Dutch Submitted Names

Dutch names are used in the Netherlands and Flanders. See also about Dutch names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Frederiek f Dutch
Dutch form of Frederique, with its spelling phonetical in nature.
Fréderique f Dutch
Dutch variant of Frédérique.
Free m & f Dutch
Short form of Fredericus and Frederik for men and of Frederica and Frederika for women... [more]
Freeke f Dutch
Feminine form of Freek.
Frenk m Albanian, Dutch (Rare)
Albanian form of Frank as well as a Dutch variant that is based on the English pronunciation of the name.
Frenkie m Dutch (Rare)
Dutch phonetical spelling of the English pronunciation of Frankie.... [more]
Frido m Dutch (Rare), German, Sorbian
Short form of masculine names that contain the Germanic element fridu meaning "peace", such as Fridolf and Friedrich... [more]
Fridolin m Medieval German, German, Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), French (Archaic), Romansh
Diminutive of Frid or Frido, which are both a short form of masculine names that contain the Germanic element frid or fridu meaning "peace", such as Friedrich and Gottfried... [more]
Fridolina f German (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Italian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Romansh
Feminine form of Fridolin. This name is borne by Swedish soccer player Fridolina Rolfö (b. 1993).
Fried m Dutch, German, Limburgish
Short form of Godfried (Dutch, Limburgish) and Friedrich (German, Limburgish).
Friedel m & f Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), German, Yiddish
Dutch, Flemish and German short form of Fridolin and its feminine forms Fridolina and Fridoline.... [more]
Friedo m German, Dutch (Rare)
Short form of masculine names that contain the Germanic element fridu meaning "peace", such as Friedhelm and Friedrich.... [more]
Fytje f Dutch (Archaic)
Older form of Fijtje. This name was also used as a diminutive of Sophia by Dutch colonists in America in the 1600s.
Gabrielis m Dutch (Rare), Lithuanian (Rare)
From Latin Gabrielis, which is the genitive of the third declension of Gabriel, the biblical Latin (and also Greek) form of the Hebrew name Gavri'el.... [more]
Gabriëlla f Dutch
Dutch form of Gabriella.
Gait m Dutch (Rare)
Short form of names beginning with Ger- like Gerald.
Gaite f Dutch (Modern, Rare)
Short form of name beginning with Ger- like Gertrude.... [more]
Gallyon f & m Dutch (Rare)
This given name is predominantly feminine in the Netherlands. It is not a typical Dutch first name and therefore its meaning is uncertain; it may possibly have been derived from the British surname Gallyon, which is Norman-French in origin (and is found in the spelling Gallion in modern France).... [more]
Gamaliël m Dutch
Dutch form of Gamaliel.
Garrit m Dutch, German
Variant form of Gerrit.
Gaudens m Dutch (Rare), French (Archaic), French (African)
Dutch form of Gaudentius and French variant of Gaudence. Also compare Gaudenz.
Gaudentia f Late Roman, Dutch (Rare), German (Rare, Archaic)
Feminine form of Gaudentius. This name was most notably borne by a virgin martyr and saint, who was put to death (along with three others) during the early persecution of Christians.
Gaudentius m Late Roman, Dutch
Derived from Latin gaudere "to rejoice." This name was borne by a saint from the 5th century AD.
Gawein m Dutch
Dutch form of Gawain.
m Dutch, Flemish (Rare), Limburgish
Short form of Gerard and Gerardus. In Flanders, it can also be a short form of Roger, which is pronounced the French way there.... [more]
Gea f Dutch
Short form of Margaretha and Gesina or a variant spelling of Gaea.
Gebhardus m Dutch, German
Latinized form of Gebhard.
Geert-Jan m Dutch
Combination of Geert and Jan 1.
Geertruda f Dutch
Dutch variant of Gertruda.
Geertrude f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch variant of Gertrude.
Geertrudis f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch variant of Gertrudis.
Geertrui f Medieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish, Dutch, Flemish
Variant of Geertruy. In modern times, the name is also used as a short form of Geertruida.
Geertruud f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Gertrude. In that capacity, the name is used as an independent, official name on birth certificates. However, it also occurs as an informal name in daily life for women who are officially named Geertruda, Geertrude, Geertrudis, etc... [more]
Geertruyt f Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Medieval Dutch form of Gertrude. It remains in use to this day, but it's extremely rare.... [more]
Gees f Dutch, West Frisian
Dutch short form of Gesina.
