Uzbek Submitted Names

Uzbek names are used in the country of Uzbekistan in central Asia.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Namozgul f Uzbek
Derived from namoz meaning "prayer" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Naqibullo Нақибулло m Tajik (Rare), Uzbek (Rare)
Tajik and Uzbek form of Naqibullah.
Narimon Наримон m Uzbek, Tajik
Uzbek and Tajik form of Nariman.
Nasibgul f Uzbek
Derived from nasiba meaning "fate" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Nasirbek Насирбек m Kazakh (Rare), Kyrgyz (Rare), Uzbek (Rare)
Combination of Nasir with the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".... [more]
Nasrullo Насрулло m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Nasrullah.
Nastarin f Uzbek
Means "lilac (flower)" in Uzbek.
Navbakhor f Uzbek
Means "sort of spring" from Uzbek nav meaning "sort, kind" (borrowed from Arabic نَوَّعَ) combined with the given name Bakhor meaning "spring"
Navgul f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nav meaning "sort, kind" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Navnihol f Uzbek
Means "sapling" or "young girl" in Uzbek.
Navozish f Uzbek
Means "kindness" in Uzbek.
Navro'za f Uzbek
Uzbek feminine name derived from nav'roz refering to a New Year's celebration widely celebrated in Central Asia, also meaning "springtime" or the name of a kind of apricot.
Navro'zgul f Uzbek
Derived from nav'roz refering to a New Year's celebration widely celebrated in Central Asia, also meaning "springtime" or the name of a kind of apricot, and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Navro'zoy f Uzbek
Derived from nav'roz refering to a New Year's celebration widely celebrated in Central Asia, also meaning "springtime" or the name of a kind of apricot, and oy meaning "moon".
Navruz m & f Uzbek, Tajik, Turkish
Uzbek, Tajik and Turkish form of Nowruz. This name is masculine in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, while in Turkey it is mostly found on females.
Nazargul f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nazar meaning "look, glance" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Naziraoy f Uzbek
Derived from nazira meaning "a literary work meant to represent or respond another work by another author" and oy meaning "moon".
Nazmiya f Uzbek
Derived from nazmiy meaning "poetic, in poetry".
Nazokat f Uzbek
Means "politeness, refinement, grace" in Uzbek.
Nazzora f Uzbek
Means "look, glance" in Uzbek.
Nekqadam Некадам m & f Uzbek
Means "auspicious, bringer of good luck (of a person)."
Nemat Немат f & m Arabic, Persian, Uzbek, Tajik
Alternate transcription of Arabic نعمات (see Nimat), as well as the Persian, Uzbek and Tajik form.
Ne'matbibi f Uzbek
Derived from ne'mat meaning "blessings" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Ne'matoy f Uzbek
Derived from ne'mat meaning "blessings" and oy meaning "moon".
Nevara f Uzbek
Means "grandchild" in Uzbek.
Niginabonu f Uzbek
From the given name Nigina combined with bonu meaning "lady, woman"
Niginakhon f Uzbek
Variant transcription of Niginaxon
Niginaxon f Uzbek
From the given name Nigina combined with xon meaning "king, ruler"
Nig'mat Ниғмат m Uzbek
Uzbek form of Nimat.
Nihol f Uzbek
Means "sprout, shoot, young growth" in Uzbek.
Niholbibi f Uzbek
Derived from nihol meaning "sprout, shoot, young growth" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Niholgul f Uzbek
Derived from nihol meaning "sprout, shoot, young growth" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Niholjon f Uzbek
Derived from nihol meaning "sprout, shoot, young growth" and jon meaning "spirit, soul".
Niholoy f Uzbek
Derived from nihol meaning "sprout, shoot, young growth" and oy meaning "moon".
Nilgul f Uzbek
Derived from nil meaning "indigo" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Nishonbibi f Uzbek
Derived from nishon meaning "mark, sign" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Nishongul f Uzbek
Derived from nishon meaning "mark, sign" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Nishonoy f Uzbek
Derived from nishon meaning "mark, sign" and oy meaning "moon".
Niyozbibi f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek niyoz meaning "alms, supplication" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Niyozgo'zal f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek niyoz meaning "alms, supplication" and go'zal meaning "beautiful".
Niyozgul f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek niyoz meaning "alms, supplication" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Niyozmoh f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek niyoz meaning "alms, supplication" and moh meaning "moon".
Niyozoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek niyoz meaning "alms, supplication" and oy meaning "moon".
Niyozqul Ниёзқул m Uzbek
Nizom Низом m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Nizam.
Nodirabibi f Uzbek
Derived from nodir meaning "rare, precious, valuable" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Nodirbek Нодирбек m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Nadirbek. A known bearer of this name is the Uzbek chess player Nodirbek Abdusattorov (b. 2004).
Nodirbonu f Uzbek
Derived from nodir meaning "rare, precious, valuable" and bonu meaning "lady (title)".
Nodirgul f Uzbek
Derived from nodir meaning "rare, precious, valuable" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Nodirtoj f Uzbek
Derived from nodir meaning "rare, precious, valuable" and toj meaning "crown".
Noil Ноил m Tajik (Rare), Uzbek (Rare)
Tajik and Uzbek form of Nail.
Norbadan f Uzbek
Derived from nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and badan meaning "skin, complexion".
Norbek Норбек m Uzbek
Uzbek form of Nurbek.
Norbibi f Uzbek
Derived from nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Norbibish f Uzbek
Derived from nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and bibish meaning "lady".
Norbodom f Uzbek
Derived from nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and bodom meaning "almond".
Norbonu f Uzbek
Derived from nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and bonu meaning "lady (title)".
Norchechak f Uzbek
Derived from nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and chechak meaning "flower".
Norchuchuk f Uzbek
Derived from nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and chuchuk meaning "sweet".
Nordavlat f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and davlat meaning "wealth, fortune" or "happiness".
Nordona f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and dona meaning "piece, grain, kernel".
Norgo'zal f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and go'zal meaning "beautiful".
Norgul f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Norjamol f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and jamol meaning "beauty".
Norkumush f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and kumush meaning "silver".
Noroy f Uzbek
Derived from nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and oy meaning "moon".
Norposhsha f Uzbek
Derived from nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and poshsha, an endearing term for a girl or woman.
Norqiz f Uzbek
Derived from nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and qiz meaning "girl".
Norsanam f Uzbek
Derived from nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and sanam meaning "beauty, beautiful woman", also an Uyghur classical music genre.
Norsuluv f Uzbek
Derived from nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and sulu(v) meaning "beautiful".
Norxonim f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and xonim meaning "lady".
Nosir Носир m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Nasir.
Nosirbek Носирбек m Tajik (Rare), Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Nasirbek. A known bearer of this name is the Uzbek soccer player Nosirbek Otakuziev (b. 1984).
Novvot f Uzbek
Means "rock sugar" in Uzbek.
Novvotbibi f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek novvot meaning "rock sugar" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Novvotoy f Uzbek
Derived from novvot meaning "rock sugar" and oy meaning "moon".
No'xat f Uzbek
Means "chickpea" in Uzbek.
No'xatoy f Uzbek
Derived from no'xat meaning "chickpea" and oy meaning "moon".
Noza f Tajik, Uzbek
Short form of Nozanin.
Nozanin Нозанин f Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Nazanin.
Nozbahor f Uzbek
Derived noz meaning "flirtiousness", "whim", "tenderness" or "fondness" and bahor meaning "spring".
Nozbibi f Uzbek
Derived noz meaning "flirtiousness", "whim", "tenderness" or "fondness" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Nozbuvish f Uzbek
Derived noz meaning "flirtiousness", "whim", "tenderness" or "fondness" and buvish meaning "lady".
Nozdavlat f Uzbek
Derived noz meaning "flirtiousness", "whim", "tenderness" or "fondness" and davlat meaning "wealth, fortune" or "happiness".
Nozgul f Uzbek
Derived noz meaning "flirtiousness", "whim", "tenderness" or "fondness" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Nozik f Uzbek
Means "fine, delicate" in Uzbek.
Nozikbibi f Uzbek
Derived from nozik meaning "fine, delicate" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Nozikgo'zal f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nozik meaning "fine, delicate" and go'zal meaning "beautiful".
Nozikgul f Uzbek
Derived from nozik meaning "fine, delicate" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Nozikjamol f Uzbek
Derived from nozik meaning "fine, delicate" and jamol meaning "beauty".
Nozikoy f Uzbek
Derived from nozik meaning "fine, delicate" and oy meaning "moon".
