Chinese Submitted Names

Chinese names are used in China and in Chinese communities throughout the world. Note that depending on the Chinese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here. See also about Chinese names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
A m Chinese
Derived from the Chinese character 阿 (ā, à) referred to a prefix used in front of the last character of someone’s given name to express familiarity or friendliness (traditionally used in rural or southern Chinese dialects)... [more]
A-fu 阿福 f Chinese
Variant transcription of 阿福 (see Afu).... [more]
Afu 阿福 m & f Chinese
Combination of the Chinese characters 阿 (see A) and 福 (see Fu) perhalps an honorific name referred to the deity who gives prosperity and blessings.... [more]
Ah Kum f Chinese
Means “good as gold” in Chinese.
Ah Lam f Chinese
Means “forest, orchard” with the prefix Ah.
Aiba 蔼芭 f Chinese
From the Chinese 蔼 (ǎi) meaning "lush, affable, friendly" and 芭 (bā) meaning "banana palm, fragrant".
Aibing 爱兵, 爱冰 m & f Chinese
From Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" combined with 兵 (bīng) meaning "weapon, army" or 冰 (bīng) "ice, iced", along with other character combinations that can form this name.
Aicao 蔼草 f Chinese
From the Chinese 蔼 (ǎi) meaning "lush, affable, friendly" and 草 (cǎo) meaning "grass".
Aichen 蔼晨, 蔼琛 f Chinese
From the Chinese 蔼 (ǎi) meaning "lush, affable, friendly" and 晨 (chén) meaning "early morning, daybreak" or 琛 (chēn) meaning "treasure".
Aichun 瑷淳 f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" and 淳 (chún) meaning "honest, simple".
Aici 蔼慈 f Chinese
From the Chinese 蔼 (ǎi) meaning "lush, affable, friendly" and 慈 (cí) meaning "kind, loving".
Aida 爱大 f Chinese
Combination of Ai 2 and Da.
Aifang 爱芳, 蔼方 f & m Chinese (Modern)
Combination of Ai 2 and Fang.
Aifei 爱菲 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 菲 (fēi) meaning "fragrant, luxuriant".
Aifen 爱芬, 蔼奋 f & m Chinese (Modern)
Combination of Ai 2 and Fen 1.
Aiguo 爱国, 愛國 m Chinese (Modern)
Modern Chinese name derived from 爱 (ài) meaning “love, affection” combined with 国 (guó) meaning “country, nation”.
Aihai f Chinese
Means the sea of love. Combination of ai which means love and hai which means sea. The meaning of the name is "the sea of love".
Aihan 爱含 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 含 (hán) meaning "cherish, contain".
Aihe 爱荷 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 荷 (hé) meaning "lotus, water lily".
Aihong 方爱红, 爱虹, 蔼鸿 f & m Chinese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Ai 2 and Hong.
Aihua 瑷华 f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" and 华 (huá) meaning "prosperous, splendid, flowery, illustrious".
Aihui 爱慧, 霭惠 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" or 霭 (ǎi) meaning "cloudy sky, haze, calm" and 慧 (huì) meaning "bright, intelligent" or 惠 (huì) meaning "benefit, favour, kindness".
Ai-jen f Chinese
A notable bearer is Ai-jen Poo. She's a labor activist, and the founder of the NDWA.
Aiji 蔼玑 f Chinese
From the Chinese 蔼 (ǎi) meaning "lush, affable, friendly" and 玑 (jī) meaning "pearl that is not quite round".
Aijia 爱嘉 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 嘉 (jiā) meaning "fine, good, auspicious, excellent".
Aijiao 瑷交 f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" and 交 (jiāo) meaning "associate with, join, meet, mix, intersect".
Aijin 瑷锦 f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" and 锦 (jǐn) meaning "bright and beautiful, brocade, tapestry, embroidery".
Aijiong 嫒炯 f Chinese
From the Chinese 嫒 (ài) meaning "daughter" and 炯 (jiǒng) meaning "bright, brilliant".
Aiju 嫒菊 f Chinese
From the Chinese 嫒 (ài) meaning "daughter" and 菊 (jú) meaning "chrysanthemum".
Aijuan 叆娟 f Chinese
From the Chinese characters 叆 (ài) meaning "cloudy sky; dark, obscure" and 娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful; graceful".
Ailan 爱兰, 蔼岚 f & m Chinese
Combination of Ai 2 and Lan 1.
Ailian 嫒莲 f Chinese
From the Chinese 嫒 (ài) meaning "daughter" and 莲 (lián) meaning "lotus, water lily".
Ailin 爱琳, 蔼林 f & m Chinese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Ai 2 and Lin.
