Astronomy Submitted Names

These names occur primarily in astronomy. They are not commonly given to real people.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Acamar Astronomy
Derived from Arabic Ākhir an-nahr, meaning "end of the river". This is the traditional name of the star Theta Eridani in the constellation Eridanus.
Achernar Astronomy
Derived from Arabic ākhir an-nahr, meaning "the end of the river". This is the name of the brightest star in the constellation Eridanus.
Achird Astronomy
In Astronomy it is a name of a star, otherwise known as η Cassiopeiae
Acrab Astronomy
Acrab is a name of a star in constellation Scorpius, also known as Beta Scorpii. Beta Scorpii bore the traditional names Acrab, Akrab or Elacrab, all deriving from the Arabic name (Arabic: العقرب‎) al-'Aqrab "the Scorpion"
Acrux Astronomy
Abbreviation of "Alpha Crucis", a star in the constellation Crux.
Acubens Astronomy
The traditional name of a star in the constellation Cancer. It's also known as the Alpha Cancri, α Cancri.
Adara f Astronomy
Variant of Adhara.
Adhafera f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic al-ðafīrah, meaning "braid, curl". This is the traditional name of the star Zeta Leonis in the constellation Leo.
Adhil f & m Astronomy
Derived from Arabic الذيل (að-ðayl) meaning "the train (of a garment)". This is the traditional name of several stars in the constellation Andromeda.
Aegir m Astronomy
Alternate form of Ægir, and one of Saturn’s moons.
Agena f Astronomy
Hadar and Agena are the traditional names of a star in the constellation Centaurus, also known as the Beta Centauri. It bore the traditional names Hadar and Agena... [more]
Aigokeros m Greek Mythology, Astronomy
Epithet of the Greek god Pan meaning "goat-horned", derived from Greek αἴξ (aix) "goat" and κέρας (keras) "horn". This is also the Greek name for the astrological sign of Capricorn.
Ain m & f Astronomy, Arabic
Means "eye" in Arabic. This is the traditional name of the star Epsilon Tauri in the constellation Taurus.
Ainalrami m & f Astronomy
Nu¹ and Nu² Sagittarii (together designated Nu Sagittarii) bore the traditional name Ain al Rami (Ainalrami), which is from the Arabic عين الرامي ʽain al-rāmī meaning "eye of the archer".
Akrab m Astronomy
Akrab is a name of a star in constellation Scorpius, also known as Beta Scorpii. Beta Scorpii bore the traditional names Acrab, Akrab or Elacrab, all deriving from the Arabic name (Arabic: العقرب‎) al-'Aqrab "the Scorpion"
Aladfar f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic al-’uz̧fur, meaning "the talons of the swooping eagle". This is the traditional name of the star Eta Lyrae in the constellation Lyra.
Alamak m Astronomy
Variant of Almach.
Alasia f Astronomy
Alasia is the name of the star HD 168746. The star is named after an ancient name for Cyprus.
Alathfar f Astronomy
This is the traditional name of a star in the constellation Lyra - Mu Lyrae. Its traditional name Alathfar comes from the Arabic الأظفار al-ʼaẓfār, meaning "the talons (of the swooping eagle)".
Albaldah m & f Astronomy
This is the official name of the star Pi Saggitarii. Albaldah was the traditional name of a star system. It comes from the Arabic بلدة bálda "the town".
Albali m & f Astronomy
This is the traditional name of the star Epsilon Aquarii. It comes from Arabic البالع (albāli‘), meaning "the swallower".
Albireo m Astronomy
This is the name of the star Beta Cygni.... [more]
Albulaan m Astronomy
This is the name of two stars in the constellation Aquarius: Mu Aquarii and Nu Aquarii. The name comes from an Arabic term al-bulaʽān (ألبولعان) meaning "the two swallowers".
Alchiba f & m Astronomy
This is the name of the star Alpha Corvi in the Corvus constellation. It bore the traditional names Al Chiba (Arabic ألخبا al-xibā meaning "tent") and Al Minliar, al Ghurab (Arabic منقار الغراب al-manxar al-ghurab) or Minkar al Ghurab.
Alcor m Astronomy
Alcor is a binary star system in the constellation of Ursa Major. Alcor was originally Arabic سها‎ Suhā/Sohā, meaning either the "forgotten" or "neglected" one.
