JinxfGreek Mythology (Latinized), Popular Culture Variant of Jynx, or else directly from the American English word meaning "a charm, a spell", which is ultimately derived from the same source (Greek iynx "wryneck", a bird used in witchcraft and divination)... [more]
Jiraiyam & fJapanese Mythology, Popular Culture, English (Modern) First used in the 1806 yomi-hon Jiraiya Monogatari (自来也説話) and then subsequently in the folklore Jiraiya Gōketsu Monogatari (児雷也豪傑譚), published as a series from 1839 to 1868, belonging to the main character who uses shape-shifting magic to morph into a gigantic toad... [more]
Jiufengm & fChinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology From a combination of the characters 九 (jiu, meaning “nine”) and 凤 (feng, meaning “phoenix”). This is the name of a deity mentioned in the Shanhaijing (山海经), or Classic of Mountains and Seas... [more]
JokmDinka, African Mythology Jok is the Supreme God in Lango, Dinka and Alur Mythologies. In A Dictionary of African Mythology, Jok, the supreme being, is described like moving air; he is omnipresent, like the wind, but is never seen, though his presence may be felt in whirlwinds or eddies of air, in rocks and hills, in springs and pools of water, and he is especially connected with rainmaking... [more]
JonaymSpanish (Canarian), Folklore Taken from Garajonay, a Canarian place name of Guanche origin. According to a local legend, Gara 3 and Jonay were a pair of young Guanche lovers who died together in a joint suicide at Garajonay peak, the highest mountain on the Canarian island of La Gomera... [more]
JophielmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Derived from Hebrew yofiel, which apparently means "beauty of God" in Hebrew. According to Christian lore, Jophiel was the angel who drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden.
JophiellafJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend The name derives from Jophiel, which is the non-canonical archangel of wisdom, understanding, and judgment, art and beauty. She is listed as one of the Seven Archangels in Pseudo-Dionysian teachings.
JorimNorse Mythology Shortened form of Jörmungandr. Son of Loki, otherwise known as the world serpent.
JǫrðfOld Norse, Norse Mythology Derived from Old Norse jǫrð meaning "earth". In Norse mythology, Jǫrð was the goddess of the earth and the mother of Þórr (see Thor). Other names for her included Hlóðyn and Fjǫrgyn.
JowangsinfKorean Mythology The goddess of the fire and hearth in traditional Korean religion. Her name is derived from the hanja 竈 (jo) meaning "hearth, kitchen stove, kitchen", 王 (wang) meaning "great, king" and 神 (sin) meaning "god, goddess, spirit".
JugatinusmRoman Mythology The name of a Roman conjugal god, from iugare, "to join, yoke, marry."
JugemumFolklore, Japanese Mythology Means "limitless life", from Japanese 寿 (ju) meaning "age; years", 限 (ge) meaning "limit" and 無 (mu) meaning "none". This is only the initial part of a ridiculously long name in a humorous rakugo story of a couple who could not decide on a name for their infant son, which resulted in the father being suggested several names by a Buddhist priest... [more]
JuoksáhkkáfSami, Sami Mythology Combination of Juoksa and Sami áhkká meaning "wife, woman, mother". Jousáhkká is a goddess in Sami mythology who decides whether an unborn baby will be a boy or girl... [more]
JuskahamNew World Mythology Sapling, the younger twin brother of Othagwenda (Flint), culture heroes of the Seneca. They were born to a young woman magically impregnated by the West Wind... [more]
JustitiafRoman Mythology Derived from Latin iustitia "justice", this was the name of the Roman goddess of justice.
KachinafNew World Mythology From the name of a specific kind of supernatural entity in the mythology of the Hopi and other typically western Pueblo cultures in the North American Southwest.... [more]
KadlufInuit Mythology In Inuit mythology, Kadlu refers to either one goddess or three sisters who presided over thunder.
KadrufHinduism Means "tawny, reddish-brown" in Sanskrit. In Hindu mythology Kadru is the wife of Kashyapa and the mother of the nagas, a race of divine half-human, half-serpent beings.