Ailing 瑷泠, 瑷玲, 嫒灵, 嫒泠 f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" or 嫒 (ài) meaning "daughter" and 泠 (líng) meaning "nice and cool", 玲 (líng) meaning "tinkling of jade" or 灵 (líng) meaning "spirit, soul".
Ailong 瑷茏, 爱隆 f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" or 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 茏 (lóng) meaning "tall grass" or 隆 (lóng) meaning "prosperous, plentiful, abundant".
Ailuan 爱銮 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 銮 (luán) meaning "bells".
Ailuen 艾露恩 f Chinese
Ai meaning love in Chinese (愛). Namesake also refers to the Ailuen in C.O.R.E. Mythology, a young girl spotted playing french horn at the top of a mountain until she was knocked down by the sun god for her over-radience.
Aimei 嫒美, 嫒梅, 蔼枚 f Chinese
From the Chinese 嫒 (ài) meaning "daughter" or 蔼 (ǎi) meaning "lush, affable, friendly" and 美 (měi) meaning "beauty, beautiful", 梅 (méi) meaning "plum" or 枚 (méi) meaning "stalk, trunk".
Aina 爱娜, 蔼娜 f Chinese
Combination of Ai 2 and Na.
Aineng 爱能 f Chinese
Combination of Ai 2 and Neng.
Aining 嫒宁, 爱宁 f Chinese
From the Chinese 嫒 (ài) meaning "(your) daughter" or 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 宁 (níng) meaning "peaceful, calm".
Ainiu 爱妞 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 妞 (niū) meaning "girl".
Aipeng 爱朋 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 朋 (péng) meaning "friend".
Aiping 爱萍, 爱平, 愛萍, 愛平 f & m Chinese
From Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love, affection" combined with 萍 (píng) meaning "wander, travel, duckweed" or 平 (píng) meaning "level, even, peaceful"... [more]
Aiqian 瑷谦 f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" and 谦 (qiān) meaning "humble, modest".
Aiqin 爱勤 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 勤 (qín) meaning "industrious, diligent, attentive".
Aiqing 蔼清, 爱青, 爱清 f Chinese
This name could be made with 爱 (Ai) meaning "Love, Affection" or 蔼 (Ai) meaning "Friendly, Lush" and 青 (Qing) meaning "Blue, Green, Young" or 清 (Qing) meaning "Clear, Clean, District, Quiet, the Dynasty, completely, thoroughly"... [more]
Airan 爱然, 爱燃 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 然 (rán) meaning "yes, certainly" or "pledge, promise" or 燃 (rán) meaning "burn, ignite".
Airu 皑如 f Chinese
From the Chinese characters 皑 (ái) meaning "brilliant white" and 如 (rú) meaning "like".
Airui 爱睿, 蔼睿 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" or 蔼 (ǎi) meaning "lush, affable, friendly" and 睿 (ruì) meaning "shrewd, astute, clever".
Aishan 爱珊 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 珊 (shān) meaning "coral".
Aishao 瑷劭 f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" and 劭 (shào) meaning "encourage, excel, excellent".
Aishi 嫒诗 f Chinese
From the Chinese 嫒 (ài) meaning "daughter" and 诗 (shī) meaning "poem, poetry".
Aishu 爱淑 f Chinese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Ai 2 and Shu.
Aishuang 爱霜 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 霜 (shuāng) meaning "frost".
Aishufen 爱淑芬 f & m Chinese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Ai 2 and Shufen.
Aisuo 爱索 f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 索 (suǒ) meaning "rope", "laws, rules" or "search, inquire, demand".
Aitai 爱泰 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 泰 (tài) meaning "great, superior, exalted".
Aitang 爱棠 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 棠 (táng) meaning "wild plums".
Aitao 爱桃 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 桃 (táo) meaning "peach, marriage".
Aitian 爱恬 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 恬 (tián) meaning "quiet, calm, tranquil".
Aitiao 爱窕 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 窕 (tiǎo) meaning "slender, charming, quiet and modest".
Aiting 霭婷, 霭汀, 瑷婷 f Chinese
From the Chinese characters 霭 (ǎi) meaning "cloudy sky, haze; calm, peaceful" or 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" and 婷 (tíng) meaning "pretty; attractive; graceful" or 汀 (tīng) meaning "sandbar, beach, bank, shore".
Aiwan 爱婉, 爱晚, 蔼菀 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" or 蔼 (ǎi) meaning "lush, affable, friendly" and 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial", 晚 (wǎn) meaning "night, evening" or 菀 (wǎn) meaning "luxuriance of growth".
Aiwei 爱维, 爱薇 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 维 (wéi) meaning "maintain, preserve" or 薇 (wēi) meaning "fern".
Aiwen 瑷玟, 瑷雯, 嫒雯 f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" or 嫒 (ài) meaning "daughter" and 玟 (wén) meaning "streaks in jade" or 雯 (wén) meaning "cloud patterns".