Aldebaran m Astronomy, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Derived from Arabic الدبران (al-Dabarān) meaning "follower" (from دبر (dábar) "to turn one's back"). This is the name of the brightest star in the constellation Taurus, presumably so named because it appears to follow the Pleiades rightward across the night sky... [more]
Alderamin m & f Astronomy
This is the name of the star Alpha Cephei in the constellation Cepheus. It bore the traditional name Alderamin, a contraction of the Arabic phrase الذراع اليمين al-dhirā‘ al-yamīn, meaning "the right arm".
Aldhanab m Astronomy
This is the name of the star Gamma Gruis in the constellation Grus. The name Aldhanab comes from Al Dhanab, from the Arabic الذنب al-dhanab meaning "the tail (of the Southern Fish)".
Aldhibah f Astronomy
This is the traditional name of the star Zeta Draconis in the Draco constellation. Zeta Draconis has the old Arabic name الذئب al-dhiʼb "the wolf", given in its feminine form Al Dhiʼbah (ذئبة)
Aldulfin m Astronomy
This is the name of the star Epsilon Delphini in the constellation Delphinus.
Alfirk m Astronomy
This is the traditional name of the star Beta Cephei in the constellation Cepheus. The name is derived from the Arabic الفرقة al-firqah "the flock" (of sheep).
Algeneb m & f Astronomy
Variant of Algenib.
Algenib m & f Astronomy
This is the traditional name of the star Gamma Pegasi in the constellation Pegasus. The name Algenib comes from the Arabic al-janb, meaning “the side.”
Algieba m & f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic Al-Jabhah, meaning "the forehead". This is the traditional name of the star Gamma Leonis in the constellation Leo.
Algjebbah m Astronomy
The name of a star in Orion, also called Ensis.
Algol m Astronomy (Rare, Archaic)
Name of a star in the constellation Perseus. Derived from Arabic, meaning "Head of the Ghoul", direct translation in English is "Demon Star"
Algorab m Astronomy
This is the name of the star Delta Corvi in the constellation Corvus. It bore the traditional name Algorab derived from Arabic الغراب al-ghuraab, meaning "the crow".
Alhaud m Astronomy
According to the catalogue of stars in the Technical Memorandum 33-507 - A Reduced Star Catalog Containing 537 Named Stars, Al-Haud were the title for seven stars : f as Alhaud I, τ as Alhaud II, e as Alhaud III, h as Alhaud IV, this star (θ) as Alhaud V, υ as Alhaud VI and φ as Alhaud VII .
Alhena f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic الهنعه (al-Han'āh) "sign (on the neck of a camel)", this is the name of the third-brightest star in the constellation of Gemini.
Alioth m & f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic alyat, meaing "fat tail of a sheep". This is the traditional name of the star Epsilon Ursae Majoris in the constellation Ursa Major.
Alkaid m & f Filipino, Astronomy
Means "the leader", derived from Arabic قائد بنات نعش qā'id bināt naʿsh, meaning "leader of the daughters of the bier". This is the traditional name of the star Eta Ursae Majoris in the constellation Ursa Major.
Alkalurops m & f Astronomy
This is the name of Mu Boötis. The system's traditional name Alkalurops is from the Greek καλαύροψ kalaurops "a herdsman's crook or staff", with the Arabic prefix -al attached.
Alkes m & f Astronomy
This is the name of a star Alpha Crateris in the constellation Crater. It bore the traditional name Alkes, from the Arabic الكاس alkās or الكأس alka's meaning "the cup".
Alkeste f Astronomy
A name inspired by Alcestis, though it probably had more influence from the Greek version Greek Ἄλκηστις (Alkestis), meaning "defense, defensive strength, valour"... [more]
Alkirdah m Astronomy
The star Xi Cephei in the constellation Cepheus bore the traditional names Kurhah, Alkirdah or Alkurhah... [more]
Alkurhah m Astronomy
The star Xi Cephei in the constellation Cepheus bore the traditional names Kurhah, Alkirdah or Alkurhah... [more]
Almaach m Astronomy
Variant of Almach.
Almaack m Astronomy
Variant of Almach.
Almaak f Astronomy
Variant of Almach.
Almaaz m Astronomy
This is the name of the star Epsilon Aurigae in the Auriga constellation. The name comes from Arabic Al Maʽaz meaning "the billy goat".
Almach m Astronomy
The star Gamma Andromedae in the constellation Andromeda is called Almach. Almach was the traditional name (also spelt as Almaach, Almaack, Almak, Almaak, or Alamak), derived from the Arabic العناق (al-‘anāq), "the caracal" (desert lynx).
Almak m Astronomy
Variant of Almach.
