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Gender Feminine

Meaning & History

In Roman legend this was another name of Larentia, the foster mother of the twins Romulus and Remus, and wife of the shepherd Faustulus. In her honour the Romans celebrated in December a feast called Larentalia or Accalia. This name also occurs in Virgil's Aeneid, belonging to a companion of Camilla.
Added 6/9/2011 by febefrancis
Edited 6/19/2023 by SeaHorse15, Frollein Gladys, Evil and more

Acca 2
Gender Feminine
Scripts അക്കാ, അക്ക(Malayalam)
Other Forms FormsAccama, Acamma, Accamma, Achamma, Reba, Raca

Meaning & History

Form of Rebecca used by Malayalam-speaking Saint Thomas Christians.
Added 8/3/2020 by glacier_bear_82