BiancabellafFolklore Combination of Bianca and Italian bella, meaning "white-beautiful" in Italian. This is the name of the title character of the Italian fairy tale Biancabella and the Snake, written by Giovanni Francesco Straparola.
BienormGreek Mythology Variant of Bianor. This is the name of several characters from Greek mythology, one of which is a centaur.
BiflindimOld Norse, Norse Mythology Derived from Old Norse bifa "story" and lind "lime-tree" or bif "movement; air; water" and lind. This is another name for Odin.
BifliðimOld Norse, Norse Mythology Combination of bif 'movement', 'air', 'water' and liði 'one who goes', 'one who fares'. Bifliði is a name for Óðinn.
BifronsmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend, Roman Mythology Derived from the Latin adjective bifrons, meaning "having two foreheads (faces)", as a title of the Roman god Janus. The deity and his epithet were later corrupted as the name of a demonic earl of Hell within the Lesser Key of Solomon, the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, and the Dictionnaire Infernal.
BifurrmOld Norse, Norse Mythology Possibly derived from German biber or bever both meaning "beaver", or an Old Norse name meaning "the quaking one". In Norse mythology this is the name of a dwarf.
BihanmHinduism, Hindi, Nepali Meaning of Bihan's name is "Dawn", which gives a reflection of power and intellect.
BihrammMandaean, Gnosticism Etymology unknown. This is the name of an angel in Mandaeism who presides over baptisms, it is also used as personal baptismal name.
BilfNorse Mythology, Icelandic Means "instant" in Old Norse. It's also a poetic word describing a woman. In Norse Mythology, Bil and her brother Hjúki follow Máni across the heavens.
BíldrmOld Norse, Norse Mythology Derived from Old Norse bíldr, a knife for blood-letting. This is the name of a dwarf in Norse mythology.
BillingrmOld Norse, Norse Mythology Derived from Old Norse billingr "twin" or from Ancient Germanic bhi- "two-, double-" and -ingr, a suffix denoting "belonging to" or "descended from". In Norse mythology this is the name of both a dwarf and a giant, the latter of whom is the father of a girl Odin wants to seduce.
BirtummNear Eastern Mythology Means "fetter" or "shackle". Birtum was an underworld god, regarded as the husband of Nungal.
BistonmGreek Mythology In Greek mythology, Biston was a son of Ares and Callirrhoe (daughter of the river-god Nestus), and the eponymous founder of the city of Bistonia.
BizillafNear Eastern Mythology, Sumerian Mythology Possibly means "she who is pleasing". Bizilla was a love goddess considered to be the "sukkal" (vizier deity) for the goddess Ninlil. She is occasionally counted among the courtiers of Inanna, and is also closely associated with Nanaya.
BlondinefLiterature, Folklore, Haitian Creole, Yiddish From a diminutive of French blonde meaning "fair-haired". This is the name of two characters in Madame d'Aulnoy's fairy tales: Belle-Etoile's mother in Princess Belle-Etoile (whose sisters are named Roussette and Brunette) and a minor character in The Imp Prince... [more]
BlóðughaddafNorse Mythology Means "the one with the bloody hair". The bloody hair is supposedly referring to red sea foam. In Norse mythology, Blóðughadda was the daughter of Ægir and Rán.
BochimGeorgian Mythology Probably from Mingrelian ბოჩი (bochi) meaning "(male) goat, sheep". In Georgian mythology this was the name of a patron god of cattle.
BodbmIrish Mythology In Irish mythology, Bodb Derg was a son of Eochaid Garb or the Dagda, and the Dagda's successor as King of the Tuatha Dé Danann.
BoddimOld Norse, Norse Mythology Possibly a variant of Baði. Related to Icelandic budda "money-bag" and Norwegian boddi "newborn pet". In Norse mythology Boddi is one of the sons of Karl and Snør.
