names are used in the country of Uzbekistan in central Asia.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abbosbek m UzbekFrom the given name
Abbos combined with the Turkic military title
beg meaning "chieftain, master"
Abruy Абруй m Kazakh (Rare), Uzbek (Rare)Probably derived from the Persian noun آبروی
(aberuy) meaning "reputation, standing" as well as "honour, prestige". A more literal meaning would be "the face of honour", since the word consists of the Persian noun آب
(ab) meaning "honour, reputation, standing" combined with the Persian noun روی
(roy) meaning "face" as well as "copper, brass, bronze"... [
Achagul f UzbekDerived from Uzbek
acha meaning "mother, grandmother" and
gul meaning "flower, rose".
Achasanam f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek word
acha meaning "mother, grandmother" and
sanam meaning "idol, beautiful woman".
Adiljan Адилжан m Uyghur, Uzbek, KazakhUyghur elaboration of
Adil using the Persian suffix جان
(jân) meaning "dear, darling" as well as an Uzbek and Kazakh variant transcription of
Adolat Адолат f Uzbek, TajikMeans "justice" in Uzbek and Tajik, ultimately from Arabic عَدَلَ
('adala) meaning "to act justly".
Ahdiya f UzbekEtymology uncertain, possibly from the Uzbek word
ahd meaning "oath, pact".
Ahrora f UzbekFrom the Uzbek word
ahror meaning "one able to free oneself from worldly desires".
Alchira f UzbekMeans "rosy-cheeked," and is a very popular name for girls in Uzbekistan.
Alijon Алижон m Tajik, UzbekCombination of the given name
Ali 1 and Persian جان
(jân) meaning "soul, being, spirit".
Amaloy f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek word
amal meaning "influence, bewitch, charm" or the Arabic name
Amal 1 combined with
oy meaning "moon".
Amirbek m Kazakh, Tajik, Kyrgyz, UzbekCombination of Arabic أَمِير
(ʾamīr) meaning "prince, commander" (see
Amir 1) and the Turkish military title
beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Anora Анора f Tajik, UzbekDerived from the Tajik and Uzbek noun анор
(anor) meaning "pomegranate". In other words, this name is a cognate of
Anqogul f UzbekDerived from
anqo meaning "anqa (a mythological bird" and
gul meaning "flower, rose".
Antiqa f UzbekMeans "ancient" in Uzbek but also figuratively "amazing, wonderful".
Aqchagul f UzbekDerived from
aqcha meaning "money" and
gul meaning "flower, rose".
Aqiqa f UzbekFrom the name of feast given in honour of a newborn baby, alternatively from the Uzbek
aqiq meaning "carnelian" or "red, crimson".
Aqliya f UzbekDerived from
aqliy meaning "intellectual".
Aqloy f UzbekDerived from
aql meaning "mind, intelligence" and "smarts, common sense, advise" and
oy meaning "moon".
Arkona f UzbekDerived from
arkon meaning "high" but also historically "pillars, support" and in reference to the pillars of Islam.
Arslon Арслон m UzbekDerived from the Uzbek noun
arslon meaning "lion", which is ultimately derived from Turkic
arslan (see
Arziya f UzbekPossibly from
arzi- meaning "to merit, to deserve".
Asadbek Асадбек m UzbekFrom Arabic أسد
(ʾasad) meaning "lion" or أسعد
(ʾasʿad) meaning "happier, luckier" combined with the Turkic military title
beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Asadxo'ja m UzbekFrom the given name
Asad meaning "lion" combined with
xo'ja meaning "master".
Asalbonu f UzbekDerived from
asal meaning "honey" and
bonu meaning "lady".
Asalgul f UzbekDerived from
asal meaning "honey" and
gul meaning "flower, rose".
Asaloy f UzbekDerived from
asal meaning "honey" and
oy meaning "moon".
Asilposhsha f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
asil meaning "real, genuine", "precious", or "dear" and
poshsha, an endearing name for a girl or woman.
