AatxemBasque Mythology, Popular Culture Means "calf" or more specifically, "young bull" in Basque. In Basque mythology, Aatxe is either the androgynous deity Mari 3 embodied as a young cow or bull, or a lesser shapeshifting spirit that takes the form of a bull and occasionally a human; the latter emerges at night, especially in stormy weather, from his cave dwelling in the Basque mountains.
AbaeusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἀβαῖος (Abaios) meaning "of Abai", an epithet of the Greek god Apollo, given because the ancient town of Ἄβαι (Abai) (see Abae) in Phocis was the site of an oracle of the god and of a temple dedicated to him.
AbalammPopular Culture, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Meaning unknown. In demonology, Abalam is a king of Jinnestan and one of the assistants of Paimon. This demon was featured in the 2010 film 'The Last Exorcism'.
AbanmPersian Mythology, Persian Means "October" in Persian. In Persian mythology, this is also the name of the Angel of October.
AbarbareefGreek Mythology Derived from Greek ἀβάρβαρος (abarbaros), ἀβόρβορος (aborboros) meaning "without filth", itself from α (a), a negative prefix, and βόρβορος (borboros) meaning "mud, mire, filth"... [more]
AbarismGreek Mythology Meaning unknown. In Greek mythology Abaris was a sage, healer and priest of Apollo who came to the Athenians as envoy from the Hyperboreans when famine was affecting Greece.
AbaturmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend, Near Eastern Mythology, Arabic (Archaic) Means literally, "father of the Uthre" in Mandaean, which translates roughly to "father of the angels," derived from aba "father" combined with uthra ('utria) "angel". In the Mandaean Gnostic cosmology, Abatur is "the third of four emanations from the supreme, unknowable deity", and the father of Ptahil, the Mandaean demiurge.
AbderosmGreek Mythology Possibly means "the man with the whip", from Hesychian ἄβδης· µάστιξ. In Greek mythology, he is considered a divine hero, most notably known for his tragic role in Herakles' eighth labour.
AbelliomCeltic Mythology, Greek Mythology Some scholars have postulated that Abellio is the same name as Apollo, who in Crete and elsewhere was called Abelios (Greek Αβέλιος), and by the Italians and some Dorians Apello, and that the deity is the same as the Gallic Apollo mentioned by Caesar, and also the same as the Belis or Belenus mentioned by Tertullian and Herodian.... [more]
AbhimanyumHinduism, Indian, Odia, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali Derived from Sanskrit अभिमन् (abhimān) meaning "to long for, to desire, to wish". In the Hindu epic Mahabharata, Abhimanyu is the son of the hero Arjuna.
AbigormJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend In Christian demonology, this was an upper demon ("great duke") of hell. Allegedly Abigor (also known as Eligor and Eligos) was the demon of war, in command of 60 legions, portrayed riding a winged or skeletal steed... [more]
AblerusmGreek Mythology In Greek mythology, Ablerus was a Trojan soldier killed by Antilochus, son of Nestor, with his lance during the Trojan War.
AbnobafCeltic Mythology The name of an obscure Gaulish goddess, thought to be connected to Celtic abona "river" (source of Avon). The second element may be derived from either Proto-Indo-European nogʷo-, meaning "naked, nude" or "tree", or the verbal root *nebh- "burst out, be damp".
AboramGuanche Mythology From a Guanche name for the star Canopus, which was derived from Guanche *ăbōra "seed (of a plant)", literally "coarse-grained sorghum" (sorghum being a tall cereal grass). This was the name of the supreme god of the heavens in the mythology of the Guanche (Berber) people native to La Palma, one of the Canary Islands.
AbraxasmEgyptian Mythology, Gnosticism, Popular Culture From a word thought to have originated with the Gnostics or the Egyptians, found on many amulets during the last years of the Roman Empire. Abraxas was used by the Basilideans, a Gnostic sect of the 2nd century, to refer to the Supreme Being or god whom they worshipped; they believed it to be a name of power because it contained the seven Greek letters which, computed numerically, equal the number 365 (the number of days in the year)... [more]
AbraxismJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Variant of Abraxas. An angel mentioned in the Gnostic tradition that appears later on Jewish amulets and in Medieval Jewish angelologies.