Aixi 瑷禧, 瑷熙, 瑷希 f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" and 禧 (xǐ) meaning "happiness, congratulations", 熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious" or 希 (xī) meaning "hope, expect, rare".... [more]
Aixia 叆霞, 瑷霞 f Chinese
From the Chinese characters 叆 (ài) meaning "cloudy sky; dark, obscure" or 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" and 霞 (xiá) meaning "rosy clouds".
Aixian 叆娴, 瑷纤 f Chinese
From the Chinese characters 叆 (ài) meaning "cloudy sky; dark, obscure" or 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" and 娴 (xián) meaning "elegant, refined; skillful" or 纤 (xiān) meaning "fine, delicate, graceful".
Aixiao 蔼肖 f Chinese
From the Chinese 蔼 (ǎi) meaning "lush, affable, friendly" and 肖 (xiào) meaning "look like, be like".
Aixin 爱心, 嫒馨, 嫒欣, 蔼欣 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love", 嫒 (ài) meaning "daughter" or 蔼 (ǎi) meaning "lush, affable, friendly" and 心 (xīn) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance" or 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous".
Aixinga 愛星阿 m Manchu, Chinese
The name of a famous Manchu military general belonging to the Šumuru clan of nobility.
Aixu 爱煦 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 煦 (xù) meaning "kind, gentle, gracious".
Aixue 嫒雪 f Chinese
From the Chinese 嫒 (ài) meaning "daughter" and 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow".
Aixun 爱寻 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 寻 (xún) meaning "seek, search, look for".
Aiyan 蔼艳, 爱艳, 爱岩 f Chinese
From Chinese 蔼 (ai) meaning "friendly, lush", or 爱 (ai) meaning "love, affection" and 艳 (yan) meaning "beautiful, gorgeous" or 岩 (yan) meaning "rocks, cliff". Other hanzi combinations can form this name.
Aiye 爱烨 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 烨 (yè) meaning "bright, glorious", "firelight, flame".
Aiying 霭萤 f Chinese
From the Chinese characters 霭 (ǎi) meaning "cloudy sky, haze; calm, peaceful" and 萤 (yíng) meaning "glow-worm".
Aiyu 爱羽, 瑷瑜, 瑷羽 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" or 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" and 羽 (yǔ) meaning "feather" or 瑜 (yú) meaning "fine jade, virtues".
Aiyuan 嫒原, 爱园, 爱缘 f Chinese
From the Chinese 嫒 (ài) meaning "daughter" or 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 原 (yuán) meaning "source, origin, beginning", 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard" or 缘 (yuán) meaning "hem, margin; reason, cause; fate".
Aiyun 蔼云 f & m Chinese (Modern)
Combination of the names Ai 2 and Yun
Aizan 蔼赞 f & m Chinese (Modern)
Combination of Ai 2 and Zan.
Aizhen 叆珍 f Chinese
From the Chinese 叆 (ài) meaning "cloudy sky; dark, obscure" and 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare".
Aizheng 爱峥, 愛生 m & f Chinese (Rare)
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" combined with 峥 (zhēng) meaning "high, noble". Other character combinations are possible.
Aizhi 爱枝, 爱芷 f Chinese
From the Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love" and 枝 (zhī) meaning "branches" and 芷 (zhǐ) meaning "angelica, iris".
Alan 阿兰, 阿岚 f & m Chinese
Combination of Ah and Lan 1.
Alian 阿理安, 阿立安, 阿黎安, 阿力安, 阿丽安 m & f Chinese (Modern, Rare)
Chinese form of Arian or Aryan or a combination of the names Ah, Li 1 and An 1.
A-lin f Chinese
Nickname for 黄丽玪 (huáng lì lín), 黄 meaning yellow, 丽 meaning beauty and 玪 meaning tinkling, A-Lin is also a stage name of a talented Chinese songstress.
Alin m Siberian, Chinese, Manchu
Means "mountain" in Manchu.
Alina 阿丽娜 f Chinese
Combination of Ah , Li 1 and Na.
Alingga 阿靈阿 m Manchu, Chinese
Ami 阿蜜, 阿米 f Chinese
From Chinese 阿 (ā) meaning "flatter" combined with 蜜 (mì) meaning "honey, nectar; sweet" or 米 (mǐ) meaning "rice; meter". Other characters combinations are also possible.
Amoe f Hawaiian, Chinese (Cantonese)
Hawaiian form of the Cantonese Amoy (Ah Mooi), meaning "younger sister".
Anbao 安宝 m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure; precious, rare".
Anben 安本 m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 本 (běn) meaning "root, origin".
Anbian 岸边 m Chinese
From the Chinese 岸 (àn) meaning "beach, shore" and 边 (biān) meaning "edge, border, side, margin".