Geesje f Dutch
Diminutive of Gees.
Geiserik m Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish
Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish form of Geiseric. In Swedish and Norwegian, the name is not used outside of translations of historical documents about the 5th century king of the Vandals and the Alans.
Gelein m Dutch
Modern Dutch form of Gheleyn.
Gelijn m Dutch
Variant of Gelein.
Gentiel m Dutch (Archaic), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch and Flemish form of Gentilis via its French form Gentil.
Gentil m French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), Flemish (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
French form of Gentilis, which is also used (albeit rarely) in Belgium and the Netherlands.... [more]
Gentilla f Italian (Archaic), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), English (Archaic)
Italian variant of Gentila as well as the Dutch, English and Flemish feminine form of Gentilis, most likely via its French feminine forms Gentile and/or Gentille... [more]
Ger m & f Dutch, Limburgish, West Frisian
Dutch, Limburgish and West Frisian short form of Germanic given names containing the element ger meaning "spear", such as Gerard, Gerben and Gerlof.
Gerardien f Dutch
Dutch form of Gerardine, with its spelling phonetical in nature.
Gerardina f Italian, Dutch
Italian diminutive of Gerarda, as -ina is an Italian feminine diminutive suffix.... [more]
Gerardine f Dutch
Dutch form of Gérardine.
Gerardus m Germanic (Latinized), Dutch
Latinized form of Gerhard (see Gerard).... [more]
Gerbert m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Garibert.
Gerboud m Dutch
Dutch form of Gerbald.
Gerbrand m Dutch
Dutch form of Garibrand.
Gerco m Dutch
Derived from Gero, which is a short form of Germanic names containing the element ger meaning "spear". A known bearer of this name is the Dutch show jumping equestrian Gerco Schröder (b... [more]
Gerdi m & f German, Dutch
Pet form of names like Gerhard, Gerd 1, or Gerda 1.
Gerdie f & m Dutch
Pet form of names like Gerhard, Gerd 1, or Gerda 1.
Gerdien f Dutch
Dutch form of Gerdine, with its spelling phonetical in nature.
Gerdine f Dutch, Flemish
Feminine form of Gerard and variant of Gerda 1.
Gerdy f & m Dutch
Pet form of names like Gerhard, Gerd 1, or Gerda 1.
Gerinda f Dutch (Rare)
This name is a contracted form of either Gerlinda or Gerswintha (via its variant form Gerswinda).
Gerke m & f Dutch, Low German (Rare)
Dutch and very rare Low German diminutive form of German names beginning with Ger-.
Gerko m Dutch
Variant of Gerco.
Gerland m History (Ecclesiastical), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch and German form of Gariland. Saint Gerland of Agrigento (Italian: San Gerlando di Agrigento), also known as Gerland of Besançon (d. 25 February 1100) was a bishop of Agrigento in Sicily.
Gerliese f German (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Combination of a feminine given name that starts with Ger- (such as Gerlinde and Gertrud) with Liese.
Gerlinda f Dutch (Rare), Polish, Slovene
Dutch variant and Polish and Slovene form of Gerlinde.
Gerlise f Dutch (Rare)
Variant spelling of Gerliese.
Germen m West Frisian, Dutch (Rare)
West Frisian form of Germanus and Gereman (see Germann).
Gerrett m Dutch, Frisian
Old Germanic two-element name. Dutch and Frisian form from the given Germanic name Garrett.
Gerrie f & m Dutch, Limburgish
Diminutive of Gerrit and Gerarda; the name is most common among women.
Gerrieke f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch diminutive of Gerarda via its other diminutive Gerrie. So, in other words, this name is basically a combination of Gerrie with the Dutch diminutive suffix -ke.
Gerritjan m Dutch (Rare)
Combination of the names Gerrit and Jan 1.... [more]
Gerritt m Dutch, Frisian
Variant of Gerrit.
Gers m Dutch
Diminutive of Gerwin used by Dutch rapper, Gers Pardoel
Gersom m Dutch, Hebrew (?)
Dutch form of Gershom.
Gert-Jan m Dutch
Combination of Gert and Jan 1.
Gerton m Swedish (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Modern Swedish form of Gerthorn. In the Netherlands, there may also be cases where this name is a combination of the names Gert and Ton.