AbricotinefFolklore Means "apricot-plum" in French. This is the name of a character in Madame d'Aulnoy's fairy tale "The Imp Prince" (1697). Abricotine is a fairy who is the beloved of the protagonist, Léandre.
AbukfAfrican Mythology, Dinka In Dinka mythology (south Sudan), the first woman. She is the patron goddess of women and gardens. Her emblem is a little snake. She is the mother of Deng (Danka).
AbyzoufNear Eastern Mythology Appears to be a corrupted form of the Greek ἄβυσσοςábyssos "abyss", the Greek itself was borrowed from Akkadian Apsu or Sumerian Abzu.
AcacallisfGreek Mythology (Latinized) This was a word for the narcissus flower used in Crete. It is said to mean "unwalled" in Greek, possibly from the Greek negative prefix α (a) with an element related to ἀκή (ake) "point, edge"... [more]
AcacusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) From Greek ἄκακος (akakos) meaning "harmless, guileless, innocent", ultimately derived from ἀ (a), a negative prefix, combined with κάκη (kake) meaning "evil" (see Akakios)... [more]
AcademusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἀκάδημος (Akademos), which apparently meant "of a silent district". This was the name of a legendary Athenian hero of the Trojan War tales, whose estate (six stadia from Athens) was the enclosure where Plato taught his school... [more]
AcanthisfGreek Mythology (Latinized), Literature Latinized form of Greek Ἀκανθίς (Akanthis), which was the name of a type of finch, known as thistle finch in English, literally meaning "prickly" from Greek ἄκανθα (akantha) "thorn, prickle, thistle" (compare Acantha, Acanthus)... [more]
AcanthusmGreek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Άκανθος (Akanthos), which is derived from Greek ακανθος (akanthos), the name of a plant with large spiny leaves. The plant ultimately derives its name from Greek ακη (ake) "thorn, point" and Greek ἄνθος (anthos) "flower, blossom"... [more]
AcarnanmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἀκαρνάν (Akarnan), which is derived from Greek ἀκαρνάν (akarnan), which is said to mean "laurel", but can also refer to a kind of thistle. In Greek mythology, Acarnan was the son of Alcmaeon... [more]
AcastefGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἂκαστη (Akaste), which is the feminine form of Akastos (see Acastus). This name is borne by two characters in Greek mythology... [more]
AcastusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἄκαστος (Akastos), which is derived from Greek ἄκαστος (akastos) meaning "maple tree, maple wood". In Greek mythology, Acastus was the king of Iolcus, the oldest son of Pelias... [more]
AccaliafRoman Mythology (?), English (Rare) According to questionable sources, such as baby name books and websites, this was another name for Acca, the human foster-mother of Romulus and Remus in Roman legend, also known as Acca Larentia (see Acca)... [more]
AcesofGreek Mythology (Latinized) From the Greek Ἀκεσώ (Akeso), derived from ἄκεσις (akesis) meaning "healing, curing". She was the Greek goddess of healing (wounds) and curing (illness); unlike her sister Panakeia (Panacea), Aceso personified the process of a curing rather than the cure itself.
AcestesmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Akestes. In Greek mythology, this was the name of a hero of Trojan origin, who founded Segesta on Sicily. In a trial of skill, Acestes shot his arrow with such force that it caught fire... [more]
AchaimenidesmGreek Mythology Means "son of Achaimenes" in Greek, derived from the hellenized Persian name Achaimenes combined with the Attic and Ionic Greek patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).
AchaiosmGreek Mythology, Ancient Greek The meaning of this name is a little uncertain; it may have been derived from Greek αχος (achos) meaning "grief, pain, woe" (also see Achilles). It is also interesting to note that there is the Greek word achaia, which was an epithet of the Greek goddess Demeter... [more]
AchallfIrish Mythology Achall, daughter of Cairbre Nia Fer, king of Tara, and his wife Fedelm Noíchrothach, is a minor character from the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. After her brother Erc was killed by Conall Cernach, she died of grief on a hill near Tara, which was named Achall after her.