Anbiao 安表 m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 表 (biǎo) meaning "watch, surface; show, display".
Anbin 岸滨 m Chinese
From the Chinese 岸 (àn) meaning "beach, shore" and 滨 (bīn) meaning "beach, coast, river bank".
Anchan 安婵 f Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful" and 婵 (chán) meaning "beautiful, lovely".
Anchao 岸潮 m Chinese
From the Chinese 岸 (àn) meaning "beach, shore" and 潮 (cháo) meaning "tide".
Ancheng 岸成 m Chinese
From the Chinese 岸 (àn) meaning "beach, shore" and 成 (chéng) meaning "become, succeed" or "completed, finished".
Anda 安大 f Chinese
Combination of An 1 and Da.
Andalei 安大磊, 安达蕾 f & m Chinese
Combination of An 1 , Da and Lei 2 .
Andong 安东, 安栋 m Chinese
Combination of the names An 1 and Dong, and the Chinese form of Anton.
Anfang 安方 m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 方 (fāng) meaning "direction, power".
Anfu 安富 m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 富 (fù) meaning "abundant; rich, wealthy".
Ang m Chinese
Transferred use of the surname Ang, which is an Hokkien and Teochew romanization of the Chinese surnames Wang (汪, Wāng) and Hong (洪, Hóng).... [more]
Angbei 昂杯 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 杯 (bēi) meaning "cup, trophey".
Angdi 昂迪 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 迪 (dí) meaning "enlighten, advance, progress".
Angfan 昂藩 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 藩 (fān) meaning "fence, boundary, border".
Anggui 昂贵 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 贵 (guì) meaning "expensive, valuable".
Anghao 昂昊 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 昊 (hào) meaning "summertime" or "sky, heaven".
Angheng 昂亨 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 亨 (hēng) meaning "smoothly; progressing".
Angjian 昂坚 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 坚 (jiān) meaning "hard, firm, strong, resolute".
Angjiong 昂炅 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 炅 (jiǒng) meaning "brilliance".
Angjue 昂爵 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 爵 (jué), a feudal title or rank of nobility.
Angjun 昂俊, 昂军 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 俊 (jùn) meaning "talented, capable; handsome" or 军 (jūn) meaning "army, military, soldier".
Angkun 昂昆 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 昆 (kūn) meaning "elder brother".
Anglei 昂磊 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 磊 (lěi) meaning "pile of rocks" or "great".
Angran 昂燃 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 燃 (rán) meaning "burn, light fire, ignite".
Angshun 昂顺 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 顺 (shùn) meaning "obey".
Anguang 岸光 m Chinese
From the Chinese 岸 (àn) meaning "beach, shore" and 光 (guāng) meaning "light, brilliant, shine".
Angwen 昂文 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 文 (wén) meaning "literature, culture, writing".
Angxiao 昂孝 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 孝 (xiào) meaning "filial piety, obedience".
Angxing 昂星 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 星 (xīng) meaning "star, planet, point of light".
Angyang 昂扬, 昂阳 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 扬 (yáng) meaning "scatter, spread" or "praise" or 阳 (yáng) meaning "male; light, sun".
Angye 昂烨 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 烨 (yè) meaning "bright, glorious, splendid; firelight, flame".
Angying 昂鹰 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 鹰 (yīng) meaning "eagle, hawk, falcon".
Angyu 昂雨 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain".
Angzhen 昂臻 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 臻 (zhēn) meaning "attain, reach" or "utmost, superior".
Angzhuo 昂卓 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 卓 (zhuō) meaning "profound, brilliant, lofty".
Angzuo 昂作 m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 作 (zuò) meaning "make, work, write, compose".
Anhang 安航 m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 航 (háng) meaning "boat; sail, navigate".
Anhao 安皓 m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 皓 (hào) meaning "bright, luminous, clear".
Anhe 安赫 m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 赫 (hè) meaning "bright, radiant, glowing".
Anhui 安慧, 岸晖 f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful" or 岸 (àn) meaning "beach, shore" and 慧 (huì) meaning "bright, intelligent" or 晖 (huī) meaning "sunshine; light, bright, radiant".
Anjin 安瑾 f Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful" and 瑾 (jǐn) meaning "brilliant of gems".
Anjing 安静, 安精, 安晶 f Chinese
From Chinese, 安(an) meaning "peace, quiet" combined with 静(jing) meaning "quiet, gentle, still" or 精 (jing) meaning "essence, spirit" or 晶 (jing) meaning "crystal, clear". Other characters can also be used to form this name.
Anjuan 安娟 f Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful" and 娟 (juān) meaning "graceful, beautifuL".
