Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
EukleiafAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek noun εὔκλεια (eukleia) meaning "good repute, glory", which consists of Greek εὖ (eu) meaning "good, well" combined with the Greek noun κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory"... [more]
EulabeiafGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek noun εὐλάβεια (eulabeia) meaning "discretion, caution". In Greek mythology, Eulabeia was the spirit and personification of discretion, caution and circumspection.
EulimenefGreek Mythology Eulimene ( Eulimenê means 'she of good haven' or 'good-harbour-woman') was the name of two characters in Greek mythology.... [more]
EumaiosmGreek Mythology The first element of this name is derived from Greek εὖ (eu) meaning "good, well". The second element is uncertain; it might possibly be derived from the Greek verb μαίομαι (maiomai) meaning "to seek after, to seek for" or from the (hitherto unknown) masculine equivalent of the Greek noun μαῖα (maia) meaning "good mother, foster mother" (see Maia 1).
EumolposmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὔμολπος (eumolpos) meaning "sweetly singing", which consists of Greek εὖ (eu) meaning "good, well" and the Greek noun μολπή (molpe) meaning "song, dance".
EunoefGreek Mythology From Greek εὔνους (eunous) meaning "well-minded, friendly", which is composed of ευ (eu) "good, well" and νοῦς (nous) "mind" (see also Eunous, Eunoia)... [more]
EunomosmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὔνομος (eunomos) meaning "under good laws, well-ordered". It consists of Greek εὖ (eu) meaning "good, well" combined with the Greek noun νόμος (nomos) meaning "usage, custom, law, ordinance" (see Eunomia).
EupeithesmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὐπειθής (eupeithes) meaning "ready to obey, obedient", which consists of Greek εὖ (eu) meaning "good, well" combined with the Greek verb πείθω (peitho) meaning "to persuade, to convince" as well as "to obey, to yield to" and "to believe, to trust (in)".... [more]
EuphemosmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Means "reputable" or "uttering sounds of good omen" in Greek, ultimately derived from εὖ (eu) meaning "good, well" and φήμη (pheme) meaning "rumour, fame, reputation" or "prophetic voice, oracle".
EuporiefGreek Mythology (?), Astronomy A form of Euporia. A moon of Jupiter bears this name in honour of Euporia or Euporie, the Greek goddess of abundance and one of the third generation of Horai.
EurgainfWelsh, Welsh Mythology Derived from Welsh aur "gold" (penult form eur) and cain "fair; fine; elegant". In Welsh mythology, Eurgain is noted as the first female saint and daughter of Caratacus (see Caradog) in the History of Dunraven Manuscript, a manuscript giving the genealogy of Taliesin.
EuroswyddmWelsh Mythology Derived from Welsh aur "gold" and oswydd "enemies, adversaries; spears". This is the name of a figure from Welsh mythology, the father of Nisien and Efnysien.
EurotasmGreek Mythology Possibly derived from Greek εὐρώς (euros) meaning "mould, mildew, decay", or from εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad". This was the name of a king of Laconia in Greek mythology, son of Myles and father of Sparta and Tiasa, as well as of a (possibly eponymous) Laconian river.
Eurusm & fGreek Mythology Eurus was the god of the east wind, one of the four directional Anemoi (Wind-Gods). He was associated with the season of autumn and dwelt near the palace of the sun-god Helios in the far east.
EuryalefGreek Mythology Means "far-roaming" from Greek εὐρύς (eurys) "wide, broad" and ἄλη (ale) "wandering, roaming" (from the verb ἀλάομαι (alaomai) "to wander")... [more]
EurybatesmGreek Mythology Ancient Greek masculine name meaning "wide-ranging" or "wide-roaming".
EurybatosmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Means "wide-stepping, expansive" in Greek, ultimately derived from εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide" and βατός (batos) meaning "speeding" or "passable, accessible".
EurybiafGreek Mythology Means "of wide power, with far-reaching might" from the Greek elements εὐρύς (eurys) "wide" and βία (bia) "force", with all of its connotations... [more]
EurycleafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Eurykleia. In Greek mythology, Euryclea was the wet nurse of Odysseus' son Telemachus. She was the first to recognize Odysseus when he returned to Ithaca after the Trojan War.
EurycydafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Derived from Greek εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "broad" and κῦδος (kydos) meaning "glory". This was the name of an Elean princess in Greek mythology, the daughter of King Endymion of Elis.
EuryganeiafGreek Mythology Derived from Greek εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide" and an uncertain second element, possibly Greek γάνος (ganos) meaning "brightness". In some Greek myths this name belongs to the second wife of Oedipus, after Jocasta commits suicide upon discovery of her accidental incest.
EurykleiafGreek Mythology Feminine form of Eurykles. In Greek mythology, Eurykleia was the wet nurse of Odysseus' son Telemachus. She was the first to recognize Odysseus when he returned to Ithaca after the Trojan War.
EuryleonmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with the Greek noun λέων (leon) meaning "lion". This name was borne by a Spartan tyrant of Selinus, who lived in the 6th century BC.... [more]
EurylochosmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with the Greek noun λόχος (lochos) meaning "ambush", a word that later came to signify a tactical sub unit of the ancient Greek army... [more]
EurymachosmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with the Greek noun μάχη (mache) meaning "battle".
EurymedefGreek Mythology Feminine form of Eurymedes. In Greek mythology, this is the name of one of the daughters of king Oeneus of Calydon.
EurymedonmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with the Greek noun μέδων (medon) meaning "ruler" (see Medon).... [more]
EurymenesmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρυμενής (eurymenes) meaning "broad and strong", which consists of the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with the Greek noun μένος (menos) meaning "mind" as well as "spirit" and "power, strength, force".... [more]
EurynomefGreek Mythology Feminine form of Eurynomos. This is the name of several characters in Greek mythology, including a sea deity and a queen.
EurynomosmGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with either the Greek noun νομός (nomos) meaning "pasture, field" or the Greek noun νόμος (nomos) meaning "usage, custom, law, ordinance" (see Eunomia).... [more]
EuryphaessafGreek Mythology Means "far-shining", derived from Greek εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide" and φάος (phaos) "light". This was an epithet of the Titan goddess Theia, occurring in one of the Homeric Hymns (namely Hymn 31, "To Helios", where Helios' mother Theia is called "mild-eyed Euryphaessa, the far-shining one").
EuryponmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology This name was most notably borne by a king of Sparta, after whom the Eurypontid dynasty was named. It is not quite clear whether he is a historical person, or whether he is fully mythological. If the former applies, then he is thought to have lived in the 9th century BC.... [more]
EurypylefGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with the Greek noun πύλη (pyle) meaning "gate, entrance".... [more]
EurypylosmGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with the Greek noun πύλη (pyle) meaning "gate, entrance".
EurysakesmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Means "broad shield", derived from Greek εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide" and σάκος (sakos) meaning "shield". This was the name of a son of Ajax the Great, named after his father’s shield.
EurysthenesmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology, History Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with the Greek noun σθένος (sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength". This name was borne by a Spartan king from the 10th century BC.... [more]
EurystheusmGreek Mythology Derived from Greek ευρυς (eurys) meaning "wide" combined with Greek σθενος (sthenos) meaning "strength". In Greek mythology, Eurystheus was a cousin of Heracles, king of the Mycenae and Tiryns in Argos... [more]
EurystratosmGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with the Greek noun στρατός (stratos) meaning "army".
EurytefGreek Mythology, Ancient Greek Derived from Greek εὐρύτης (eurytês) meaning "width, breadth". This was the name of multiple minor characters in Greek mythology.
EurythemisfGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with the Greek noun θέμις (themis) meaning "law of nature, divinely ordained justice, that which is laid down" (see Themis).... [more]
EurytionmGreek Mythology Derived from Greek εὐρὺς (eurys) meaning "wide". This name was borne by at least four characters in Greek mythology, one of them being a son of Ares and two others being centaurs.
EurytusmGreek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Εὔρυτος (Eurytos) which may have been derived from εὖ (eu) "well" and ἐρύω (eruô) or (eryô) "to draw, drag, pull", perhaps with the implied meaning "drawer of the bow"... [more]
EusorusmGreek Mythology Derived from εὐ- (eu-) meaning “good” and σωρός (sōrós) meaning "heap, pile".