ǂKá̦gáramSan Mythology, Astronomy Meaning unknown. In the San mythology, he existed along with his brother-in-law ǃHãunu, which they both fought with lightning that causes massive storms... [more]
ǀKágge̥nmSan Mythology Meaning unknown. In San mythology, he was described as a mantis and a folk hero of the ǀXam people.... [more]
KagingamAfrican Mythology Kaginga is both the spiritual incarnation of evil and the villainous deity of bad luck in Lega mythology. His name does not have a well known meaning.
KagutsuchimJapanese Mythology From Japanese 迦 (ka), a phonetic character, 具 (gu) meaning "tool, means" and 土 (tsuchi) meaning "ground, earth, soil". In Japanese mythology, Kagutsuchi was the god of fire, as well as the son of Izanagi and Izanami... [more]
KagututimFar Eastern Mythology Kagututi was the fire god of ancient Japanese mythology. His mother, Izanami, was killed while giving birth to him.
KaikeyifHinduism, Indian Name of a character, the second consort of King Dasharatha and the Queen of Ayodhya, in the Hindu epic, the Ramayana.
KaikiasmGreek Mythology Means "north-east wind" in Greek, possibly derived from the name of the river Κάϊκος (Kaikos). The was the name of the god of the north-east wind in Greek mythology.
KaineusmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology It might possibly be best to see this name as a masculinization of Kainis. After all: in Greek mythology, Kaineus and Kainis are one and the same person... [more]
KainisfGreek Mythology Probably derived from the Greek noun καινίς (kainis) meaning "knife", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb καίνω (kaino) meaning "to kill, to slay".... [more]
KairosmGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek noun καιρός (kairos), which literally means "due measure, proportion, fitness" as well as "time, season", but has a more figurative meaning of "the right or opportune moment", as in: being in the right place at the right time.... [more]
KakiafGreek Mythology Probably related to (kakos) which means "vice or immorality." Kakia was the spirit (daimona) of vice and moral badness.
Kakuyama-no-uneo-no-konoshita-ni-zasu-kamifJapanese Mythology An epithet of the spring water goddess Nakisawame. It is derived from 香 (kaku) meaning "pleasant scent, fragrance", 山 (yama) meaning "mountain", の (no) meaning "of", 畝 (une) meaning "raised earth in a field" or "rib", 尾 (o) meaning "tail", "foot of a mountain" or "the end of something", の (no) meaning "of", 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood", の (no) meaning "of", 下 (shita) meaning "the below", 坐 (za) meaning "to sit, to bear fruit" and 神 (kami) meaning "god, deity, spirit".
KalagamAfrican Mythology Likely means "the promiser" in Lega. Kalaga is the deity of good luck and promises in Lega mythology.
KalefGreek Mythology From ancient Greek Καλη meaning "beauty". In Greek mythology she was one of the Graces and a daughter of Zeus.
KalikafHinduism An epithet of the Hindu goddess Kali 1, destroyer of time, which is taken to mean "pertaining to time" as a derivative of kali, the feminine form of Sanskrit kala "time".
KalimahfHinduism, Mythology Kali Ma, called the "Dark Mother," is the Hindu goddess of creation, preservation, and destruction.
KalkimHinduism Derived from Sanskrit काल (kāla) meaning "time, age", likely morphed from the original spelling Karki taken from the word कर्क (karka) meaning "white horse". This is the name of the prophesied final avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu who will appear at the end of the Kali Yuga (the current and last of the four world ages) to usher in the Satya Yuga (the first and best of the world ages) and the destruction of the universe... [more]
KalleisfGreek Mythology Kalleis comes from the Greek word "kallos", meaning "beauty". It was the name of one the three Kharites, or Graces.
KalligeneiafGreek Mythology Means "bearer of a fair offspring", derived from the Greek elements κάλλος (kallos) meaning "beauty" and γενής (genes) meaning "born"... [more]
KalmafFinnish Mythology Finnish Goddess of death and decay, residing in the underworld. The name means "corpse stench", and can be used as a poetic word for death.Her father is Tuoni and her mother Tuonetar... [more]
KalpeshmHinduism ancient times in harappa, the word 'kalpesh' was used as presentation of new articles.
Kaltes-EkwafSiberian Mythology Etymology unknown. Kaltes-Ekwa is a Mansi and Khanty goddess of the moon, childbirth, fate, dawn, fertility and rejuvenation. She is a shapeshifter and known to take the shape of a hare.
