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Gender Feminine

Meaning & History

Derived from either fullr ("full") or fyl ("foal"). This is the name of a goddess in Norse mythology who acts as Frigg's handmaiden. Her name is used as a kenning for "gold" or "woman".
Added 3/21/2016 by anonymous
Edited 4/7/2016 by Lucille

Fulla 2
Gender Feminine
Usage Sanskrit
Scripts फुल्ला(Sanskrit)
Pronounced Pron. fullaa  [key]
Other Forms FormsPhulla

Meaning & History

Name - Fulla (Phulla) फुल्ला
MEANING - expanded, blown (as a flower), flowery, inflated (as cheeks), opened wide (as eyes)
Added 7/11/2017 by Vishal Khatri