EutheniafGreek Mythology Derived from Greek εὐθηνία (euthenia) meaning "prosperity, plenty, abundance". In Greek mythology Euthenia was the personification of abundance and plenty.
EvaechmefGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Εὐαίχμη (Euaichme), which was composed of Greek εὐ- (eu-) meaning "good" and αἰχμή (aichme) "point of a spear, battle". In Greek mythology this name was borne by a daughter of Herakles' son Hyllos.
EvenusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) From the name of a river that flowed through Aetolia in central Greece, which is of unknown meaning. According to Greek legend, Evenus was the name of a prince who drowned himself in the river and was then transformed into the god of the river.... [more]
EyfurafOld Norse, Norse Mythology Derived from Old Norse ey "island" or ey "good fortune", or perhaps from the Primitive Scandinavian adverb *aiwa "always", combined with Old Norse fura "fir tree"... [more]
FabulinusmRoman Mythology Derived from the Latin verb fabulari meaning "to speak, to talk", a derivative of fama (see Fama). In the popular religion of ancient Rome (though not appearing in literary Roman mythology), the god Fabulinus invoked a child's first instance of articulate speech.
FælværamOssetian Mythology Possibly a combination of the names of the saints Florus and Laurus. Fælværa was the one-eyed protector of sheep. There is a festival of sheep-shearing honored after him in September... [more]
FainchefIrish (Rare), Irish Mythology Derived from Irish fuinche meaning "scald-crow" or "black fox". It occurs in Irish myth as the name of the daughter of Dáire Derg and mother of the three Fothads by a warrior called Mac Nia... [more]
FalacermRoman Mythology The name of an obscure Italic god, possible arisen as an epithet of Jupiter and derived from Etruscan falandum, meaning "heaven".
FalrmOld Norse, Norse Mythology Derived from either falr ("pipe, tube") or fela ("to hide"). This is the name of a dwarf in Norse mythology.
FamafRoman Mythology The Roman equivalent of Pheme. Her name is derived from Latin fama "fame; report; rumor" (ultimately from Latin fari "to speak".
FaramarzmPersian Mythology, Persian Means "one who forgives" from Persian آمرزیدن (âmorzidan) meaning "to forgive". This is the name of a hero in the Persian epic Shahnameh.
FaranakfPersian, Persian Mythology Etymology uncertain; it may be a form of Parvaneh, parvanek which means "little butterfly" and refers to the Persian lynx or caracal, or may be derived from the Middle Persian plwʾnk' (parwānag) meaning "guide, leader"... [more]
FarangisfPersian, Tajik, Persian Mythology From Old Median vispafryā meaning "(she who is) dear to all"; the spelling was likely altered due to an early manuscript error, possibly with influence from Persian فرنگ (farang) meaning "European"... [more]
FárbautimNorse Mythology Old Norse for "cruel or dangerous striker" or "lightening". In Norse mythology, Fárbauti was the ruler of the Jötunn (Norse: ice giants) and their domain, Jötunheimr. He was the consort of Laufey or Nal and father of the Norse god of primordial chaos and destruction, Loki... [more]
FariborzmPersian, Persian Mythology Derived from Persian فر (far) meaning "splendour, dignity, honour" and برز (borz) meaning "stature, height". This is the name of a character in the epic the Shahnameh.
FasoltmGermanic Mythology, Theatre In Richard Wagner's opera cycle "The Ring", Fasolt is the brother of Fáfnir (here called Fafner) and is killed by him in an argument.
FaðirmOld Norse, Norse Mythology Means "father" in Old Norse. In the Old Norse poem Rígsþula in the Poetic Edda, Faðir is the husband of Móðir.
FaustitasfRoman Mythology Possibly means "good luck" in Latin. In Roman mythology, the goddess Faustitas had the responsibility of protecting the herd.
FavoniusmAncient Roman, Roman Mythology Roman family name of disputed origin. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it is from Latin favere "to favor"; Ernest Klein says, by dissimilation from *fovonius, literally "the warming wind", from fovere "to warm"... [more]
FebrisfRoman Mythology Febris is the Roman goddess of fevers, who embodied, but also protected people from fever and malaria. Because of this, Febris was a feared goddess whom people wanted the favor of. Among her characteristic attributes are "shrewdness" and "honesty", according to Seneca the Younger's Apocolocyntosis.