KalybefGreek Mythology The name of a Trojan nymph loved by King Laomedon of Troy. Her name is derived from the element καλυβη (kalybe), a type of rustic rural hut.
KalykefGreek Mythology Derived from Greek κάλυξ (kalyx) meaning "seed pod, husk, outer covering" (of a fruit, flower bud, etc). This is the name of multiple characters in Greek mythology. It is also one of Jupiter's moons.
Kalyptosf & mGnosticism In Sethian Gnosticism, Kalyptos ("the Hidden One") is one of the three emanations of Barbelo.
KamalipafHinduism Kamal, Kamala, Kamalika & Kamalipa. All these names orginated from the flower name "Kamal(Lotus". The name Kamalipa means "Big Lotus"
KamarfGeorgian Mythology Meaning uncertain. Kamar was the daughter of the Georgian god of nature and the god of the sky. She was seen as a symbol of divine fire and her beauty caused Amirani to kidnap her from heaven.
KammammafHittite Mythology, Hattian Mythology Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a goddess considered to be the daughter of the storm god Tarhunna. She was possibly associated with magic, as one of her known epithets is ḫašawanz ("sorceress").
KamrušepafHittite Mythology, Near Eastern Mythology, Luwian Mythology Meaning uncertain. Kamrušepa was a Hittite goddess of medicine and magic, who was also worshipped as part of the Luwian pantheon during the Bronze age. She seems to have been associated with the Mesopotamian goddess Gula.
Kamuym & fAinu, Far Eastern Mythology, Japanese Mythology Refers to a spiritual or divine entity in the mythology of the indigenous Ainu people of Japan. The term shares similarities with the Japanese word "kami" (神) in both phonology and meaning.
KaʻōhelofPolynesian Mythology Derived from ka meaning "the" and ʻōhelo referring to the ʻōhelo shrub. This was the name of the mortal sister of Pele.
Kapeif & mPemon, Indigenous American, New World Mythology Meaning “Moon” in Taurepang (a member of the Pemon micro family of Cariban languages), Kapei is the Taurepang deity of the moon, who appears most famously in the Taurepang folktale ‘Wei and Kapei’.
KapheirafGreek Mythology Possibly means "stormy breath", derived from the hypothetical Ancient Greek word *kaphos meaning "to breath, gasp" (compare κάπτω (kapto) "to gulp down") and εἴρ (eir), which might mean "hurricane"... [more]
KarmGreek Mythology, Ancient Greek Means "a Carian" in Greek, referring to an inhabitant of the ancient region of Caria in Asia Minor. This was the name of the legendary king who gave his name to Caria, the brother of Lydos and Mysos.
KarapetmArmenian Mythology, Armenian Karapet is a pre-Christian Armenian mythological character usually represented as a glittering long-haired thunder-god with a purple crown and a cross.... [more]
KaryafGreek Mythology Derived from Ancient Greek καρύα "hazel, hazel tree, hazel bush", ultimately from Ancient Greek κάρυον "nut". In Greek Mythology, Karya is attributed to the hamadryads, one of those nymphs who live in trees and are closely linked to the fate of the tree... [more]
Kashishm & fIndian, Punjabi, Hinduism Means "lord of the Kashis" or "lord of Kashi city" in Sanskrit, from the place name काशी (Kashi), which refers to one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus (also known as Varanasi or Benares), and ईश (īśa) meaning "lord"... [more]
KashvadmPersian Mythology Means "vigilant leader" from Proto-Iranian kas- meaning "observing, seeing" and -vada meaning "to lead". This is the name of a mythical hero mentioned in the Shahnameh.
Kasipoluinm & fNew World Mythology Kasipoluin is the god of rainbows in Wayuu mythology. His name has no known meaning.
KasperlmMedieval German, Folklore, Theatre Diminutive of Kasper. This name fell out of use a long time ago, possibly due to close association with the famous character from German puppet theatre. In this day and age, the name only survives as a patronymic surname.
KataḫziwurifNear Eastern Mythology, Hattian Mythology Possibly deriving from the Hattian elements kattaḫ ("queen") and wur ("country). Name borne by a Hattian and Palaic goddess known from texts surrounding purification and building rituals... [more]
KatavimAfrican Mythology, Nyamwezi A demonic being in the popular belief of the Nyamwezi people of Tanzania. He is reputed to be the chief of the water-spirits, but he also haunts the barren lands and deserts.