Nozim Нозим m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Nazim. A known bearer of this name is the Tajik soccer player Nozim Babadjanov (b. 1995).
Nozima Нозима f Uzbek
Derived from Arabic نَظَمَ (naẓama) meaning "to organise, to arrange, to put in order".
Nozjamol f Uzbek
Derived noz meaning "flirtiousness", "whim", "tenderness" or "fondness" and jamol meaning "beauty".
Nozli f Uzbek
Uzbek form of Nazli.
Nozlisuluv f Uzbek
Derived from nozli meaning "cocquettish, flirtatious" and sulu(v) meaning "beautiful".
Nozmehr f Uzbek
Derived noz meaning "flirtiousness", "whim", "tenderness" or "fondness" and mehr meaning "love" or "mercy, compassion".
Nozpari f Uzbek
Derived noz meaning "flirtiousness", "whim", "tenderness" or "fondness" and pari meaning "fairy".
Nufuza f Uzbek
Derived from nufuz meaning "personal power or influence".
Nuqra f Uzbek
Means "silver" in Uzbek.
Nuqraoy f Uzbek
Derived from nuqra meaning "silver" and oy meaning "moon".
Nurafshon f Uzbek
Meas "brilliant" in Uzbek.
Nurali Нурали m Uzbek, Tajik, Kyrgyz
From Arabic نور (nur) meaning "light" combined with the given name Ali 1.
Nurbadan f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and badan meaning "skin, complexion".
Nurbahor f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and bahor meaning "spring".
Nurbanot f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and banot meaning "velvet".
Nurbaxt f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and baxt meaning "happiness" or "luck, good fortune".
Nurbibi f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Nurbodom f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and bodom meaning "almond".
Nurbonu f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and bonu meaning "lady (title)".
Nurchechak f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and chechak meaning "flower".
Nurdavlat f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and davlat meaning "wealth, fortune" or "happiness".
Nurdono f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and dono meaning "wise".
Nurgo'zal f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nur meaning "divine light" and go'zal meaning "beautiful".
Nurgulshan f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and gulshan meaning "flower garden".
Nurhayot f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and hayot meaning "life".
Nuriddin Нуриддин m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Nuruddin. A known bearer of this name is the Tajik soccer player Nuriddin Davronov (b. 1991).
Nuridiyda f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and diyda meaning "eye".
Nurik m Uzbek, Kazakh, Tajik, Turkmen, Kyrgyz, Dagestani
Derived from Arabic Nur, meaning "light".
Nurislom Нурислом m Uzbek
Uzbek form of Nurislam.
Nuritdin Нуритдин m Uzbek (Rare)
Uzbek variant form of Nuriddin. A known bearer of this name was the former Uzbek politician Nuritdin Mukhitdinov (1917-2008).
Nurjamol f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and jamol meaning "beauty".
Nurjannat f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and jannat meaning "heaven".
Nurlig'oyat f Uzbek
Derived from nurli meaning "radiant, shining" and g'oyat(da) meaning "extremely".
Nurlihayot f Uzbek
Derived from nurli meaning "radiant, shining" and hayot meaning "life".
Nurlijon f Uzbek
Derived from nurli meaning "radiant, shining" and jon meaning "spirit, soul".
Nurlioy f Uzbek
Derived from nurli meaning "radiant, shining" and oy meaning "moon".
Nurlir'oy f Uzbek
Derived from nurli meaning "radiant, shining" and r'oy meaning "face".
Nurnozik f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and nozik meaning "fine, delicate".
Nuroniya f Uzbek
Derived from nuroniy meaning "shining with light".
Nuroy f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and oy meaning "moon".
Nurposhsha f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and poshsha, an endearing term for a girl or woman.
Nurqiz f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nur meaning "divine light" and qiz meaning "girl".
Nursadaf f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nur meaning "divine light" and sadaf meaning "mother-of-pearl".
Nurshoda f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and shoda meaning "necklace" or shod meaning "joyful".
Nursiymo f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and siymo meaning "appearance".
Nursuluv f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and sulu(v) meaning "beautiful".
Nurtoza f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nur meaning "divine light" and toza meaning "clean, pure".
Nurullo Нурулло m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Nurullah.
Nuryuz f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nur meaning "divine light" and yuz meaning "face" or "hundred, many times".