FecunditasfRoman Mythology Means "fruitfulness, fertility" in Latin. In Roman mythology, Fecunditas was the goddess of fertility, often portrayed as a matron.
FeilianmChinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology The name of a creature or deity in Chinese mythology who is consistently associated with the wind. According to one source it has the body of a bird and the head of a deer. Another source says it has the body and horns of a deer, the head of a sparrow, the spots of a leopard and the tail of a snake... [more]
FenrismNorse Mythology, Literature Short form of the Old Norse Fenrisúlfr (literally "Fenrir-wolf"). The form Fenris Ulf was used for a talking wolf (originally named Maugrim) in the now defunct American edition of C. S. Lewis' 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'.
FenrisúlfrmNorse Mythology Derived from Fenris, an Old Norse genitive case of Fenrir, combined with úlfr "wolf". The Prose Edda sometimes refers to the monstrous wolf Fenrir as Fenrisúlfr.
FerdiamIrish Mythology From Fer Diad, which is of uncertain meaning. The first element is Gaelic fear "man"; the second element could be related to dïas "two persons" ("man of the pair") or an element meaning "smoke" ("man of smoke")... [more]
FerdiadmIrish Mythology Irish name likely meaning "warrior of the pair". In Irish mythology, Ferdiad was the best friend and foster brother of Cú Chulainn, whom he is eventually forced to fight and subsequently killed by.
FerentinafRoman Mythology Possibly derived from Ferentinum, the name of a Roman city in Latium (present-day Lazio, Italy). This was the name of a patron goddess of said city. She was also a protector of Latin commonwealth.
FeroniafEtruscan Mythology Derived from a Sabine adjective corresponding to Latin fĕrus "not cultivated, untamed; of the field, wood; not mitigated by any cultivation". Feronia was a goddess associated with wildlife, fertility, health, and abundance... [more]
FertrammIcelandic (Rare), Folklore, Literature Meaning uncertain, perhaps an invented name based on Ferdinand and Bertram. It occurs in the fairy tale Sagan af Fertram og Ísól björtu (which translates to English as The story of Fertram and bright Ísól) and in the 17th-century epic poem Rímur af Fertram og Plató.
FflamddwynmWelsh Mythology Welsh byname meaning "flame-bearer". This appears in medieval poems attributed to Taliesin.
FialfIrish Mythology Means "generous, modest, honorable" in Irish. In Irish myth this was the name of Emer's elder sister, "also a goddess", whom Cúchulainn supposedly rejected because of her relations with Cairbre Nia Fer... [more]
FidesfCroatian (Rare), Polish (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical), Roman Mythology From Latin fides, meaning "faith, belief; trust". The name was perhaps originally given in reference to the early French saint Faith of Agen/Conques (martyred 287, 290, or 303), who is known as Sancta Fides in Latin... [more]
FílimOld Norse, Norse Mythology Possibly related to Low German vîle ("file, rasp"). This is the name of a dwarf in Norse mythology.
FimmilenafGermanic Mythology Fimmilena was a goddes known from inscriptions in Northern England. Her functions are unclear; there have, however, been efforts to link her name to the Fimelthing, a kind of court held in early medieval times.
FindabhairfIrish, Irish Mythology Popularly claimed to be an Irish cognate of Gwenhwyfar (see Guinevere), it may actually mean "fair-browed" from Old Irish find "white, fair" and abair "a brow" (or "eyelash")... [more]
FinettefLiterature, Folklore, Haitian Creole This is the main character in the French fairy tale Finette Cendron by Madame d'Aulnoy, about a clever girl named Fine-Oreille, which means "sharp ear" or "delicate ear", who is called Finette... [more]
FinlughmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Derived from Gaelic fionn "white, fair" and lug "light, brightness". The second element may refer to the pagan sun god Lugh, in which case it means "fair Lugh"... [more]
FinvarramIrish Mythology Finvarra, also called Finvara, Finn Bheara,Finbeara or Fionnbharr, is the king of the Daoine Sidhe of western Ireland in Irish folklore. In some legends, he is also the ruler of the dead. Finvarra is a benevolent figure, associated with horses, who ensures good harvests and rewards mortals with riches
FionnabhairfIrish Mythology From the Old Irish finn "bright, fair" and siabhre "phantom, fairy", making it a cognate of Guinevere. Alternatively, it could derive from find "white, fair" and abair "brow; eyelash".... [more]
FionnulafIrish, Irish Mythology Variant of Fionnghuala (see Fionnuala). A known bearer of this name is the Irish actress Fionnula Flanagan (b. 1941).