KattaḫḫafHittite Mythology, Hattian Mythology Likely deriving from the Hattic word kattaḫ ("queen"), this theonym was applied to several goddesses, the most prominent of whom was the tutelary goddess of the city of Ankuwa. She is listed alongside other 'queen goddesses' in treaties, such as Ḫuwaššanna.
KaukomielimFinnish (Archaic), Finnish Mythology Means "absentminded", from kauko- "far away, distant" and mieli "mind, sense, mood". Sometimes used as an alternate name for Lemminkäinen, a hero from the Finnish epic Kalevala.
KaykausmPersian Mythology It can be interpreted as "worthy and noble ruler". It comes from Kay Kāvus who is a mythological shah of Greater Iran and a character in the Shāhnāmeh.
KelainofGreek Mythology Derived from Greek κελαινός (kelainos) meaning "black, dark". This name belongs to five different figures in Greek mythology, including an Amazon (a woman warrior), one of the Pleiades and the mother of Delphus by Apollo.
KeleustanormGreek Mythology The first element of this name is derived from either the Greek adjective κελευστός (keleustos) meaning "commanded, ordered" or from the Greek noun κελευστής (keleustes) meaning "boatswain"... [more]
KeleyafAfrican Mythology, Manding (Archaic) Keleya is a character in "Sundiata", an epic of old Mali. Keleya was known as the best cook in the Sosso Kingdom in the 11th-12th Century.... [more]
Kelpief & mCeltic Mythology, English (Modern, Rare) The name of a shape-shifting water spirit that takes the form of a greyish black horse. The Kelpie drowns then devours anyone who tries to ride it.... [more]
KenkungamAfrican Mythology Kenkunga is the deity of reassembling and reconstruction in Lega mythology. His name doesn’t have a well known meaning.
KephisosmGreek Mythology This is the name of an ancient Greek river god, who takes his name from the two Greek rivers that he is associated with, namely the Kephisos in Attica and the Kephisos in Boeotia. The meaning and origin of the rivers' name is unknown, but a few theories have been put forward by scholars.... [more]
KeresfGreek Mythology Plural form of Greek κήρ (ker) meaning "doom" and "death (especially when violent)". In Greek mythology the Keres are goddesses or demons of death, and daughters of Nyx, the goddess of night... [more]
KeroessafGreek Mythology Derived from Greek κερόεις (keroeis) meaning "horned" (feminine κερόεσσα (keroessa)). In Greek mythology Keroessa was the daughter of Io by Zeus and mother of Byzas, founder of Byzantium... [more]
KeshavamSanskrit, Hinduism Meaning uncertain. It could derive from Sanskrit meaning "beautiful unshorn hair" or "slayer of Keshi demon" in Sanskrit.... [more]
KeuthonymosmGreek Mythology The first element of this name is derived from Greek κεῦθος (keuthos) which can mean "the depths" as well as "hidden". It is related to Greek κεῦθω (keuthō) meaning "I hide, I cover"... [more]
KhabamEgyptian Mythology From Egyptian ḫꜥj-bꜣ, possibly meaning "one whose active power appears in glory", from Egyptian ḫꜥj “rising, shining forth, appearing in glory” combined with bꜣ “active or efficacious power”... [more]
KhæmytsmOssetian Mythology Meaning unknown. This was the name of a hero in the Ossetian Nart epics, the twin brother of Uryzmag, and an Akhsartagkata (one of three groups of people in the Nart epics).
KhakaminifHinduism, Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Telugu MEANING : 'liking the sky ', female of crsted Serpent Eagle, Name of Goddess Durga . Here ख means sky + कामिनी means one who likes... [more]
KhalmSanskrit, Tamil, Hinduism, Indian, Hindi MEANING : threshing-floor, granary, earth, mould, , place, site ,contest, battle, sediment or dregs of oil, butter-milk boiled with acid vegetables and spices, a mischievous man, the sun, Xanthochymus pictorius, the thorn-apple ... [more]
KhandavmHinduism MEANING : sugar-candy, sugar-plums, sweetmeats, a sacred wood to lord Indra, Name of a forest in Mahabharata... [more]
KhandavifHinduism MEANING : sweetmeats, sugar-candy, Name of a city built by Sudarshana... [more]
KhandromafFar Eastern Mythology The Tibetian name for Dakini, a spirit or type of spirit in Vajrayana Buddhism. It is reported to mean "skygoer" and may be derived from the Sanskrit khecara, a term from the Cakrasaṃvara Tantra.