AchatesmRoman Mythology, Greek Mythology Perhaps derived from the name of a river in Sicily, Italy, or from the name of the type of rock often found there. This is the name of two separate characters in Roman and Greek mythology.
AcheloisfGreek Mythology, Ancient Greek Feminine form of Acheloios. In Greek myth this was the name of a minor moon goddess as well as a general name for water nymphs and an epithet of the Sirens (as the daughters of Achelous).
AcheronmGreek Mythology Derived from Greek ἄχεα ῥέων (áchea rhéōn) meaning "the stream of woe". Also compare Greek αχος (achos) meaning "pain". Some consider the aforementioned meaning to be folk etymology, saying that instead the name might be derived from Greek acherousai meaning "marsh-like water"... [more]
AcidusafGreek Mythology Derived from Greek ἀκίς (akis) meaning "pointed object; barb, arrow". This was the name of the wife of Scamander, whom he named the well of Boeotia after.
AcintyamIndonesian Mythology Derived from Sanskrit अचिन्त्य (achintya) meaning "incomprehensible, inconceivable". This is the name of the supreme god in Balinese Hinduism, sometimes called Sang Hyang Widhi or Sang Hyang Tunggal... [more]
AcismGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latin form of Akis (Ακις), from Greek element ακις (akis) meaning "pointed object" or "little". Acis was the husband of Galatea.
AclimafJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Meaning unknown. In some religious traditions, this is the name of the first human female born, a daughter of Adam and Eve.
AcoetesmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἀκοίτης (Akoites) meaning "bedfellow, husband". This was the name of several characters in Greek mythology, including the helmsman of a ship that landed on the island of Naxos, where some of the sailors found a beautiful sleeping boy and brought him on board with them... [more]
AcoranmGuanche Mythology From Guanche aqqoran, derived from *āhɣuran "God", literally "the Celestial", from *ahɣur "firmament, vault of heaven, sky". This was the name of the supreme god in the mythology of the Guanches indigenous to Gran Canaria, one of the Canary Islands.
AcraeafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἀκραία (Akraia), an epithet of numerous goddesses whose temples were situated on hills or mountains, including Athena and Hera, which meant "of the heights" or "dwelling on the heights"... [more]
AcraepheusmGreek Mythology Etymology unknown, although it may be related to ακραίος (akraios) meaning "extreme", or "marginal, at the edge". In Greek mythology, he is a son of Apollo.
AcratopotesmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἀκρατοπότης (Akratopotês) meaning "drinker of unmixed wine", derived from ἄκρατος (akratos) "unmixed, undiluted, pure", a word used of liquids and effectively meaning "wine without water", and πότης (potês) "drinker"... [more]
AcrisiusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἀκρίσιος (Akrisios), which is possibly derived from Greek ἀκρίς (akris) meaning "locust". In Greek mythology, Acrisius was a king of Argos who enclosed his daughter Danaë in an impenetrable bronze tower (or a deep underground cave)... [more]
ActaeonmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Άκταίων (Aktaion), which is derived from Greek ἀκτὴ (akte), which can mean "headland, foreland, promontory, cape" as well as "coast, shore". In Greek mythology, Actaeon was son of Aristaeus and Autonoë in Boeotia... [more]
ActaeusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἀκταῖος (Aktaios), which may have been derived from Greek ἀκτὴ (akte), which can mean "headland, foreland, promontory, cape" as well as "coast, shore"... [more]
ActormGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἄκτωρ (Aktor), which is derived from Greek ἄκτωρ (aktōr) meaning "leader", which in turn is ultimately derived from Greek ἄγω (agō) meaning "to lead"... [more]
AdamanteiafGreek Mythology (?) Apparently derived from Greek ἀδάμαντος (adamantos) meaning "unbreakable, inflexible". The 1st-century BC Roman writer Hyginus called the nymph Amaltheia by this name in his Fabulae (139).