Nurziyo f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nur meaning "divine light" and ziyo meaning "divine light", "glimmer, shine" or "enlightenment".
Nusratullo Нусратулло m Tajik, Uzbek (Rare)
Tajik and Uzbek form of Nusratullah. A notable bearer of this name was the Tajik politician Nusratullo Maksum (1881-1937).
Obida f Uzbek
Means "devout worshiper" in Uzbek.
Oblayor Облаёр, Облайор m Uzbek (Rare)
Modern form of Ablayar.
Obloyor Облоёр, Облойор m Uzbek (Rare)
Modern form of Ablayar.
Obodongul f Uzbek
Derived from obodon meaning "flourishing" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Obodontoj f Uzbek
Derived from obodon meaning "flourishing" and toj meaning "crown".
Obro'y f Uzbek
Means "respect, esteem, honour" in Uzbek.
Obruy Обруй m Uzbek (Rare)
Modern Uzbek form of Abruy.
Ochila f Uzbek
Derived from ochil- meaning "to relax, cheer up", "flower, blossom", "light up" or "to get bright, lighten".
Ochilgul f Uzbek
Derived from ochil- meaning "to relax, cheer up", "flower, blossom", "light up" or "to get bright, lighten" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Ochiloy f Uzbek
Derived from ochil- meaning "to relax, cheer up", "flower, blossom", "light up" or "to get bright, lighten" and oy meaning "moon".
O'choq m Uzbek
Means "hearth" or "origin" in Uzbek.
Odam m Uzbek
Uzbek form of Adam.
Odil Одил m Uzbek, Tajik (Rare)
Uzbek and Tajik form of Adil.
Ofiyat f Uzbek
Means "health" in Uzbek.
Ofiyatbibi f Uzbek
Derived from ofiyat meaning "health" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Oftob f Uzbek
Means "sun, sunlight" in Uzbek.
O'g'ilboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'g'il meaning "boy, son" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
O'g'lon m Uzbek
Means "brave young man" in Uzbek, also an epithet denoting royal lineage or being a descendant of Genghis Khan.
Oguljemal f Uzbek
From ogul meaning "son" and jemal meaning "beautiful".
Ohista f Uzbek
Means "slowly, gently" in Uzbek.
Ohu f Uzbek
Means "gazelle" in Uzbek.
Ohuko'z f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek ohu meaning "gazelle" and ko'z meaning "eye".
O'jarboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'jar meaning "stubborn, uncontrollable" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
O'ktam m Uzbek
Means "influential" or "generous, affable".
O'ktambu f Uzbek
Derived from o'ktam meaning "generous, likeable".
Olako'z f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek ola meaning "multi-coloured" and ko'z meaning "eye".
Olcha f Uzbek
Means "sour cherry" in Uzbek.
Olima f Uzbek
Feminine form of Olim (the Uzbek and Tajik form of Alim). In other words, this is an Uzbek form of Alima.
Olimjon Олимжон m Uzbek, Tajik
Uzbek and Tajik form of Alimjan.
Olimtilla f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek olim meaning "scholar" and tilla meaning "gold" or "dear, precious".
Oliya f Uzbek
Derived from oliy meaning "high, supreme".
Ol'jaqo'zi m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek ol'ja meaning "prey, spoils" and qo'zi meaning "lamb".
Olma Олма f Uzbek
Means "apple" in Uzbek.
Olmago'zal f Uzbek
Derived from olma meaning "apple" and go'zal meaning "beautiful".
Olmagul f Uzbek
Derived from olma meaning "apple" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
O'lmas m Uzbek
Means "undying, eternal" in Uzbek.
O'lmasoy f Uzbek
Derived from o'lmas meaning "eternal, undying, never losing its value" and oy meaning "moon".
Oltinbibi f Uzbek
Derived from oltin meaning "gold" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Oltinbuvish f Uzbek
Derived from oltin meaning "gold" and buvish meaning "lady".
Oltingul Олтингул f Uzbek
Combination of Uzbek oltin meaning "golden" and gul meaning "flower".
Oltinjamol f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oltin meaning "gold" and jamol meaning "beauty".
Oltinnovvot f Uzbek
Derived from oltin meaning "gold" and novvot meaning "rock sugar".
Oltinnur f Uzbek
Derived from oltin meaning "gold" and nur meaning "divine light".