Asqar Асқар m UzbekUzbek form of the Arabic name
Askar. This name is not to be confused with the Kazakh name
Asqar, which is ultimately of Turkic origin.... [
Asriya f UzbekDerived from
asriy, a literary term meaning "centuries long".
Atlas f UzbekRefers to a kind of brightly coloured satin material used in making traditional Uzbek women's dresses.
Avjiya f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
avji meaning "just, exactly".
Ayako‘z f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
aya meaning "mother" and
ko'z meaning "eye" or "glance".
Aynijamol f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
ayni meaning "exact, exactly" or "true, authentic" and
jamol meaning "beauty".
Aynikamol f UzbekFrom
ayni meaning "exact, the same, real, true, genuine" and
kamol meaning "fullness, completion, perfection".
Ayniya f UzbekFrom
ayni meaning "exact, the same, real, true, genuine".
Ayon f UzbekMeans "clear, apparent" in Uzbek.
Azalbibi f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
azal meaning "eternity" and
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman".
Azaliya Азалия f Kazakh (Rare), Tajik (Rare), Uzbek (Rare)Derived from Persian ازلی
(azalee) or
(azali) meaning "eternal, everlasting", which is ultimately derived from Persian ازل
(azal) meaning "to eternally be" or "eternity without beginning"... [
Azimgul f UzbekFrom
azim meaning "great, huge" and
gul meaning "flower".
Azizposhsha f UzbekDerived frpm
aziz meaning "dear, beloved", "holy, sacred" or "rare, precious" and
poshsha, an endearing name for a girl or woman.
Azmiya f UzbekPossibly from the Uzbek
azm meaning "resolution".
Badiaperi f UzbekDerived from
badia meaning "artistic creation" and
peri meaning "fairy".
Badiha f UzbekMeans "impromptu verse, musical performance" in Uzbek.
Ba'diya f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
ba'd meaning "heart, soul".
Bahorjamol f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
bahor meaning "spring" and
jamol meaning "beauty".
Bahoroy f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
bahor meaning "spring" and
oy meaning "moon".
Bahra f UzbekMeans "gain, advantage" or "pleasure, delight" in Uzbek.
Bahragul f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bahra meaning "profit, gain" or "pleasure" and
gul meaning "flower".
Bahriya f UzbekPossibly derived from
bahr meaning "sea, ocean".
Bakhriddin m Tajik, UzbekDerived from Tajik баҳр
(bahr) meaning “sea”, ultimately from Arabic بَحْر
(baḥr) meaning “sea, river”, combined with Arabic دِين
(dīn) meaning “religion, creed, faith”.
Balqi f UzbekMeans "to glitter, shine" or "to florish" in Uzbek.
Barchinsuluv f UzbekPossibly derived from
barchin meaning "everything" and
suluv meaning "beauty".
Bargi f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
barg meaning "leaf".
Bargigul f UzbekDerived from
barg meaning "leaf" and
gul meaning "flower, rose".
Barno f UzbekMeans "youthful, beautiful" in Uzbek.
Barnogul f UzbekDerived from
barno meaning "youthful, beautiful" and
gul meaning "flower, rose".
Barragul f UzbekDerived from
barra meaning "lamb" and
gul meaning "flower, rose".
Basoy f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bas meaning "enough, stop" and
oy meaning "moon".
Baxtigul f UzbekDerived from
baxt meaning "happiness" and
gul meaning "flower, rose".
Baxtiqiz f UzbekDerived from
baxt meaning "happiness" and
qiz meaning "girl".
Baxtli f UzbekMeans "fortunate, lucky, blessed" in Uzbek.
Bayrambaxt f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
bayram meaning "holiday" and
baxt meaning "happiness".
Bayramgul f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
bayram meaning "holiday" and
gul meaning "flower, rose".
Beg'amgul f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
beg'am meaning "carefree" and
gul meaning "flower, rose".
Bejam f UzbekPossibly from the Uzbek
bejama meaning "decoration, ornament".
