) chiefly used in North Africa.
Faïçal فيصل m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Form of Faysal used in Northern Africa and other French-influenced regions of the continent.
Faïrouz فيروز f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic فيروز (see Fayruz) chiefly used in North Africa (using French-influenced orthography).
Faïza فايزة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Faiza influenced by French orthography.
Fakhreddine فخر الدين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Fakhr al-Din (chiefly Maghrebi).
Faouzi فوزي m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Fawzi chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Faouzia فوزية f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Fawziyya (chiefly Tunisian and Moroccan).
Farès فارس m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Faris chiefly used in French-influenced Northern Africa.
Fatima Zohra فاطمة الزهراء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant transcription of Fatima Zahra.
Fatine فاتن, فطين m & f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi variant of Fatin 1 or Fatin 2 (chiefly Moroccan).
Fatma Zohra فاطمة الزهراء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant transcription of Fatima Zahra primarily used for Algerian Arabic.
Fatna فاطنة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Fatimah chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Faura f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Meaning unknown at this point in time.
Fayçal فيصل m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Faysal used Algeria and Morocco.
Faycal فيصل m Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Simplified and misleading transcription of Fayçal.
Feriel فريال f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi variant of Faryal (chiefly Algerian and Tunisian).
Fethi فتحي m Turkish, Arabic (Maghrebi)
Turkish form of Fathi, as well as an alternate transcription of the Arabic name chiefly used in North Africa.
Firdaws فردوس f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Firdaus.
Foued فؤاد m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Fuad used in Tunisia.
Fouzi فوزي m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Fawzi chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Ghali غالي m & f Arabic, Arabic (Maghrebi)
From Arabic غَالِي (ḡālī) meaning "expensive, dear, precious" (see Ghaliya).
Ghania غنية f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Derived from Arabic غني (ghaniyy) meaning "rich, wealthy, prosperous".
Ghita f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Of unknown meaning.
Ghizlane غزلان f Arabic (Maghrebi)
From Arabic غزلان (ghizlan) meaning "gazelles", the plural of غزال (ghazal).
Ghofrane غفران f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi form of Ghufran
Graci m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Carried over from surrounding Latin countries to, particularly Algeria during the "reconquista" of the Moors. Possibly the diminutive form of the surname Garcia, which is a common occurrence to reverse given names with family names in Latinize Arabic countries (ex; Malta, Lebanon, ect.).
Hacène حسان, حسن m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Hasan or Hassan chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Hachem هاشم m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic هاشم (see Hashim) chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Hadj حاج m Arabic (Maghrebi)
From Arabic حاج (ḥājj) meaning "pilgrim", ultimately from حج‎‎ (ḥajj) meaning "pilgrimage", referring to the mandatory Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. This name is mainly used in Algeria.
Hafid حفيظ m Arabic (Maghrebi), Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Hafiz chiefly used in Northern Africa as well as the Indonesian form of the name.
Hafida حفيظة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Feminine form of Hafid (chiefly Moroccan and Algerian).
Hafsia حفصية f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Variant of Hafsah (chiefly Tunisian). A notable bearer is Hafsia Herzi (1987-), a French actress.
Hafssa حفصة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant transcription of Hafsah (chiefly Moroccan).
Haïfa هيفاء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Hayfa.
Haikel هيكل m Malay, Arabic (Maghrebi)
Malay variant of Haykal, as well as an alternate Arabic transcription chiefly used in Tunisia.
Hammouda حمودة m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Hamouda (chiefly Tunisian).
Hamouda حمودة m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi variant of Hamoud.
Hanae هناء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Hanaa or Hana 1 used in Morocco.
Hanen حنان f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic حنان (see Hanan 2) chiefly used in North Africa.
Hanene حنان f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic حنان (see Hanan 2) chiefly used in North Africa.
Hasnae حسناء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic حسناء (see Hasna) chiefly used in Morocco.
Hassane حسان m Arabic (Maghrebi), Western African
Alternate transcription of Hassan as well as the form used in parts of French-influenced western Africa.
Hassen حسان, حسن m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi variant of Hassan and Hasan (chiefly Tunisian).
Hassib حسيب m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Hasib (chiefly Tunisian).
Hassiba حسيبة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi feminine form of Hasib (chiefly Algerian).
Hayette حياة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of حياة (see Hayat)
Haykel هيكل m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic هيكل (see Haykal) chiefly used in Tunisia.
Haythem هيثم m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Haytham (chiefly Tunisian).
Hedi هادي m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Hadi (chiefly Tunisian).
Hédia هادية f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Hadia, chiefly used in Tunisian Arabic.
Heykel هيكل m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic هيكل (see Haykal) chiefly used in Tunisia.
Hichame هشام m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic هشام (see Hisham) chiefly used in North Africa.
Hichem هشام m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic هشام (see Hisham) chiefly used in North Africa.
Hocine حسين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic حسين (see Husayn) chiefly used in North Africa.
Houari هواري m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Hawari (chiefly Algerian).... [more]
Houaria f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Likely a feminine form of Houari.
Houcine حسين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic حسين (see Husayn) chiefly used in North Africa.