Kashubian Submitted Names

Kashubian names are used in northern Poland. Kashubian is sometimes considered a dialect of Polish.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abdón m Spanish (Rare), Galician (Rare), Kashubian
Spanish, Galician and Kashubian form of Abdon.
Abélk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Abel.
Ada f German, Biblical German, Croatian (Rare), Galician, Slovene, Polish, Kashubian, Hungarian, Spanish, Biblical Spanish
German, Croatian, Galician, Slovene, Hungarian, Polish, Kashubian and Spanish form of Adah.
Adélajda f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Adelaide.
Adélka f Czech, Kashubian
Czech and Kashubian diminutive of Adéla as well as a Kashubian diminutive of Adélajda.
Adka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Ada 1.
Adólf m Icelandic (Rare), Kashubian
Icelandic and Kashubian form of Adolf.
Adóm m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Adam.
Adrión m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Adrian.
Agnés f Aragonese, Kashubian
Medieval Aragonese and Kashubian form of Agnes.
Agnésa f Kashubian
Variant of Agnés.
Agnészka f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Agnes.
Agrëpina f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Agrippina.
Agùla f Kashubian
Diminutive of Agnés and Agnésa.
Agùst m Kashubian
Kashubian form of August.
Agùstin m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Augustine 1.
Agùstina f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Augustina.
Ala f Polish, Kashubian
Polish diminutive of Alicja and Alina and Kashubian diminutive of Alicjô and Alojza.
Aldka f Kashubian
Diminutive of names ending in -alda, such as Rómùalda.
Alfónks m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Alfons.
Alicjô f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Alice.
Alojza f Polish, Kashubian, Slovene (Archaic)
Polish and Kashubian feminine form of Alojzy as well as a Kashubian and Slovene feminine form of Alojz.
Aluszka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Alicjô.
Amadeùsz m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Amadeus.
Amańda f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Amanda.
Améla f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Amelia.
Anastazjô f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Anastasia.
Andrzéj m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Andrew.
Andżela f Kashubian
Kashubian short form of Andżelika as well as a cognate of Angela.
Anéczka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Ana.
Anéta f Kashubian, Hungarian
Kashubian diminutive of Ana and Hungarian variant of Anetta.
Antón m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Anton.
Antóna f Kashubian
Feminine form of Antón.
Antósz m Kashubian
Diminutive of Antón and Antoni.
Antosza f Kashubian
Diminutive of Antóna and Antonina.
Anula f Kashubian, Polish
Kashubian diminutive of Ana and Polish diminutive of Anna.
Anusza f Kashubian
Diminutive of Ana.
Anzélm m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Anselm.
Anzélma f Kashubian
Feminine form of Anzélm.
Apòlo m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Apollo.
Apòloniô f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Apollonia.
Ariadka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Ariadna.
Ark m Kashubian
Diminutive of Arkadiusz.
Arturk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Artur.
Astrida f Czech, Slovak, Kashubian
Czech and Slovak variant and Kashubian form of Astrid.
Augùst m Kashubian
Kashubian form of August.
Augùstin m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Augustin.
Aùréla f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Aurelia.
Aùrelión m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Aurelian.
Barbôrka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Barbara.
Barësza f Kashubian
Diminutive of Barbara.
Barnim m Medieval German, German (Modern, Rare), Polish, Kashubian
Short form of names beginning with Barni- and Broni-, such as Bronimir, Barnimir, Bronisław and Barnisław... [more]
Barnimira f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Bronimira.
Barnisława f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Bronisława.
Bartłomiéń m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Bartholomew.
Bazyl m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Basil 1.
Bazylëszk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Bazyl.
Beatricza f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Beatrix.
Béjata f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Beata.
Benia m & f Georgian, Kashubian
Georgian short form of Beniamin as well as a Kashubian diminutive of Benedikta, Beniamina and Bernatka.... [more]
Beniamina f Kashubian, Sicilian
Kashubian feminine form of Beniamin and Sicilian feminine form of Beniaminu.
Bénk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Beno.
Beno m Georgian, German (Bessarabian), Kashubian
Short form of names beginning with Ben-, such as Benedikt (German and Kashubian), Benedikte (Georgian) and Beniamin (Georgian and Kashubian).... [more]
Bernatka f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Bernadette.
Béta f Kashubian
Diminutive of Elżbiéta and Erzsébet.
Bink m Kashubian
Diminutive of Albin.
Binka f Kashubian
Diminutive of names ending in -bina, such as Albina and Sabina.
Błażéj m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Blasius.
Bògdana f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Bogdana.
Bògdón m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Bogdan.
Bògùmił m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Bogumił.
Bògùsłôw m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Bogusław.
Bògùsz m Kashubian
Short form of names beginning with the element Bògù-, such as Bògùmił and Bògùsłôw.
Bòlesk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Bòlesłôw.
Bòlesłôw m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Bolesław.
Bònaweńtura m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Bonaventura.
Bôra f Kashubian
Diminutive of Barbara.
Bòris m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Boris.
Bòrzësłôw m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Borzysław.