KhapurmHinduism MEANING : a city i sky ( city of King Harishachandra), betel nut tree, tympany, water-dropsy, a fragrant grass ( Cyperus Pertenuis)... [more]
KharisfGreek Mythology Alternate transcription of Greek Χάρις (see Charis). The Greek mythological figure Aglaia was also known as Kharis or Charis (Grace).
KhatvangmSanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Nepali, Telugu MEANING - club shaped like the foot of a bedstead’ i.e. a club or staff with a skull at the top (considered as the weapon of lord Shiva and also carried by ascetics ), back-bone... [more]
KhecharafHinduism MEANING : moving in air, flying, a bird, (in music ) a particular melody ( मूर्छना ) Here खे means in air + चराmeans moving ... [more]
KhegamanmHinduism MEANING : moving in air, a kind of gallinule. Here खे means sky, in air + गमन means going... [more]
KheprimEgyptian Mythology From Egyptian ḫprj meaning "the one being created", derived from ḫpr "to come into being, begin to exist; to appear, arise occur" or "to develop, transform". Khepri was the Egyptian god of the morning sun, a scarab-faced aspect of Ra associated with rebirth, transformation, and creation.
Khin-nanafCaucasian Mythology Meaning unknown. Khin-Nana was the Vainakh goddess of water and believed to dwell in clear mountain springs. She was often depicted as a mermaid.
KhionefGreek Mythology, Literature Variant of Chione. In American author Rick Riordan's Heroes of Olympus series, Khione appears as an antagonist with powers over ice and snow.
KhorældarmOssetian Mythology Meaning unknown. In Ossetian mythology, Khorældar is the god of bread, patron of harvest, and father of Borkhuarali. When his son was killed by Batraz, he decided to punish the Narts by putting them in famine.
KiandafAfrican Mythology, Southern African Kianda (or Dandalunda) is a goddess of the sea, of the waters, and a protector of fishermen in traditional Angolan culture. Kianda was traditionally worshipped by throwing offerings such as food and clothing into the sea... [more]
KiašemHurrian Mythology Means "sea", deriving from the ordinary Hurrian noun. Name borne by a Hurrian deity that represented the sea, who was also worshipped in Ugarit and Alalakh. He was often seen as an ally of the god Kumarbi.
Kigatilikm & fInuit Mythology In Inuit mythology, Kigatilik is a vicious, violent demon, especially known for killing shamans.
KikimorafSlavic Mythology The name of an evil house spirit in Slavic Mythology. Her name may derive from the Udmurt word kikka-murt meaning "scarecrow". Alternatively it may come from the Polish mora or Czech můra which mean "moth" or be related to the Old Norse mara meaning "nightmare".
KinnarumUgaritic Mythology, Semitic Mythology Possibly meaning "lyre", from the Ugaritic word knr. As this word is used in both reference to the stringed instrument, and to the god Kinnaru, it is thought that Kinnaru was a deification of the lyre.
KiririshafNear Eastern Mythology, Elamite Mythology This was the name of an important goddess in Elamite religion. Her name apparently means "Great Goddess" or "Great Lady" in the Elamite language, with one source stating that the name consists of Elamite kiri or kirir "goddess" and Elamite usa(n) (relation with the Elamite word rishair "great" is also likely)... [more]
KisharfNear Eastern Mythology Her name is argued to mean "the whole earth", possibly deriving from the Akkadian element kili ("all, whole, totality"). The name of an Akkadian goddess that represented the Earth, with her twin Anshar representing the sky... [more]
KishimojinfJapanese Mythology The name of a Japanese protector goddess of children and child rearing who is sometimes also seen as a vicious demon of misery and unhappiness towards children and parents. Her name is derived from 鬼 (ki) meaning "ghost, evil spirit, demon", 子 (shi) meaning "child", 母 (mo) meaning "mother" and 神 (jin) meaning "god, deity, spirit".
