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Gender Masculine & Feminine
Usage English
Pronounced Pron. /ˈɛɹ.i.ən/  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

Variation of Aryan, or from the English word referring to "someone whose star sign is Aries". Arian Foster (born 1986) is an American football player for the Houston Texans.
Added 9/7/2010 by enchy
Edited 6/15/2024 by navarretedf, Ora, LMS and more

Gender Masculine
Usage Dutch
Other Forms FormsArijan, Arrian

Meaning & History

Variant form of Ariaan. This form ultimately led to the form Arjan, which since steadily outgrew Arian in popularity and is nowadays by far the most common of the two.
Added 7/10/2015 by Lucille