FjǫlnirmNorse Mythology Derived from fjǫl ("much, manifold"), fela ("hide") or felþa ("field"). In Norse mythology this is both a name for Odin and the name of a legendary Swedish king.
FjǫlsviðrmOld Norse, Norse Mythology Derived from fjǫl ("much, manifold") and svinnr ("fast, clever"). In Norse mythology this is the name of a dwarf, a by-name for Odin, and the giant who guarded Menglǫð.
FjǫlverkrmOld Norse, Norse Mythology Combination of fjǫl ("much") and verk ("work"). This is the name of a giant in Norse mythology.
FjǫlvǫrfOld Norse, Norse Mythology Derived from fjǫl ("much") and vár ("spring; woman; truth"). This is the name of a giantess in Norse mythology.
FjǫrgynfNorse Mythology Means "land, earth" in Old Norse, derived from Proto-Germanic *fergunją "mountain". In Norse mythology, Fjǫrgyn was the goddess of the earth and the mother of Thor... [more]
FlidaisfIrish Mythology Meaning uncertain, allegedly "doe". Flidais was an Irish goddess of forests, hunting and wild animals, especially stags and deer - by which her chariot was drawn. She is the chief figure in the 'Táin Bó Flidhais', one of the lesser known cattle raid tales which makes her the wife of Ailill Finn and lover, later wife, of the hero Fergus mac Róich.
FlokartafFolklore Derived from Albanian flokartë meaning "golden haired", Flokarta dhe Tre Arinjtë is the Albanian title of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
FluoniafRoman Mythology Derives from fluo, fluere, "to flow," is a form of Juno who retains the nourishing blood within the womb. Women attended to the cult of Juno Fluonia "because she held back the flow of blood (i.e., menstruation) in the act of conception" and pregnancy... [more]
FönnfIcelandic, Norse Mythology Means "snowdrift" in Old Norse. It occurs in Norse legend belonging to a daughter of king Snær ("snow"), sister of Drífa ("driven snow" or "snowfall"), Mjöll ("powdery (fresh) snow") and Þorri ("frozen snow").
FontusmRoman Mythology Derived from Latin fons, meaning "fountain, spring; source". This was the name of a god of wells and springs in Roman mythology, the son of Juturna and Janus.
ForgallmIrish Mythology Perhaps related to Irish forgella "testifies". In Irish legend he was the father of Emer, nicknamed "the cunning, dextrous, wily". The Wily Lord of Lusca tried to prevent his daughter marrying Cúchulainn and, rather than face the champion's wrath, leapt to his death from the ramparts of his fortress.
FornaxfRoman Mythology, Astronomy Means "furnace, oven" in Latin. This was the name of the Roman goddess of baking. She ensured that the heat of ovens did not get hot enough to burn the corn or bread. The name also belongs to a constellation in the southern celestial hemisphere, named for the Roman goddess.
FraochmIrish Mythology Means "wrath" or "fury" in Irish. Fraoch is a Connacht hero in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology, the hero of the 'Táin Bó Fraoch', Cattle Raid of Fraoch (which has been claimed to be the main source of the English saga of 'Beowulf')... [more]
FreawarufAnglo-Saxon Mythology Possibly derived from Old English frēa, a poetic word meaning "lord, king" (from the Germanic root *fraujô), combined with Old English waru meaning "shelter, protection, care"... [more]
FrekimNorse Mythology Derived from Old Norse frekr "avaricious, greedy." In Norse mythology, Freki is the name of one of Odin's two wolves. Freki resembles Gluttony and he is always very hungry, just like Geri (the other wolf)... [more]
FriggafNorse Mythology Anglicized form of Frigg. It has occasionally been used as a Swedish given name (first documented in 1834), sometimes as a diminutive of Fredrika (compare Fricke).