Anjun 岸君 m Chinese
From the Chinese 岸 (àn) meaning "beach, shore" and 君 (jūn) meaning "monarch, ruler".
Anlang 安郎 m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 郎 (láng) meaning "gentleman, young man".
Anlei 安磊 m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 磊 (lěi) meaning "pile of rocks; great".
Anli 安丽 f Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful" and 丽 (lì) meaning "beautiful".
Anlian 安莲 f Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful" and 莲 (lián) meaning "lotus, water lily".
Anliang 岸良 m Chinese
From the Chinese 岸 (àn) meaning "beach, shore" and 良 (liáng) meaning "good, virtuous".
Anlin 安琳 f Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful" and 琳 (lín) meaning "beautiful jade".
Anlong 岸龙 m Chinese
From the Chinese 岸 (àn) meaning "beach, shore" and 龙 (lóng) meaning "dragon".
Anming 安明 f Chinese
Compound Chinese female name from An 1 and Ming, with the meaning "peaceful clarity".
Anna 安娜 f Chinese
Combination of An 1 and Na.
Anqiang 安强 m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 强 (qiáng) meaning "strong, powerful, energetic".
Anqing 安晴 f Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 晴 (qíng) meaning "fine weather".
Anqiong 岸琼 f Chinese
From the Chinese characters 岸 (àn) meaning "bank, shore; beach, coast" and 琼 (qióng) meaning "jade; rare, precious; elegant;".
Anriya 王安睿雅 f Chinese
"王" means king. "安" means peace. 睿 means astute. 雅 means lovely. 王 is the last name, because in Chinese they put the last name first. So, according it English tradition, it should be 安睿雅王.
Anru 安孺 m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 孺 (rú) meaning "child; affection".
Ansheng 安生 f Chinese
Combination of 安 and 生, meaning quiet, peaceful.
Ansong 岸松 m Chinese
From the Chinese 岸 (àn) meaning "beach, shore" and 松 (sōng) meaning "pine, fir".
Antao 安涛 m Chinese
Combination of An 1 and Tao.
Anteng 安腾 m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 腾 (téng) meaning "fly, gallop, run, rise".
Anxi 安琪 f Chinese (Modern, ?)
This name combines 安 (ān) meaning "peaceful, tranquil, quiet" and 琪 (qí) meaning "type of jade."... [more]
Anxuan 岸萱 f Chinese
From the Chinese 岸 (àn) meaning "bank, shore; beach, coast" and 萱 (xuān) meaning "day-lily".
Anya 安雅 f Chinese
Combination of An 1 and Ya.
Anyao 安瑶 f Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful" and 瑶 (yáo) meaning "precious jade".
Anying 安英 f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil, satisfied" and 英 (yīng) meaning "hero, brave" or "flower, leaf, petal".
Anzan 安赞 f & m Chinese
Combination of An 1 and Zan.
Anzheng 岸峥, 岸正 m Chinese
From the Chinese 岸 (àn) meaning "beach, shore" and 峥 (zhēng) meaning "high, lofty, noble" or 正 (zhèng) meaning "correct, right, proper".
Anzhi 安治, 安志, 安智 f Chinese (Modern)
Combination of the names An 1 and Zhi, can also be a form of Angie or Angi.
Anzhong 岸钟 m Chinese
From the Chinese 岸 (àn) meaning "beach, shore" and 钟 (zhōng) meaning "clock, bell".
Ào m & f Chinese
From the Chinese "proud."
Aobai 奥柏 m Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" and 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar".
Aobing 奥兵 m Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" and 兵 (bīng) meaning "soldier".
Aobo 骜博, 奥博, 奥帛, 傲博 m Chinese
From the Chinese 骜 (ào) meaning "wild horse", 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" or 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 博 (bó) meaning "rich" or "win, gamble, play games" or 帛 (bó) meaning "silks, wealth, property".
Aochang 翱倡, 翱畅, 奥昌, 傲昌 m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam", 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" or 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 倡 (chàng) meaning "guide, leader; lead", 畅 (chàng) meaning "free, smooth" or 昌 (chāng) meaning "light of sun; good, proper".
Aocheng 翱成, 翱诚, 奥丞, 傲丞 m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam", 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" or 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 成 (chéng) meaning "become, succeed" or "completed, finished", 诚 (chéng) meaning "sincere, honest, real" or 丞 (chéng) meaning "assist, aid, rescue".
Aocong 奥聪 m Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" and 聪 (cōng) meaning "intelligent, bright".
Aodong 奥东 m Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" and 东 (dōng) meaning "east, eastern".
Aofang 奥芳 f Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" and 芳 (fāng) meaning "fragrant".
Aofeng 奥峰, 傲峰 m Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" or 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 峰 (fēng) meaning "peak, summit".
Aogeng 奥耿 m Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" and 耿 (gěng) meaning "bright, shining".