Alnair f Astronomy
This is the name of Alpha Gruis in the constellation Grus. It bore the traditional name Alnair or Al Nair (sometimes Al Na'ir in lists of stars used by navigators), from the Arabic al-nayyir meaning "the bright one", itself derived from its Arabic name, al-nayyir min dhanab al-ḥūt (al-janūbiyy), meaning "the bright one from the (southern) fish's tail" (see Aldhanab).
Alnilam m & f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic an-niżām, meaning "string of pearls". This is a star in the constellation Orion.
Alnitak m & f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic an-niṭāq, meaning "the girdle". This is the name of a star in Orion.
Alniyat m & f Astronomy
Sigma Scorpii and Tau Scorpii together bore the traditional name Al Niyat (or Alniyat) derived from the Arabic النياط al-niyāţ "the arteries" and referring to their position flanking the star Antares, the scorpion's heart, with Sigma Scorpii just to the north.
Alphard m Astronomy
Derived from Arabic الفرد (al-fard) "the solitary one". Alphard is the brightest star in the constellation Hydra, with no other bright stars near it.
Alphecca f Astronomy
This is the traditional name of the star Alpha Coronae Australis. The name Alfecca, Alphecca or Alphekka is Arabic, short for نير الفكّة nayyir al-fakka "the bright (star) of the broken (ring of stars)".
Alpheratz f Astronomy, Filipino (Rare)
Derived from Arabic surrat al-faras ("the navel of the mare"). This is a traditional name of the star Alpha Andromedae in the constellation Andromeda.
Alrai m & f Astronomy
Gamma Cephei is a binary star system in the constellation Cepheus. The system bore a traditional name variously spelled as Errai, Er Rai or Alrai, deriving from the Arabic الراعي (ar-rā‘ī), meaning "the shepherd".
Alrescha f Astronomy
This is the name of a binary star system Alpha Piscium in the constellation Pisces. The system bore the traditional name Alrescha (alternatively Al Rescha, Alrischa, Alrisha) derived from the Arabic الرشآء al-rishā’ "the cord" and less commonly Kaitain and Okda, the latter from the Arabic عقدة ʽuqdah "knot".
Alsafi f Astronomy
This is the name of the star Sigma Draco is in the constellation Draco. It bore the traditional name Alsafi, derived from the Arabic Athāfi, itself erroneously transcribed from the Arabic plural Athāfiyy, meaning "the cooking tripods"... [more]
Alsciaukat m & f Astronomy
This is the name of the star 31 Lyncis. It bore the traditional names Alsciaukat, from Arabic الشوكة (aš-šawkat) meaning "the thorn" and Mabsuthat.
Alsephina f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic al-safīnah meaning "the ship". Alsephina, also known as Delta Velorum, is a triple star system that is a part of the constellation Vela.
Alya f Astronomy
The given name of the triple star system Theta Serpentis in the Serpens constellation.
Angetenar f Astronomy
Means "bend of the river" in Arabic. This is the traditional name of the star Tau 2 Eridani in the constellation Eridanus.
Aniara f Swedish (Modern, Rare), Literature, Astronomy
From Greek ἀνιαρός (aniarós) meaning "sad, despairing". The name was invented by Swedish author Harry Martinson for the space ship in his poem of science fiction 'Aniara: en revy om människan i tid och rum' published in 1956... [more]
Antevorta f Roman Mythology, Astronomy
Meaning uncertain. This was another name for the goddess Prorsa. It is also an alternative name for Gamma Virginis, a binary star system in the constellation of Virgo.
Antlia f Astronomy
From Greek ἀντλία (antlia) meaning "hold of a ship". Antlia is one of the constellations created by the French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the 18th century. He originally named it Antlia Pneumatica, or Machine Pneumatique in French, in honour of French physicist Denis Papin’s invention, the air pump.
Aquarius f & m Astronomy, English (Rare)
Means "water-carrier" or "cup-carrier" in Latin. This is a constellation in the zodiac, between Capricornus and Pisces.
Ardra f Hinduism, Astronomy
The name of the star the star Betelgeuse (α Ori) in Hinduism, meaning "green" or "the moist one". It is associated with Rudra, the god of wind, storms, the hunt, destruction and terror.
Arktouros m Astronomy, Biblical Greek
Original Greek form of Arcturus.
Arktur m Astronomy (Germanized)
German and Russian form of Arcturus.
Ascella f Astronomy
Late Latin for "armpit", related to the Indo-European root *aks meaning "axis". This is the name of the third brightest star in the constellation Sagittarius.
Ashlesha f Indian, Marathi, Astronomy
Means "embrace" in Sanskrit. In ancient Indian astronomy this was the name of Epsilon Hydrae, the northernmost star or star cluster in the constellation Hydra.