BodhidharmamBuddhism, History, Sanskrit Means "dharma of enlightenmemt" in Sanskrit, from Sanskrit धर्म (dhárma) "virtue, religious and moral duties" and बोधि (bodhi) "the illuminated or enlightened intellect"... [more]
BodhisattvaxmBuddhism, English (American, Modern, Rare) Means "enlightened being" from Sanskrit, literally "one whose essence is perfect knowledge", composed of बोधि (bodhi) "perfect knowledge, perfect wisdom" (see Bodhi; also related to Buddha) and सत्त्व (sattva) "essence, reality, being"... [more]
BǫlþornmOld Norse, Norse Mythology Old Norse combination of bǫl 'bale', 'misfortune'; 'sin'; 'arrow' and þorn 'thorn, spike, thorn-bush'. Bǫlþorn is a jǫtunn, He is the father of Bestla.
BǫlverkrmOld Norse, Norse Mythology Old Norse name meaning "evil-doer, malefactor" with the combination of bǫl "misfortune", "evil", "bale" and verk "work, piece of work, business, deed". Bǫlverkr is another name for Óðinn who is a character in Norse Mythology.
BorbethfGermanic Mythology "Sister goddess" of Embeth and Wilbeth and one of "The Three Bethen" or "Three Virgins", a group of allegedly pre-Christian goddesses who later became "unofficial" saints.... [more]
BorgarhjǫrtrfNorse Mythology Derived from Old Norse borg "fortress, citadel" and hjǫrtr "hart, stag". In the Norse sagas, Þóra Borgarhjǫrtr is the second wife of Ragnar Loðbrók.
BorkhuaralimOssetian Mythology This is the name of the Ossetian god of cereals and grain and the son of Khorældar. He was killed by Batraz, causing the Narts to fall to famine.
BorosmGreek Mythology Possibly derived from Βωρεῖς (Boreis), the name of a Milesian tribe in Ancient Greece. This was the name of several characters in Greek mythology.
BorrmNorse Mythology Possibly means "son" in Old Norse. Borr is a deity in Norse Mythology. He is married to Bestla, father of Odin, Vili and Vé, and son of Búri.
BotismJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Name of a demon described in the Lesser Key of Solomon as a president and earl, ruling sixty legions of demons. He initially appears as a viper before taking on human form, sporting horns, fangs and a sword... [more]
BoukolosmGreek Mythology Derived from Greek βουκόλος (boukolos) meaning "cowherd, herdsman", which is ultimately derived from Greek βοῦς (bous) meaning "cow, ox, bull". Also compare the Greek verb βουκολέω (boukoleo) meaning "to tend cattle".
BranafOld Norse, Norse Mythology Derived from Old Norse brattr "steep". This is the name of a jotunn in Norse mythology.
BrandubhmIrish Mythology Means "black raven" in Irish. In Irish legend this was a board game played by the heroes and gods. It was also the name of a king of Leinster (whom the 'Annals of Ulster' say died in 604); he was a good friend of Mongán of the Dál nAraidi but coveted Mongán's wife, Dubh Lacha... [more]
BrecamAnglo-Saxon Mythology Breca (sometimes spelled Breoca) was a Bronding who, according to the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf, was Beowulf’s childhood friend.
BremusafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Βρεμουσα (Bremousa), which allegedly meant "raging woman" from Greek βρέμω (bremo) "to roar, shout, rage". This was the name of one of the twelve Amazon warriors who followed Penthesilea into the Trojan War.
BreogánmCeltic Mythology, Galician Related to the Celtic root brixs "high, hill". This is the name of the mythological ancestor of the Irish in the Lebor Gabála Érenn, a medieval Christian history of Ireland... [more]
BrettiafGreek Mythology In Greek mythology, Brettia was the eponymous nymph of Abrettene, Mysia.
BrictafCeltic Mythology Bricta or Brixta was a Gaulish goddess who was a consort of Luxovius. It has, however, been suggested that if "Bricta is a title incorporating Bríg, it may actually be a title assigned to Sirona rather than a separate goddess"... [more]
BrigantiafCeltic Mythology Derived from Celtic *brigant- "high" or *briga- "might, power". This was the name of an important Brythonic goddess. She is almost certainly the same deity as Bridget, the Irish goddess.