AdamastosmGreek Mythology Means "untamed" in Greek. This was an epithet of Hades. In Greek legend Adamastus of Ithaca was the father of Achaemenides, Odysseus' companion.
AdammafHurrian Mythology, Semitic Mythology Etymology uncertain, possibly deriving from the Eblaite element ʾdm ("blood, red"). Name borne by a goddess of the Eblaite pantheon who was later incorporated into the Hurrian pantheon.
AdeonafRoman Mythology The Roman goddess who guides the child back home, after it has left the parental house for the first time and monitored its coming and going in learning to walk.
Adgilis DedafGeorgian Mythology Means "the mother of locality" or "place mother", from Georgian ადგილი (adgili) meaning "place" and დედა (deda) meaning "mother". In Georgian mythology, Adgilis Deda is the goddess of fertility and livestock portrayed as a beautiful woman with silver jewelry... [more]
AdhritmHinduism A name for the Hindu Lord Vishnu, Adhrit means " the one who supports everyone but does not need to support himself " it is also of Sanskrit origin.
AdiantefGreek Mythology Possibly derived from Greek ἀδίαντον (adianton) meaning "maidenhair" (a plant, species Adiantum capillus-veneris) or ἀδίαντος (adiantos) meaning "unwetted, not bathed in sweat", from the negative prefix ἀ (a) and the verb διαίνω (diaino) "to wet, to moisten"... [more]
AdikiafGreek Mythology Means "injustice, iniquity" in Greek, derived from ἀ (a), a negative prefix, and δίκη (dike) "justice"... [more]
AdinathamHinduism Means "original lord, the first lord, the primordial master" or "the Supreme Lord, lord of lords" in Sanskrit, composed of आदि (ādi) "primeval, first" and नाथ (nātha) "master, lord"... [more]
Adnoartinaf & mIndigenous Australian Mythology This name represents a sacred ancestral being in the form of a gecko lizard. Adnoartina is associated with the formation of Uluru, the iconic sandstone landmark in the Northern Territory.
AdranosmGreek Mythology The name of a fire deity worshipped by the Sicels of ancient Sicily, especially in the town of Adranus (modern Adrano). He is said to have been driven out of Mount Etna by Hephaestus.
AdrestiafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Variant form of Adrastia, which is one of the various latinized forms of Adrasteia. In Greek mythology, this was the name of a war figure and goddess of revenge and balance, who often battled in war... [more]
AdrikafIndian, Hinduism Means "small mountain" in Sanskrit. According to the Mahabharata, Adrika is an apsara (a female spirit of clouds and waters) who was the mother of Matsya and Satyavati.
AdroamAfrican Mythology The God of the Lugbara, who dwell in the area between Zaire and Uganda. Adroa had two aspects: good and evil. He was looked on as the creator of heaven and Earth, and was said to appear to a person who was about to die... [more]
AdsullatafCeltic Mythology Meaning unknown, possibly British adsiltia "she who is gazed at". This was the name of a river goddess worshipped by the Continental Celts. It may be an older form of Esyllt.
AdvaitmSanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism Means "not dual" in Sanskrit. One of its forms advaita is a branch of Hinduism called advaita vedanta.
Adzef & mAfrican Mythology The adze is a vampiric being in Ewe folklore. It takes the form of a firefly and will transform into human form upon capture.... [more]
AechmagorasmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Αἰχμαγόρας (Aichmagoras), from the elements αἰχμή (aichme) meaning "point of a spear" and ἀγορά (agora) meaning "assembly, marketplace"... [more]
AëdonfGreek Mythology Derived from Greek ἀηδών (aēdōn) "songstress" or from Greek ἀηδονίς (aēdonis) "nightingale". Also compare Greek ἀοιδή (aoidē) meaning "song". This was the name of a legendary queen of Thebes who plotted to kill her rival Niobe's son, but killed her own son accidentally... [more]
AedosfGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of the Greek Αιδως (Aidos) which meant "modesty, decency". In Greek mythology, Aedos was a goddess or daimona of modesty, reverence and respect and a companion of the goddess Nemesis.
AeëtesmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Αἰήτης (Aiêtês), possibly derived from Greek αἴητος (aiêtos) "terrible, mighty". In Greek mythology Aeëtes was a king of Colchis in Asia Minor (modern Georgia) and the father of Medea... [more]
ÆfsatimOssetian Mythology Meaning unknown. This was the name of the Ossetian protector of wild animals, deer, boars, and mountain goats.
AegafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Αἴγη (Aige), derived from αἴξ (aix) "she-goat" or ἄϊξ (aix) "gale of wind". In Greek mythology, Aega or Aex nursed the infant Zeus in Crete, along with her sister Helice, after Rhea gave Cronus a stone to swallow instead of the newborn Zeus... [more]
AegaeonmGreek Mythology Means "stormy one", "goatish", or "Aegean" in Greek. Aegaeon is the god of the storms of the Aegean Sea in Greek mythology.
AegeafGreek Mythology She was sister to Circe and Pasiphaë, and daughter of the sun. When the Titans attacked the gods of Olympus, Gaia placed Aegea in a cave to hide her shining loveliness.
AegialefGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Αἰγιάλη (Aigiale), derived from Greek αἰγιαλός (aigialos) meaning "beach, shore" (also see the masculine form Aigialos)... [more]
AegialeusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Αἰγιαλεύς (Aigialeus), which is derived from Greek αἰγιαλός (aigialos) meaning "beach, sea-shore". Also compare Greek αἴξ (aix) meaning "a tall wave"... [more]
AeginafGreek Mythology (Latinized) From the Greek Αιγινη (Aigine), which is of unknown meaning, perhaps an alternative name for the plant known as Etruscan honeysuckle in English. In Greek mythology she was a naiad loved by Zeus, who abducted her in the form of an eagle, carrying her off to the island of Attica... [more]
AegleisfGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Αἰγληίς (Aigleis), a derivative of αἴγλη (aigle) meaning "radiance, splendour" (compare Aegle). In Greek mythology this name belonged to one of the Hyacinthides, the four daughters of Hyacinthus the Lacedaemonian, who was said to have moved to Athens and, in compliance with an oracle, to have caused his daughters to be sacrificed by the Athenians on the tomb of the Cyclops Geraestus for the purpose of delivering the city from famine and the plague, under which it was suffering during the war with Minos.
AegyptusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of the Greek Aigyptos (Αἴγυπτος), derived from Amarna Hikuptah, which corresponds to Egyptian Ha(t)-ka-ptah "temple of the soul of Ptah"... [more]
AellopousfGreek Mythology Means "swift as a whirlwind", literally "whirlwood-footed", from Greek ἄελλα (aella) meaning "a stormy wind, whirlwind" and πούς (pous) "foot". This was an epithet of the Greek goddess Iris, the swift messenger of the gods... [more]
AenetefGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latin form of the Greek Αἰνήτη (Ainete), derived from Greek αἰνητός (ainetos) meaning "praiseworthy, deserving praise", from αἰνέω (aineo) "to praise". In Greek mythology Aenete was the wife of Aeneas, the legendary founder of the ancient Thracian city of Aenus.
Ae-oyna-kamuymFar Eastern Mythology A Kamuy (god or spirit) in Ainu mythology. Described as a man encircled by smoke and flame, under which he wears a coat of bark, he is said to have taught humans domestic skills, earning him the moniker Aynurakkur ("father of humanity").