FrowinmGerman (Archaic), English (Archaic), Anglo-Saxon Mythology Derived from Old High German frot, fruot "wise" and wini "friend". Frowin figures as a governor of Schleswig in Gesta Danorum and in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as an ancestor of the kings of Wessex, but the latter source only tells that he was the son of Friðgar and the father of Wig.
FudomJapanese Mythology Fudo-Myo-o is the god of fire and wisdom in Japanese Buddhist mythology, and one of the five Myo-o.
FufeifChinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology From a combination of the characters 宓 (fu, a surname) and 妃 (fei, meaning “concubine, consort”). More commonly known as Luoshen (洛神), Fufei is the goddess of the Luo River in Chinese mythology, first appearing in the Chuci (楚辞) or Elegies of Chu as the wife of the river god Hebo... [more]
FuflunsmEtruscan Mythology Etruscan deity, predominantly of wine, health, happiness, and growth. He is often considered the Etruscan equivalent of the Greek god Dionysus and the Roman god Bacchus.
FullafOld Norse, Norse Mythology, Swedish, Danish Derived from either fullr ("full") or fyl ("foal"). This is the name of a goddess in Norse mythology who acts as Frigg's handmaiden. Her name is used as a kenning for "gold" or "woman".
FurcasmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Possibly derived from Latin furca "fork, pitchfork" or Greco-Roman furca "sepulcher". According to demonology, this is the name of a knight of Hell shown in the Ars Goetia.
FurrinafRoman Mythology Furrina was an ancient Roman goddess whose function had become obscure by the 1st century BC. Her cult dated to the earliest period of Roman religious history, since she was one of the fifteen deities who had their own flamen, the Furrinalis, one of the flamines minores... [more]
FylgiafNorse Mythology, Swedish (Rare) From Old Norse fylgja "to accompany, to follow" (compare modern Swedish följa and modern Danish and Norwegian følge). In Norse mythology a fylgia is a type of spirit who accompanies a person through their life from the day they were born... [more]
GaboimillafFolklore, New World Mythology Gaboimilla is a mythical queen of a tribe of Amazons, all-women warrior groups, said to reside in Southern Chile during the period of the Spanish Conquest... [more]
GabuthelonmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Gabuthelon is an angel mentioned in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra whose name was revealed to Esdras as one of the nine angels who will govern "at the end of the world".
GæirreðrmNorse Mythology Derived from geir "spear" and friðr "love, peace". In the Grímnismál, Gæirreðr is raised by Odin while his brother Agnarr is raised by Frigg... [more]
GaganmHinduism The one who goes up and beyond the sky.
GajendramHinduism, Hindi Means "lord of elephants" or "excellent elephant" from Sanskrit गज (gaja) meaning "elephant" combined with the name of the Hindu god Indra, used here to mean "lord"... [more]
GalarrmOld Norse, Norse Mythology Means "screamer" in Old Norse. In Norse mythology this is the name of both a giant and a dwarf. The dwarf and his brother, Fjalarr, murdered Kvasir and brewed the mead of the skalds from his blood... [more]
GamayunfSlavic Mythology Gamayun is a prophetic bird of Russian folklore. It is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge and lives on an island in the mythical east, close to paradise. She is said to spread divine messages and prophecies, as she knows everything of all creation, gods, heroes, and man... [more]
GambrinusmFolklore The name arose from a historic printing error from Gambrivius. The Gambrivii were a historical Germanic tribe mentioned by Tacitus.... [more]
GangadharamHinduism, Kannada, Telugu Means "holder of the Ganges" from Sanskrit गङ्गा (ganga) referring to the Ganges River and धर (dhara) meaning "holding, bearing"... [more]
GangrmNorse Mythology Means "traveller" in Old Norse, ultimately derived from Proto-Germanic *gangaz "walking, going". Gangr is a jötunn in Norse Mythology. He is the brother of Iði and Þjazi.
GangráðrmOld Norse, Norse Mythology Means "he who knows the way" or might be derived from gangr ("walking, motion, path") and ráð ("advice, counsel"). Odin uses this as an alias during his battle of wits with Vafþrúðnir.