BrighitfCeltic Mythology A unique form of spelling for the Celtic goddess, Brigid. She was the goddess of many things.
BrigomCeltic Mythology, Galician Mythology Related to the Celtic root brixs meaning "high, hill". According to Galician mythology, Brigo was the first person who settled in Galicia, and he was grandson of Noah and father of Artai... [more]
Brihaspatim & fHinduism, Indian, Bengali, Hindi From Sanskrit बृहस्पति (bṛhaspati) meaning "Jupiter (the planet)" or "Thursday". This is the name of a Hindu deity of piety and religious devotion who is often identified with the planet Jupiter.
BrimofAncient Greek, Greek Mythology The epithet of several Ancient Greek goddesses, most notably Hecate and Demeter, meaning "angry, furious, avenging".
BriseusmGreek Mythology Possibly derived from Greek βρίθω (britho) or (vritho), which can mean "to be laden with, to abound" as well as "to be heavy". In Greek mythology, Briseus was the father of Briseis.
BritomartisfGreek Mythology Possibly means "sweet maiden", from Cretan βριτύ (britu) "sweet" or "blessing" (Attic glyku) and martis "maiden" (Attic parthenos). This was an epithet of a Cretan goddess of mountains and hunting who was sometimes identified with Artemis.
BrizofGreek Mythology Ancient Greek goddess who was known as the protector of mariners, sailors, and fishermen as well as a prophet specializing in the interpretation of dreams.... [more]
BrontefGreek Mythology From Ancient Greek βροντή (brontḗ) meaning "thunder". She is the Greek goddess of thunder and the sister of Astrape. She was one of the Cyclops, who forged Zeus' thunderbolts/lightning bolts.
BroteasmGreek Mythology Possibly derived from Greek βροτός (brotos) meaning "mortal man, human being", though it has also been connected to βροντή (bronte) meaning "thunder". This was the name of several characters in Greek mythology, including a legendary hunter and son of Tantalus.
BruinmDutch (Rare), English (Rare, ?), Folklore Dutch form of Bruno. It coincides with the Dutch word for "brown". This was also the name of the bear in medieval fables of Reynard the Fox.
BubonafRoman Mythology In ancient Roman religion, Bubona is thought to have been a goddess of cattle, but she is named only by Saint Augustine. Georg Wissowa thought that a festival of cattle (ludi boum causa) mentioned by Pliny must have been dedicated to Bubona... [more]
BudeiafGreek Mythology Means "oxen-yoker" in Greek. It is the name of a daughter of Lycus in Greek mythology.
BudocmHistory (Ecclesiastical), Breton Legend Derived from Old Celtic boudi "victory". However, folk etymology likes to associate this name with beuziñ meaning "drown", with the intended meaning of "saved from the waters". In Breton legend this is the name of a 6th century saint, son of Azenor.
ByblisfGreek Mythology In Greek mythology, Byblis was the daughter of Miletus, who fell in love with her twin brother Caunus and subsequently killed herself... [more]
BylgjafFaroese, Icelandic, Norse Mythology Feminine name taken from the Old Norse word bylgja meaning "billow, wave". In Norse Mythology, Bylgja was one of the nine daughters of the sea deities Ægir and Rán.
ByzasmGreek Mythology Derived from Thracian búzas "he-goat, buck" (similar to Indo-European bhugo "buck" and Greek bous "ox, cow"); since Thracian was not a Hellenic language, one could probably call Byzas a hellenization of sorts... [more]
ByzefGreek Mythology Perhaps related to Byzas or to the Greek adverb βύζην (buzên) meaning "close pressed, closely". According to the Metamorphoses of Antoninus Liberalis, Byze was a nymph, daughter of Erasinos and sister of Melite, Anchiroe and Maera.
CaamanhafTupi, New World Mythology Derived from caamania meaning “forest mother” in the Classical Tupi and Nheengatu languages.
CacusmGreek Mythology (Latinized), Roman Mythology Derived from Greek κᾰκός (kakos), meaning "bad". In Greek and Roman mythology, Cacus was a giant and the son of Vulcan. He was killed by Hercules after terrorizing the Aventine Hill before the founding of Rome.