Oltinoy f Uzbek
Derived from oltin meaning "gold" and oy meaning "moon".
Oltinsoch f Uzbek
Derived from oltin meaning "gold" and soch meaning "thrush".
Oltintoj f Uzbek
Derived from oltin meaning "gold" and toj meaning "crown".
Oltinxol f Uzbek
Derived from oltin meaning "gold" and xol meaning "mole, dot, beauty mark".
Olyeg m Uzbek
Uzbek form of Oleg.
Olyesya f Uzbek
Uzbek form of Olesya.
Omonbibi f Uzbek
Derived from omon meaning "safe, healthy" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Omonbonu f Uzbek
Derived from omon meaning "safe, healthy" and bonu meaning "lady (title)".
Omongul f Uzbek
Derived from omon meaning "safe, healthy" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Omonjamol f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek omon meaning "safe, healthy" and jamol meaning "beauty".
Omonoy f Uzbek
Derived from omon meaning "safe, healthy" and oy meaning "moon".
Omonshirin f Uzbek
Derived from omon meaning "safe, healthy" and shirin meaning "sweet, pleasant".
Omonshoh f Uzbek
Derived from omon meaning "safe, healthy" and shoh meaning "outstanding".
Omonullo Омонулло m Uzbek
Possibly a variant of Amonullo.
Omonxol f Uzbek
Derived from omon meaning "safe, healthy" and xol meaning "mole, dot, beauty mark".
Onabaxt f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek ona meaning "mother" or a term of respect for women, and baxt meaning "happiness" or "luck, good fortune".
Onabibi f Uzbek
Derived from ona meaning "mother" or a term of respect for women, and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Onagul f Uzbek
Derived from ona meaning "mother" or a term of respect for women, and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Onajon f Uzbek
Derived from ona meaning "mother" or a term of respect for women, and jon meaning "soul, spirit".
Onaqiz f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek ona meaning "mother" or a term of respect for women, and qiz meaning "girl".
Onazar f Uzbek
Derived from ona meaning "mother" or a term of respect for women, and zar meaning "gold, wealth".
O'ng'al m Uzbek
Means "to right, to straighten" in Uzbek.
O'ng'ar m Uzbek
Means "to set straight, to straighten out" in Uzbek.
O'ntoy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'n meaning "ten" and toy meaning "colt".
Oppoq f Uzbek
Means "pure white" in Uzbek.
Oqbibi f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
O'qchi m Uzbek
Means "arrow maker" in Uzbek.
Oqgo'zal f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and go'zal meaning "beautiful".
Oqgul f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Oqibat f Uzbek
Means "kindness" in Uzbek.
Oqil Оқил m Tajik (Rare), Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Aqil. A notable bearer of this name is Oqil Oqilov (b. 1944), a former prime minister of Tajikistan.
Oqila f Uzbek
Means "intelligent, wise" in Uzbek.
Oqiljon f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oqil meaning "intelligent, wise" and jon meaning "spirit, soul".
Oqiloy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oqil meaning "intelligent, wise" and oy meaning "moon".
Oqjahon f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and jahon meaning "the world".
Oqjamol f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and jamol meaning "beauty".
Oqko'ngil f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and ko'ngil meaning "heart".
Oqkumush f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and kumush meaning "silver".
Oqmaral f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and maral meaning "Caspian deer".
Oqmomiq f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and momiq meaning "soft like cotton".
Oqmoya f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and moya meaning "female camel".
Oqniyat f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and niyat meaning "intention".
Oqnovvot f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and novvot meaning "rock sugar".
Oqoltin f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and oltin meaning "gold".
Oqoyim f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and oyim, a title for aristocratic women.
Oqqiz f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and qiz meaning "girl".
Oqsuluv f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and sulu(v) meaning "beautiful".
Oqxol f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and xol meaning "mole, dot, beauty mark".
Oqyurak f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oq meaning "white", "grey", "silver" or "clear" and yurak meaning "heart".
Orasta f Uzbek
Uzbek feminine meaning "neat, tidy".
Orazbibi f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oraz meaning "beauty" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
O'rda m Uzbek
Means "horde, confederation" or "head camp" in Uzbek.
Orif Ориф m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Arif.
Orifa f Uzbek
Means "learned, knowing" in Uzbek.