Bejamoy f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bejama meaning "decoration" and
oy meaning "moon".
Bekach f UzbekFrom the historical title of a wife or daughter of a
Betiqand f UzbekPossibly from the Uzbek
bet meaning "face, cheek" and
qand meaning "cube sugar".
Bibiaxtar f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
Bibihadicha f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and the given name
Bibihayot f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
hayot meaning "life".
Bibijahon f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
jahon meaning "the world".
Bibijamol f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
jamol meaning "beauty".
Bibimaryam f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and the given name
Bibiniyoz f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
niyoz meaning "entreaty, alms".
Bibinovvot f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
novvot meaning "rock sugar".
Bibinozik f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
nozik meaning "fine, delicate".
Bibioy f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
oy meaning "moon".
Bibiqamar f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
qamar meaning "moon".
Bibiqand f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
qand meaning "sugarcube".
Bibiqiz f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
qiz meaning "girl".
Bibirajab f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and the given name
Bibirayhon f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
rayhon meaning "basil".
Bibiro'zi f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
ro'z meaning "day".
Bibisafar f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
safar meaning "trip, journey".
Bibisaida f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and the given name
Bibisanam f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
sanam meaning "idol, beautiful woman".
Bibisan'at f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
san'at meaning "art, craft".
Bibishahar f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
shahar meaning "city, large town".
Bibishakar f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
shakar meaning "sugar, sweet".
Bibishamsiya f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
shamsiya meaning "parasol".
Bibisohiba f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
sohiba meaning "owner, possessor (fem.)".
Bibisuluv f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
sulu(v) meaning "beautiful".
Bibisuman f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
suman meaning "jasmine".
Bibitoj f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
toj meaning "crown".
Bibizar f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
zar meaning "gold, wealth".
Bibizaynab f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and the given name
Bibizilol f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
zilol meaning "crystal-clear, limpid, unclouded".
Bibizor f UzbekFrom the Uzbek
bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and
zor meaning "entreaty, need, desire".
Billura f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
billur meaning "crystal".
Bolchuchuk f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
bol meaning "honey" and
chuchuk meaning "sweet".
Boljahon f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
bol meaning "honey" and
jahon meaning "the world".
Bolqiz f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
bol meaning "honey" and
qiz meaning "girl".
Bonugul f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
bonu meaning "lady" and
gul meaning "flower, rose".
Bo'rigul f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
bo'ri meaning "wolf" and
gul meaning "flower, rose".
Bo‘rijamol f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
bo'ri meaning "wolf" and
jamol meaning "beauty".
Bo‘stongo‘zal f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
bo'ston meaning "vibrant garden" and
go'zal meaning "beautiful".
Bo‘taqora f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
bo'ta meaning "baby camel", an endearing name for small children, and
qora meaning "black, dark".
Boychechak f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
boy meaning "rich, wealthy" and
chechak meaning "sweet".
Boysuluv f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
boy meaning "rich, wealthy" and
sulu(v) meaning "beautiful".
Burgutoy f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
burgut meaning "eagle" and
oy meaning "moon".
Busabo f UzbekPossibly from the Uzbek
bu meaning "this" and
sabo meaning "morning breeze".
Buvianbar f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
buvi meaning "grandmother, mother" and
anbar meaning "ambergris".
Buviqand f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
buvi meaning "grandmother, mother" and
qand meaning "sugarcube".
Buvisuluv f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
buvi meaning "grandmother, mother" and
sulu(v) meaning "beautiful".
Buvizahro f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
buvi meaning "grandmother, mother" and the given name
Chamanmurod m UzbekDerived from
chaman meaning "field of flowers" and
murod meaning "wish, desire, aim".
Chaqaboy m UzbekDerived from
chaqa meaning "brass or copper coin, money" or "child" and
boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Chaqirboy m UzbekDerived from
chaqir- meaning "to call, summon, invite" and
boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Chaqmoq m UzbekMeans "lightning" or "spark, flame" in Uzbek.