KiviuqmInuit Mythology Kiviuq is the hero of epic stories of the Inuit of the Arctic regions of northern Canada, Alaska and Greenland. Kiviuq is an eternal Inuit wanderer.
KiwanukamGanda, African Mythology Kiwanuka is the hammer wielding God of Thunder and Lightning in Ganda Mythology. His name means “someone who was born on a Thursday”.
KiyohimefJapanese Mythology, Japanese The name translates to ‘pure lady’. It’s the name of a princess from Japanese mythology, who falls in love with a Buddhist monk named anchin, and after she was rejected, her passion for him turned her into a dragon and she consumed both herself and anchin in the bell of the dojoji temple.
KjalarrmOld Norse, Norse Mythology By-name of uncertain meaning. Possibly related to kilja ("food"), kjǫlr ("keel") or kjalki ("sledge"). This is a name for Odin.
KleolafGreek Mythology Possibly a short form or corruption of either Κλεολεία (Kleoleia) or Κλεολαία (Kleolaia), both of which derive their first element from Greek κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory"... [more]
KlœngrmNorse Mythology Meaning unknown, perhaps a variant of Klœingr. The name appears in the epic work 'Heimskringla' written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson.
KoharafPolynesian Mythology Kohara is the goddess of tuna, and is considered the "mother of all tuna fish". The word also means "to throw a flash of lightning, as a deity". In Māori mythology, lightning begat tuna. In that sense, Kohara can be considered the "ancestor of tuna".
KokabielmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Means "star of God", derived from Hebrew כּוֹכַב (kokhab) "star" and אֵל ('el) "God". The Book of Enoch names him as one of the fallen angels. He is also mentioned in the Kabbalistic text 'Sefer Raziel HaMalakh' ("The Book of the Archangel Raziel").
KokablelmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Variant form of Kokabiel. This was the name of one of the chiefs of ten of the fallen angels in The Book of Enoch. Kokablel taught man about constellations.
KoknesismBaltic Mythology Meaning "wood-bearer" in Latvian. Koknesis is a hero in the Latvian epic poem 'Lāčplēsis'.
KolgafNorse Mythology Means "the cold one" in Old Norse, referring to cold water. In Norse mythology, Kolga was a the daughter of Ægir and Rán.
KombefGreek Mythology The name of a nymph of the island of Euboia who was the mother of the seven Euboian Korybantes. Her name comes from the element κομβώο (komboo) meaning "girdled, buckled".
KonmInca Mythology Kon was the god of rain and wind that came from the North. His name has an unknown meaning.
KonohanasakuyafJapanese Mythology Konohanasakuya-hime is represents how delicate earthly life is in Japanese mythology and she is symbolized by the cherry blossom.
KopalamGeorgian Mythology Meaning uncertain. Kopala was a God of lightning and a hero in Georgian mythology who slayed demons. Along with Iakhsari, he led a campaign to drive out the devils who were persecuting the humans living on the land... [more]
KopciuszekfFolklore Means "black redstart" in Polish - the black redstart being a type of small bird. This is the Polish name of the fairy tale character Cinderella. It is not used as a given name in Poland.
KorkyrafGreek Mythology Korkyra was a beautiful nymph daughter of Asopos and Metope. Poseidon felt in love with her and brought Korkyra to the hitherto unnamed island and, in marital bliss, offered her name to the place which gradually evolved to Kerkyra (the actual Greek name of Corfu Island).
KoscheimSlavic Mythology (?), Russian A antagonistic figure from traditional Russian fairy tales. Known as “Koschei the Deathless”, he is portrayed as an evil and powerful wizard who cannot be killed by traditional means since his soul is hidden inside an object, often an egg nested inside other protective objects.
KostromafSlavic Mythology Derived from Russian костёр (kostyor) meaning "bonfire". This is the name of an East Slavic fertility goddess. According to myth, she drowned herself in a lake and became a rusalka when she discovered that her newlywed husband, Kupalo, was her brother.
KotomomJapanese Mythology From Japanese こ (Ko) means "This" と (to) means "When" も (Mo) means "also".
Kotysm & fThracian (Hellenized), Greek Mythology Greek form of Thracian *Kotus, probably meaning "war, slaughter" (cognate to Ancient Greek κότος "anger, grudge, spite"). This was the name of a Thracian goddess, as well as several Thracian kings.