Aohuan 奥欢 m Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" and 欢 (huān) meaning "joyous, merry, happy".
Aohui 翱珲 m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam" and 珲 (huī) meaning "bright, glorious, splendid".
Aojie 奥捷, 傲杰 m Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" or 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 捷 (jié) meaning "win, victory, triumph" or 杰 (jié) meaning "hero; heroic, outstanding".
Aoling 奥翎 f Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" and 翎 (líng) meaning "feather, wing".
Ao-mei f Chinese (Rare)
Combination of Ao & Mei 1.
Aopeng 翱鹏, 翱怦 m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam" and 鹏 (péng), the name of a mythological bird or 怦 (pēng) meaning "eager, ardent".
Aoqin 奥琴, 傲钦 f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" or 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 琴 (qín), a type of Chinese lute or 钦 (qīn) meaning "respect, admire; respectful".
Aoquan 翱泉 m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam" and 泉 (quán) meaning "spring, fountain" or "wealth, money".
Aoran 奥然, 傲然 m Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" or 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 然 (rán) meaning "yes, certainly; pledge, promise".
Aoren 奥人 m Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" and 人 (rén) meaning "man, person; mankind".
Aosen 奥森 m Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" and 森 (sēn) meaning "forest".
Aosong 傲松 m Chinese
From the Chinese 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 松 (sōng) meaning "pine, fir".
Aotian 奥天 m Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" and 天 (tiān) meaning "sky, heaven".
Aowen 奥文, 傲文 m Chinese
From the Chinese 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" or 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 文 (wén) meaning "literature, culture, writing".
Aoxi 翱希 m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam" and 希 (xī) meaning "hope; rare; expect".
Aoxian 傲先 m Chinese
From the Chinese 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 先 (xiān) meaning "first; former".
Aoxiang 翱翔, 奥享, 傲祥 m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam", 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" or 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 翔 (xiáng) meaning "circle in the air, soar, glide", 享 (xiǎng) meaning "enjoy" or 祥 (xiáng) meaning "good luck, good omen; happiness".
Aoxin 奥馨, 奥欣 f & m Chinese (Rare)
From the Chinese characters 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" and 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic; distant fragrance" or 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous, delighted".
Aoxiong 傲雄 m Chinese
From the Chinese 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 雄 (xióng) meaning "man, manly; hero; grand, imposing".
Aoxun 傲迅 m Chinese
From the Chinese 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 迅 (xùn) meaning "fast, swift, quick".
Aoyan 翱岩 m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam" and 岩 (yán) meaning "rock, cliff".
Aoyou 骜友 m Chinese
From the Chinese 骜 (ào) meaning "wild horse" and 友 (yǒu) meaning "friend, friendly".
Aoyun 奧運, 奥运, 奥云, 傲云, 傲雲 m & f Chinese
This name is made up of 奧 (ào)/奥 (ào, yù), the simplified version of 奧, meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" and 運/运 (yùn) meaning "run, luck, fortune, ship, transport," the first meaning added for 运, the simplified version of 運... [more]
Aozhi 翱智 m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam" and 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, knowledge, intelligence".
Aozhou 翱舟 m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam" and 舟 (zhōu) meaning "boat".
Ayma f Chinese
Ayma, meaning 'horse lover', or 'lover of horses".
Ba 巴, 芭, 笆 m & f Chinese
Derived from the Chinese character 巴 () meaning "to greatly desire" or referred to a mythological snake. It can also derive from 芭 () referred to a kind of fragrant grass or 笆 () meaning "bamboo fence".... [more]
Badelihan 巴德里汗 m Chinese
Meaning unknown, possibly a Siniced form of an Asian name. It is written with the Chinese characters 巴 (see Ba) combined with 德 (see De), 里 (see Li 1) and 汗 (see Han).... [more]
Baibiao 百骉 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 骉 (biāo) meaning "herd of horses".
Baichen 百琛 m & f Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 琛 (chēn) meaning "treasure, valuables".
Baicheng 柏晟 m Chinese
From the Chinese 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 晟 (chéng) meaning "clear, bright; splendour".
Baichuan 柏川 m Chinese
From the Chinese 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 川 (chuān) meaning "river, stream".
Baifang 百方 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 方 (fāng) meaning "power, direction".
Baifu 柏夫 m Chinese
From the Chinese 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 夫 (fū) meaning "man, husband".
Baige 白鸽 f Chinese
From the Chinese 白 (bái) meaning "white, pure" and 鸽 (gē) meaning "pigeon, dove".
Baiguang 柏光 m Chinese
From the Chinese 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 光 (guāng) meaning "light, brilliant".
Baihao 百淏, 柏淏 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" or 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 淏 (hào) meaning "clear water".