CadhanmOld Irish, Irish Mythology Gaelic byname meaning "barnacle goose". In Irish legend Cadhan was a hero who slayed a monster with the help of his hound.
CadwymWelsh Mythology From Old Welsh cad "battle" combined with the suffix wy. This was borne by the son of Geraint in Arthurian legend.
CadyryeithmWelsh Mythology This name appears in the Mabinogion, a collection of tales from Welsh myth.
CaeculusmRoman Mythology Derived from the Latin adjective caecus meaning "blind" combined with the Latin masculine diminutive suffix -ulus. Also compare the related name Caecilius.... [more]
CaelifermRoman Mythology From a poetic Latin epithet of the Greek god Atlas which meant "supporting the heavens", from caelum "heaven" and ferre "to bear, to carry, to bring"... [more]
CaelusmRoman Mythology Means "sky" or "the heavens" in Latin (related to the word caelum). Caelus is the Roman god of the sky, the equivalent of the Greek god Uranus.
CaenisfGreek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Roman Latinized form of Kainis. In Greek mythology, Caenis was a woman who was raped by the god Poseidon. Afterwards, he promised her that he would grant her a single wish... [more]
CaietafGreek Mythology (Latinized), Roman Mythology Variant of Caiete, which is the proper latinization of the Greek name Καιήτη (Kaiete), of which the etymology is uncertain. It could be derived from Greek καίω (kaio) meaning "to burn", but it could also come from Greek καιετός (kaietos) meaning "fissure produced by an earthquake"... [more]
CaíltemIrish, Irish Mythology Older form of Caoilte, possibly derived from Irish caol meaning "slender". In Irish legend Caílte was a warrior of the Fianna and their foremost poet... [more]
CainnearfOld Irish, Irish Mythology From Irish caoin meaning "gentle", and der meaning "daughter". This was the name of Queen Medb's daughter in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. Some saints have borne this name as well.
CairennfIrish Mythology In medieval Irish legends, this name was borne by the mother of Niall of the Nine Hostages, a concubine of King Eochu (or Eochaid). She was treated harshly by his jealous wife Queen Mongfind, but later rescued by her son.
CaivafCeltic Mythology, Germanic Mythology Caiva was a goddess who was worshipped in Gerolstein in present-day Germany. It has been speculated that she might have been a mother goddess.
CalaismGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Κάλαϊς (Kalais), which meant "turquoise" or "chrysolite" (being the name of "a precious stone of a greenish blue"). In Greek myth Calais and his twin brother Zetes, together known as the Boreads (being sons of Boreas, god of the north wind), were Argonauts.
CalchasmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Κάλχας (Kalchas), which is perhaps derived from Greek χαλκός (chalkos) "bronze". Calchas was a seer featured in Homer's 'Iliad', famous for correctly predicting many events of the Trojan War... [more]
CalchusmGreek Mythology Latinized form of Greek Κάλχος (Kalkhos). This was the name of a king of the Daunians, who unsuccessfully courted Circe.
CaliadnefGreek Mythology Means "beautiful and holy". From the Greek kalos (καλή) 'beautiful' and adnos (αδνος) 'holy'. In Greek mythology she is a naiad of the river Nile in Egypt, a daughter of the god of the Nile, Neilus... [more]
CallidicefGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Καλλιδίκη (Kallidike), which is derived from Greek καλλος (kallos) "beauty" combined with Greek δικη (dike) meaning "justice, judgement" as well as "custom, usage"... [more]
CalliphaeafGreek Mythology In Greek mythology, Calliphaea was one of the Ionides nymphs whose spring waters were believed to cure diseases. She was an Elean naiad-daughter of the river god Cytherus and sister to Synallasis, Pegaea and Iasis.
CallithoefGreek Mythology Derived from kαλλι (kalli) meaning "beautiful" and θοή (thoe) meaning "swift".
CallithyiafGreek Mythology Derived from kαλλι meaning "beautiful" and likely θυία (thuia) referring to the Juniperus foetidissima plant or θύον (thuon) meaning "cypress-pine".
CalmanafJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend, Literature Latinized form of Kalmana, the name of Cain's wife and twin sister in Judeo-Christian legend (e.g., found in the (first Greek redaction of the) 'Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius', written in Syriac in the late 7th century)... [more]
CalycefGreek Mythology In Greek mythology, Calyce or Calycia is the name of several characters:... [more]
CamaelmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Apparently means "he who sees God" in Hebrew. This is the name of an angel who is often listed as being one of the seven archangels.
CamazotzmMayan Mythology Camazotz represented bats in Mayan mythology. Bats were considered symbols of rebirth and the underworld.
CambermHistory, Anglo-Saxon Mythology Camber, or Kamber, was the legendary first king of Cambria, according to Geoffrey of Monmouth in the first part of his influential 12th-century pseudohistory Historia Regum Britanniae... [more]
CamulosmCeltic Mythology, Gaulish Derived from Gaulish *camulos "champion; servant". Camulos was an important god of early Great Britain and Gaul, especially among the Belgae and the Remi, who the Romans equated with Mars.
CandeliferafRoman Mythology Means "candle bearer", derived from Latin candela "a taper, a wax-light, a tallow-candle" (the source of the English word candle) and ferre "to bear". In Roman mythology Candelifera was a goddess supposed to assist at childbirth, for whom a symbolical candle or torch was lighted.... [more]
Canequef & mNew World Mythology A Mayan name meaning roughly, 'mischievous forest spirit.' Appears in local mythology.
CanethusmGreek Mythology Etymology uncertain, but it may be linked to κανθός (kanthos) meaning "eyelid, corner of the eye".
CangjiemChinese, Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology In Chinese mythology, Cangjie was a retainer of the Yellow Emperor (Xuanyuan) who invented written Chinese characters. According to legend, his invention caused ghosts to cry in the night and the sky to rain millet... [more]
CanthusmGreek Mythology Derived from κανθός (kanthos) meaning "eyelid, corner of the eye".
CapaneusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Καπανεύς (Kapaneus), which is possibly derived from Greek καπάνη (kapanē) meaning "chariot". It could also have been derived from Greek κάπη (kapē) meaning "crib, manger" or even from Greek κᾶπος (kapos), which can mean "plot of land, garden" as well as "breath"... [more]
CapanillimNahuatl, Aztec and Toltec Mythology Means "one who makes noise", from Nahuatl capani "to make a cracking or slapping noise". This was an epithet of Xolotl, possibly associated with sleep or dreams.
CarmentafRoman Mythology From Latin carmen "song, verse, enchantment, religious formula", from canere "to sing" (the notion is of chanting or reciting verses of magical power). In Roman legend Carmenta was a goddess of prophecy and childbirth, the mother of Evander by Mercury... [more]
CarnafRoman Mythology The goddess who makes strong muscles, and defends the internal organs from witches or strigae.
CarpofGreek Mythology (Latinized), Astronomy Latinized form of Greek Καρπώ (Karpô), which is derived from Greek καρπόω (karpoô) "to bear fruit; to reap or enjoy fruit". In Greek mythology this was the name of one of the Horae or Seasons; Carpo was the goddess of autumn and of the harvest, that is, the fruits of summer... [more]
CarystusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Karystos. In Greek mythology, Carystus is the name of a rural demi-god that is native to the Greek island of Euboia. He also lent his name to the ancient Euboian city-state of Carystus.
CastaliafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of the Greek Κασταλία (Kastalia), which is of uncertain origin, possibly related to Greek καθαρός (katharos) meaning "clean, spotless, pure" or κασσύω (kassuô) "to stitch"... [more]
CecropsmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Κέκροψ (Kékrops), which is probably derived from Greek κέκραγμα (kekragma) meaning "scream, cry" combined with Greek οψ (ops) meaning "voice"... [more]
CedalionmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Κηδαλίων (Kedalion), of which the meaning is not entirely certain. It could have been derived from Greek κηδαλιζω (kedalizô) meaning "purifying, cleansing"... [more]
CeladonmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Κελάδων (Keladôn), derived from κέλαδος (kelados) which meant "a noise as of rushing waters; loud noise, din, clamour". This was the name of a stream in Elis.
CeleusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Κελεός (Keleos), which is derived from Greek κελεύω (keleuō) which can mean "to command, to order" as well as "to urge (on), to drive on". In Greek mythology, Celeus was the king of Eleusis.
CeleustanormGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Keleustanor. In Greek mythology, this is the name of a son of Heracles, whom he had with Iphis, the daughter of king Thespius of Thespiae in Boeotia.
CelidoniusmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Probably a Latinized form of the Greek Χελιδόνιος (Chelidonios), which was derived from χελιδών (chelidon) "a swallow". In Christian tradition this name is sometimes ascribed to the unnamed "man born blind" whose sight Jesus miraculously heals (in the Gospel of John 9:1-12), and the form Celedonius belonged to an early saint, martyred c.300.
CelusafGreek Mythology In Greek mythology, Celusa ( Kelousê from kêloô ‘to have an abnormal delivery’) was a naiad or an oread who personified over Mount Celusa or Celossa in Phliasia... [more]
Centeotlf & mAztec and Toltec Mythology, Nahuatl Derived from Nahuatl centli "dried ears of corn, dried maize on the cob" and teotl "deity, god; divine force". This was the name of an Aztec maize deity, depicted as both male and female; they may have been an aspect of Chicomecōātl.
CerceisfGreek Mythology (Latinized) Means "of the weaving shuttle", derived from Greek κερκίς (kerkis) meaning "weaving shuttle, taper rod". This was the name of one of the Oceanids in Greek mythology, described as being lovely of form.
CerdofGreek Mythology Means "profit, gain" in Greek. In Greek mythology, Cerdo was the nymph-wife of King Phoroneus of Argos and mother of Apis and Niobe.
CessairfIrish, Irish Mythology Allegedly means "affliction, sorrow". According to Irish legend Cessair was a granddaughter of Noah who died in the great flood. The name also belonged to a Gaulish princess who married the Irish high king Úgaine Mór in the 5th or 6th century BC.
CethlennfIrish Mythology Possibly means "crooked tooth". In Irish myth she was the wife of Balor of the Evil Eye, king of the Fomorians and by him the mother of Ethniu (or Eithne, Ethlenn).... [more]
CetofGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of the Greek Κητώ (Kētō), which meant "sea-monster" (supposedly the source of the word κῆτος (kētos) "any sea-monster or huge fish; sometimes the whale, but often the tunny-fish")... [more]
CeyxmGreek Mythology (Rare) Meaning unknown. In Greek mythology, Ceyx was the husband of Alcyone. After he was killed in a shipwreck, his wife threw herself into the water, but the gods saved her and turned them both into kingfishers.
ChalchiuhtotolinmAztec and Toltec Mythology Means "jade turkey" in Nahuatl, from Nahuatl chālchihuitl "jade, turquoise, precious stone" and tōtolin "turkey hen". In Aztec mythology, Chalchiuhtotolin was a god of disease and plague.
ChalciopefGreek Mythology From Greek xαλκιόπη meaning "bronze-face". This was the name of several women in Greek Mythology. In modern times this is the name of a genus of moths.
ChalcomedusafGreek Mythology Mother of Laertes. Her name, chalcos ("copper") and medousa ("guardian" or "protectress"), identifies her as the protector of Bronze Age metal-working technology.
ChaldenefAstronomy, Greek Mythology One of Jupiter's moons, named for a character in Greek mythology whose name is variously given as Chaldene, Caldene, Calchedonia, or Chalcea.
ChangqinmFar Eastern Mythology, Chinese Mythology From a combination of the characters 长 (cháng, meaning “long”) and 琴 (qín, referring to the guqin or Chinese zither). This is the name of a mythological figure found in the Shanhaijing (山海经), or Classic of Mountains and Seas... [more]
Chanticof & mAztec and Toltec Mythology Derived from Nahuatl chantli "home" and the suffix -co, meaning "in the home" or "she makes the home". This was the name of an Aztec fire deity. While usually interpreted as female, several historical writings use ambiguous pronouns.