Atria f Astronomy
A star in the constellation Triangulum Australe
Auriga m Astronomy
Means "charioteer" in Latin. This is the name of a constellation in the northern sky, which is said to resemble a chariot and its driver.
Auva f Astronomy
Auva is the medieval name of Delta Virginis, a star in the zodiac constellation of Virgo. ... [more]
Avior f & m Astronomy
This name originated in the time of the Ancient Roman Empire. Although its direct origin is unknown, a close translation of the name is avian, from the Latin aviarius. Avior is also the name for Epsilon Carinae.
Azha m & f Astronomy
Means "the breeding place" in Arabic. This is the traditional name of the star Eta Eridani in the constellation Eridanus.
Bái-hǔ m & f Astronomy
Bái-Hǔ is a Xiang (象) one of the Four Symbols that include all the constellation of the Chinese System. Bái-Hǔ is known as The White Tiger of the West and is a mythological spirit creature linked with the west, the left and the fall/autumn season.
Basiliskos m Late Greek, Astronomy
Ancient Greek name meaning literally "little king", a diminutive of Basileios. This was also the Greek name for Regulus, a star in the constellation Leo.
Beemin m Astronomy
Variant of Theemin.
Beid m & f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic al baid, meaning "the (ostrich) egg". This is the traditional name of the star Omicron 1 Eridani in the constellation Eridanus.
Bestla f Norse Mythology, Astronomy
Bestla is a giantess in Norse Mythology. She is married to Borr and mother of Odin, Vili and ... [more]
Bételgeuse m & f Astronomy
French form of Betelgeuse.
Caelum m Astronomy
The name of a faint constellation in the southern sky, which is from Latin caelum meaning "heaven, sky" (compare Caelius) or (allegedly) "burin" (a tool for engraving on copper or other metals).
Canis m Astronomy
From the dog constellation "Canis Major", who who loyally follows its mythical master, Orion across the southern skies of winter.
Canopus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Astronomy
The name of the second-brightest star in the night sky. It is possibly derived from Greek Κάνωβος (Kanobos), of uncertain meaning, possibly related to Arabic جَنُوب (janub), meaning "south"... [more]
Capella f Astronomy
This is the brightest star in the constellation Auriga. Its name means "little she-goat" from Latin capra "she-goat" with a diminutive suffix. In Roman mythology the star represented the goat Amalthea.
Capricorn m Astronomy
From Latin Capricornus meaning "horned like a goat" (from caper, genitive capri "goat" and cornu "horn"), a loan-translation of Greek Aigokheros, the name of the constellation... [more]
Capricornus m Roman Mythology, Astronomy
Means "goat" in Latin. The name of one of the constellations of the zodiac.
Carpo f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Astronomy
Latinized form of Greek Καρπώ (Karpô), which is derived from Greek καρπόω (karpoô) "to bear fruit; to reap or enjoy fruit". In Greek mythology this was the name of one of the Horae or Seasons; Carpo was the goddess of autumn and of the harvest, that is, the fruits of summer... [more]
Chaldene f Astronomy, Greek Mythology
One of Jupiter's moons, named for a character in Greek mythology whose name is variously given as Chaldene, Caldene, Calchedonia, or Chalcea.
Crux m Astronomy
Latin for "cross". This is the name of a constellation in the southern hemisphere, commonly known as the Southern Cross.
Cursa m & f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic Al Kursiyy al Jauzah, meaning "the chair of the central one". This is the traditional name of the star Beta Eridani in the constellation Eridanus.
Cygnus m Astronomy
Cygnus is a northern constellation lying on the plane of the Milky Way, deriving its name from the Latinized Greek word for swan.
Cynosura f Astronomy, Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Κυνόσουρα (Kynosoura) which meant "dog's tail", a derivative of κύων (kyôn) "dog" (genitive κυνός (kynos)) and οὐρά (oura) "tail"... [more]
Cynosure f Astronomy
From the Ancient Greek elements κυνός (kunós) “dog's” and οὐρά (ourá) meaning “tail”. This is an alternate name for Ursa Minor.
Dath Elkarti f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic Al Dhāt al Kursiyy, meaning "the lady in the chair". Dath Elkarti is another name for Schedar.
Delphinus m Astronomy
Means "dolphin" in Latin. Delphinus is a constellation of a dolphin located on the northern sky near the celestial equator.
Dilyéhé f Navajo (?), Astronomy
Means "planting stars" in Navajo. This is the Navajo name of the star cluster known in English as the Pleiades.
