Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine & Feminine
Pronounced Pron. AHN-yo(Dutch)  [key]

Meaning & History

This given name is rare for both genders, even though it is more often seen on men than on women.

For men in Germany and the Netherlands, there are several etymologies possible for this name. The first is that it is a variant of the Frisian name Ane 2 via its variant form Anje or Anjes. The second is that it is a masculinization of the feminine name Anja. And lastly, there are also cases where this name is a combination of a name starting with An- (such as Anton) with a name that starts with Jo- (such as Johannes).

For women in Germany and (predominantly) the Netherlands, the name is usually a combination of a name starting with An- (such as Anna and Antonia) with a name that starts with Jo- (such as Johanna).
Added 2/8/2008 by laney
Edited 5/13/2018 by Lucille and Frollein Gladys

Gender Masculine
Usage Bulgarian
Scripts Аньо(Bulgarian)

Meaning & History

Variant transcription of Anyo.
Added 5/13/2018 by Lucille