Bôsza f Kashubian
Diminutive of Barbara.
Bòżena f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Božena.
Cecyliô f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Cecilia.
Celestin m Kashubian, Lengadocian, Provençal, Gascon
Kashubian, Languedocian, Provençal and Gascon form of Caelestinus.
Célk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Marceli.
Célka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Marcela via Marcélka.
Cemirk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Chòcemir.
Cësa f Kashubian
Diminutive of Francëszka.
Cezari m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Caesar.
Chilk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Ezechiél.
Chòca f Kashubian
Diminutive of Chòcemira.
Chòcemir m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Chociemir.
Chòcemira f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Chociemira.
Chòck m Kashubian
Diminutive of Chòcemir.
Cyd m Kashubian
Diminutive of Placyd.
Cyda f Kashubian
Diminutive of Placëda.
Cyl m Kashubian
Diminutive of Celestin.
Cyla f Kashubian
Diminutive of Cecyliô, Celestina and Celina.
Cyprión m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Cyprian.
Czesłôw m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Czesław.
Czeszka f Kashubian
Kashubian diminutive of Czesława.
Czôrk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Cezari via Cezôrk.
Daga f Kashubian, Polish
Diminutive of Dagmara.
Damión m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Damian.
Daniél m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Daniel.
Darga f Kashubian
Diminutive of Dargòmira.
Dargòmira f Kashubian
Kashubian cognate of Dragomira.
Dariô f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Daria.
Darka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Dariô.
Déla f Kashubian
Truncated form of Adéla.
Délka f Kashubian
Truncated form of Adélka.
Démk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Nikòdém.
Déò m Kashubian
Diminutive of Amadeùsz.
Déùszk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Amadeùsz.
Dianka f Czech, Kashubian
Diminutive of Diana, not used as a given name in its own right.
Disa f Kashubian
Diminutive of Władisława.
Ditka f Kashubian, Slovene
Kashubian short form of Editka and Slovene diminutive of Dita.
Dobrogòst m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Dobrogost.
Dolfa f Kashubian
Truncated form of Adolfa.
Dólfka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Dolfa.
Dona f Kashubian
Diminutive of Aldona.
Dónk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Donôld.
Dónka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Aldona via Aldónka and Donata.
Donôld m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Donald.
Dorotka f Czech, Kashubian, Polish
Diminutive of Dorota.
Dżina f Kashubian
Diminutive of Redżina.
Éd m Kashubian
Short form of Édmùnd, Édwin and Édwôrd.
Édmùnd m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Edmund.
Édwarda f Kashubian
Feminine form of Édwôrd.
Édwin m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Edwin.
Édwôrd m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Edward.
Efrém m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Ephraim.
Eléónora f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Eleanor.
Eliôsz m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Elias.
Élk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Samùél via Samùélk.
Elża f Kashubian
Kashubian diminutive of Elżbiéta.
Elżbiéta f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Elizabeth.
Elżunia f Polish, Kashubian
Polish diminutive of Elżbieta and Kashubian diminutive of Elżbiéta.
Éma f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Emma.
Émanuél m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Emmanuel.
Émanuela f Kashubian
Kashubian feminine form of Emmanuel.
Émil m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Emil.
Émila f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Emilia.
Émka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Émanuela.
Emka f Croatian, Kashubian
Croatian diminutive of Ema 1 and Kashubian diminutive of Éma.
Érazm m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Erasmus.
Érik m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Eric.
Érnest m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Ernest.
Érnesta f Kashubian
Feminine form of Érnest.
Éska f Kashubian
Diminutive of Teréza via Tréska.
Éstera f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Esther.
Eùgeniô f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Eugenia.
Eùgeniusz m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Eugene.
Éwa f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Eve.
Éwelina f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Evelina.
Éwka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Éwa.
Éwôld m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Ewald.
Éwùnka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Éwa.
Ezechiél m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Ezekiel.
Fabisa f Kashubian
Diminutive of Fabiana.
Faùstëna f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Faustina.
Faùstin m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Faustinus.
Fela f Polish, Kashubian
Polish diminutive of Felicja and Felicyta and Kashubian diminutive of Felicjana and Felicjô.
Felicëta f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Felicitas.
Felicjana f Polish, Kashubian
Polish and Kashubian form of Feliciana.
Felicjô f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Felicia.
Felicjón m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Felicianus (compare Felicjan).
Féliks m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Felix.
Féliksa f Kashubian
Feminine form of Féliks.
Félk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Féliks and Felicjón.
Ferdinônd m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Ferdinand.
Filëpa f Kashubian
Feminine form of Filip.
Florëszk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Florión.
Florëszka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Flóra and Floriana.
Florión m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Florian.
Flórk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Florión.
Francëszk m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Francis.
Francëszka f Kashubian
Feminine form of Francëszk.
Franik m Kashubian
Diminutive of Francëszk.
Franulk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Francëszk.
Franusz m Kashubian
Diminutive form of Francëszk.
Fréd m Kashubian
Short form of Alfréd.