Diphda f Astronomy
From Arabic ضِفْدَع‎ (ḍifda') "frog", taken from the phrase ضفدع الثاني (aḍ-ḍifdaʿ aṯ-ṯānī) meaning "the second frog". This is the name of a star in the constellation Cetus.
Dipper m Astronomy
The Dipper mansion () is one of the Twenty-eight mansions of the Chinese constellations. It is one of the northern mansions of the Black Tortoise. It corresponds to Sagittarius and is shaped like the Big Dipper, also refers temple in the sky or the snake-shaped basalt... [more]
Dorado m Astronomy
From Spanish dorar "to gild, to cover in gold". Dorado is one of the constellations created by Dutch explorers in the 16th century. It represents the dolphinfish.
Dubhe f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic دُبّ (dubb) meaning "bear", taken from the phrase ظهر الدب الاكبر (ẓahr ad-dubb al-ʾakbar) meaning "the back of the greater bear". This is one of the traditional names for the star Alpha Ursae Majoris, in the constellation Ursa Major.
Eggther m Astronomy
Alternate spelling of Eggþór, and the name of one of Saturn’s moons.
Elacrab m Astronomy
Elacrab is a name of a star in constellation Scorpius, also known as Beta Scorpii. Beta Scorpii bore the traditional names Acrab, Akrab or Elacrab, all deriving from the Arabic name (Arabic: العقرب‎) al-'Aqrab "the Scorpion"
Eltanin f & m Astronomy
Derived from Arabic Al Ras al Tinnin, meaning "the dragon's head". This is one of the traditional names of the star Gamma Draconis in the constellation Draco.
Ensis m & f Astronomy
Means "sword" in Latin. This is the name of a star in Orion, also known as Saiph and Algjebbah.
Eridani f & m Spanish (Mexican, Rare), American (Hispanic, Rare), Astronomy
Epsilon Eridani is the fifth-brightest star in Eridanus, a constellation in the southern sky.
Eridanus m Astronomy, Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Eridanos. This is the name of a constellation in the southern hemisphere named for a river god in Greek mythology.
Erinome f Astronomy
Form of Erinoma used for one of Jupiter's moons. In Greek mythology, Erinoma (or Erinona, Erittoma) was a Cypriot woman, daughter of Celes, with whom the god Jupiter fell in love. The story is only known in Latin, and the original Greek name of the character might have been Eurynome.
Errai m & f Astronomy
Gamma Cephei is a binary star system in the constellation Cepheus. The system bore a traditional name variously spelled as Errai, Er Rai or Alrai, deriving from the Arabic الراعي (ar-rā‘ī), meaning "the shepherd".
Eukelade f Greek Mythology, Astronomy
The name of one of Jupiter's moons. It was named in 2005, allegedly after a mythological character described by some Greek writers as one of the Muses.
Euporie f Greek Mythology (?), Astronomy
A form of Euporia. A moon of Jupiter bears this name in honour of Euporia or Euporie, the Greek goddess of abundance and one of the third generation of Horai.
Fornax f Roman Mythology, Astronomy
Means "furnace, oven" in Latin. This was the name of the Roman goddess of baking. She ensured that the heat of ovens did not get hot enough to burn the corn or bread. The name also belongs to a constellation in the southern celestial hemisphere, named for the Roman goddess.
Fornjot m Norse Mythology (Anglicized), Astronomy
Anglicized form of Fornjótr. One of the moons of Saturn bears this name.
Gǃkúnǁʼhòmdímà f San Mythology, Astronomy
Meaning "young female aardvark", ultimately derived from Jul'hoan particles gǃkún meaning "aardvark", ǁʼhòm mà meaning "young woman" and the feminine suffix .... [more]
Gǃòʼé ǃHú f San Mythology, Astronomy
Means "oryx horn", ultimately derived from Jul'hoan gǃòʼé meaning "oryx" and ǃhú meaning "horn". It is named after Gǃkúnǁʼhòmdímà's horn... [more]
Gridr f Astronomy
Alternate spelling of Gríðr, and one of Saturn’s moons.
Gunnlod f Astronomy
Alternate form of Gunnlǫð, and one of Saturn’s moons.
Hamal m Astronomy
Derived from the Arabic راس الحمل (rās al-ħamal) meaning "head of the ram". The brightest star in the Aries constellation.
Haumėja f Astronomy, Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Haumea.