GarafFolklore, Spanish (Canarian) Derived from Guanche *gar meaning "superiority, advantage, height", and taken from place name Garajonay. According to an unattested local legend, Gara and Jonay were a pair of young Guanche lovers who died together in a joint suicide at Garajonay peak.
GaramantisfGreek Mythology Is a nymph in Greek mythology. She was abducted by Zeus, raped and imprisoned. She bore the later king and rival of Aeneas, Jarbas.
GargarusmGreek Mythology The name of a son of Zeus, from whom the town and mountain of Gargara in Mysia, Greece were believed to have derived their name.
GarmmNorse Mythology Means "rag" in Old Norse. In Norse mythology this is the name of a blood-stained hellhound (occasionally considered identical to Fenrir) who guards Hel's gate... [more]
GarmrmNorse Mythology In Norse mythology this was the name of the wolf or dog companion of the goddess Hel who guards Hel's gate.
GarsivazmPersian Mythology Derived from the Avestan name Keresavazdah, of which the first element is derived from Avestan kərəsa meaning "having meager". The second element is derived from Avestan vazdah meaning "fat, fatness, fattiness, solidity", which itself is derived from Iranian *vazd-ah- meaning "animal fat, grease" - ultimately from the Iranian base vazd- meaning "to nourish" or "nourishment"... [more]
GarudamHinduism Means "eagle, devourer" in Sanskrit. This is the name of a divine bird-like creature in Hindu belief. He is considered the mount of Vishnu.
GarwenfArthurian Cycle, Welsh Mythology Means "fair leg" from Welsh gar "leg" and gwen "white, fair, blessed". According to the Welsh Triads (Triad 57), this name belonged to one of Arthur's three mistresses... [more]
GatagmOssetian Mythology Meaning unknown. Gatag is a water spirit in Ossetian mythology and the father of Syrdon in the Nart epics. Since he was the ruler of water, he could cut off the Narts' water supply at any time he desired, but he chose to befriend them instead... [more]
GathutkacamIndonesian Mythology Javanese form of Ghatotkacha. This is the name of a character in Javanese wayang (shadow puppetry) tradition, commonly depicted as a man with black skin wearing an elaborate headdress and clothing.
GauekomBasque Mythology In Basque mythology, Gaueko is a spirit/personification of the dark. Literally meaning ”of the night” in Basque. Said to be a malevolent spirit that comes out at dark to terrorize and humble people that boast of their bravery of it.
GautrmNorse Mythology, Old Norse From Old Norse gautr meaning "Goth, Geat". The Geats were a Germanic tribe that inhabited the present-day Götaland in Sweden. This is a by-name for Odin in Norse mythology.
GefnfOld Norse, Norse Mythology, Icelandic Means "giver". In Norse mythology this is one of the names of the goddess Freyja. It is possible that Gefn was originally a goddess in her own right.
GeirǫlulfOld Norse, Norse Mythology Meaning unknown. Possibly a variant of Geirǫnul or a combination of geirr ("spear") and ǫl ("ale"). This is the name of a Valkyrie in Norse mythology.
GeirǫnulfOld Norse, Norse Mythology Meaning unknown; possibly a combination of geirr ("spear") and ana- (emphatic prefix). This is the name of a Valkyrie in Norse mythology.
GellofGreek Mythology Meaning uncertain, possibly derived from gallû, an ancient Mesopotamian demon believed to bring sickness and death; this word is also preserved in English ghoul and in Algol (from Arabic al-ghul "the demon")... [more]
GemorymJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Gemory is a demon listed in demonological grimoires. The demon is referenced by the pronoun "he" despite the fact that he appears as a beautiful woman with a duchess crown riding a camel.
GendenwithafNew World Mythology Means "it brings the day" in Iroquois. This is the name of a mythological character represented by the Morning Star in Iroquois mythology.
GerakinafGreek, Folklore From the Greek word for the common buzzard (species Buteo buteo), a bird native to mainland Europe, which is derived from a diminutive of Ancient Greek ἱέραξ (hierax) meaning "hawk, falcon" (see Hierax)... [more]
GeranafGreek Mythology Derived from Greek γέρανος (geranos) "crane (bird)". Gerana, otherwise known as Oenoe, was a queen of the Pygmy folk in Greek mythology. She boasted she was more beautiful than the goddess Hera and was transformed by the angry goddess into a crane... [more]
GerasmGreek Mythology Means "old age." Geras was the spirit (daimon) of old age, one of the malevolent spirits spawned by the goddess Nyx (Night).