Baihé 百合, 百荷, 白合, 白荷 f Chinese
From Chinese 百合 (bǎihé) meaning "lily". Other character combinations can form this name as well.
Baihua 白花 f Chinese
From the Chinese 白 (bái) meaning "white, pure, bright" and 花 (huā) meaning "flower".
Baihuan 百欢, 柏焕 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" or 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 欢 (huān) meaning "joyous, merry, happy" or 焕 (huàn) meaning "shining".
Baihui 柏慧 m Chinese
From the Chinese 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 慧 (huì) meaning "bright, intelligent".
Baihuo 百火 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 火 (huǒ) meaning "fire, flame".
Baiji 百吉 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 吉 (jí) meaning "auspicious, lucky".
Baijie 柏杰 m Chinese
From the Chinese 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 杰 (jié) meaning "hero, heroic".
Baijin 百金 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 金 (jīn) meaning "gold, metal, money".
Baiju 百菊 f Chinese
From the Chinese characters 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred; numerous, many" and 菊 (jú) meaning "chrysanthemum".
Baijun 百君 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 君 (jūn) meaning "gentleman, monarch, ruler".
Baikang 柏亢, 百康 m Chinese
From the Chinese 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" or 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 亢 (kàng) meaning "high, proud, excessive" or 康 (kāng) meaning "peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy".
Baikun 柏锟 m Chinese
From the Chinese 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 锟 (kūn) meaning "ancient sword".
Bailu 白鹭, 白鹿, 柏禄 f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 白 (bái) meaning "white, pure" or 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 鹭 (lù) meaning "heron, egret", 鹿 (lù) meaning "deer" or 禄 (lù) meaning "blessing, happiness".
Baimiao 白淼 f Chinese
From the Chinese 白 (bái) meaning "white, pure" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Baipeng 百鹏 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 鹏 (péng), an enormous mythological bird.
Baiqi 百麒 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 麒 (qí), a legendary auspicious animal.
Baiqiang 百强, 柏强 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" or 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 强 (qiáng) meaning "strong, powerful, energetic".
Baiqing 百卿 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 卿 (qīng) meaning "noble, high officer".
Baiquan 百权, 柏泉 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" or 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 权 (quán) meaning "power, right, authority" or 泉 (quán) meaning "spring, fountain; wealth, money".
Bairui 百瑞, 柏瑞 m & f Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" or 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 瑞 (ruì) meaning "felicitous omen, auspicious".
Baisen 柏森 m Chinese
From the Chinese 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 森 (sēn) meaning "forest".
Baishang 百尚 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 尚 (shàng) meaning "still, yet; fairly, rather".
Baisheng 百生, 百升 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 生 (shēng) meaning "life" or 升 (shēng) meaning "rise, go up, advance".
Baishuai 百帅 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 帅 (shuài) meaning "commander".
Baitao 百韬 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 韬 (tāo) meaning "sheath, scabbard, bow case".
Baiwang 百旺 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 旺 (wàng) meaning "prosper, prosperous, increase".
Baixing 百幸 m & f Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 幸 (xìng) and "luck(ily), favor, fortunately".
Baixiong 百雄 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 雄 (xióng) meaning "male, manly; hero; grand, imposing".
Baixue 白雪, 柏学 f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 白 (bái) meaning "white, pure, bright" or 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow" or 学 (xué) meaning "learning, knowledge".
Baiyi 柏义 m Chinese
From the Chinese 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 义 (yì) meaning "righteousness".
Baiying 白英 f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 白 (bái) meaning "white, pure" and 英 (yīng) meaning "hero" or "flower, petal, leaf".
Baiyu 白玉 f Chinese
From the Chinese 白 (bái) meaning "white, pure" and 玉 (yù) meaning "jade".
Baiyun 百芸 f Chinese
From the Chinese characters 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred; numerous, many" and 芸 (yún) meaning "rue, herb used to keep insects away; to cut grass or weeds; art, talent, ability, craft, technique, performance, acting, trick, stunt".
Baizhao 柏昭 m Chinese
From the Chinese 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous, illustrious".
Baizhi 百智 m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, knowledge, intelligence".
Baizhu 白朮, 白术 m Chinese
From Chinese 白 (bái) meaning "white, pure" and 朮, 术 (zhú) meaning "glutinous millet". Other character combinations can form this name as well.... [more]
Baizu 柏祖 m Chinese
From the Chinese 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress, cedar" and 祖 (zǔ) meaning "ancestor, forefather".
Bàn f Chinese
Means "petal" in Chinese.
Bāng m Chinese
From Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country".
Bangbang 邦邦 m Chinese
From 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country", which can be repeated. Other characters can be used instead.
Bangben 邦本 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 本 (běn) meaning "root, origin".