Aequitasm & fRoman Mythology Means "equity, equality, fairness" in Latin. During the Roman Empire, Aequitas as a divine personification was part of the religious propaganda of the emperor, under the name Aequitas Augusti, which also appeared on coins... [more]
AeracurafCeltic Mythology Of unclear origin. It has been connected with Latin aes, aeris "copper, bronze, money, wealth" as well as era "mistress" and the name of the Greek goddess Hera.... [more]
AerfenfWelsh Mythology Welsh form of Aerten, the name of a Brythonic goddess of fate. Aerten is derived from Proto-Celtic *agro- "carnage, slaughter" (cf. Agrona) and *tan-nu "to broaden, to spread" or *ten-n-d-o- "to break, to cut"... [more]
AergiafGreek Mythology Means "idleness" in Greek, derived from the negative prefix α (a) and ἔργον (ergon) "work". This was the name of the Greek personification of sloth and idleness.
AericurafCeltic Mythology (Latinized) The origins of this name are uncertain; probably a Latinized form of a Celtic name, although some Latin roots have been suggested (including aes, genitive aeris, "brass, copper, bronze, money, wealth"; and era, genitive erae, "mistress of a house")... [more]
AerofGreek Mythology Perhaps derived from the Greek verb ἀείρω (aeiro), αἴρω (airo) "to lift up, to raise". In Greek mythology, Aero (also called Haero, Aerope and Maerope) was a princess of the island of Chios, a daughter of Oenopion and Helice... [more]
AeropefGreek Mythology Feminine form of Greek Ἀέροπος (Aeropos) (see Aeropus). In Greek myth Aerope was a daughter of King Catreus of Crete, granddaughter of Minos and wife of Atreus (to whom she was married after the death of his son and her first husband Pleisthenes)... [more]
AesacusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Αιςακος (Aisakos), probably meaning "branch of myrtle". In Greek mythology he was a Trojan prince (son of Priam by Alexirhoe) who loved the naiad Asterope, but, fleeing his advances, she stepped on a venomous adder and died... [more]
ÆscferðmAnglo-Saxon Mythology The first element of this name is Old English æsc "ash tree". The second element may be Old English ferhð "soul, spirit, mind, life" (compare Unferð) or a variant form of Old English friþ "peace" (in which case this is a variant of the attested Old English name Æscfrith)... [more]
ÆscheremAnglo-Saxon, Anglo-Saxon Mythology Derived from the Old English elements æsc "ash tree" and here "army". This name occurs in the 8th-century epic poem 'Beowulf' belonging to King Hroðgar's most trusted adviser; Æschere is killed by Grendel's mother in her attack on Heorot after Grendel's death.
AesepusmGreek Mythology A river god in Greek mythology, personifying the river and town of Aesepus (today Gönen, Turkey).
A'essumAfrican Mythology One who provides direct connections to others to benefit everyone and consistently seeks new information to provide to those connected. Relative to the English word "Learned" and African name "Sekou" (SAY~KOO)
AethenothmFolklore, Pet Likely a variant or corruption of Æthelnoð. This was the name of the horse of Lady Godiva who rode down the streets of Coventry, England in the nude.
AethrafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Αιθρη (Aithre) meaning "bright, purer air; the sky" in Greek (from aithein "to burn, shine"). This was the name of several characters in Greek myth including the mother of Theseus, a captive of Troy, at the service of Helen until the city was besieged.
AethusafGreek Mythology Aethusa was a daughter of Poseidon and the Pleiad Alcyone. She was also loved by Apollo.
AetnafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Αἴτνη (Aitne), perhaps from aithein "to burn". Aetna was the Greek personification of Mount Etna, a volcano on Sicily. Its strange noises were attributed to the ironworking of Vulcan's forge.
AetnaeusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Αἰτναῖος (Aitnaios) meaning "of Mount Etna", a volcano in Sicily (see also Aetna). This was an epithet of several Greek gods associated with Mount Etna, including Zeus.
AexfGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Αιξ (Aix) meaning "goat". In Greek mythology Aex or Aega was a goat nymph who nursed the infant Zeus in Crete, and he afterwards changed her into the constellation Capella... [more]
AfagddumWelsh Mythology Derived from Welsh y fagddu meaning "utter darkness". In Welsh legends this was originally a nickname belonging to the Arthurian warrior Morfran, who was so ugly and hairy that when he fought at the battle of Camlann, none of the other warriors struck him because they thought he was a devil; later legends transferred the character's ugliness and nickname to a brother, Afagddu.