Helike f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek, Astronomy
Means "something that winds; crack willow (species Salix fragilis)" in Greek. Compare the masculine form Helix.... [more]
Herculina f Astronomy
Possibly intended as a feminine form of the name Hercules. ... [more]
Hikoboshi m Japanese, Astronomy, Japanese Mythology
This is the name of the star Altair in Japan. It literally means "Boy, Male Star". He's a mythological figure where he and his wife, Orihime (the Vega star), meet once every year on the 7th day of the 7th month... [more]
Hokule'a f & m Hawaiian, Astronomy
Hōkūleʻa is Hawaiian for “Star of Gladness” or “Clear Star”. The western name of this star is Arcturus. Hōkūleʻa is the brightest in the northern hemisphere and it is Hawaii’s zenith star... [more]
Hyades f Astronomy
From Greek Ὑάδες (Hyades) which is probably derived from ὗς (hys) meaning "swine", though folk etymology connects it to ὕειν (hyein) "to rain". This is the name of a V-shaped cluster of seven stars in the head of the constellation Taurus, held by the ancients to indicate rainy weather when they rose with the sun... [more]
Isagel f Swedish (Rare), Literature, Astronomy
Isagel is a fictional character and spaceship pilot appearing in Swedish author Harry Martinson's poem of science fiction 'Aniara', published in 1956. Isagel is also the name of an exoplanet (HD 102956 b) orbiting the star Aniara (HD 102956).
Járnsaxa f Norse Mythology, Astronomy
From Old Norse járn "iron" and sax "dagger, short sword".... [more]
ǂKá̦gára m San Mythology, Astronomy
Meaning unknown. In the San mythology, he existed along with his brother-in-law ǃHãunu, which they both fought with lightning that causes massive storms... [more]
Keid m Astronomy
The common name for Omicron2 Eridani, or 40 Eridani, a triple star system in the constellation Eridanus. In the TV series Star Trek, 40 Eridani is the location of the planet Vulcan, home of Mr Spock... [more]
Kio m Astronomy
The ancient Chinese name for Spica, the common name for Alpha Virginis, a blue giant binary star and the brightest in the constellation Virgo. From the Chinese for "horn, spike", as it is seen as "the horn of Jupiter"... [more]
Kochab f Astronomy
Possibly from Arabic الكوكب (al-kawkab) or Hebrew כוכב (kokhav) meaning "star". This is the name of the second brightest star (after Polaris) in the constellation Ursa Minor.
Kurhah m Astronomy
The star Xi Cephei in the constellation Cepheus bore the traditional names Kurhah, Alkirdah or Alkurhah.... [more]
Lacerta f Astronomy
Means "lizard" in Latin (the feminine form of lacertus). Lacerta is the name of a constellation created in 1687 by the astronomer Johannes Hevelius. It is located between Cygnus, Cassiopeia and Andromeda on the northern celestial sphere... [more]
Laniakea f & m Hawaiian, Astronomy
The name Laniakea means "immeasurable heaven" in Hawaiian, from "lani" for 'heaven' and "akea" for 'spacious' or 'immeasurable'. Laniakea is the galaxy supercluster that is home to the Milky Way, the Solar System and Earth... [more]
Lerna f Astronomy
A star in the constellation Hydra. Named after the lake Lerna where the mythological Hydra lived.
Libra f Astronomy, English (Rare)
From the name of a zodiacal constellation shaped like a set of scales, derived from Latin libra meaning "scales, balance".
Lleó m Catalan, Astronomy
Catalan form of Leo as well as the Catalan name for Leo, the constellation of the zodiac. The name coincides with Catalan lleó "lion".
Loge m Norse Mythology, Astronomy
Variant of Logi. He is a fire giant from Norse mythology, son of Fornjot, sometimes confused with the god Loki... [more]
Lynx m Astronomy
Lynx is a constellation in the northern sky, introduced in the 17th century by Johannes Hevelius. It is named after the lynx, a genus of cats.
Mabsuthat m & f Astronomy
This was the traditional name of the star 31 Lyncis in the constellation Lynx. The name derives from Arabic المبسوطة (al-mabsūtah) meaning "the outstretched (paw)".
Magalona f Gascon, Provençal, Astronomy
Diminutive of Margarida via the variant Margalida. It is also one of the Occitan names for the planet Venus and the Occitan name of the city of Maguelone.
Megaclite f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Astronomy
Latinized form of Greek Μεγακλειτή (Megakleite), possibly derived from the Greek adjective μέγας (megas) "great, large, mighty" combined with κλειτός (kleitos) "celebrated, famous, illustrious" (compare Megakles)... [more]
Meissa f Western African, Astronomy
Variant of Maïssa; from Arabic maḥīṣ meaning "shining, glittering". This is also the traditional name of Lambda Orionis, a star in the Orion constellation.