Chekmirza m UzbekDerived from
chek meaning "end, limit" or "lot, potion" and
Mirza or
mirza meaning "scribe, scholar".
Cherikboy m UzbekDerived from
cherik meaning "army" and
boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Chil m UzbekMeans "partridge" or "forty" in Uzbek.
Chimboy m UzbekDerived from
chim meaning "grass" and
boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Chinara Чинара f UzbekMeans "Platanus" (a type of tree) in Uzbek.
Chindavlat m UzbekDerived from
chin meaning "true, real" and
davlat meaning "state, country", "wealth", or "fortune, happiness".
Chinmirza m UzbekDerived from
chin meaning "true, real" combined with
Mirza or
mirza meaning "scribe, scholar".
Chinoq m UzbekMeans "having notched or clipped ears", "notched, scarred" or "marked, having a mark, having a sign" in Uzbek.
Chinpo‘lat m UzbekDerived from
chin meaning "true, real" and
po'lat meaning "sword, steel".
Chinqora m UzbekDerived from
chin meaning "real, true" and
qora meaning "black, dark".
Chintemir m UzbekDerived from
chin meaning "real, true" and
temir meaning "iron, metal".
Chinterak m UzbekDerived from
chin meaning "real, true" and
terak meaning "poplar".
Chinyigit m UzbekDerived from
chin meaning "real, true" and
yigit meaning "young man".
Chiroq m UzbekMeans "lamp, light" in Uzbek, also an endearing term given to a child.
Cho'g'olboy m UzbekDerived from
cho'g'ol meaning "sturdy, strong" and
boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Cho'lbosh m UzbekDerived from
cho'l meaning "desert" and
bosh meaning "head, summit, tip, source".
Cho‘lmurod m UzbekDerives from
cho'l meaning "desert" and
murod meaning "wish, desire, aim".
Choparboy m UzbekDerived from
chopar meaning "messenger" and
boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Cho‘tpo‘lat m UzbekDerived from
cho't meaning "calculation" and
po'lat meaning "sword, steel".
Chunonboy m UzbekDerived from
chunon meaning "so, much" and
boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Dadila f UzbekDerived from
dadil meaning "bold, fearless".
Dainya f Uzbek (Rare)Dainya is thought to mean “Bravery” in Uzbek. But a submission from Jamaica claims it means “Thanks”. Dainya is a Aboriginal name.
Daryogul Дарёгул f Tajik, Uzbek (Rare, ?)Composed of Tajik дарё
(daryo), Uzbek
daryo meaning "river" and Tajik гул
(gul), Uzbek
gul meaning "flower".
Davlatbek Давлатбек m Uzbek, TajikFrom Uzbek
davlat or Tajik давлат
(davlat) both meaning "government, state" combined with the Turkic military title
beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Davlatgul f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
davlat meaning "country" or "wealth, fortune, happiness" and
gul meaning "flower, rose".
Davlatjahon f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
davlat meaning "country" or "wealth, fortune, happiness" and
jahon meaning "the world".
Davlatjamol f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
davlat meaning "country" or "wealth, fortune, happiness" and
jamol meaning "beauty".
Davlatoy f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
davlat meaning "country" or "wealth, fortune, happiness" and
oy meaning "moon".
Davlatposhsha f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
davlat meaning "country" or "wealth, fortune, happiness" and
poshsha, an endearing name for a girl or woman.
Davlatsafar f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
davlat meaning "country" or "wealth, fortune, happiness" and
safar meaning "trip, journey".
Davron Даврон m Tajik, Uzbek, Kyrgyz (Rare)Tajik and Uzbek form of
Davran, which has also seen some use in Kyrgyzstan. Known bearers of this name include the Kyrgyz soccer player Davron Askarov (b... [
Davrongul f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
davron meaning "ages, epochs" and
gul meaning "flower, rose".
Davronoy f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
davron meaning "ages, epochs" and
oy meaning "moon".