AfallachmWelsh Mythology Probably derived from Middle Welsh afall "apple". This may be cognate with Abelio or Abellio, the name of a Gaulish god, which is thought to come from Proto-Celtic *aballo- "apple" (also the source of the mythical place name Avalon)... [more]
AfimNorse Mythology Means "grandfather" in Old Norse. In the Rígsþula, Afi and his wife Amma are one of the three couples the god Rígr visits.
AfrasiabmPersian Mythology, Persian, Urdu Modern form of Middle Persian Frāsiyāb, itself derived from Avestan 𐬟𐬭𐬀𐬢𐬭𐬀𐬯𐬌𐬌𐬀𐬥 (fraŋrasiian) meaning "fearsome, one who instills fear". In Persian mythology this is the name of a legendary king of Turan... [more]
AgamedefGreek Mythology Means "very cunning", derived from Greek ἄγαν (agan) meaning "very much" and μήδεα (medea) meaning "plans, counsel, cunning"... [more]
AganippefGreek Mythology Possibly derived from Greek ἀγανός (aganos) meaning "mild, gentle" and ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse". This was the name of various figures in Greek mythology... [more]
AganjusolamYoruba Mythology, Yoruba (Rare) Means "the one with the stiff face makes honor" in Yoruba. According to Yoruba tradition, this is the name of a warrior king deified after his death, said to fight by shooting fire. He is associated with wilderness, the desert, and volcanoes... [more]
AgasayafNear Eastern Mythology Possibly means "shrieker". This was the name of an early Semitic goddess of war who was merged into Ishtar in her identity as fearless warrior of the sky.
AgastrophosmGreek Mythology Derived from Greek ἄγαν (agan) meaning "very, much" and στρέφω (strepho) meaning "to turn, to twist". This was the name of a Trojan soldier in the Iliad.
AgelaosmGreek Mythology Derived from Greek ἄγω (ago) meaning "to guide, to lead" and λαος (laos) meaning "people, folk". Alternatively, the first element could derive from ἀγείρω (ageiro) meaning "to amass".
AgemomYoruba Mythology, Yoruba (Rare) In Yoruba mythology, Agemo is a chameleon who is the messenger of the gods. He is the main deity of the Ijebu people, as he is believed to protect children and safeguard the future of Ijebu people through his blessing.
AgenoriafRoman Mythology Goddess who endowed a child with the capacity to lead an active (actus) life. Her name is presumably derived from the Latin verb ago, agere, egi, actum, "to do, drive, go."
AglaonoefGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun νόος (noos) meaning "mind".... [more]
AglaopefGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with either the Greek noun ὄψ (ops) meaning "voice" or the Greek noun ὤψ (ops) meaning "eye, face, countenance".... [more]
AglaophemefGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαόφημος (aglaophemos) meaning "of splendid fame", which consists of the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun φήμη (pheme) meaning "prophetic saying" as well as "rumour" and "(good) report, repute, fame".... [more]
Aglaophonosm & fGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαόφωνος (aglaophonos) meaning "with a splendid voice", which consists of the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun φωνή (phone) meaning "voice" as well as "sound, tone".... [more]
AglaosmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright". Also compare the related name Aglaia.
AglaurosfGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective ἄγλαυρος (aglauros), a variant of ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "bright, shining, splendid". In Greek mythology Aglauros was the eldest daughter of the Athenian king Cecrops... [more]
AgrotorafGreek Mythology This was an epithet of the Greek goddess Artemis, under which title she was regarded as the patron goddess of hunters. Conceivably related to Greek ἄγρᾱ (agra) "hunt, catch" and the name of the Brythonic war goddess Agrona, from old Celtic agro "battle, carnage".
AgundafOssetian Mythology, Ossetian Derived from Persian آخوند (akhund) meaning "cleric, teacher". This is the name of a heroine in the Nart sagas.