Chaosm & fGreek Mythology (Latinized), English (Rare) From the English word meaning "gaping void," ultimately from the Greek khaos "abyss, that which gapes wide open, is vast and empty." In Hesiod's 'Theogeny,' Chaos is the primeval emptiness of the Universe, who gave birth to Gaea (Mother Earth), Tartarus (embodiment of the underworld), Eros (god of love), Erebus (embodiment of silence), and Nyx (embodiment of night).
ChariklofGreek Mythology Possibly means "graceful spinner" from Greek χάρις (charis) meaning "grace, kindness" and κλώθω (klotho) meaning "to spin, to twist by spinning"... [more]
CharmosmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from either the Greek noun χάρμα (charma) meaning "joy, delight" or the related Greek noun χάρμη (charme) meaning "joy of battle, eagerness for combat".
CharvangifIndian (Rare), Hinduism Means "beautiful-bodied" in Sanskrit (from चारु (cāru) "beautiful, lovely" and अङ्ग (aṅga) "a limb of the body; the body"), a word used in the Shiva Purana to describe the goddess Kali (called 'Kālī of exquisite body (i.e., cārvaṅgī) and comely appearance').
CharybdisfGreek Mythology The name of a sea monster believed to live under a small rock on one side of a narrow channel. Opposite her was Scylla, another sea monster, that lived inside a much larger rock... [more]
Ch'askafIncan Mythology, Quechua In Incan mythology, Ch'aska ("Venus") or Ch'aska Quyllur ("Venus star") was the goddess of dawn and twilight, the planet Venus, flowers, maidens, and sex. She protected virgin girls. This name is of a separate etmology, with the Quechua ch'aska referring to what they thought was the brightest star but was the planet Venus... [more]
ChatushkarnifHinduism Means "(thing) which is known by four ears" (i.e., only two people), derived from an alternative form of Sanskrit चतुर् (catúr) meaning "four" and कर्ण (karna) meaning "ear" (also compare Karna)... [more]
ChaxiraxifSpanish (Canarian), Guanche Mythology Derived from Guanche *ta-ahghər-ahəgh(i), meaning "she who sustains the firmament". This is the name of the mother goddess in Guanche mythology. After the conquest of the Canary Islands and their subsequent Christianization, Chaxiraxi became identified with the Virgin of Candelaria, an alleged appearance of the Virgin Mary on the island of Tenerife.
ChelonefGreek Mythology Chelone was a nymph or a mortal woman who was changed into a tortoise by the gods. She was transformed by Hermes for refusing to attend the wedding of Hera and Zeus.... [more]
ChenrezigmBuddhism Means "one who looks down with an unwavering eye" in Tibetan, derived from སྤྱན་རས (spyan ras) meaning "penetrating vision, observation, eye" and གཟིགས (gzigs) meaning "see, look, perceive"... [more]
CherinmAnglo-Saxon Mythology The name of a legendary king of the Britons in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae. It is likely related to Irish Ciarán.
ChertimEgyptian Mythology A later name for the Egyptian ferryman of the dead, Aken, and the one which is suspected to have influenced the development of the Greek ferryman of the dead, Charon.
ChicomecōātlfAztec and Toltec Mythology Derived from Nahuatl chicome meaning "seven" and coatl "snake". This was the name of an Aztec goddess of food, drink, harvest, maize and famine.
ChimalmanfNahuatl, Aztec and Toltec Mythology Variant form of Chimalma, sometimes interpreted as meaning "like a shield", reading the second element as -man "like, in the manner of", or "shield bearer".
ChimerafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Derived from the Ancient Greek word Χίμαιρα meaning "she-goat". In Greek Mythology, this was the name of a legendary fire-breathing beast which consisted of three animals merged into one, usually depicted as a lion with a goat's head on its back and a tail capped with a snake's head, and is the enemy of the hero Bellerophon.