O'rmon m Uzbek
Means "forest" in Uzbek.
O'rmonchi m Uzbek
Means "forester, woodsman" in Uzbek.
O'rmonoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek o'rmon meaning "forest" and oy meaning "moon".
O'roltosh m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'rol meaning "opening remark" and tosh meaning "stone, rock".
O'roq m Uzbek
Means "sickle" or "harvest" in Uzbek.
O'roqchi m Uzbek
Means "sickle-maker" or "harvester" in Uzbek.
O'roz m Uzbek
Means "hope" in Uzbek.
O'rozbeka f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and beka meaning "wife".
O'rozberdi m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and berdi meaning "gave".
O'rozboq m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and boq meaning "to look" or "to take care of, raise, support".
O'rozboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
O'rozjahon f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and jahon meaning "the world".
O'rozjon m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and jon meaning "spirit, soul".
O'rozmurod m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and murod meaning "aim, wish, desire".
O'roznafas m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and nafas meaning "breath".
O'roznazar m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and nazar meaning "look, glance".
O'rozoq m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and oq meaning "white".
O'rozqilich m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and qilich meaning "sword".
O'rozsaid m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and said meaning "fortunate".
O'roztemir m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and temir meaning "iron".
O'roztoj m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and toj meaning "crown".
O'roztoy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and toy meaning "colt".
Ortiqbibi f Uzbek
Derived from ortiq meaning "superior" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Ortiqbuvish f Uzbek
Derived from ortiq meaning "superior" and buvish meaning "lady".
Ortiqgo'zal f Uzbek
Derived from ortiq meaning "superior" and go'zal meaning "beautiful".
Ortiqjamol f Uzbek
Derived from ortiq meaning "superior" and jamol meaning "beauty".
O'rtoq m Uzbek
Means "friend" in Uzbek.
Orzu f Uzbek
Uzbek form of Arezoo.
Osim Осим m Tajik, Uzbek (Rare)
Tajik and Uzbek form of Asim 1.
O'sma f Uzbek
Derived from the name of a kohl-like plant and its dye.
Osuda f Uzbek
Means "peaceful" in Uzbek.
Ota Ота m Russian (Archaic), Uzbek (Rare)
As a Russian name, this name is ultimately derived from the genitive of the Russian noun отец (otets) meaning "father".... [more]
Otabek Отабек m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Atabek.
Otabyek m Uzbek
Variant of Otabek.
O'tajon m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'ta meaning "exceeding, extremely" and jon meaning "spirit, soul".
O'tarboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'tar meaning "herd of sheep" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Otashbibi f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek otash meaning "fire, flames" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
O'tchopar m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o't meaning "fire" or "grass" and chopar meaning "messenger".
Otin f Uzbek
Uzbek feminine name meaning "female teacher", "a woman who reads mystic poetry at traditional gatherings", "an educated woman", or refering to an epithet for distinguished women.
O'tkir Ўткир m Uzbek
Means "sharp" in Uzbek.
O'tkira f Uzbek
Derived from o'tkir meaning "astute, keen, smart, nimble".
Oyatullo Оятулло m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Ayatullah.
Oybadan f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and badan meaning "skin, complexion".
Oybahor f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and bahor meaning "spring".
Oybali f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and bali, an interjection meaning "Bravo! Very good!".
Oybanot f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and banot meaning "velvet".
Oybarno f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and barno meaning "youthful, beautiful".
Oybaxti f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and baxt meaning "happiness" or "luck, good fortune".
Oybibi f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Oybonu f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and bonu meaning "lady (title)".
Oybo'ri f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and bo'ri meaning "wolf".
Oybo'ston f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and bo'ston meaning "garden".
Oychaman f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and chaman meaning "field of flowers, flower garden".
Oychechak f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and chechak meaning "flower".
Oychehra f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and chehra meaning "face".
Oychevar f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and chevar meaning "master seamstress".
Oychilla f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and chilla refering to specific days in the year or a person's life - the forty hottest or coldest days of the year, the forty days following a child's birth, the forty days following a person's marriage, or a religious rite involving forty days of seclusion and prayer.
Oychin f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and chin meaning "true, real".
Oychiroq f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and chiroq meaning "lamp, light", also an endearing term for children.
Oycho'lpon f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and cho'lpon meaning "Venus (planet)".