Bangchao 邦超 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 超 (chāo) meaning "jump over, surpass".
Banggong 邦功 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 功 (gōng) meaning "achievement, merit".
Banghao 邦昊, 邦浩 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 昊 (hào) meaning "summertime" or "sky, heaven" or 浩 (hào) meaning "great, numerous, vast, abundant".
Banghui 邦徽 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 徽 (huī) meaning "badge, emblem".
Bangjie 邦杰 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 杰 (jié) meaning "hero, heroic".
Bangjin 邦进 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 进 (jìn) meaning "advance, make progress".
Bangjun 邦俊 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 俊 (jùn) meaning "talented, capable, handsome".
Banglian 邦连 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 连 (lián) meaning "join, connect; continuous".
Bangliang 邦良 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 良 (liáng) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable".
Bangqiao 邦乔 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud".
Bangqin 邦钦 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 钦 (qīn) meaning "respect, admire; respectful".
Bangqing 邦庆 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 庆 (qìng) meaning "congratulate, celebrate".
Bangrui 邦瑞 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 瑞 (ruì) meaning "felicitous omen, auspicious".
Bangsen 邦森 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 森 (sēn) meaning "forest".
Bangshan 邦山 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 山 (shān) meaning "hill, mountain".
Bangsheng 邦胜 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 胜 (shèng) meaning "victory, excel".
Bangteng 邦腾 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 腾 (téng) meaning "fly, gallop, rise".
Bangting 邦蜓 m & f Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 蜓 (tíng) meaning "dragonfly".
Bangwei 邦卫 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 卫 (wèi) meaning "guard, protect, defend".
Bangxiang 邦祥 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 祥 (xiáng) meaning "good luck, good omen, happiness".
Bangyuan 邦元 m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 元 (yuán) meaning "first, origin".
Baoai 宝爱, 宝嫒 f Chinese
From the Chinese 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel, precious" and 爱 (ài) meaning "love" or 嫒 (ài) meaning "daughter".
Baochang 宝昶, 宝常 m Chinese
From the Chinese 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure; precious, rare" and 昶 (chǎng) meaning "long day, bright, clear" or 常 (cháng) meaning "common, normal; frequent, regular".
Baode 宝德, 保德 m Chinese
From the Chinese 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure; precious, rare" or 保 (bǎo) meaning "protect, defend" and 德 (dé) meaning "heart, mind; morals, ethics, virtue".
Baoheng 宝恆, 保恒 m Chinese
From the Chinese 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure; precious, rare" or 保 (bǎo) meaning "protect, defend" and 恆 (héng) meaning "constant, persistant".
Baohu 保护 m Chinese
From the Chinese 保 (bǎo) meaning "protect, defend" and 护 (hù) meaning "protect, guard, shelter".
Baohua 保花 f Chinese
From the Chinese 保 (bǎo) meaning "protect, defend" and 花 (huā) meaning "flower".
Baohui 保辉 m Chinese
From the Chinese 保 (bǎo) meaning "protect, defend" and 辉 (huī) meaning "brilliance, lustre".
Baojian 宝鉴 m & f Chinese
From the Chinese 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure; precious, rare" and 鉴 (jiàn) meaning "mirror; reflect".
Baojiang 保江 m Chinese
From the Chinese 保 (bǎo) meaning "protect, defend" and 江 (jiāng) meaning "large river".
Baojin 宝瑾, 宝金 f & m Chinese
From the 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel; precious, rare" and 瑾 (jǐn) meaning "brilliance of gems, fine jade" or 金 (jīn) meaning "gold, metal, money".
Baojing 宝璟, 宝京, 宝晶, 宝静, 寶璟 m & f Chinese
From Chinese 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel, precious, rare" or 保 (bǎo) meaning "protect, maintain" combined with 璟 (jǐng) meaning "lustre of gems", 京 (jīng) meaning "capital city", 晶 (jīng) meaning "clear, crystal", 静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" or 靖 (jìng) meaning "peaceful, tranquil"... [more]
Baoju 保菊 f Chinese
From the Chinese 保 (bǎo) meaning "protect, defend" and 菊 (jú) meaning "chrysanthemum".
Baojuan 保鹃 f Chinese
From the Chinese 保 (bǎo) meaning "protect, defend" and 鹃 (juān) meaning "cuckoo".
Baojun 宝骏, 保俊, 保军 m Chinese
From the Chinese 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure; precious, rare" or 保 (bǎo) meaning "protect, defend" and 骏 (jùn) meaning "excellent horse", 俊 (jùn) meaning "talented, capable, handsome" or 军 (jūn) meaning "army, military, soldier".
Baokang 保康 m Chinese
From the Chinese 保 (bǎo) meaning "protect, defend" and 康 (kāng) meaning "peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy".