ColelfMayan Mythology Colel Cab is the Mayan earth goddess associated with bees and beekeeping. Modern Maya Daykeepers invoke her name in chants to ward off attacks to nests and solve problems for hive keepers with their bees.
Gukumatzm & fMayan, Mayan Mythology Meaning ‘quetzal serpent’ in The K’iche’ Mayan language. Is also the K’iche’ Mayan god of Rain.
IxtabfMayan Mythology At the time of the Spanish conquest of Yucatán (1527–1546), Ix Tab or Ixtab ( "Rope Woman", "Hangwoman") was the indigenous Mayan goddess of suicide by hanging. Playing the role of a psychopomp, she would accompany such suicides to heaven.
JacawitzmMayan Mythology Means "mountain" in the lowland Maya language, as well as "first mountain" in the Cholan languages; also compare the highland Maya word qʼaqʼawitz meaning "fire mountain". This was the name of a K'iche' Maya mountain god, a companion of the sun god Tohil... [more]
Sak-Nikte'fYucatec Maya, Mayan Mythology Means "white mayflower" in Yucatec Maya. This was the name of a legendary princess, also written about in Antonio Mediz Bolio's Chichén-Itzá y la princesa Sac-Nicté.