Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.

Gender Masculine
Scripts Ота(Russian, Uzbek Cyrillic)

Meaning & History

As a Russian name, this name is ultimately derived from the genitive of the Russian noun отец (otets) meaning "father".

In Uzbekistan, this name is the Uzbek form of both the Turkish name Ata 1 and the Arabic name Ata 2. Because it is too reminiscent of the modern Uzbek word ота (ota) meaning "father", this name is rarely used on its own and one is more likely to encounter it in combined names or compound names, such as Otabek.
Added 7/7/2016 by cutenose
Edited 11/27/2019 by Lucille

See Also

Ota, and user submission Ōta