Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine
Usage Finnish
Pronounced Pron. HAY-ni  [key]

Meaning & History

Possibly derived from the Finnish word heinä, "hay". Heini may also be a female variant of Heino.
Added 11/27/2008 by anonymous
Edited 6/29/2011 by Yippal

Gender Masculine
Usage Welsh

Meaning & History

Means "sprightly" in Welsh.
Added 6/5/2016 by LMS
Edited 9/13/2018 by Evil

Gender Masculine & Feminine
Other Forms FormsHeinie, Heiny

Meaning & History

German and Dutch diminutive of given names that contain the Germanic element heim meaning "home", such as Heinrich (German) and Hendrik (Dutch).

This name appears to be strictly masculine in the Germanophone world, whilst it is unisex in the Dutch-speaking world.

Notable bearers of this name include the Dutch soccer player Heini Otto (b. 1954) and the Swiss racing driver Heini Walter (1927-2009).
Added 2/27/2021 by Lucille