GerimNorse Mythology Derived from Old Norse gjarn "greedy", which is related to Gothic gairns (see Adalgern). In Norse mythology, Geri is the name of one of Odin's two wolves... [more]
GersemifNorse Mythology Derived from Old Norse gersemi "treasure, something which is considered precious or valuable". In Norse mythology this is one of Freyja and Óðr's daughters.
GeryonmGreek Mythology In Ancient Greek Mythology he is son of Chrysaor and Callirrhoe and grandson of Medusa. Geryon was a fearsome giant who dwelt on the island Erytheia of the mythic Hesperides in the far west of the Mediterranean... [more]
GesandermGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Γέσανδρος (Gesandros). This given name could possibly be derived from Greek γῆ (ge) "the earth, soil, land" combined with Greek ανδρος (andros) "of a man", but most likely it is actually of Scythian origin... [more]
GeštinannafNear Eastern Mythology The name of an early goddess of Southern Mesopotamia associated with writing and the netherworld. Her name means "wine (or vine) of the heavens (or the god An 2)", deriving from the Sumerian element ĝeštin ("vine, wine, bunch of grapes")... [more]
GhatotkachamIndian, Hinduism From घटोत्कच (Ghaṭotkaca), meaning "bald pot" in Sanskrit. He is a great warrior and the son of Bhima and Hidimbi in the Mahabharata.
GhmertimGeorgian Mythology Derived from Georgian ღმერთი (ghmert'i), from Old Georgian ღმერთი (ɣmerti), and ultimately from Proto-Kartvelian *ɣamort- meaning "God". Ghmerti is the supreme god in Georgian mythology and head of all the other deities... [more]
GillingrmOld Norse, Norse Mythology Derived from gjalla ("to scream") and -ingr (suffix meaning "son of" or "belonging to"). This is the name of a giant in Norse mythology.
GimlémNorse Mythology Possibly means "place protected by fire". In Norse mythology this is a hall covered with gold where mankind will live after Ragnarǫk.
GimlimNorse Mythology, Literature In Norse Mythology, was a place where the survivors of Ragnarok were to live, meaning "highest heaven" or "lee of flames". ... [more]
GǃkúnǁʼhòmdímàfSan Mythology, Astronomy Meaning "young female aardvark", ultimately derived from Jul'hoan particles gǃkún meaning "aardvark", ǁʼhòm mà meaning "young woman" and the feminine suffix dí.... [more]
GlaisnemIrish, Irish Mythology Possibly derived from Irish glaisin meaning "woad", a plant used to make blue dye, or the related glas meaning "green, greenish; grey".
GlaucefGreek Mythology (Latinized), Literature Latinized form of Glauke. This is the name of several figures in Greek mythology. Edmund Spenser used it in his epic poem The Faerie Queene (1590) for the nurse and squire of Britomart.
GlaukefGreek Mythology Derived from Greek γλαυκός (glaukos), which can mean "blue-grey, bluish grey" as well as "gleaming, bright". Also compare the given name Glaukos (see Glaucus).
GnáfNorse Mythology, Old Norse In Norse mythology, Gná is a goddess who runs errands in other worlds for the goddess Frigg and rides the flying, sea-treading horse Hófvarpnir ("hoof-thrower")... [more]
Góif & mNorse Mythology, Icelandic (Rare, ?) Name of a month in the Old Norse calendar, lasting from the middle of February to the middle of March. In Norse mythology Gói is the daughter of Þorri... [more]
GǫndulfNorse Mythology, Old Norse Meaning unknown. Possibly derived from gandr "magic, magic wand" or gǫndul "magical animal; werewolf". This is the name of a Valkyrie in Norse mythology.
GontiafCeltic Mythology The name of an obscure Celtic goddess, the tutelary deity of the river Günz, possibly derived from Proto-Celtic *kom-dati "confluence, river mouth", or related to Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰew- "to pour".