Gertruud f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Gertrude. In that capacity, the name is used as an independent, official name on birth certificates. However, it occurs slightly more often as an informal name in daily life for women who are officially named Gertruda, Gertrudis, etc... [more]
Gerwald m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Gariwald.
Gerward m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Gariward.
Gerwin m German, Dutch
Derived from the Germanic elements ger "spear" and win "friend".
Geurt m Dutch
Short form of Godert and Govert and later on also Gerard, due to a variation in pronunciation of Geert.
Gezine f Dutch
Variant spelling of Gesine.
Ghijsberdina f Dutch
Feminine form of Ghijsbert.
Ghislaina f Flemish (Rare)
Feminine form of Ghislain.
Gied m Dutch (Rare), Limburgish
Dutch and Limburgian short form of Aegidius (see Giles) and its variant spelling Egidius. In rare cases, this name can also be a short form of Gideon.... [more]
Giedo m Dutch (Rare)
Variant spelling of Guido. A notable bearer of this name is the Dutch racing driver Giedo van der Garde (b. 1985).
Giel m Dutch
Dutchization of the French name Gilles. In the past, it was also used as a short form of the related name Gielis (now archaic).... [more]
Gielbert m Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Gilbert, of which the spelling is likely partially based on the French pronunciation of the name.
Gijsbertus m Dutch
Semi-latinised form of Ghijsbert.
Gijsje m & f Dutch, West Frisian
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Gijs) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix je to the original name... [more]
Giliam m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Guilliam. Also compare the English patronymic surname Gilliam, which is etymologically related.
Giljom m Flemish (Rare), Limburgish (Rare)
Flemish and Limburgish form of Guillaume. This name is more common in Belgian Limburg; in Dutch Limburg, the variant Gieljom is more common instead.... [more]
Gio m & f Italian, Dutch, Spanish
Italian variant of Giò, which is a short form of Giovanni (masculine) and Giovanna (feminine) and of some other Italian given names starting with Gio-.... [more]
Giovanca f Dutch (Rare)
Probably a combination of Giovanna with Bianca or an other name that ends in -ca, such as Francesca, Monica and Veronica.... [more]
Giselda f Dutch (Rare), German (Rare), Italian (Rare), Spanish, Portuguese
Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Giselhild. Bearers of this name include Italian actresses Giselda Castrini (b. 1945) and Giselda Volodi (b... [more]
Giselijn m & f Dutch (Rare)
Variant form of Gislein. Although never a common name, it was more often seen on men than on women in older times. These days, however, it is more often seen on women - though it is still an extremely rare name.
Gisleen m & f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Gislenus. Never a very common name, it has been around since medieval times, but was predominantly masculine in older times. In more modern times, the name has become more common on women than on men, but it is still quite rare.
Gislein m Dutch (Archaic)
More modern form of Gisleyn, but the name is still archaic: it has not been used in the last 100 years.
Glimina f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Meaning unknown. The best known bearer of this name is the Dutch politician Glimina Chakor (b. 1976), who is of Moroccan descent.
Gobel m Dutch, German
Short form of Godbert or otherwise a pet form of Gabriel.
Gobelina f Dutch
Feminine form of Gobelinus.
Gobelinus m Dutch (Latinized)
Latinized form of Gobel.
Goblijn m Dutch
Dutch form of Gobelinus.
Godard m Dutch (Rare), Faroese, Norwegian
Faroese and Norwegian form of Godehard and Dutch variant form of Godhard. Also compare the English given name Goddard.... [more]
Godbert m Dutch, German
Short form of Godebert.
Godebert m Germanic, Dutch
Derived from Gothic guths "god" or Gothic gôds "good" combined with Old High German beraht "bright."
Godeberta f Dutch (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Feminine form of Godebert. Saint Godeberta (c. 640—June 11, c. 700) was a Frankish saint. She was born at Boves, near Amiens, to a noble family that was associated with the court of Clovis II... [more]
Godefrida f Dutch
Feminine form of Godefridus.
Godeleine f Walloon (Rare), Flemish (Rare), French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Walloon form of Godelina. The 11th-century Flemish martyr Saint Godeliva (or Godeliève) is known by this name in French.
Goderieke f Dutch (Rare)
Probably a combination of a given name that contains the Germanic element god meaning "god" (such as Godelieve) with Marieke or Rieke.
