Spanish (Philippines) Submitted Names

These names are a subset of Spanish names used more often in the Philippines. See also about Spanish names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aida f Spanish (Philippines)
Unaccented form of Aída primarily used in the Philippines.
Aldo m Spanish (Philippines)
Diminutive of Reynaldo, Geraldo and other names ending in aldo.
Alejandrita f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
From Spanish alejandrita, referring to the alexandrite, a form of chrysoberyl.
Ameurfina f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Variant of Amorfina. A bearer of this name was Ameurfina Melencio-Herrera, a Filipino lawyer who served as an Associate Justice of the Philippine Supreme Court from 1979 to 1992.
Amilinda f Spanish (Philippines)
From Spanish 'a' + 'mi' + 'linda', directly translated as "to my pretty." It may also be a combination of Spanish 'amigo' and 'linda,' meaning "pretty friend."
Anacoreta f Spanish (Philippines)
Means "anchorite" in Spanish. A more common spelling is Anacorita.
Andres m Spanish (Philippines)
Unaccented form of Andrés used mainly in the Philippines.
Anecita f Spanish (Philippines)
Variant of Aniceta. In the Philippines, this name is much more common than Aniceta.
Anecito m Spanish (Philippines)
Variant of Aniceto. In the Philippines, this name is more common than Aniceto.
Aquino m American (Hispanic, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Spanish (Philippines), South American (Rare), Portuguese (African, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Aquino. Likely in some cases it has been used as a given name in honour of the 13th-century saint Thomas Aquinas.
Azela f Spanish (Philippines, Rare), Spanish (Mexican, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
This name is borne by Mexican-British actress Azela Robinson.
Berta f Spanish, Spanish (Philippines)
Short form of Alberta, Roberta and other names ending in berta.
Blesilda f Spanish (Philippines)
Variant of Blesila influenced by names ending in -ilda.
Buenaventurada f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Derived from Spanish bienaventurada meaning "blessed", with the spelling influenced by Buenaventura.
Buenaventuranza f Spanish (Philippines, Rare, Archaic), Pampangan (Rare, Archaic)
Derived from Spanish bienaventuranza meaning "beatitude", with the spelling influenced by Buenaventura. This name was most common (though was still extremely rare) in the provinces of Batangas and Pampanga.
Cario m English (Modern, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Rhyming variant of Mario/Dario influenced by Cairo and the English word car.
Chabelita f Spanish (Philippines), Spanish
Diminutive of Chabela. In other words, this is a double diminutive of Isabel.
Chito m & f Spanish (Philippines)
Diminutive of many names such as Luis, Dionisio, or Monico. This is also used as a diminutive of Rosario through the name Charito.
Chona f Spanish (Philippines)
Short form of names ending in -cion, such as Concepcion or Consolacion.
Cita f Spanish (Philippines)
Short form of Carmencita, Pacita, and other names ending in -cita.
Clementisima f Obscure, Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Derived from Spanish clementísima meaning "most clement".
Clodualdo m Spanish (Philippines)
Spanish form of Chlodoald. Notable bearers of this name are Clodualdo del Mundo Sr., a Filipino literary figure, and Clodualdo del Mundo Jr., a director.
Conmemoracion f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Derived from Spanish conmemoración meaning "commemoration". This extremely rare name is likely given to remember some Catholic personage or event, such as the liturgical memorial of a mystery of Christ or of some saint or sacred event.
Consejo f Spanish (Philippines)
Means "counsel" in Spanish.
Consolacion f Spanish (Philippines)
Unaccented form of Consolación primarily used in the Philippines.
Consorcia f Spanish (Philippines)
Spanish form of Consortia. This name is now seen as old-fashioned in the Philippines.
Consorcio m Spanish (Philippines, Archaic)
Masculine form of Consorcia, along with Consorcia, this name is seen as old-fashioned.
Corazon f Spanish (Philippines)
Variant of Corazón used in the Philippines. A famous bearer is Corazon Aquino, the first female president of the Philippines, from 1986-1992 and widow to assassinated senator Benigno Aquino, Jr.
Coronacion f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Derived from Spanish coronación, meaning "coronation", referring to the idea that the Virgin Mother of God was physically crowned as Queen of Heaven after her Assumption.
Críspulo m Spanish (Latin American), Spanish (Philippines, Archaic)
Spanish form of Crispulus. Known bearers of this name include the Spanish actor Críspulo Cabezas (b. 1981) and the Filipino lieutenant general Críspulo Aguinaldo (1863-1897).
Cristeta f Aragonese (Rare), Spanish (Rare), Spanish (Philippines, Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Possibly a diminutive of Cristiana, a derivative of Latin christiana meaning "Christian (woman)". This was the name of a Spanish saint (from Talavera, Toledo) who was martyred during the persecutions of the Roman emperor Diocletian in the early 4th century.
Diomar m & f Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American), Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Combination of dio (from Dionisio and Dionisia) and the suffix -mar, present in names such as Leomar and Gladimar... [more]
Diomeda f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Latinized form of the Greek name Διομήδη (Diomede), the feminine form of Diomedes.
