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Gender Masculine

Meaning & History

Derived from Old Norse gjarn "greedy", which is related to Gothic gairns (see Adalgern). In Norse mythology, Geri is the name of one of Odin's two wolves. Geri resembles Greed and he is always very hungry, just like Freki (the other wolf). Both of them are never far away from Odin, because he will always give them his food, as he has no need for food.
Added 8/21/2007 by Lucille

Gender Masculine
Usage Gascon
Other Forms FormsGeli

Meaning & History

Gascon form of Giles.
Added 4/16/2008 by Erik Matlock
Edited 3/10/2021 by Frollein Gladys and Lucille

Gender Masculine
Scripts גרי(Hebrew)
Other Forms FormsGery, Gary, Gerry, Garry

Meaning & History

Diminutive of Gershom.
Added 4/3/2017 by anonymous
Edited 9/7/2018 by Evil

See Also