Godert m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch variant form of Godaert. This name has never truly gone out of fashion and is still in use to this day. Known Dutch bearers of this name include the diplomat and statesman Godert van der Capellen (1778-1848) and the singer and actor Godert van Colmjon (1943-2009).
Godewijn m Dutch
Dutch form of Godewin.
Godfrida f Dutch
Feminine form of Godfried.
Godfrieda f Dutch
Variant spelling of Godfrida.
Godhard m Dutch
Dutch form of Godehard.
Godigisil m Dutch
Dutch form of Godegisel.
Godschalk m Dutch
Dutch form of Gottschalk.
Godwin m Germanic, Danish (Archaic), Dutch (Rare), English (Rare), German (Archaic)
Ancient Germanic cognate of Godwine. In English-speaking countries, the use of Godwin as a given name is these days often inspired by the English patronymic surname Godwin, which was derived from the aforementioned Anglo-Saxon personal name Godwine.... [more]
Goebel m Dutch, German
Variant of Gobel.
Goede m & f Dutch
Originally a short form of names containing the Gothic element guths "god" or Gothic gôds "good".
Goedele f Flemish, Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Gudula. These days it is primarily used in Flanders, which is the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium.... [more]
Goele f Flemish
Contraction of Goedele. Notable bearers of this name include the Flemish actresses Goele Derick (b. 1962) and Goele De Raedt (b. 1978).
Gom m Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Gommarus. This name is not to be confused with the Dutch word gom meaning "gum".... [more]
Gomaar m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch form of Gomarus, which is a variant of the more common Gommarus. Nowadays, this name is chiefly used in Flanders (Belgium).
Gommaar m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch form of Gommarus. Nowadays, this name is chiefly used in Flanders (Belgium).... [more]
Gommaire m French (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
French form of Gommarus. This name is also used in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium), but it is not as common there as the native Flemish form Gommaar.
Gommarus m Frankish (Latinized), Germanic (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Variant of Gummarus. This is one of the names by which the 8th-century Frankish saint Gummarus of Lier is known, particularly in Flanders (Belgium) and the Netherlands.
Gonda f Dutch, Limburgish
Dutch and Limburgish short form of Aldegonda and Hildegonda.
Gondilio m Dutch (Surinamese, Rare)
Possibly a combination of a name that contains the Germanic element gunda meaning "war" (such as Aldegonda and Gonzalo) combined with a name that ends in either -dilio or -ilio, such as Odilio and Cecilio.... [more]
Gondulf m Dutch
Variant of Gundulf.
Gondulphus m Dutch
Latinized form of Gondulf.
Gonnie f Dutch, Limburgish
Dutch and Limburgish pet form of Aldegonda and Hildegonda.
Goof m Dutch (Rare), Limburgish (Rare)
Short form of Godfried via its variant Govert (also found written as Gofert and Goffert).... [more]
Goor m Dutch (Rare), Limburgish (Rare)
Short form of Gregoor and Gregorius (see Gregory).... [more]
Goos m Dutch
Short form of Goswin and its variants, such as Gooswijn, Gosewijn, Goswijn and Gozewijn.
Gordiaan m Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Gordianus (see Gordian).
Gorik m Flemish
Flemish form of Gaugerich.
Goris m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), Greek
Short form of Gregoris (Dutch) and Grigoris (Greek). Also see Joris.
Goud m Dutch (Rare)
Derived from the Dutch word goud meaning "gold".... [more]
Govert m Medieval Dutch, Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant form of Govaert. This name has never truly gone out of fashion and is still in use to this day. Known bearers of this name include the Dutch painter Govert Flinck (1615-1660) and the Dutch astronomer Govert Schilling (b... [more]
Grad m Dutch, Limburgish
Contraction of Gerard.... [more]
Grada f Dutch
Contracted form of Gerarda. Also compare the masculine equivalent Gradus.
Gradeke f Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of Grada and Gradina, as it contains the Dutch diminutive suffix -ke.
Gradina f Dutch (Rare)
Contracted form of Gerardina. Also compare the related name Grada.
Gradje m Dutch, Limburgish
Diminutive of Grad, as it contains the Dutch and Limburgish diminutive suffix -je.
Gradolf m Dutch
Dutch form of Gradulf.
Gradus m Dutch
Contracted form of Gerardus.