Dolzura f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Variant of Dulzura. Dolzura Cortez was the first Filipino with AIDS to publicly discuss her life and her experience living with HIV/AIDS.
Dominador m Spanish (Philippines), History (Ecclesiastical, Hispanicized)
Spanish form of Dominator, used mainly in the Philippines.
Dulcisima f Spanish (Philippines)
Derived from Spanish dulcísima meaning "sweetest".
Dulzura f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Means "sweetness" in Spanish.
Efren m Spanish (Philippines)
Unaccented variant of Efrén primarily used in the Philippines.
Emelita f Spanish (Philippines)
A diminutive of Emily or other names beginning in Em.
Escolastica f Spanish (Philippines)
Unaccented form of Escolástica primarily used in the Philippines.
Estelita f Spanish (Philippines), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Diminutive of Estela. A bearer of this name is Estelita Bantilan, a Filipino textile weaver.
Esterlina f Spanish (Philippines)
Diminutive of Ester. The form Esterlita is more common.
Felicula f Ancient Roman, Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Means "kitten" in Latin. A bearer of this name was St. Felicula, who was probably fourth-century Roman martyr.
Filipinas f Spanish (Philippines)
Taken directly from the word Filipinas, the Spanish and Ilocano form of the Philippines.
Flordelis f Spanish (Philippines), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Derived from Spanish flor de lis, meaning "fleur de lis".
Florecita f Spanish (Philippines), Spanish (Mexican)
Spanish diminutive of Flor, formed using the diminutive suffix‎ -cita.
Floresta f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Floresta. It may also occasionally be given in reference to Dionísia Gonçalves Pinto (1810-1885), better known as Nísia Floresta Brasileira Augusta or simply Nísia Floresta, a Brazilian educator, translator, writer, poet, philosopher, and feminist.
Floripes f Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Philippines, Rare), Folklore
Derived from Portuguese and Spanish flor "flower".
Galicano m Spanish (Philippines)
Means "gallican" in Spanish. A bearer of this name was Galicano Apacible, a Filipino physician and politician.
Gaudiosa f Spanish (Philippines), Italian (Archaic)
Spanish and Italian feminine form of Gaudiosus.
Germelina f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Possibly a feminine diminutive of Germelo, which is apparently a variant of Hermelo, which either comes from the town of Ermelo in Spain, or from the name Hermilo, a diminutive of Hermes.
Gerundio m Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Possibly derived from the surname Gerundio.
Glorificacion f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Derived from Spanish glorificación meaning "glorification".
Gorgonia f Late Greek, History (Ecclesiastical), Spanish (Philippines)
Feminine form of Gorgonios. This was the name of a daughter of Saints Gregory the Elder and Nonna, also venerated as a saint.
Goyito m Spanish, Spanish (Philippines)
Diminutive of Goyo, itself a diminutive of Gregorio.
Gundelina f Spanish (Philippines, Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Variant of Gundelinda, the Spanish form of Gundelindis. Gundelina (or Gundlinda) (c. 692 – c. 740) was the third daughter of Duke Adalbert of Alsace and his first wife Gerlinda and niece to the famous blind Saint Odilia, the abbess of Hohenburg... [more]
Hermosisima f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Derived from Spanish hermosísima meaning "most beautiful".
Honesto m Spanish (Philippines)
Spanish and Filipino form of Honestus.
Igleceria f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Filipino name of uncertain derivation, perhaps a variant of Gliceria altered to resemble Spanish iglesia "church".
Igmedio m Spanish (Philippines)
Possibly derived from the name Íñigo. Saint Íñigo of Oña, the Benedictine abbot of San Salvador at Oña, is also known as San Igmedio or St... [more]
Jeruslyn f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Jerusalén using the popular name suffix lyn.
Jose Maria m Spanish (Philippines)
Unaccented form of José María. This name is now seen as old-fashioned in the Philippines.
Jovito m Spanish (Philippines), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Masculine form of Jovita. A famous bearer of this name was Jovito Salonga, a Filipino statesman and lawyer.
Lapurisima f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Derived from Spanish La Purísima Concepción meaning "The Immaculate Conception".
Leodegaria f Germanic, Spanish (Mexican, Rare), Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Feminine form of Leodegarius. This was borne by a sister of the 4th-century saint Urban of Langres.
Leonisa f Spanish (Philippines)
Related to the name Leon. This is possibly related to the Italian word leonessa, which means "lioness".
Liberacion f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Derived from Spanish liberación meaning "liberation". This name was most commonly (though still very rarely) given in 1945, the year that the Philippines was liberated from Japanese occupation... [more]
Liliosa f History (Ecclesiastical), Spanish (Philippines)
Feminine diminutive of Latin lilium "lily". This name belonged to an Iberian Christian woman martyred in Córdoba, Andalusia c.852 under Emir Abd ar-Rahman II, along with her husband Felix, his cousin Aurelius and Aurelius' wife Natalia.
Lolito m Spanish (Philippines)
Masculine form of Lolita.
Lucena f Spanish (Philippines)
Possibly transferred use of the surname Lucena.
Mamerto m Spanish (Philippines), Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Italian (Rare, Archaic)
Spanish and Italian form of Mamertus. Nowadays, this name is primarily used in the Philippines, and more rarely in South America.
Marcelito m Spanish (Philippines)
Diminutive of Marcelo. A bearer of this name is Marcelito "Lito" Pomoy, a Filipino singer.
Marialita f Spanish (Philippines)
Combination of Maria and the Spanish diminutive suffix -lita.
Mariolito m Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Combination of Mario and the Spanish diminutive suffix -lito.
Marlito m Spanish (Philippines)
Masculine form of Marlita or derived from Marlon.
Miraflor f Spanish (Philippines)
Possibly the Spanish form of Mirefleur.
Mirasol f Spanish (Philippines)
Means "sunflower" in Spanish.
Monico m Spanish (Philippines)
Unaccented form of Mónico.
Necita f Spanish (Philippines)
Feminine variant of Nicetas.
Necitas f Spanish (Philippines)
Feminine variant of Nicetas.
Nena f Spanish (Philippines)
Diminutive of Elena, Josefina and similar names.
Niña f Spanish (Philippines)
Means "little girl" in Spanish.
Niño m Spanish (Philippines)
Means "Little Boy" or "Christ Child" in Spanish.
Pablita f Spanish (Philippines), Indigenous American, American (Hispanic), Mexican (?)
Feminine diminutive of Pablo, sometimes used as a diminutive of the related name Paula. Known bearers of this name were Pablita Velarde (1918-2006), a Pueblo (Native American) artist and painter from New Mexico, United States, and Pablita Abeyta (1953-2017), a Navajo (Native American) activist and sculptor who was also from New Mexico.
Pacito m Spanish (Philippines)
Masculine form of Pacita.
Patria f Spanish (Latin American), Spanish (Philippines)
Derived from Spanish patria, meaning "homeland".
Pioquinto m Spanish (Mexican), American (Hispanic), Spanish (Latin American), Spanish (Philippines)
A name given in honor of Pope Pius V, a saint of the Catholic Church.
Praxedes f & m History (Ecclesiastical), Spanish (Philippines), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), English (African, Rare)
Derived from Greek πρᾶξῐς (praxis), meaning "action, work, success". This was the name of a 2nd-century saint.
Preciosisima f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Derived from Spanish preciosísima meaning "most precious".
Procesa f Spanish (Philippines)
Spanish feminine form of Processus.
Prosperidad f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Means "prosperity" in Spanish.
Purificacion f Spanish (Philippines)
Unaccented form of Purificación primarily used in the Philippines.
Purisima f Spanish (Philippines)
Derived from Spanish purísima meaning "most pure."
Rafaelita f Spanish (Philippines)
Diminutive form of Rafaela, commonly used in the Philippines. Rafaelita Danita Gomez Paner (1989-) is a Filipino pop-rock singer and actress.
Regalado m Spanish (Philippines)
Transferred use of the surname Regalado. This is given in honour of Saint Pedro Regalado (1390-1456), known as Petrus Regalatus in Latin, a Spanish Franciscan (friar minor) and reformer.
Reynante m Spanish (Philippines)
Possibly a variant of Renante.
Rodante m Spanish (Philippines)
Means "rolling" in Spanish. A bearer of this name is Rodante Marcoleta, a Filipino politician.
Rodelio m Spanish (Philippines)
A diminutive of names with the Germanic name element hroð "fame" such as Rodrigo.
Rosalita f Popular Culture, Spanish (Philippines)
Possibly a diminutive of Rosalía or a combination of Rosa 1 and Lita... [more]
Rosito m Spanish (Philippines)
Masculine form of Rosita.
Saludacion f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Derived from Spanish saludación meaning "greeting, salutation".
Salve f Spanish (Philippines)
Derived from the Marian hymn Salve Regina meaning "Hail Queen."
Seberina f Spanish (Latin American), Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Variant of Severina. This name was borne by Seberina Candelaria, a young woman who lived in colonial Philippines in the early 19th century who in 1808, at age 22 years, was arraigned before an ecclesiastical court for 'associating with the devil'.
Servillano m Spanish (Philippines)
Variant of Serviliano. This was borne by Servillano Aquino (1874-1959), a Filipino general during the Philippine Revolution against Spain. He was the great-grandfather of Benigno Aquino III, the 15th president of the Philippines, and grandfather-in-law to his mother, Corazon Aquino, the 11th president and first female president of the Philippines.
Sevilla f Spanish (Philippines, Rare), English (Rare), Indonesian (Rare)
Derived from the Spanish name for the city of Seville, in Spain (see Sevilla).
Teofisto m Spanish (Philippines)
Variant of Teopisto. A bearer of this name is Teofisto Guingona Jr., the 11th Vice President of the Philippines.
Teotimo m Spanish (Philippines)
Unaccented form of Teótimo primarily used in the Philippines.
Tidad f Spanish (Philippines)
Contracted form of Trinidad.