Menkar m Astronomy
From Arabic منخر (manħar) "nostril" This is the name of a star in the constellation Cetus.
Merak m & f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic al-maraqq, meaning "the loins (of the bear)". This is the traditional name of the star Beta Ursae Majoris, in the constellation Ursa Major.
Minelauva f Astronomy
Traditional name in the middle ages for the star Delta Virginis in the constellation Virgo. It derives from the Arabic من العواء or min al-ʽawwāʼ, meaning "in the lunar mansion of ʽawwaʼ" (see Auva).
Mintaka f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic manṭaqa, meaning "the belt". This is a star in the constellation Orion.
Mizar f & m Astronomy
Name of a star in the constellation Ursa Major. Derives from Arabic mīzar, meaning "waistband; girdle".
Nakshatra m & f Indian (Rare), Hindi (Rare), Astronomy
From Sanskrit नक्षत्र (nákṣatra) meaning "star," used as a term for a lunar mansion in Hindu astrology.
Naos m Astronomy, Ancient Greek
From Ancient Greek ναύς meaning "ship". It is a traditional name of the star Zeta Puppis. The star originally belonged to the former constellation Argo Navis, depicting the mythical ship of the Argonauts, but the ship has now been divided into three distinct constellations, with Puppis representing the stern of the ship.
Nashira f Astronomy
Nashira, also known as Gamma Capricorni, is a bright star in the constellation of Capricornus. ... [more]
Nebula f Astronomy, Popular Culture
Means "mist, fog, vapor" in Latin, ultimately from the Proto-Indo-European root *nebh- "cloud". In astronomy, a nebula is an interstellar cloud of gas and dust where stars are formed. ... [more]
Neso f Greek Mythology, Astronomy
Derived from Greek νῆσος (nêsos) meaning "island". In Greek mythology this name was borne by one of the Nereids. A moon of Neptune bears this name in her honour.
Orthosie f Astronomy, Greek Mythology
Variant of Orthosia borne by one of Jupiter's moons.
Otava m Finnish, Finnish Mythology, Astronomy
Means "salmon net" from an Ancient Finnish word sometimes used also to mean "bear" or "wheel". ... [more]
Paaliaq m Inuit Mythology, Astronomy, Popular Culture
Paaliaq is a satellite of Saturn. It was named after a giant from the Inuit Mythology. This name was used by writer Michael Kusugak for the fictional shaman in the book 'The Curse of the Shaman' (2006).
Phaëthusa f Astronomy
The name of an asteroid pertaining to the Main belt in the Solar System. It is named after the mythological character Phaethousa.
Pisces m & f Astronomy
From the name of the zodiacal constellation shaped like a pair of fish, derived from the plural form of Latin piscis meaning "fish". This is the name of the twelfth sign of the zodiac.
Pleiades m & f Greek Mythology, Astronomy
Name of a star cluster, likely meaning "to sail", from the ancient Greek 'plein'. Also used in Greek mythology, the Pleiades were the seven daughters of Pleione and Atlas, thus meaning "daughters of Pleione".
Polana f Astronomy
From the name of an asteroid discovered by Johann Palisa which was named after the city of Pola where he made the discovery.
Polaris f & m Astronomy, Popular Culture, English (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Latin stella polaris, meaning "pole star". This is the proper Latin name of the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor, commonly called the North Star or Pole Star. It is borne by a character (real name Lorna Dane) in Marvel's X-Men line of comics, created in 1968.
Pompeja f Astronomy
The name of an asteroid, named after the Roman town of Pompeii, which was destroyed due to a volcanic eruption.
Porrima f Roman Mythology, Astronomy
Meaning unknown. This was another name for the goddess Prorsa. It is also the name for Gamma Virginis, a binary star system in the constellation of Virgo.
Pyxis m Astronomy
Pyxis is a small and faint constellation in the southern sky. Abbreviated from Pyxis Nautica, its name is Latin for a mariner's compass (contrasting with Circinus, which represents a draftsman's compasses)... [more]
Rasalas m Astronomy
The name Rasalas is the name of a star in the constellation Leo. The name comes from the Arabic phrase "Ras Elased Borealis", which translates to "northern part of Leo's head".
Rastaban m Astronomy
Traditional name for Beta Draconis, the third brightest star in the Draco constellation. The name comes from Arabic ra's ath-thu'ban, which means "head of the serpent".