Gratiaan m Dutch (Archaic)
Archaic Dutch form of Gratian.
Gregion m Dutch (Surinamese, Rare)
Probably a variant of Gregory.
Gregoor m Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Gregorius (see Gregory).... [more]
Gretha f Dutch
Short form of Margaretha. In other words, one could say that this is a variant form of Greta.
Grieta f Latvian, Dutch
Short form of Margrieta.
Grietje f Dutch, Literature
Diminutive of Griet, as it contains the Dutch diminutive suffix -je.... [more]
Grytsje f Dutch
Diminutive of Margriet.
Gualterus m Dutch, German
Archaic variant of Walterus.
Gubbel m Dutch
Variant of Gobel.
Gudula f German, Flemish, Dutch (Rare), Galician (Archaic)
Derived from the Gothic element guths "god" or Gothic gôds "good". This is the name of one of the patron saints of Brussels, Belgium.
Guduul f Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Gudula and Gudule.
Guilielmus m Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Wilhelmus. A known bearer of this name was the Flemish composer Guilielmus Messaus (1589-1640).
Guïljo m Dutch (Rare)
Either a dutchization of Guilho or a combination of a name that starts with Guil- (such as Guilielmus) with a name that starts with Jo- (such as Johannes and Jozef).
Guillaam m Dutch (Rare)
Modern Dutch form of Guillaem. It has primarily been used in the southwestern Dutch province of Zeeland, which borders Flanders (Belgium) in the south... [more]
Guilliaam m Dutch (Archaic)
Modern Dutch form of Guilliaem.
Guilliam m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of the French name Guillaume. It remains in use to this day, but it's extremely rare.... [more]
Gulielmus m Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Guilielmus, which in turn is a variant of Wilhelmus. Notable bearers of this name include the English epic poet Gulielmus Peregrinus (died in 1207) and the Swiss-French Calvinist theologian Gulielmus Bucanus (died in 1603).
Gumaar m Flemish (Rare)
Flemish form of Gumarus, which is a variant of the more common Gummarus.... [more]
Gummaar m Dutch (Archaic), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch form of Gummarus. Nowadays, this name is exclusively used in Flanders (Belgium).
Gummaire m French (Archaic), Flemish (Archaic)
French form of Gummarus. This name was also used in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium) from at least the 18th century until at least the early 20th century.
Gummarus m Frankish (Latinized), Germanic (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Latinization of the Germanic name Gummar, of which the first element is either gumô meaning "man" or gunda meaning "battle, war" (compare Gundemar)... [more]
Gunderik m Dutch, Frisian, Norwegian (Archaic), Swedish (Archaic)
Dutch, Frisian, Norwegian and Swedish form of Gunderic.
Gundobad m Germanic, Dutch, German, Polish, Swedish (Archaic), History
Variant of Gundebad. Gundobad was a 5th-century Burgundian king.
Gundolf m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Gundulf.
Guust m Dutch, Literature
Short form of Auguust, Augustinus and Gustaaf (also found spelled as Guustaaf).... [more]
Gwendola f English (American, Rare), Dutch (Rare), French (Rare), German (Rare)
Variant form of Gwendolen and in some cases (often those of French bearers) also of Gwenola.
Gwendolien f Dutch (Rare), Flemish
Dutch and Flemish form of Gwendolen.
Gwijde m Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Guy 1.
Gyliano m Dutch (Surinamese, Rare)
Either a variant of Giuliano or a combination of Giel (alternatively spelled as Gyl) with a name that ends in -iano, such as Emiliano and Luciano.... [more]
Haas m Dutch
Nickname for Hendrik.
Habbo m East Frisian, Dutch (Rare)
Short form of dithematic Germanic names starting with the name element hadu "battle, combat" or hag "enclosure" and having a second name element starting with the letter b-, e.g., brand "sword; fire".
Habert m Dutch, German
Dutch and German short form of Hadebert.
Hadde m Dutch, West Frisian
Variant form of Hade.
Hade m Dutch, West Frisian
Short form of names that contain the Old High Germanic element hadu, such as Hadebert and Hadefuns.
Hadebert m Germanic, Dutch
Derived from Old High German hadu "battle" combined with Old High German beraht "bright".
Hadebrand m Germanic, Dutch, German
Derived from Old High German hadu "battle" combined with Old Norse brand "sword."