Fréda f Kashubian
Short form of Alfreda.
Frémk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Efrém.
Fridrëszk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Fridrich.
Fridrich m Slovak, Kashubian
Slovak and Kashubian form of Friedrich.
Fridrisza f Kashubian
Feminine form of Fridrich.
Gabriél m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Gabriel.
Gasza f Kashubian
Diminutive of Jagata and Agata.
Gata f Kashubian
Diminutive of Jagata and Agata.
Gena f Kashubian
Diminutive of Genowefa.
Genia f Polish, Kashubian, Romansh
Polish, Kashubian and Romansh short form of Eugenia as well as a Polish and Kashubian diminutive of Genowefa.
Genk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Eùgeniusz.
Gerat m Sorbian, Kashubian, Silesian
Sorbian, Kashubian and Silesian form of Gerhard.
Gerata f Kashubian
Feminine form of Gerat.
Gertka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Gerata via Geratka.
Gizela f Polish, Kashubian, Slovene, Croatian, Sorbian, Czech, Slovak
Polish, Kashubian, Slovene, Croatian, Czech, Slovak and Sorbian form of Giselle.
Gizka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Gizela.
Gnésa f Kashubian
Diminutive of Agnés and Agnésa.
Gòrzëmira f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Gniewomira.
Gòsza f Kashubian
Diminutive of Małgorzata via Małgòsza and Małgòszka.
Gracjô f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Gratia.
Grażina f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Grażyna.
Grégór m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Gregory.
Grizelda f American (South, Rare), Hungarian (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare), Kashubian
Hungarian and Kashubian form and English and Afrikaans variant of Griselda. The English usage may have been influenced by Grizel.
Grizka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Grizelda.
Grzegórz m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Gregory.
Grzëmisłôw m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Grzymisław.
Grzenia m Kashubian
Diminutive of Grzegórz.
Grzészk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Grzegórz.
Gùst m Kashubian
Short form of Agùst, Agùstin and Gùstôw.
Gùstawa f Kashubian
Feminine form of Gùstôw.
Gùstka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Agùstina and Gùstawa.
Gùstôw m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Gustav.
Gwidka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Gwidona.
Gwidona f Polish, Kashubian
Polish and Kashubian feminine form Gwido as well as a Polish feminine form of Gwidon.
Hadrión m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Hadrian.
Henia f Polish, Kashubian
Polish diminutive of Henryka and Kashubian diminutive of Henrika.
Héńk m Kashubian
Short form of Henrik.
Henrieta f Czech, Slovak, Kashubian, Romanian
Czech, Slovak, Kashubian and Romanian form of Henrietta.
Herkùles m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Hercules.
Hermiczk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Herman.
Hiacyńt m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Hyacinthus.
Hilari m Catalan, Kashubian
Catalan and Kashubian form of Hilarius.
Hipka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Hipòlita.
Hipòlit m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Hippolytos.
Hipòlita f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Hippolyta.
Hònorôt m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Honoratus.
Hùbert m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Hubert.
Hùberta f Kashubian
Feminine form of Hùbert.
Hùgò m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Hugo.
Jacãti m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Jacenty.
Jack m Kashubian
Kashubian cognate of Jacek.
Jadóm m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Adam.
Jãdroch m Kashubian
Diminutive of Jãdrzej.
Jãdrzej m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Jędrzej.
Jadża f Kashubian
Diminutive of Jadwiga via Jadwiżka.
Jagata f Sorbian (Archaic), Silesian (Archaic), Kashubian
Lower Sorbian variant and Silesian and Kashubian form of Agata.
Jagnészka f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Agnes.
Jagòda f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Jagoda.
Jakób m Polish (Archaic), Kashubian (Archaic)
Archaic Polish and Kashubian form of Jacob.
Jakùb m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Jacob.
Janulka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Janina.
Jark m Kashubian
Short form of names beginning with Jar-, such as Jarosłôw and Jarosz.
Jarosłôw m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Jarosław.
Jasz m Kashubian
Diminutive of Jan 1 and Jón.
Jeremiôsz m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Jeremiah.
Jerzi m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Jerzy.
Jéwa f Kashubian
Variant of Éwa.
Jéwka f Kashubian
Variant of Éwka.
Jida f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Ida.
Jidka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Jida.
Jiga f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Iga.
Jignac m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Ignatius.
Jignacy m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Ignacy.
Jignacylk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Jignac.
Jigór m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Igor.
Jilona f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Ilona.
Jinga f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Inga.
Jingebòrga f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Ingeborg.
Jingrida f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Ingrid.
Jinka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Janina.
Jinocenti m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Innocentius.
Jiréna f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Irene.
Jireneùsz m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Irenaeus.
Jirk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Jireneùsz.
Jirka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Jiréna.
Jiwa f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Iwa.
Jiwóna f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Yvonne.
Jizabela f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Isabella.
Jizka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Jizabela.
Jizolda f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Isolde.
Jizydór m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Isidore.
Jizydora f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Isidora.
Jófk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Józef.
Jolańta f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Yolanda.
Jónk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Jón.