AgušayafAkkadian, Near Eastern Mythology Means "the whirling dancer", deriving from the Akkadian words gâšum ("to dance") and gūštum ("dance"). Attested as an epithet for Ishtar in the Hymn of Agushaya.
AgwémAfro-American Mythology Haitian name meaning "spirit of the sea". In Vodou, and especially in Haiti, Agwé (also spelt Goue, Agoueh, or Agive), is a loa who rules over the sea, fish, and aquatic plants, as well as the patron loa of fishermen and sailors.
AhalyafHinduism From Sanskrit अहल (ahala) meaning "unploughed, unfurrowed". In Hindu mythology Ahalya was a woman created by the god Brahma. She was married to the sage Gautama Maharishi but was seduced by Indra, causing her husband to punish her for her infidelity by turning her into stone... [more]
AhezfBreton Legend Of unknown origin and meaning, albeit a connection to Welsh aches, a word denoting the sound of the water clashing on the shore, has been suggested. In Breton legend, Ahez is always described as the daughter of King Gralon, sometimes described as a sorceress, enchantress, fairy or giantess, and often, though not always, considered identical with Dahud... [more]
AhkiyyinimInuit Mythology In Eskimo folklore there is a skeleton-ghost named Ahkiyyini. He was always dancing when he was alive, and his skeleton comes back every so often to do a jig that shakes the ground and turns boats over in the river... [more]
AhtunowhihomNew World Mythology, Cheyenne Derived from Cheyenne ȧhtóno'e "under, below" and vé'ho'e "trickster, spider, white man". This is the name of a Cheyenne god who lives under the ground.
AhuñafBasque (Rare), Basque Mythology From the name of a mountain in the Basque region of Spain whose Basque name Ahuñamendi is derived from Basque ahuña "small goat" and mendi "mountain".... [more]
AhuranifNear Eastern Mythology, Persian Mythology Means "she who belongs to Ahura" in Avestan, from the name Ahura, referring to either the creator god Ahura Mazda or the various other ahuras of the Avesta, combined with the feminine suffix -ani meaning "companion, wife, mate"... [more]
ÁimNorse Mythology Derived from Old Norse ái meaning "great-grandfather, ancestor". In Norse mythology, this is the name of both a dwarf and the husband of Edda 2.
AiafGreek Mythology A Naiad associated with a well, spring or fountain of the town of Aia, also known as Kolkhis, on the Black Sea. Her name was taken from that place. According to myth she was loved and pursued by the local river-god Phasis, and saved from him by the gods who transformed her into an island bearing that name.
AiakosmGreek Mythology Meaning uncertain. One source derives the name from the Greek verb ἀΐσσω (aisso) meaning "to run, to dart, to shoot", whilst another source connects the name to the Greek adjective αἰακτός (aiaktos) meaning "lamentable, wailing, miserable"... [more]
AidemBasque Mythology, Basque (Modern, Rare) Derived from Basque aide "air", Aide is a supernatural entity that either helps or hinders the living. He could manifest herself in both good (gentle breeze) and evil (storm wind) forms.
AidoneusmGreek Mythology The first element of this name is probably derived from Greek αἰδώς (aidōs), which can mean "reverence, awe, respect" as well as "shame". Also compare Greek αἰδέομαι (aideomai) meaning "to be ashamed"... [more]
AidosfGreek Mythology From Greek Αἰδώς aidṓs "shame, respect, reverence." This is the Greek goddess of shame, modesty, and humility.
AigeirosfGreek Mythology Derived from Ancient Greek αἴγειρος (aígeiros) meaning "black poplar". This was the name of one of the eight hamadryad daughters of Oxylos and Hamadryas, associated with the black poplar tree.
AigokerosmGreek Mythology, Astronomy Epithet of the Greek god Pan meaning "goat-horned", derived from Greek αἴξ (aix) "goat" and κέρας (keras) "horn". This is also the Greek name for the astrological sign of Capricorn.
ÄijömFinnish Mythology, Finnish (Rare) A form of word äijä, old man. Also name variant for Ukko the god of the sky, weather, harvest and thunder in Finnish mythology.