Hadeburg f Germanic, Dutch, German
The first element of this name is derived from Old High German hadu "battle." The second element is derived from Gothic bairgan (bergan in Old High German) "to keep, to save, to preserve", or from Old High German burg "fortress."
Hadeline f Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Hadelin.
Hademar m Germanic, Dutch, German
Derived from Old High German hadu "battle" combined with Old High German mâri "famous."
Hadewig m & f Dutch
Derived from Old High German hadu "battle" combined with Old High German wîg "warrior."
Hadewijn m Dutch
Dutch form of Hadewin.
Hadriaan m Dutch
Dutch form of Hadrian. A known bearer of this name is Hadriaan van Nes, a former Dutch rower.
Hamme m East Frisian (Archaic), Dutch (Rare)
A shortening of names with the name element hadu meaning "battle" Hademar or ham meaning "home". Possibly is also a variation of Hermann.... [more]
Han m & f Dutch
Short form of Johannes or Hanne 1.
Haniël m Dutch
Dutch form of Haniel.
Hanneke f Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans
Diminutive form of Hanne 1.
Hanneleen f Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans
Combination of Hanne 1 and Leen.
Hanneman m & f Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch pet form of Hanne 1, as the Germanic element man has been used as a suffix for pet forms of both masculine and feminine names since the 7th century AD... [more]
Hannemieke f Dutch (Rare)
Combination of Hanne 1 and Mieke.... [more]
Hannerieke f Dutch (Rare)
Combination of Hanne 1 and Rieke.
Hanniël m Dutch
Dutch form of Hanniel.
Hansbert m German (Rare, Archaic), Dutch
A coinage from the given name Hans and the name element bert from Germanic beraht "bright". It may be influenced by Ansbert.
Hansje m & f Dutch, West Frisian
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Hans) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix je to the original name... [more]
Har m Dutch (Rare), Limburgish
Short form of the French name Henri, which is primarily used in the Dutch province of Limburg. In practice, the name is also used on bearers of related names, such as Harie, Harry, Hendrik and Henricus.
Harbert m Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Herbert.
Hardewijn m Dutch
Dutch form of Hardwin.
Harmke f Dutch, German (Rare), West Frisian
Feminine form of Harm. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch journalist and presenter Harmke Pijpers (b. 1946).
Harper m Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Harbert (also compare Harpert).... [more]
Harre m East Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Frisian short form of Germanic given names containing the element hari meaning "army", such as Herbert and Herman.
Harrie m & f English, Dutch
Alternate spelling of Harry (English and Dutch) as well as a short form of Harriet (English).... [more]
Harro m German, Dutch, Estonian
A short form of Germanic names beginning with Har- like Harald or a direct monothematic name from the Germanic name element heri "army".
Hartger m Germanic, Dutch (Rare), Frisian (Rare)
Derived from the Germanic element hart meaning "hard, firm, brave, hardy" combined with ger meaning "spear"... [more]
Hartman m Dutch
Dutch form of Hartmann.
Haye m West Frisian, East Frisian, North Frisian, Dutch (Rare)
Variant spelling of Haie. A known Dutch bearer of this name is the author Haye van der Heyden (b. 1957).
Hazaël m Dutch
Dutch form of Hazael.
Hebert m Dutch, German
Variant spelling of Habert.
Heiman m Dutch (Rare)
Modern form of Heyman.
Heini m & f German, Dutch (Rare)
German and Dutch diminutive of given names that contain the Germanic element heim meaning "home", such as Heinrich (German) and Hendrik (Dutch).... [more]
Hekke m Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Hecke.
Heliantha f Dutch (Rare)
Means "sunflower" in Greek, from ‘Ηλιος (helios) "sun" and ανθος (anthos), "flower".
Helianthe f Dutch (Rare)
Derived from Hélianthe, the French name for Helianthus, which is a genus of plants. It is ultimately derived from Greek helianthos meaning "sun-flower", from Greek helios "sun" and anthos "flower".
Helmert m West Frisian, Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Helmer. Known bearers of this name include the Dutch painter Helmert van der Flier (1827-1899) and the Dutch actor Helmert Woudenberg (1945-2023).
Helmie f Dutch
Diminutive of Wilhelmina.
Helmin m Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Helmwin via the medieval forms Helmoin and Helmuin. A known bearer of this name is the late Curaçaoan politician Helmin Wiels (1958-2013).