Sagitta f Ancient Roman, Astronomy, Swedish (Rare)
Means "arrow" in Latin. ... [more]
Sagittarius m Astronomy
Means "archer" in Latin. It is the name of one of the constellations of the zodiac, commonly represented as a centaur drawing a bow, derived from its representation in Greek mythology.
Saiph m Astronomy
Variant of Saif. This is the traditional name of Kappa Orionis, a blue star in the constellation Orion.
Sceptrum m & f Astronomy
Means "sceptre" in Latin. This is the traditional name of the star 53 Eridani in the constellation Eridanus.
Schedar f Astronomy
Derives from the Arabic word şadr, meaning "breast" (referring to the star's placement near the "heart" of the constellation). This is the traditional name of the star Alpha Cassiopeiae in the constellation Cassiopeia.... [more]
Sextans m & f Astronomy
Sextans is one of the constellations introduced by the Polish astronomer Johannes Hevelius. It represents the astronomical sextant. Hevelius named the constellation after the sextant he used to measure star positions... [more]
Sheliak m Astronomy
Derived from Arabic الشلياق (šiliyāq) meaning "tortoise". This is the name of the second brightest star in the constellation Lyra. A tortoise shell often formed the body of the lyre, an ancient type of harp; and according to some sources, sheliak translates from the Greek as "harp".
Siarnaq f Astronomy
An alternate name for Sedna, and one of Saturn’s moons.
Skathi f Astronomy
Anglicised variant of Skaði, the name of one of Saturn’s moons.
Skrymir m Astronomy, Norse Mythology
The name of a giant from Norse Mythology, also known as Útgarða-Loki. A moon of Saturn was named after him.
Tarqeq m Astronomy
Alternate spelling of Tarĸik, an Inuit god of the moon. A moon of Saturn was named after him.
Tarvos m Celtic Mythology (Latinized), Astronomy
The name of a Gaulish god depicted as a bull with three cranes on his back.
Theemin f & m Astronomy
Possibly a corrupted form of Arabic al thalim, meaning "the ostrich". This is a star in the constellation Eridanus.
Therion m Ancient Greek, Astronomy
Means "beast; wild animal" in Ancient Greek. ... [more]
Thiazzi m Astronomy
Anglicised form of Þjazi, and the name of one of Saturn’s moons.
Thrymr m Norse Mythology (Anglicized), Astronomy
Anglicized form of Old Norse Þrymr (see Trym). Thrymr is the name of one of Saturn's moons.
Tucana f Astronomy
Tucana is one of the southern constellations created by Dutch explorers in the late 16th century. It was named after the toucan, a type of bird found in South America.
Tuiren f Irish (Modern, Rare), Astronomy
Meaning unknown. Tuiren was a character in The Birth of Bran, a story in the book Irish Fairy Tales, written by James Stephens. A star has been named after her.
Véineas f Astronomy, Roman Mythology
Irish form of Venus. It does not appear to be in use as an Irish given name.
Vindemiatrix f Astronomy
Means "(female) grape harvester" in Latin. This is the name of the third brightest star in the constellation Virgo, and is so named because it rises in early autumn, the beginning of the wine harvesting season.
Wezen m Astronomy
Derived from Arabic al-wazn, meaning "weight". This is the traditional name of the star Delta Canis Majoris in the constellation Canis Major.
Xuán-wǔ m & f Chinese, Astronomy
Xuán-Wǔ is a Xiang (象) one of the four Symbols that include all the constellations of Chinese System. Xuán-Wǔ is known as Black Tortoise or Black Turtle in English but Black Warrior in Chinese... [more]
Zaniah f Astronomy, English (Rare)
Presumably derived from Arabic زاوية (zāwiyah) "corner" (though Alhazen claimed that this word meant "harlot"). This was the medieval name for Eta Virginis, a star in the constellation Virgo.
Zaurak m Astronomy
Means "the boat". This is the traditional name of the star Gamma Eridani in the constellation Eridanus.
Zhū-què m & f Chinese, Astronomy
Zhū-Què is a Xiang (象) one of the four Symbols that include all the constellations of Chinese System. Zhū-Què is known as Vermillion Bird of the South and is a pheasant with a multicolour piumage covered by flames... [more]
Zibal m Astronomy
Means "ostrich nest" or "hatching place" in Arabic. This is the traditional name of the star Zeta Eridani in the constellation Eridanus.
Zosma f Astronomy
The alternate name of Delta Leonis, one of the stars in the constellation Leo. Zosma means "girdle" in Ancient Greek, referring to the star's location in its constellation, on the hip of the lion.